Should We Abolish The Cops?

The leftists want to abolish the cops because they want to make it legal to commit crime.

Have they thought about this to the end? When the looting starts... the shooting starts.

Maybe it would be good idea to abolish the cops and let Americans take care of the criminality problem, once and for all! If they thought the police was brutal, just wait and see how Americans deal with criminals.
The leftists want to abolish the cops because they want to make it legal to commit crime.
Not one person has suggested that police should be abolished, dope.

And we have a moron.

The leftists want to abolish the cops because they want to make it legal to commit crime.

Have they thought about this to the end? When the looting starts... the shooting starts.

Maybe it would be good idea to abolish the cops and let Americans take care of the criminality problem, once and for all! If they thought the police was brutal, just wait and see how Americans deal with criminals.
The leftists want to abolish the cops because they want to make it legal to commit crime.
Not one person has suggested that police should be abolished, dope.

And we have a moron.

we have a moron.
It seems we do as the paywall prevents the review of your link.
No matter though. It's already been pointed out to you that this person's opinion is not reflective of the ideas of the leadership suggesting these cuts to departments. You can find those in the functional links I presented.
The leftists want to abolish the cops because they want to make it legal to commit crime.

Have they thought about this to the end? When the looting starts... the shooting starts.

Maybe it would be good idea to abolish the cops and let Americans take care of the criminality problem, once and for all! If they thought the police was brutal, just wait and see how Americans deal with criminals.
The leftists want to abolish the cops because they want to make it legal to commit crime.
Not one person has suggested that police should be abolished, dope.

And we have a moron.

we have a moron.
It seems we do as the paywall prevents the review of your link.
No matter though. It's already been pointed out to you that this person's opinion is not reflective of the ideas of the leadership suggesting these cuts to departments. You can find those in the functional links I presented.

Why should anyone listen to you, you have been wrong all along.

New York times article is no fringe.
The leftists want to abolish the cops because they want to make it legal to commit crime.

Have they thought about this to the end? When the looting starts... the shooting starts.

Maybe it would be good idea to abolish the cops and let Americans take care of the criminality problem, once and for all! If they thought the police was brutal, just wait and see how Americans deal with criminals.
The leftists want to abolish the cops because they want to make it legal to commit crime.
Not one person has suggested that police should be abolished, dope.

And we have a moron.

we have a moron.
It seems we do as the paywall prevents the review of your link.
No matter though. It's already been pointed out to you that this person's opinion is not reflective of the ideas of the leadership suggesting these cuts to departments. You can find those in the functional links I presented.

Why should anyone listen to you, you have been wrong all along.

New York times article is no fringe.
Why should anyone listen to you, you have been wrong all along.

New York times article is no fringe
I said nothing about fringe. I said the paywall prevented me from reading it, dope.

You don't have to take my word for it. I provided links, you degenerate liar.
...They had a right to arrest him, they did not have a right to shoot him in the back, because he took a taser gun. The other cop may not have known it was a taser, perhaps?...
That a$$hole lost his "rights" the split-second he turned and fired on a pursuing law enforcement officer. He's dead. Sux to be him.

...But they knew the situation, it was a drunk man, who fell asleep in his car, in a drive thru lane..... They spoke with the guy, for 30 minutes... They had his name, his address, any criminal or violent record of his.... if he had one..
Perhaps he should not have turned and fired on a law enforcement officer, eh? Ya gotta draw the line somewhere. And that a$$hole crossed it.

...Cops used to take the keys, park the car, and give the guy a lift home.... in the good ole days... at least in the cop shows on tv... :)...
Yep. Give the guy a lift home. Unless he starts running, and then turns on you and fires a weapon.

...The cop arresting him, made a mistake by not having his partner by his side, when trying to make this arrest...from what I've read?...
The dead guy made a mistake by (a) drinking and driveing, (b) fleeing on foot, then (c) turning and firing on a law enforcement officer.

...Shooting someone in the back, twice, just doesn't sit well with me.... comes from being taught only a yellow belly coward, shoots someone in the back, to kill them...kind of thing....
Once you're fired-on, you don't give a damn about WHERE your shot hits, just so long as you put him down.

...If the guy had robbed a bank, or held a gun to his wife's head, or robbed the Wendy's, was then captured, then grabbed the taser or gun to run, I'd likely think differently...
He was not shut because he was drinking and driving.

He was shot because he (a) fled on foot then (b) turned and fired upon a law enforcement officer.

...Treating every arrest, misdemeanor, civil offenses and/or armed robbery the same, seems like where the problem arises....again, to me...
So long as they don't flee on foot and then turn and fire on a law enforcement officer, I would agree.

...Being stupid should not be a death sentence.
But turning and firing upon a law enforcement officer CAN be, in the heat of the moment.

But, in one respect, you're right... ya can't fix stupid.

Nature has de-selected him.


The idiot is dead now... time to forget him, and reinstate the police officer.
A) yes, because people in a Domestic dispute are rational and understand consequences of their actions...

B) Do you really think people will see the difference, when under duress?

C) Vehemency is not the same as tossing out a denying word diarrhea.

I think there is some confusion between "argument' and what happens by the time the cops are called to a domestic dispute. There are a few facts that need to be laid on the table.

Cops are most likely to get shot when responding to a domestic dispute. Women are most likely to die when they attempt to leave 1) their husbands and 2) their boyfriends. We already have a system that can offer little protection for domestic violence victims. Mediators can't do it.

Mostly because we still treat Domestic violence different from run of the mill violence.

The number one problem is the fantasy that removing police means that what is needed will magically spring up. That is at best naive.

over-aggressive policing is a symptom of other issues, which is what I think you are implying here.

I'm saying point blank that nobody else is capable of dealing with the shit.
And yet, almost every time media brings up these issues, it is the cops killing a criminal.

No, it's a cop killing someone over a minor offense.

Mike Brown engaged in shoplifting.
LaQuan McDonald was trying to break into a truck to keep warm.
George Floyd unknowingly passed a fake $20.00
Tamir Rice was playing with a toy gun.
Walter Scott was shot for a traffic violation

If you shoot at a cop in the middle of a robbery and he takes you out, NO ONE COMPLAINS about that.

Cops need to be taught deescalation tactics, they need to not be incentivized to hassle people over minor complaints.


Give a mandatory 3-year prison sentence to anyone that resists arrest.
These House. jokers think they can legislate sanity. Their laws mean nothing to liberally run big city mayors like in Seattle where she doesn't feel compelled to enforce any law she doesn't like. Federal laws will mean nothing to the liberal executives who will just ignore them if they don't like them. Democrats are well on the road to communism. Truly dangerous
Just a fringe opinion piece...


Most democrats want to abolish the police. This means that almost all leftists want to abolish the police.

Most democrats want to abolish the police. This means that almost all leftists want to abolish the police.
Defunding doesn't mean abolishing, dope.
It means redirecting some of their funding to professionals specially trained to deal with issues the police should not be dealing with.

Police is entirely funded by state.

Defunding means the same as abolishing.
Police is entirely funded by state.

Defunding means the same as abolishing.
Defunding doesn't mean defunding entirely, dope.
Try reading what people are actually suggesting instead of lying like a degenerate.

I guess in lib la la land obeying the law is considered a “white thang” now

Abolitionists argue that because the institution of policing is deeply rooted in a history of white supremacy and settler colonialism and inseparable from the existing racial capitalist order”
No, we should NOT abolish the Police. There needs to be SOME reform and also Police UNION reform. The bad cops need to be prosecuted and held accountable just like the cop(s) that killed George Floyd have been prosecuted. Why are they rioting when justice is being served??? Oh, to get rid of Trump. YEP!
No, we should NOT abolish the Police. There needs to be SOME reform and also Police UNION reform. The bad cops need to be prosecuted and held accountable just like the cop(s) that killed George Floyd have been prosecuted. Why are they rioting when justice is being served??? Oh, to get rid of Trump. YEP!

The criminal cops ARE prosecuted and held accountable...
lol what a load of rubbish. Brown, for instance, was assaulting officer Wilson and trying to grab his gun, and this after assaulting the store keeper he was robbing.

At the time he was fatally shot, he was 150 feet away from Wilson with his hands up.

lol troll still thinks he can sell that lie. He must think nobody here knows the facts. That's because he doesn't know any himself.
Just a fringe opinion piece...


Most democrats want to abolish the police. This means that almost all leftists want to abolish the police.

Most democrats want to abolish the police. This means that almost all leftists want to abolish the police.
Defunding doesn't mean abolishing, dope.
It means redirecting some of their funding to professionals specially trained to deal with issues the police should not be dealing with.

Police is entirely funded by state.

Defunding means the same as abolishing.
Police is entirely funded by state.

Defunding means the same as abolishing.
Defunding doesn't mean defunding entirely, dope.
Try reading what people are actually suggesting instead of lying like a degenerate.

I guess in lib la la land obeying the law is considered a “white thang” now

Abolitionists argue that because the institution of policing is deeply rooted in a history of white supremacy and settler colonialism and inseparable from the existing racial capitalist order”

Well, they think they should be able to walk around in strangers' houses and as long as they haven't stole anything yet they aren't committing a crime when they get shot or something, so yeah, they're stupid and so are the pols who let them keep thinking stupid shit like that. What they want is stopping arrests of black thugs for anything, period, and as we see that is what is happening in Democrat controlled cities. We have Republicans supporting that as well now, as long as nobody rich is victimized.
Why are they rioting when justice is being served???

Because that's what the MSM wants them to do. The more protests, riots, burning down of cities, the more people tune in to their news networks. The more people tune into their news networks, the more money they can charge for advertising.

The MSM knows how to manipulate stupid people. They don't even realize what's happening to them, and they are the ones who end up dead or in jail.
The leftists want to abolish the cops because they want to make it legal to commit crime.

Have they thought about this to the end? When the looting starts... the shooting starts.

Maybe it would be good idea to abolish the cops and let Americans take care of the criminality problem, once and for all! If they thought the police was brutal, just wait and see how Americans deal with criminals.
The leftists want to abolish the cops because they want to make it legal to commit crime.
Not one person has suggested that police should be abolished, dope.

When you remove money from the police, they need to cut officers. The more defunding, the more officers laid off.

The idea is to empower criminals and remove power from their protective services. Then when an emergency situation happens to somebody, and it takes two hours for an officer to respond, these very same people will be the first ones to cry the loudest.
The leftists want to abolish the cops because they want to make it legal to commit crime.

Have they thought about this to the end? When the looting starts... the shooting starts.

Maybe it would be good idea to abolish the cops and let Americans take care of the criminality problem, once and for all! If they thought the police was brutal, just wait and see how Americans deal with criminals.
The leftists want to abolish the cops because they want to make it legal to commit crime.
Not one person has suggested that police should be abolished, dope.

When you remove money from the police, they need to cut officers. The more defunding, the more officers laid off.

The idea is to empower criminals and remove power from their protective services. Then when an emergency situation happens to somebody, and it takes two hours for an officer to respond, these very same people will be the first ones to cry the loudest.

Just abolish it entirely. Then Americans take care of the criminals and not get arrested.

Further, no more paying taxes.
lol what a load of rubbish. Brown, for instance, was assaulting officer Wilson and trying to grab his gun, and this after assaulting the store keeper he was robbing.

At the time he was fatally shot, he was 150 feet away from Wilson with his hands up.
At the time he was fatally shot, he was 150 feet away from Wilson with his hands up
Yes....and having already discharged the taser that was wildly off target, was no longer armed. No one should be shot in the back while fleeing. There are any number of scenarios that don't involve shooting him in the back that could have played out.
The leftists want to abolish the cops because they want to make it legal to commit crime.

Have they thought about this to the end? When the looting starts... the shooting starts.

Maybe it would be good idea to abolish the cops and let Americans take care of the criminality problem, once and for all! If they thought the police was brutal, just wait and see how Americans deal with criminals.
The leftists want to abolish the cops because they want to make it legal to commit crime.
Not one person has suggested that police should be abolished, dope.

When you remove money from the police, they need to cut officers. The more defunding, the more officers laid off.

The idea is to empower criminals and remove power from their protective services. Then when an emergency situation happens to somebody, and it takes two hours for an officer to respond, these very same people will be the first ones to cry the loudest.
When you remove money from the police, they need to cut officers. The more defunding, the more officers laid off.

The idea is to empower criminals and remove power from their protective services. Then when an emergency situation happens to somebody, and it takes two hours for an officer to respond, these very same people will be the first ones to cry the loudest.

That's your dopey interpretation. No one has suggested what you are saying, dope.
The leftists want to abolish the cops because they want to make it legal to commit crime.Have they thought about this to the end? When the looting starts... the shooting starts.Maybe it would be good idea to abolish the cops and let Americans take care of the criminality problem, once and for all! If they thought the police was brutal, just wait and see how Americans deal with criminals.
/----/BREAKING: Pandering Alert
New York police to disband plain-clothes unit
America's largest police force, the NYPD, is to disband its plain-clothes anti-crime unit, its commissioner said Monday, as calls for police reform spread across the United States following anti-racism protests.

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