Should We Abolish The Cops?

A) yes, because people in a Domestic dispute are rational and understand consequences of their actions...

B) Do you really think people will see the difference, when under duress?

C) Vehemency is not the same as tossing out a denying word diarrhea.

I think there is some confusion between "argument' and what happens by the time the cops are called to a domestic dispute. There are a few facts that need to be laid on the table.

Cops are most likely to get shot when responding to a domestic dispute. Women are most likely to die when they attempt to leave 1) their husbands and 2) their boyfriends. We already have a system that can offer little protection for domestic violence victims. Mediators can't do it.

Mostly because we still treat Domestic violence different from run of the mill violence.
The leftists want to abolish the cops because they want to make it legal to commit crime.

Have they thought about this to the end? When the looting starts... the shooting starts.

Maybe it would be good idea to abolish the cops and let Americans to take care of the criminality problem, once and for all! If they thought the police was brutal, just wait and see how Americans deal with criminals.

Utter rubbish.

Why do you lie so much?

Go away, moron.
That's an opinion piece, by a nobody, community organizer.... surely you can discern the difference...?

It's the majority opinion by leftists, written by NEW YORK TIMES (not nobody).


Vote for democrats is a vote for a criminal.
I say lets go along with the left. Then we can all start wearing guns. Someone gets mouthy shoot them. Someone loots shoot them. Someone cuts you off shoot them. We don't have to worry about paying for judges, paying to incarcerate law breakers. I have no doubt that in very short order the left will be screaming for police and laws.
A) yes, because people in a Domestic dispute are rational and understand consequences of their actions...

B) Do you really think people will see the difference, when under duress?

C) Vehemency is not the same as tossing out a denying word diarrhea.

I think there is some confusion between "argument' and what happens by the time the cops are called to a domestic dispute. There are a few facts that need to be laid on the table.

Cops are most likely to get shot when responding to a domestic dispute. Women are most likely to die when they attempt to leave 1) their husbands and 2) their boyfriends. We already have a system that can offer little protection for domestic violence victims. Mediators can't do it.

Mostly because we still treat Domestic violence different from run of the mill violence.

The number one problem is the fantasy that removing police means that what is needed will magically spring up. That is at best naive.
A) yes, because people in a Domestic dispute are rational and understand consequences of their actions...

B) Do you really think people will see the difference, when under duress?

C) Vehemency is not the same as tossing out a denying word diarrhea.

I think there is some confusion between "argument' and what happens by the time the cops are called to a domestic dispute. There are a few facts that need to be laid on the table.

Cops are most likely to get shot when responding to a domestic dispute. Women are most likely to die when they attempt to leave 1) their husbands and 2) their boyfriends. We already have a system that can offer little protection for domestic violence victims. Mediators can't do it.

Mostly because we still treat Domestic violence different from run of the mill violence.

The number one problem is the fantasy that removing police means that what is needed will magically spring up. That is at best naive.

over-aggressive policing is a symptom of other issues, which is what I think you are implying here.
The leftists want to abolish the cops because they want to make it legal to commit crime.

Have they thought about this to the end? When the looting starts... the shooting starts.

Maybe it would be good idea to abolish the cops and let Americans to take care of the criminality problem, once and for all! If they thought the police was brutal, just wait and see how Americans deal with criminals.

Utter rubbish.

Why do you lie so much?
I think I'm gonna line-up with the right-wingers on this one...

"Defund" means "defund"... it's doesn't mean re-working the budget...

Scumbag Leftists served-up the word "defund" without thinking it through...

Afterwards, more rational, sane Dems - seeing the massive blowback against the "defund" idea by mainstream America - have been desperate to re-work the phrasing, and are trying to spin it as either (a) truly meaning something else or (b) a misstep or mis-speak and not really what they meant to say.


Unfortunately for Leftist Scum... once the words are loose in the wild, they can't be pulled back...

Goddamned idiot LibProgs... they gave their adversaries a ton of new (metaphorical) ammunition to use against them in an election year.

The retards advocating for Defunding in Minneapolis and other Urban $hitholes are almost as stupid as the worthless idiot Leftists in the Seattle $hit Zone.

A very good analysis. Unfortunately the demonstrators missed our conference call from Davos with Mr. Soros and the Trilateral commission and went ahead with the first draft of the branding proposal.

I'm lampooning it a bit but seriously you described it perfectly....the biggest enemy liberalism has is quite often liberals themselves. I spent most of the night trying to convince a couple of my fellow libbies that the guy who was killed in Atlanta was shot because he took the cop's weapon and pointed it at them. They didn't see an issue with his doing it and thought the police had no right to defend themselves. :dunno:
They had a right to arrest him, they did not have a right to shoot him in the back, because he took a taser gun. The other cop may not have known it was a taser, perhaps?

But they knew the situation, it was a drunk man, who fell asleep in his car, in a drive thru lane..... They spoke with the guy, for 30 minutes... They had his name, his address, any criminal or violent record of his.... if he had one

Cops used to take the keys, park the car, and give the guy a lift home.... in the good ole days... at least in the cop shows on tv... :)

The cop arresting him, made a mistake by not having his partner by his side, when trying to make this arrest...from what I've read?

Shooting someone in the back, twice, just doesn't sit well with me.... comes from being taught only a yellow belly coward, shoots someone in the back, to kill them...kind of thing....

If the guy had robbed a bank, or held a gun to his wife's head, or robbed the Wendy's, was then captured, then grabbed the taser or gun to run, I'd likely think differently.

Treating every arrest, misdemeanor, civil offenses and/or armed robbery the same, seems like where the problem arises....again, to me.

Being stupid should not be a death sentence.
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That's an opinion piece, by a nobody, community organizer

A nobody community organizer was good enough for you to vote into the Whitehouse, but give an opinion? Oh hell no.
Instead of paying for mediators why don't we just let cops show those stressed out criminals reruns of Mr. Rogers. Maybe that will calm them down enough to get the cuffs on.
The leftists want to abolish the cops because they want to make it legal to commit crime.

Have they thought about this to the end? When the looting starts... the shooting starts.

Maybe it would be good idea to abolish the cops and let Americans to take care of the criminality problem, once and for all! If they thought the police was brutal, just wait and see how Americans deal with criminals.

Utter rubbish.

Why do you lie so much?
I think I'm gonna line-up with the right-wingers on this one...

"Defund" means "defund"... it's doesn't mean re-working the budget...

Scumbag Leftists served-up the word "defund" without thinking it through...

Afterwards, more rational, sane Dems - seeing the massive blowback against the "defund" idea by mainstream America - have been desperate to re-work the phrasing, and are trying to spin it as either (a) truly meaning something else or (b) a misstep or mis-speak and not really what they meant to say.


Unfortunately for Leftist Scum... once the words are loose in the wild, they can't be pulled back...

Goddamned idiot LibProgs... they gave their adversaries a ton of new (metaphorical) ammunition to use against them in an election year.

The retards advocating for Defunding in Minneapolis and other Urban $hitholes are almost as stupid as the worthless idiot Leftists in the Seattle $hit Zone.

A very good analysis. Unfortunately the demonstrators missed our conference call from Davos with Mr. Soros and the Trilateral commission and went ahead with the first draft of the branding proposal.

I'm lampooning it a bit but seriously you described it perfectly....the biggest enemy liberalism has is quite often liberals themselves. I spent most of the night trying to convince a couple of my fellow libbies that the guy who was killed in Atlanta was shot because he took the cop's weapon and pointed it at them. They didn't see an issue with his doing it and thought the police had no right to defend themselves. :dunno:
They had a right to arrest him, they did not have a right to shoot him in the back, because he took a taser gun. The other cop may not have known it was a taser, perhaps?

But they knew the situation, it was a drunk man, who fell asleep in his car, in a drive thru lane..... They spoke with the guy, for 30 minutes... They had his name, his address, any criminal or violent record of his.... if he had one

Cops used to take the keys, park the car, and give the guy a lift home.... in the good ole days... at least in the cop shows on tv... :)

The cop arresting him, made a mistake by not having his partner by his side, when trying to make this arrest...from what I've read?

Shooting someone in the back, twice, just doesn't sit well with me.... comes from being taught only a yellow belly coward, shoots someone in the back, to kill them...kind of thing....

If the guy had robbed a bank, or held a gun to his wife's head, or robbed the Wendy's, was then captured, then grabbed the taser or gun to run, I'd likely think differently.

Treating every arrest, misdemeanor, civil offenses and/or armed robbery the same, seems like where the problem arises....again, to me.

Being stupid should not be a death sentence.

Unfortunately being stupid enough absolutely is a death sentence. One of those stupid enough things to do is to reach for someone's gun. The cure is to be less stupid.
Why do you lie so much?
If you want to be the exception, a lefty ths5 does not want to legalize criminal behavior, go ahead

But the bulk of your tribe is pro criminal and anti law and order

Nope. The bulk of my "tribe" never said a thing about getting rid of the police. What they want is an acceleration of the trend that we saw (back before covid and the Floyd affair) to where instead of the police being dispatched to every disturbance by the 911 operator, they can send a mediator instead which will not result in an arrest or as we have seen, official oppression. If the mediator cannot effectively remedy the situation, they call the police. This is what the "defunding" was initially about. I'm sure there are some on the left who would like to disband the police just like there are some on the right who were calling for martial law.

A mediator?? Sure hope the mediator is armed because he or she won't last one minute if they aren't. People do stupid shit all the time and we all know you can't cure stupid.
And yet, almost every time media brings up these issues, it is the cops killing a criminal.

No, it's a cop killing someone over a minor offense.

Mike Brown engaged in shoplifting.
LaQuan McDonald was trying to break into a truck to keep warm.
George Floyd unknowingly passed a fake $20.00
Tamir Rice was playing with a toy gun.
Walter Scott was shot for a traffic violation

If you shoot at a cop in the middle of a robbery and he takes you out, NO ONE COMPLAINS about that.

Cops need to be taught deescalation tactics, they need to not be incentivized to hassle people over minor complaints.

Mike Brown assaulted a Cop and got what he deserved.
Why do you lie so much?
If you want to be the exception, a lefty ths5 does not want to legalize criminal behavior, go ahead

But the bulk of your tribe is pro criminal and anti law and order

Nope. The bulk of my "tribe" never said a thing about getting rid of the police. What they want is an acceleration of the trend that we saw (back before covid and the Floyd affair) to where instead of the police being dispatched to every disturbance by the 911 operator, they can send a mediator instead which will not result in an arrest or as we have seen, official oppression. If the mediator cannot effectively remedy the situation, they call the police. This is what the "defunding" was initially about. I'm sure there are some on the left who would like to disband the police just like there are some on the right who were calling for martial law.
Yeah but..armed citizens negate the need for all that bullshit there.
No. we need to stop the war on Americans who use non government approved recreational substances and de-militarize the police. Abolish the DEA and the culture of interdiction and incarceration of Americans for these non violent crimes.
A) yes, because people in a Domestic dispute are rational and understand consequences of their actions...

B) Do you really think people will see the difference, when under duress?

C) Vehemency is not the same as tossing out a denying word diarrhea.

I think there is some confusion between "argument' and what happens by the time the cops are called to a domestic dispute. There are a few facts that need to be laid on the table.

Cops are most likely to get shot when responding to a domestic dispute. Women are most likely to die when they attempt to leave 1) their husbands and 2) their boyfriends. We already have a system that can offer little protection for domestic violence victims. Mediators can't do it.
The leftists want to abolish the cops because they want to make it legal to commit crime.

Have they thought about this to the end? When the looting starts... the shooting starts.

Maybe it would be good idea to abolish the cops and let Americans take care of the criminality problem, once and for all! If they thought the police was brutal, just wait and see how Americans deal with criminals.
The leftists want to abolish the cops because they want to make it legal to commit crime.
Not one person has suggested that police should be abolished, dope.
Just a fringe opinion piece...


Most democrats want to abolish the police. This means that almost all leftists want to abolish the police.

Most democrats want to abolish the police. This means that almost all leftists want to abolish the police.
Defunding doesn't mean abolishing, dope.
It means redirecting some of their funding to professionals specially trained to deal with issues the police should not be dealing with.
Just a fringe opinion piece...


Most democrats want to abolish the police. This means that almost all leftists want to abolish the police.

Most democrats want to abolish the police. This means that almost all leftists want to abolish the police.
Defunding doesn't mean abolishing, dope.
It means redirecting some of their funding to professionals specially trained to deal with issues the police should not be dealing with.

Police is entirely funded by state.

Defunding means the same as abolishing.
Just a fringe opinion piece...


Most democrats want to abolish the police. This means that almost all leftists want to abolish the police.

Most democrats want to abolish the police. This means that almost all leftists want to abolish the police.
Defunding doesn't mean abolishing, dope.
It means redirecting some of their funding to professionals specially trained to deal with issues the police should not be dealing with.

Police is entirely funded by state.

Defunding means the same as abolishing.
Police is entirely funded by state.

Defunding means the same as abolishing.
Defunding doesn't mean defunding entirely, dope.
Try reading what people are actually suggesting instead of lying like a degenerate.

Just a fringe opinion piece...


Most democrats want to abolish the police. This means that almost all leftists want to abolish the police.

Most democrats want to abolish the police. This means that almost all leftists want to abolish the police.
Defunding doesn't mean abolishing, dope.
It means redirecting some of their funding to professionals specially trained to deal with issues the police should not be dealing with.

Police is entirely funded by state.

Defunding means the same as abolishing.
Police is entirely funded by state.

Defunding means the same as abolishing.
Defunding doesn't mean defunding entirely, dope.
Try reading what people are actually suggesting instead of lying like a degenerate.

The Banana Republican wordsmiths know their audience.

They plan to exploit the willing gullibility of the base.

However "Defund the Police" is a stupid slogan. Propaganda fruit, ripe for picking.

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