Should we be able to smoke pot in public?

Should we be allowed to smoke pot in public?

  • Yes, of course we should

    Votes: 7 43.8%
  • No, pot is very bad for you

    Votes: 9 56.3%

  • Total voters
No. Because of it's intoxicating effects, the concern of an airborne intoxicant effecting non-users is my concern.

I support toal illicit drug legalization. Can drink yourself to death with hard liquor. So banning heroin or crack because it's bad for you doesn't make any sense.
Funny story: A couple of days ago I went to my dispensary to get more. I had an hour to wait for the city bus to come back by on its return trip but since I was in public, even while alone, I did not smoke any. I was following this society's bullshit rules. So the bus came, I got on, and maybe ten minutes later, I dropped into seizure.

I would have been fine if I had just smoked weed in public.

So thank you, America, for wanting to put me in a cage for trying to save my own life. The Controlled Substances Act of 1970 is a lie, Cannabis is medicine, and the National Institutes of Health even say so on their official US Federal government website.

You are all going to vote to change the law, whether or not you smoke marijuana. Why would you vote for the legalization of marijuana?

This is why:

[ame=]Hemp For Victory (1942) U.S. Department of Agriculture - YouTube[/ame]
Real simple question, yes or no.

Actually - it's not such a simple question. It depends on whether or not you are forcing others to breathe your smoke.

The two step everyone. You see it?

So, in what ways is tobacco being "forced" on someone?


Are those smelly left wing losers forcing it on people? No?


How about this left wing liberal whore?


How about this liberal slut in Colorado celebrating the left wing victory in pot being legalized?


Is nodoginthefight referring to losers like that smoking pot in public and FORCING pot smoke into our lungs, or.....

Was nodoginthefight referring to someone smoking a cigarette in public?

Here is where you will see the lying, double talking left wing bullshit. He will say.....oh no.....I am not on the side of people smoking pot in public, just like I am not on the side of someone smoking icky tobacco in public.

Trust me, he will play both sides of the fence, but you will never ever see mass rallies from the left insisting on designated areas for pot smoking or saying smoking pot in public should be illegal.

Look at the lying piece of shit trying to write my opinions for me.

Was nodoginthefight referring to someone smoking a cigarette in public?
Nope, the question was about [pot. I responded to that question.

If you have to make up crap to argue with - you really don't have a good argument do you? My post didn't say anything about

btw - I smoke cigarettes - I don't smoke pot.

Both should be legal. Both should be used in a way that is respectful to others who don't want to breathe that smoke. Their are ways of using these in public that doesn't affect others - I have no problem with that.

Here is where you will see the lying, double talking left wing bullshit. He will say.....oh no.....I am not on the side of people smoking pot in public, just like I am not on the side of someone smoking icky tobacco in public.

How is that "playing both sides of the fence"? Looks like a consistent - be free and be respectful of others position.
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There are also these things called "chocolate chip cookies" and other "edibles" that'll give you a bird's-eye view of God without any smoke at all, unless you burn them in the oven.
I vote no, I don't want to smell someone's trash burning and I don't want to smell someone's burning their drug of choice. I should think that the same liberals that rail at power stations for their pollution should all vote no to cigarette and MJ pollution. It irks the crap out of me when I see a slob flicking their ashes out the window then throwing their butts out when done. What makes a person think that everyone wants to wallow in their filth?
Where in public?

Public Transportation
City Streets

My answer is probably allow it anywhere public drinking is allowed
Funny story: A couple of days ago I went to my dispensary to get more. I had an hour to wait for the city bus to come back by on its return trip but since I was in public, even while alone, I did not smoke any. I was following this society's bullshit rules. So the bus came, I got on, and maybe ten minutes later, I dropped into seizure.

I would have been fine if I had just smoked weed in public.

So thank you, America, for wanting to put me in a cage for trying to save my own life. The Controlled Substances Act of 1970 is a lie, Cannabis is medicine, and the National Institutes of Health even say so on their official US Federal government website.

You are all going to vote to change the law, whether or not you smoke marijuana. Why would you vote for the legalization of marijuana?

This is why:

Hemp For Victory (1942) U.S. Department of Agriculture - YouTube

Could be worse. You could be in Sparta and after your first seizure they threw you to the wolves.
Where in public?

Public Transportation
City Streets

My answer is probably allow it anywhere public drinking is allowed

Decent theory - but you can drink while standing against someone without your choice having an impact on them at all. Not so with smoking pot.
Where in public?

Public Transportation
City Streets

My answer is probably allow it anywhere public drinking is allowed

Decent theory - but you can drink while standing against someone without your choice having an impact on them at all. Not so with smoking pot.

My position is that we need to treat marijuana smoking as both a public intoxication law and a smoking law

Don't want someone drinking beer on a city street, don't want them smoking pot. Difference is that you give them a ticket rather than send them to jail
Where in public?

Public Transportation
City Streets

My answer is probably allow it anywhere public drinking is allowed

Oh, so we should be able to smoke cigarettes wherever public drinking is allowed too? Like restaurants?

There are bars in airports. Should we be able to smoke harmless pot there but not icky tobacco?

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