Should We Blame Corona On The Liberals?

I blame China Government only for failing to inform the World back in December and trying to keep this virus from being known...

Anything or anyone else really does not matter...
blaming China does not help us. Getting rid of liberal CDC does.
and American conservative members of the Nazi party would GLADLY bow to hitler

or trump

actually conservatives are for limited govt while Hitler was opposite so you cant be conservative and Nazi or socialist or communist.

It is Bernie Warren etc who are open liberal socialist Nazi communist. Now do you understand?

Conservatives aren't for limited government. In fact they want government in the most private situations in our lives.

What conservatives are for is not paying taxes. Their definition of big government is having to pay taxes. Their definition of wanting government out of our lives really means is they want government out of their bank accounts and not pay taxes.
I blame China Government only for failing to inform the World back in December and trying to keep this virus from being known...

Anything or anyone else really does not matter...
blaming China does not help us. Getting rid of liberal CDC does.

No, it does not and let me be clear the failure is on China Government and no one else...

Had it not been for that Doctor that died from the Virus ( they claim ) the World would have not known about this virus until it killed many more.

So let get rid of China Government seeing SARS, Swine Flu and now Coronavirus are their gift to Humanity!
You're wrong their job isn't just pandemics. Don't be absurd.


their main jobs is to control diseases that can wipe out the earth's population!!

You would be wrong with that. The CDC was established in 1946.

Here is their job description. Pandemics is part of it but not their main or only job.

As I said, the department in the CDC that handles pandemics was closed and everyone fired in 2018 by trump. Too bad he got rid of them. It would have been good to have them on the job right now.

That pandemic department was added by President Obama. Before him, there was no department that handled pandemics. Just like now.

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No, it does not and let me be clear the failure is on China Government and no one else...

not at all!! The CDC is suppose to monitor the world and react in time. THey failed and they are too blame obviously

The WHO is to monitor the World and the CDC is our government agency.

Again, and I know you are trolling but cut the bullshit because you can not monitor China when it Government will lock you out and deny you access.

So again the blame is on China Government and not the CDC, WHO, America, Mexico, Europe, Iran or that Space Alien Chimp that humps barbie dolls!

Buck stops with China Government and no one else!
Chinese and other immigrants come into SF and LA everyday as Stowaways on board ships from the Orient...right into a sanctuary one even bothers to check them out...then they get jobs in restaurants and other service industries....they will if they haven't already be just one more way the virus gets into our nation...sanctuary city policies should be stopped immediately....
Conservatives aren't for limited government. In fact they want government in the most private situations in our lives.


then why so afraid to give us an example???

They want the government to control women's uterus. There's one.

They want to prohibit homosexuals from legally getting married

It took a supreme court ruling for homosexuals to have the same rights as heterosexuals. It took a supreme court ruling for women to have the right to control their own bodies.

In both cases, conservatives have fought both rulings.
What conservatives are for is not paying taxes..

sort of like our Founders? they wanted freedom from liberal govt??

No not like our Founders.

They didn't want taxation without representation. Didn't you learn this in grade school? I did.

If the founders didn't want to pay taxes then why did they write a constitution that gave the government the power to tax the population?

Seriously here, where did you go to school? I learned this in grade school.
If the founders didn't want to pay taxes then why did they write a constitution that gave the government the right to tax the population?


they wanted limited a govt and limited taxation, obviously

2 examples to get you up to speed:

There are two distinct classes of men - those who pay taxes and those who receive and live upon taxes.
Thomas Paine

"We still find the greedy hand of government thrusting itself into every corner and crevice of industry, and grasping at the spoil of the multitude. Invention is continually exercised to furnish new pretenses for revenue and taxation. It watches prosperity as its prey and permits none to escape without a tribute."

-- Thomas Paine

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