Should We Blame Corona On The Liberals?

and American conservative members of the Nazi party would GLADLY bow to hitler

or trump

actually conservatives are for limited govt while Hitler was opposite so you cant be conservative and Nazi or socialist or communist.

It is Bernie Warren etc who are open liberal socialist Nazi communist. Now do you understand?

Conservatives aren't for limited government. In fact they want government in the most private situations in our lives.

What conservatives are for is not paying taxes. Their definition of big government is having to pay taxes. Their definition of wanting government out of our lives really means is they want government out of their bank accounts and not pay taxes.
Hell, conservatives want government to crawl up inside a woman's vagina to monitor her uterus! Doesn't get more private than that.

Sorry for the off-topic.
Conservatives aren't for limited government. In fact they want government in the most private situations in our lives.


then why so afraid to give us an example???
The FEDS pumping trillions of dollars to prop up "the free markets" and not a single so-called "conservative" complaining about it or yelling big government...
Communist China is responsible for the virus but Democrats and the MSM have become their biggest cheerleaders, treasonous bastards that they are.
How is anyone “responsible” for a disease?
Some say the Red Chinese developed the virus as a form of biological weapon and it accidentally got loose. Everything about those communist bastards suggests that this is very possible. There seems to be a lot of gaps, omissions and denials in their stories.
Some people are complete idiots.

Hmm...This week, I was reminded of the conservative and right wing prattling from 2009. Death panels. And I was thinking that if the virus overwhelmed our hospital system (as is currently threatening in Italy), they'll get their alt-right wish in real time.
PolitiFact - PolitiFact's Lie of the Year: 'Death panels'

True. But that dipshit Bill Maher should really be castigated for that type of nonsense if he stated it.

He stated it.

Wouldn't surprise me. He's the living embodiment of an attention whore. He says stuff that is knowingly inflammatory to get just the type of attention that we're giving to him now. As I have stated many times, it is beyond me how this medium talent keeps a show.

Maher says red state voters are jealous of blue: "We have chef Wolfgang Puck, they have Boyardee"

I can't disagree. I can't stand Maher.
It's telling that he and another attention slut (Ann Coulter) are such good friends...

But maybe they are just cashing in on the fact that America is more full of shit than we pretend to be....
The US sold their souls to China for cheap labor, There are many people to blame from the corporations and to many previous administrations for letting it happen. The US will never be the same because of the Wuhan Chinese Virus.
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Which shows how much the left cares about people.

The left winger dip shits hope a crashed economy fucks over a certain type of people. The right winger dip shits hope a strong economy fucks over a certain type of people. Not a whole lot of 'caring' going on in either direction. Your argument fails.
how would a strong economy fuck over people ?

Slackers have feelings too.
with the threat of a deadly virus hurting the economy many libbs are feeling pretty good right now !
No one wants a pandemic or a crashing economy.

We have however been warming that the markets were artificially inflated and about as stable as a house of straw.
and there you have it folks ! the market isnt going down because of the lefts #1 ally causing a global pandemic ! oh no ! its Trumps economic policy causing the downturn ...... lol! you people are pathetic !
Your superhero name is "The Hyperbole Kid".
Communist China is responsible for the virus but Democrats and the MSM have become their biggest cheerleaders, treasonous bastards that they are.
How is anyone “responsible” for a disease?
if you get cancer because you smoke like a chimney you are responsible for a disease. Corona is not a similar case. China is largely not responsible and probably will do nothing different in the future to prevent such diseases but the entire world will do more to identify and react to them more quickly.Most importantly the USA should not anoint a liberal monopoly bureaucracy to take care of it for us.
Buck stops with China Government and no one else!

why be silly ?? Blaming China won't save the world's population, Fighting pandemics will!!! !+1=2

Stop trolling please!

The CDC is a U.S. agency that monitors diseases and give guidelines for us in the States the United Nations WHO monitor the entire World but when you have rogue Governments like China that deny you access so you can verify the outbreak what can the U.S. and the World do to combat the outbreak?

The Outbreak occurred in China like SARS and Swine Flu and it is recorded that China rejected the U.S. help when it was first being told about the danger of this Virus!

Had it not been for that Doctor the World would have been in the dark even now and wondering where this virus came from!

So how do you combat a Virus that originated in China when China government has done everything it can to hamper the investigation?
you combat it by letting competent organizations develop tests that detect it and by pushing liberal bureaucrats out of the way.

You can't combat it when China failed to notify the WHO about the virus until one of it ( China ) Doctors blew the damn whistle!

Also it take time to develop and test vaccines and can not be created just by playing a video game and it take private and taxpayer dollars to get it done!

So let cut the nonsense and again China is the cause of all of this and not the WHO or CDC!
you can not monitor China when it Government will lock you out and deny you access.

You seem to know next to nothing. China put the coronavirus genome on the Internet back in January and other countries and companies developed tests for the virus from it while the CDC did absolutely nothing.

And the damn virus was first reported back in December and they hid it until a Doctor blew the whistle on them!

Also link your comment with an actual article to make your case you lying piece of trash!

Is China paying you to lie for them because it is well Documented that the U.S. offered help and China refused and one article I have is from FEBURARY, so why are you hell bent on defending China unless you are one of their trolls?
Of course!! The Center for Disease Control is a liberal, federal, monopoly, bureaucracy. Their only job is to get out of bed every day and plan how to prevent a disease pandemic exactly and precisely like Corona. And yet they failed completely. Worse, they discouraged other superior players from competing with them even after the virus broke out, and then botched their own initial effort to develop and mass produce test kits. This arrogance, complacency, incompetence wastefulness, and contempt for others is the essence of liberal monopoly.

Despite the CDC's unlimited budget and "greatest" minds in the world, China, South Korea, Germany, Washington State, and several, sometimes tiny, private companies were critical weeks ahead of the vaunted CDC. And that is with the attitude, fostered by the CDC, they shouldn't worry about really big events like this pandemic because the world's premier disease control agency and liberal bureaucracy is on the case.

The CDC should be eliminated and replaced by a agency that minimally supports and depends on private companies and other governments around the world like the ones that were far ahead of them on Corona!
By all means, blame liberals.

Provide further proof of just how reprehensible most conservatives truly are.

Dude, you are writing to someone that does not know the difference between the CDC and the WHO, so it is pointless...
Communist China is responsible for the virus but Democrats and the MSM have become their biggest cheerleaders, treasonous bastards that they are.
How is anyone “responsible” for a disease?

By not informing WHO about the virus and trying to silence anyone that was attempting to sound the alarm which is what China Government did!
and anyone that does not think that China's actions helped the virus to spread or that it didnt cost the world critical time to get ready for that spread is an idiot.
I blame China Government only for failing to inform the World back in December and trying to keep this virus from being known...

Anything or anyone else really does not matter...
I disagree with the end of your message. Once a heads up is finally out there, the rest is up to everyone else. For example, we have all heard about the risks when having unprotected sex. Therefore when a person ignores what is said and then is eventually infected due to their choice of action, who is to blame for what is now on their plate really?

God bless you always!!!

The thing is we really had no Data to really go off of except what China Government allowed and when the infected started to spread the virus it was too late for most of us to do much but do damage control.

What we are dealing with is another form of SARS and it will kill plenty and many will get ill and all our government can do is try to slow the spread and hope the weather warming can slow the spread while getting a vaccine on market.

So as you may disagree China Government holds the total fault and failure and the rest of the World must play damage control and pray for the best!
Amen. And may the best be what happens and may the best be good enough.

God bless you always!!!

Liberals aren't responsible for the virus. Their Red Chinese friends are. But liberals are clapping for the most severe results, assholes that they are.
By not informing WHO about the virus and trying to silence anyone that was attempting to sound the alarm which is what China Government did!

Pure ignorant lie!!! It was spotted as new december 30, identified Jan 7th, sequenced Jan 14 and put on internet. WHO said it was not big issue until Jan 24th. Embarrassing!

By Jan 10th German business had test kits while liberal CDC bureaucrats were sound asleep.
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and anyone that does not think that China's actions helped the virus to spread or that it didnt cost the world critical time to get ready for that spread is an idiot.
??? They discovered it and were worlds experts on Corona SARS viruses!!

Want to tell us what actions you are talking about??
By not informing WHO about the virus and trying to silence anyone that was attempting to sound the alarm which is what China Government did!

Pure ignorant lie!!! It was spotted as new december 30, identified Jan 7th, sequenced Jan 14 and put on internet. WHO said it was not big issue until Jan 24th. Embarrassing!

By Jan 10th German business had test kits while liberal CDC bureaucrats were sound asleep.

This is how much I hate ignorant fools!

China first known case that they reported was December 1st and not the 30th, so why must you lie?

It is also well known China refused help on the Virus and containment of it and left the World in the dark until a Doctor blew the whistle on the virus and he died later while under House Arrest, so why are you defending China?

Also your thread is about the CDC and now you want to change it to the WHO when you realized that your were writing about the WHO and even then it is not their fault for China Government Failure!

So stop lying and spreading false information!

2019–20 coronavirus pandemic - Wikipedia

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