Should We Blame Corona On The Liberals?

What the left is doing is EXACTLY how commies and nazis rise to power.

That's a pretty dumb sentence. Did you have a stroke?
You apparently have a reading disability. Maybe this will help you remember:

Never let a crisis go to waste.

The left can't win on ideas. They need a crisis to gain power.

This goes for the right as well.
Bullshit, the right gives plenty of ideas to make america great again. Also believe in the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Unlike liberals and worthless moderates who want free shit at the cost of the working man's wages.
What dems would like is a return to intellectualism and sanity in the White house instead of retardation and greed.
That would have been long before 44 or Clinton.

I don't really agree with that. Care to walk us through your logic?
You mean you agree with someone using an intern in the Oval Office to relieve stress like they were a blowup sex partner. Or his wife claiming that the women that complained about him were sluts and should not be believed?
Or perhaps you were applauding whe the Doctors Without Borders hospital was bombed?
Maybe excited when guns were sold to drug cartels?
Were you cheering when reporters computers and emails were confiscated?
What dems would like is a return to intellectualism and sanity in the White house instead of retardation and greed.

Donald Trump is America's Pol Pot taking the USA back to year zero.

MAGA strategy is on a trajectory to mirror Pol Pot's year zero strategy.

Donald Trump has used executive orders to erase the culture and history of previous administrations.

The 'deep state' the new expression for "so-called New People" in In Donald (Pol Pot) Trump's ideology.

The purges are in progress and "so-called New People—intellectuals and members of the old governments—were especially singled out and executed during the purges accompanying Year Zero."

The orange cloud of gloom descended on the USA to signal the onset of year zero.

Year Zero (political notion) - Wikipedia

... The idea behind Year Zero is that all culture and traditions within a society must be completely destroyed or discarded and a new revolutionary culture must replace it, starting from scratch. All of the history of a nation or people before Year Zero is largely deemed irrelevant, because it will ideally be purged and replaced from the ground up.

In Democratic Kampuchea, so-called New People—intellectuals and members of the old governments—were especially singled out and executed during the purges accompanying Year Zero. ...
No one of sound mind will blame Trump for the virus.

No one who thinks for themselves left or right blames Trump for the virus. But he does get the blame for his (and his merry band of yes men) response to it. Lots of people may end up dying because of his morbid incompetence...and inaction.
Not that lots of young kids died of the N1H1 virus that the brown turd Oblummer allowed to fester for around 1000 people before he took action, and the butt licking lame stream media down played it so the turd wouldnt look bad. yeah, we remember.

There are consequences when you call the media 'the enemy', don't you think?
When the 4th estate is no longer working for the people, but the Marxist Ideologues, then yes, they are the enemy of the people. Do you deny what Mika said were her own words? Do you now understand why most of the US hate liberals? Only ignorant moderates and dumbass liberals allow Marxist to get away with what they do.

I don't need to watch your stupid video to know your type is hated just as much by the wingers in the 'other' political camp. 'Get away with what they do'? Please. Am I to take all my firearms and run into towns blasting people with Bernie 2020 or 'coexist' bumper stickers now? No. That's what delusional old fucks like you fantasize about, not me.
No one of sound mind will blame Trump for the virus.

No one who thinks for themselves left or right blames Trump for the virus. But he does get the blame for his (and his merry band of yes men) response to it. Lots of people may end up dying because of his morbid incompetence...and inaction.
Not that lots of young kids died of the N1H1 virus that the brown turd Oblummer allowed to fester for around 1000 people before he took action, and the butt licking lame stream media down played it so the turd wouldnt look bad. yeah, we remember.

There are consequences when you call the media 'the enemy', don't you think?
When the 4th estate is no longer working for the people, but the Marxist Ideologues, then yes, they are the enemy of the people. Do you deny what Mika said were her own words? Do you now understand why most of the US hate liberals? Only ignorant moderates and dumbass liberals allow Marxist to get away with what they do.

I don't need to watch your stupid video to know your type is hated just as much by the wingers in the 'other' political camp. 'Get away with what they do'? Please. Am I to take all my firearms and run into towns blasting people with Bernie 2020 or 'coexist' bumper stickers now? No. That's what delusional old fucks like you fantasize about, not me.

Of course not, because then it shows you being a fucking retard, as the TRUTH always does. Nice try on using Rules for Radicals to try to put me on the defensive, but if i keep remembering it is your side going out and running over people with MAGA hats on, or beating up Gay people who dont support the radical angry hordes called ANTIFA. But, and i always say but, if you ever do come down my way and try your thuggery on me, i wont hesitate to let you meed Lucifer in person...
What dems would like is a return to intellectualism and sanity in the White house instead of retardation and greed.
That would have been long before 44 or Clinton.

I don't really agree with that. Care to walk us through your logic?
You mean you agree with someone using an intern in the Oval Office to relieve stress like they were a blowup sex partner. Or his wife claiming that the women that complained about him were sluts and should not be believed?
Or perhaps you were applauding whe the Doctors Without Borders hospital was bombed?
Maybe excited when guns were sold to drug cartels?
Were you cheering when reporters computers and emails were confiscated?

Ah, so no logic was used. Thanks for the clarification. I can't say I'm in total lockstep with your personal delusions. This is shit you useless, perpetually outraged fucks fantasize about. I can't help whatever cancer has eroded your critical thinking, sorry.
No one who thinks for themselves left or right blames Trump for the virus. But he does get the blame for his (and his merry band of yes men) response to it. Lots of people may end up dying because of his morbid incompetence...and inaction.
Not that lots of young kids died of the N1H1 virus that the brown turd Oblummer allowed to fester for around 1000 people before he took action, and the butt licking lame stream media down played it so the turd wouldnt look bad. yeah, we remember.

There are consequences when you call the media 'the enemy', don't you think?
When the 4th estate is no longer working for the people, but the Marxist Ideologues, then yes, they are the enemy of the people. Do you deny what Mika said were her own words? Do you now understand why most of the US hate liberals? Only ignorant moderates and dumbass liberals allow Marxist to get away with what they do.

I don't need to watch your stupid video to know your type is hated just as much by the wingers in the 'other' political camp. 'Get away with what they do'? Please. Am I to take all my firearms and run into towns blasting people with Bernie 2020 or 'coexist' bumper stickers now? No. That's what delusional old fucks like you fantasize about, not me.

Of course not, because then it shows you being a fucking retard, as the TRUTH always does. Nice try on using Rules for Radicals to try to put me on the defensive, but if i keep remembering it is your side going out and running over people with MAGA hats on, or beating up Gay people who dont support the radical angry hordes called ANTIFA. But, and i always say but, if you ever do come down my way and try your thuggery on me, i wont hesitate to let you meed Lucifer in person...

Rules for Radicals invoked. It's the go to insult for people that dare to disagree with your warped world view. Yes, I laugh in the face of wingers. :auiqs.jpg: Get over it. Your partisanship has eroded your brain and thus your critical thinking skills, you nasty old fuck.

Hmm...This week, I was reminded of the conservative and right wing prattling from 2009. Death panels. And I was thinking that if the virus overwhelmed our hospital system (as is currently threatening in Italy), they'll get their alt-right wish in real time.
PolitiFact - PolitiFact's Lie of the Year: 'Death panels'

True. But that dipshit Bill Maher should really be castigated for that type of nonsense if he stated it.
What the left is doing is EXACTLY how commies and nazis rise to power.

That's a pretty dumb sentence. Did you have a stroke?
You apparently have a reading disability. Maybe this will help you remember:

Never let a crisis go to waste.

The left can't win on ideas. They need a crisis to gain power.

This goes for the right as well.
Bullshit, the right gives plenty of ideas to make america great again. Also believe in the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Unlike liberals and worthless moderates who want free shit at the cost of the working man's wages.

Don't give me your bullshit song and dance. Your tired ass winger world views almost always value the almighty dollar over the lives of your fellow citizens. Just admit it, money is America's god. Jesus is just window dressing.

Hmm...This week, I was reminded of the conservative and right wing prattling from 2009. Death panels. And I was thinking that if the virus overwhelmed our hospital system (as is currently threatening in Italy), they'll get their alt-right wish in real time.
PolitiFact - PolitiFact's Lie of the Year: 'Death panels'

True. But that dipshit Bill Maher should really be castigated for that type of nonsense if he stated it.

He stated it.
I blame China Government only for failing to inform the World back in December and trying to keep this virus from being known...

Anything or anyone else really does not matter...
I disagree with the end of your message. Once a heads up is finally out there, the rest is up to everyone else. For example, we have all heard about the risks when having unprotected sex. Therefore when a person ignores what is said and then is eventually infected due to their choice of action, who is to blame for what is now on their plate really?

God bless you always!!!


The thing is we really had no Data to really go off of except what China Government allowed and when the infected started to spread the virus it was too late for most of us to do much but do damage control.

What we are dealing with is another form of SARS and it will kill plenty and many will get ill and all our government can do is try to slow the spread and hope the weather warming can slow the spread while getting a vaccine on market.

So as you may disagree China Government holds the total fault and failure and the rest of the World must play damage control and pray for the best!
Which shows how much the left cares about people.

The left winger dip shits hope a crashed economy fucks over a certain type of people. The right winger dip shits hope a strong economy fucks over a certain type of people. Not a whole lot of 'caring' going on in either direction. Your argument fails.
Of course!! The Center for Disease Control is a liberal, federal, monopoly, bureaucracy. Their only job is to get out of bed every day and plan how to prevent a disease pandemic exactly and precisely like Corona. And yet they failed completely. Worse, they discouraged other superior players from competing with them even after the virus broke out, and then botched their own initial effort to develop and mass produce test kits. This arrogance, complacency, incompetence wastefulness, and contempt for others is the essence of liberal monopoly.

Despite the CDC's unlimited budget and "greatest" minds in the world, China, South Korea, Germany, Washington State, and several, sometimes tiny, private companies were critical weeks ahead of the vaunted CDC. And that is with the attitude, fostered by the CDC, they shouldn't worry about really big events like this pandemic because the world's premier disease control agency and liberal bureaucracy is on the case.

The CDC should be eliminated and replaced by a agency that minimally supports and depends on private companies and other governments around the world like the ones that were far ahead of them on Corona!
By all means, blame liberals.

Provide further proof of just how reprehensible most conservatives truly are.

Hmm...This week, I was reminded of the conservative and right wing prattling from 2009. Death panels. And I was thinking that if the virus overwhelmed our hospital system (as is currently threatening in Italy), they'll get their alt-right wish in real time.
PolitiFact - PolitiFact's Lie of the Year: 'Death panels'

True. But that dipshit Bill Maher should really be castigated for that type of nonsense if he stated it.

He stated it.

Wouldn't surprise me. He's the living embodiment of an attention whore. He says stuff that is knowingly inflammatory to get just the type of attention that we're giving to him now. As I have stated many times, it is beyond me how this medium talent keeps a show.

Maher says red state voters are jealous of blue: "We have chef Wolfgang Puck, they have Boyardee"

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