Should We Get Ready To Arm Europe?

Stupid fucking sem-literate redneck trailer trash.Notice though. They aren't awash with your beloved mud people.....

I would take one freedom loving 'mud people' over 200k Muslim refugees, thank you.

Europe can fix its own self and if they cant, oh well, too bad. Cant say I would miss them.
I think you 'merkins have them thar hatz sized too small
Most of us dont give a flying shit what you Euro-morons think about jack squat.

You made your bed, so lie in it.

We will have enough problems after this idiot POTUS leaves office, thank you.

Now go kiss Russia's ass and see if they might help.
I didn't say we should invade europe..I just said we should support our white brothers and sisters who resist the assault on western culture.
Why do you suggest I was talking about an invasion by us?

I dont care if we get a gold invitation card, fuck them. Let them drown in their own god damned stupidity.

And they are not our 'brothers and sisters' They were content to live under European monarchs and nobles, so they can eat the consequences now.

Has the majority of those putrid slugs ever shown the slightest gratitude for what we have done already? No, so fuck them, fuck them to Gehenna.

I disagree heartily.
all caucasians (should) have an interest preserving and protecting western civilization, our heritage and the culture we created.
caucasians are a minority in the world...what other race makes special laws to accommodate us?
If we don't look out for each other, who else will?.... the negroes, muzzies, jews, latinos or anyone else damned sure won't.
I support it too...on certain conditions.

Well, law of the land and all, not soon to change..

In real life my daughter and my newest accumulated Son are having a little Lumpy Jr., those ultrasounds tell it all and you're connected to heart felt reality... dumbfounded really..:laugh:
I disagree heartily.
all caucasians (should) have an interest preserving and protecting western civilization, our heritage and the culture we created.

I agree with preserving Western Civilization (democratic, Renaissance, populist Christian European civilization), but it no longer exists in Euorpe, and barely exists here.

I would not donate a cold jar of piss for Europe of today.

caucasians are a minority in the world...what other race makes special laws to accommodate us?

Caucasians, as defined by those people with 1. a forward jutting upper face, 2. high cheekbones, 3. a narrow nasal passage, all adaptations of a colder climate, are not the racial minority world wide. We are the majority in Australia, Western Asia, India, North Africa, Northern America and all of Europe. The problem is cultural degeneration, not physical degeneration. The rot of moral degeneration has swept Europe and is it is irredeemable, IMO.

We need triage here, and that means we save ourselves, and then later help those still surviving elsewhere that show the cultural hall marks that would make them worthy of such effort.

If we don't look out for each other, who else will?....

When did Europe send an army to save us from anything? France helped us in order to stick England in the eye, not so much because they wanted to assist us at all.

Twice we went over and saved Europe from their own gawd awful assininity. Why bother with them any more? Maybe if they have to pull their own asses out of the fire they might not so quickly jetticon Christianity and other Demographic boosting systems of faith?

the negroes, muzzies, jews, latinos or anyone else damned sure won't.

I dont think you understand what Caucasian means if you dont think that Jews, Arabs and other 'braown' ethnicities are often Caucasian.

Living in a warm tropical environment with a lot of exposure to the sun does not change a persons race any more than speaking Spanish does, which it does not, in case your confused on that topic as well.
I didn't say we should invade europe..I just said we should support our white brothers and sisters who resist the assault on western culture.
Why do you suggest I was talking about an invasion by us?

I dont care if we get a gold invitation card, fuck them. Let them drown in their own god damned stupidity.

And they are not our 'brothers and sisters' They were content to live under European monarchs and nobles, so they can eat the consequences now.

Has the majority of those putrid slugs ever shown the slightest gratitude for what we have done already? No, so fuck them, fuck them to Gehenna.

I disagree heartily.
all caucasians (should) have an interest preserving and protecting western civilization, our heritage and the culture we created.
caucasians are a minority in the world...what other race makes special laws to accommodate us?
If we don't look out for each other, who else will?.... the negroes, muzzies, jews, latinos or anyone else damned sure won't.
I'm pretty sure that your hope is dashed, Caucasians are going extinct... :laugh:
I didn't say we should invade europe..I just said we should support our white brothers and sisters who resist the assault on western culture.
Why do you suggest I was talking about an invasion by us?

I dont care if we get a gold invitation card, fuck them. Let them drown in their own god damned stupidity.

And they are not our 'brothers and sisters' They were content to live under European monarchs and nobles, so they can eat the consequences now.

Has the majority of those putrid slugs ever shown the slightest gratitude for what we have done already? No, so fuck them, fuck them to Gehenna.

I disagree heartily.
all caucasians (should) have an interest preserving and protecting western civilization, our heritage and the culture we created.
caucasians are a minority in the world...what other race makes special laws to accommodate us?
If we don't look out for each other, who else will?.... the negroes, muzzies, jews, latinos or anyone else damned sure won't.
I'm pretty sure that your hope is dashed, Caucasians are going extinct... :laugh:

hahahaha..LMAO..not a chance.

The fact that you pleasantly speculate on the extinction of a race is very revealing, though.
Wouldn't a similar analogy be somone like the kkk hoping negroes would be eradicated?

You're an anti white racist.
I disagree heartily.
all caucasians (should) have an interest preserving and protecting western civilization, our heritage and the culture we created.

I agree with preserving Western Civilization (democratic, Renaissance, populist Christian European civilization), but it no longer exists in Euorpe, and barely exists here.

I would not donate a cold jar of piss for Europe of today.

caucasians are a minority in the world...what other race makes special laws to accommodate us?

Caucasians, as defined by those people with 1. a forward jutting upper face, 2. high cheekbones, 3. a narrow nasal passage, all adaptations of a colder climate, are not the racial minority world wide. We are the majority in Australia, Western Asia, India, North Africa, Northern America and all of Europe. The problem is cultural degeneration, not physical degeneration. The rot of moral degeneration has swept Europe and is it is irredeemable, IMO.

We need triage here, and that means we save ourselves, and then later help those still surviving elsewhere that show the cultural hall marks that would make them worthy of such effort.

If we don't look out for each other, who else will?....

When did Europe send an army to save us from anything? France helped us in order to stick England in the eye, not so much because they wanted to assist us at all.

Twice we went over and saved Europe from their own gawd awful assininity. Why bother with them any more? Maybe if they have to pull their own asses out of the fire they might not so quickly jetticon Christianity and other Demographic boosting systems of faith?

the negroes, muzzies, jews, latinos or anyone else damned sure won't.

I dont think you understand what Caucasian means if you dont think that Jews, Arabs and other 'braown' ethnicities are often Caucasian.

Living in a warm tropical environment with a lot of exposure to the sun does not change a persons race any more than speaking Spanish does, which it does not, in case your confused on that topic as well.

Jim, you're all over the place...I'm not going to split hairs on how many jews are white or the definition of caucasian and what percentage we are in the world...
My point is that I support any caucasians who are trying to protect and preserve their heritage, culture and traditions from any other race/ethnicity or whatever other outlier or niche group you may come up with.
Culture, heritage, traditions come before historical differences....
I didn't say we should invade europe..I just said we should support our white brothers and sisters who resist the assault on western culture.
Why do you suggest I was talking about an invasion by us?

I dont care if we get a gold invitation card, fuck them. Let them drown in their own god damned stupidity.

And they are not our 'brothers and sisters' They were content to live under European monarchs and nobles, so they can eat the consequences now.

Has the majority of those putrid slugs ever shown the slightest gratitude for what we have done already? No, so fuck them, fuck them to Gehenna.

I disagree heartily.
all caucasians (should) have an interest preserving and protecting western civilization, our heritage and the culture we created.
caucasians are a minority in the world...what other race makes special laws to accommodate us?
If we don't look out for each other, who else will?.... the negroes, muzzies, jews, latinos or anyone else damned sure won't.
I'm pretty sure that your hope is dashed, Caucasians are going extinct... :laugh:

hahahaha..LMAO..not a chance.

The fact that you pleasantly speculate on the extinction of a race is very revealing, though.
Wouldn't a similar analogy be somone like the kkk hoping negroes would be eradicated?

You're an anti white racist.

I'm Irish, English and Belgian .. pretty darn white actually...
I didn't say we should invade europe..I just said we should support our white brothers and sisters who resist the assault on western culture.
Why do you suggest I was talking about an invasion by us?

I dont care if we get a gold invitation card, fuck them. Let them drown in their own god damned stupidity.

And they are not our 'brothers and sisters' They were content to live under European monarchs and nobles, so they can eat the consequences now.

Has the majority of those putrid slugs ever shown the slightest gratitude for what we have done already? No, so fuck them, fuck them to Gehenna.

I disagree heartily.
all caucasians (should) have an interest preserving and protecting western civilization, our heritage and the culture we created.
caucasians are a minority in the world...what other race makes special laws to accommodate us?
If we don't look out for each other, who else will?.... the negroes, muzzies, jews, latinos or anyone else damned sure won't.
I'm pretty sure that your hope is dashed, Caucasians are going extinct... :laugh:

hahahaha..LMAO..not a chance.

The fact that you pleasantly speculate on the extinction of a race is very revealing, though.
Wouldn't a similar analogy be somone like the kkk hoping negroes would be eradicated?

You're an anti white racist.

I'm Irish, English and Belgian .. pretty darn white actually...

being white doesn't preclude one from supporting anti white policies.
Why do you revel in "predicting" that caucasians will (somehow) go extinct?
Jim, you're all over the place...I'm not going to split hairs on how many jews are white or the definition of caucasian and what percentage we are in the world...
My point is that I support any caucasians who are trying to protect and preserve their heritage, culture and traditions from any other race/ethnicity or whatever other outlier or niche group you may come up with.
Culture, heritage, traditions come before historical differences....

I'm not all over the place.

You are dividing your concept of the world into 'white vrs nonwhite'.

What I am trying to get you to realize is that the worst murderers on the whole are other whites, not nonwhites, and the best dichotomy to split humanity into conceptually isnt white vrs nonwhite but freedom lovers vrs fascists.
Jim, you're all over the place...I'm not going to split hairs on how many jews are white or the definition of caucasian and what percentage we are in the world...
My point is that I support any caucasians who are trying to protect and preserve their heritage, culture and traditions from any other race/ethnicity or whatever other outlier or niche group you may come up with.
Culture, heritage, traditions come before historical differences....

I'm not all over the place.

You are dividing your concept of the world into 'white vrs nonwhite'.

What I am trying to get you to realize is that the worst murderers on the whole are other whites, not nonwhites, and the best dichotomy to split humanity into conceptually isnt white vrs nonwhite but freedom lovers vrs fascists.

all races have problems. I'm still sticking with mine, though.

I support my race and anyone of my race who protects our heritage, culture and traditions over others who are actively trying to undermine us.

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