Should We Get Ready To Arm Europe?

all races have problems. I'm still sticking with mine, though.

I support my race and anyone of my race who protects our heritage, culture and traditions over others who are actively trying to undermine us.

Dude, on 'heritage, culture and traditions' I am with you. On turning away similarly minded people because you dont like the color of their skin is just silly and counter-productive.

That is why libtards keep whupping up on your White Nationalist types; they take help from anyone willing to give it while you guys have to do a skin color test first.

And back to the OP, Europe has demonstrated repeatedly that they could not care less about us, they hate and resent us, and they do not love freedom enough to fight for it untill their backs are against the wall, then they call for us to save their ass.

No, no more Americans bleeding for European idiots.That is not our heritage, culture and traditions as we are AMERICANS, not EUROPEAN serfs.

Fuck them.
all races have problems. I'm still sticking with mine, though.

I support my race and anyone of my race who protects our heritage, culture and traditions over others who are actively trying to undermine us.

Dude, on 'heritage, culture and traditions' I am with you. On turning away similarly minded people because you dont like the color of their skin is just silly and counter-productive.
I'm not turning away anyone from anything. I'm expressing support for my heritage.

That is why libtards keep whupping up on your White Nationalist types; they take help from anyone willing to give it while you guys have to do a skin color test first.
"libtards" aren't "whupping up" on anyone. As far as "white nationalists", who knows? It could only happen after this country collapses anyway, so we'll worry about that later.

And back to the OP, Europe has demonstrated repeatedly that they could not care less about us, they hate and resent us, and they do not love freedom enough to fight for it untill their backs are against the wall, then they call for us to save their ass.
A lot of very broad generalizations there...How many times have you been to europe? How long did you stay?

All of our "backs are against the wall" in this issue.
Western civilization is being threatened and these europeans are resisting the invasion caused by their own corrupt governments...I support them.

No, no more Americans bleeding for European idiots.That is not our heritage, culture and traditions as we are AMERICANS, not EUROPEAN serfs.

Fuck them.
No more americans bleeding for israel in the ME. How about that? far as americans helping our cultural brothers and sisters resist the muzzie invasion, I'm with them...we all need to stick's happening in almost all white countries (that don't enforce their borders)
I was kidding about the Caucasians going extinct thing, not in my lifetime certainly.

I'm tired and un-funny... later
I'm not turning away anyone from anything. I'm expressing support for my heritage.
No, you are supporting your race, as you conceive of it.

In the US, our heritage is not tied to race but in love for freedom and democratic/republican principles.

And that can be anyone of any race.
Europe can decide for themselves...................they decided that GUNS EVIL many a moon ago................

And now invite people who don't adapt to their culture................They demand that the host nation adapt to their culture.................

Kinda like a dog getting fleas saying he must accept the new fleas and when they bite him he must accept the pain...........poor fleas were ousted from the neighbors dog..................................

We need to make sure the Liberal Anti gun crowd doesn't do to us what has been done in Europe, Canada, and others..............and must get these DIVERSITY pushers out of the WH and to the KOS where they belong.................

Obama has promised to take 200,000 of the refugees over time..........not knowing whether the jihadist will be in the mix..........Then give us the standard LYING that they will VET the process to stop the bad ones from coming...........How the hell are they gonna vet them..............It's a crock...........................

We have no need of people who demand we adapt to their ways..............They need to take back their country and live there.............Many coming are adult males...............My question to them is why the hell aren't you fighting the asshats who took your house and your home..............................ARE YOU COWARDS..........
I'm not turning away anyone from anything. I'm expressing support for my heritage.
No, you are supporting your race, as you conceive of it.

In the US, our heritage is not tied to race but in love for freedom and democratic/republican principles.

And that can be anyone of any race.

"as you conceive of it"?

Why the qualifier? You don't think I know what my race is?
Europe can decide for themselves...................they decided that GUNS EVIL many a moon ago................

And now invite people who don't adapt to their culture................They demand that the host nation adapt to their culture.................

Kinda like a dog getting fleas saying he must accept the new fleas and when they bite him he must accept the pain...........poor fleas were ousted from the neighbors dog..................................

We need to make sure the Liberal Anti gun crowd doesn't do to us what has been done in Europe, Canada, and others..............and must get these DIVERSITY pushers out of the WH and to the KOS where they belong.................

Obama has promised to take 200,000 of the refugees over time..........not knowing whether the jihadist will be in the mix..........Then give us the standard LYING that they will VET the process to stop the bad ones from coming...........How the hell are they gonna vet them..............It's a crock...........................

We have no need of people who demand we adapt to their ways..............They need to take back their country and live there.............Many coming are adult males...............My question to them is why the hell aren't you fighting the asshats who took your house and your home..............................ARE YOU COWARDS..........

They, like white people in a lot of paces got complacent...Meanwhile their government was infiltrated by globalists..just like here in america...and now the radical left, the socialists, muslims and other anti whites and people who DON'T care about our culture are running things...People are waking up, though..
Europe can decide for themselves...................they decided that GUNS EVIL many a moon ago................

Actually what they "did" was nothing --- WE decided GUNS TO BE WORSHIPED many a moon ago, the rest of the world just went, "knock yourselves out". And we do. So "They" didn't take a position --- WE did.

We have no need of people who demand we adapt to their ways............

Ironic then that that's exactly what this thread is trying to advocate. "Adapt to our gun-fetish ways, oh Europe. We'll make you a deal."


How about "leave Europe the fuck alone"?
Europe can decide for themselves...................they decided that GUNS EVIL many a moon ago................

Actually what they "did" was nothing --- WE decided GUNS TO BE WORSHIPED many a moon ago, the rest of the world just went, "knock yourselves out". And we do. So "They" didn't take a position --- WE did.

We have no need of people who demand we adapt to their ways............

Ironic then that that's exactly what this thread is trying to advocate. "Adapt to our gun-fetish ways, oh Europe. We'll make you a deal."


How about "leave Europe the fuck alone"?
The bigger question is if the people in Europe decided they WANT guns would the left here allow Americans to build them for them?
Because IF they do they have to ADMIT the no gun policy was/is a failure.
Europe can decide for themselves...................they decided that GUNS EVIL many a moon ago................

Actually what they "did" was nothing --- WE decided GUNS TO BE WORSHIPED many a moon ago, the rest of the world just went, "knock yourselves out". And we do. So "They" didn't take a position --- WE did.

We have no need of people who demand we adapt to their ways............

Ironic then that that's exactly what this thread is trying to advocate. "Adapt to our gun-fetish ways, oh Europe. We'll make you a deal."


How about "leave Europe the fuck alone"?
The bigger question is if the people in Europe decided they WANT guns would the left here allow Americans to build them for them?
Because IF they do they have to ADMIT the no gun policy was/is a failure.

How the flying FUCK is it any of our business what their gun attitude is Pinky?

I mean what the fuck kind of bullshit is this?
Should We Get Ready To Arm Europe?

How about they arm themselves. We've been carrying Europe's military weight for years, which is one reason why they can afford their little welfare states. We've been spending our money protecting their asses since WWII.
Europe can decide for themselves...................they decided that GUNS EVIL many a moon ago................

Actually what they "did" was nothing --- WE decided GUNS TO BE WORSHIPED many a moon ago, the rest of the world just went, "knock yourselves out". And we do. So "They" didn't take a position --- WE did.

We have no need of people who demand we adapt to their ways............

Ironic then that that's exactly what this thread is trying to advocate. "Adapt to our gun-fetish ways, oh Europe. We'll make you a deal."


How about "leave Europe the fuck alone"?
The bigger question is if the people in Europe decided they WANT guns would the left here allow Americans to build them for them?
Because IF they do they have to ADMIT the no gun policy was/is a failure.

How the flying FUCK is it any of our business what their gun attitude is Pinky?

I mean what the fuck kind of bullshit is this?
If we arm Europe's citizens that means this anti-gun crap is done.
No more argument. Liberals lose and they lose big.
Should We Get Ready To Arm Europe?

How about they arm themselves. We've been carrying Europe's military weight for years, which is one reason why they can afford their little welfare states. We've been spending our money protecting their asses since WWII.
They don't have factories to arm themselves. I am not suggesting giving arms to them. I am suggesting SELLING arms to them. But would the left allow such as their ant-gun argument would then be moot on a international scale.
Europe can decide for themselves...................they decided that GUNS EVIL many a moon ago................

Actually what they "did" was nothing --- WE decided GUNS TO BE WORSHIPED many a moon ago, the rest of the world just went, "knock yourselves out". And we do. So "They" didn't take a position --- WE did.

We have no need of people who demand we adapt to their ways............

Ironic then that that's exactly what this thread is trying to advocate. "Adapt to our gun-fetish ways, oh Europe. We'll make you a deal."


How about "leave Europe the fuck alone"?
The bigger question is if the people in Europe decided they WANT guns would the left here allow Americans to build them for them?
Because IF they do they have to ADMIT the no gun policy was/is a failure.

How the flying FUCK is it any of our business what their gun attitude is Pinky?

I mean what the fuck kind of bullshit is this?
If we arm Europe's citizens that means this anti-gun crap is done.
No more argument. Liberals lose and they lose big.

Your posts make increasingly less and less sense, Pinko.

Number one it ain't our job to "arm Europe's citizens". That would be THEIR decision. What exactly kind of fucked up fascist planet do you come from where you make decisions for people that aren't even on your own continent, let alone your own country? That's severely fucked in the head.

Number two, "Liberals" wrote the Second Amendment. Not that that has anything to do with Europe -- this just in --- but it has also nothing to do with "losing" anything. You know who loses? Other than the victims of your barging in telling people what to do like some Great White Hope? The victims on the other end of those bullets.

That blood would be on your hands, Pink Boy.

Your entire premise here is an absurd and childish comic book fantasy. Grow the fuck up.
Europe can decide for themselves...................they decided that GUNS EVIL many a moon ago................

Actually what they "did" was nothing --- WE decided GUNS TO BE WORSHIPED many a moon ago, the rest of the world just went, "knock yourselves out". And we do. So "They" didn't take a position --- WE did.

We have no need of people who demand we adapt to their ways............

Ironic then that that's exactly what this thread is trying to advocate. "Adapt to our gun-fetish ways, oh Europe. We'll make you a deal."


How about "leave Europe the fuck alone"?
The bigger question is if the people in Europe decided they WANT guns would the left here allow Americans to build them for them?
Because IF they do they have to ADMIT the no gun policy was/is a failure.

How the flying FUCK is it any of our business what their gun attitude is Pinky?

I mean what the fuck kind of bullshit is this?
If we arm Europe's citizens that means this anti-gun crap is done.
No more argument. Liberals lose and they lose big.

Your posts make increasingly less and less sense, Pinko.

Number one it ain't our job to "arm Europe's citizens". That would be THEIR decision. What exactly kind of fucked up fascist planet do you come from where you make decisions for people that aren't even on your own continent, let alone your own country? That's severely fucked in the head.

Number two, "Liberals" wrote the Second Amendment. Not that that has anything to do with Europe -- this just in --- but it has also nothing to do with "losing" anything. You know who loses? Other than the victims of your barging in telling people what to do like some Great White Hope? The victims on the other end of those bullets.

That blood would be on your hands, Pink Boy.

Your entire premise here is an absurd and childish comic book fantasy. Grow the fuck up.
No, they have a gun shortage at a time when they need them.
The premise is VERY possible.
You know when the idea of Liberalism "loses", Pink Punk?

When fascist assholes like you come storming in demanding that people you have no authority over start kowtowing to your comic book fantasies.

Leave. Europe. The. Fuck. ALONE.
You know when the idea of Liberalism "loses", Pink Punk?

When fascist assholes like you come storming in demanding that people you have no authority over start kowtowing to your comic book fantasies.

Leave. Europe. The. Fuck. ALONE.
So if their citizens WANTED to buy arms to DEFEND you would DENY them? Noted.
Europe can decide for themselves...................they decided that GUNS EVIL many a moon ago................

Actually what they "did" was nothing --- WE decided GUNS TO BE WORSHIPED many a moon ago, the rest of the world just went, "knock yourselves out". And we do. So "They" didn't take a position --- WE did.

We have no need of people who demand we adapt to their ways............

Ironic then that that's exactly what this thread is trying to advocate. "Adapt to our gun-fetish ways, oh Europe. We'll make you a deal."


How about "leave Europe the fuck alone"?
The bigger question is if the people in Europe decided they WANT guns would the left here allow Americans to build them for them?
Because IF they do they have to ADMIT the no gun policy was/is a failure.
Why do you assert and assume Europe does not produce guns and have huge gun manufacturers all over Europe?
Ever heard of Heckler and Koch, Glock, Berretta, Vepr, Walther, Bennelli, Blazer?

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