Should we legalize pot and help free innocent people?

I'd think about it, but pot heads are way to obsessive over this stuff....but I would jail anyone with that pot giggle....I really HATE that (for those of you that dont know, it sounds a lot like Beavis and Butthead)

i knew a few Beer drinkers back when who got awful dam pissed when they got home and their beer was all gone....just sayin....
Make up your mind. The government is making too much money off keeping pot illegal. The government is going to rake in tons of cash by taxing legal pot.

One or the other.
That is a basic secundum quid fallacy.

It is an elementary logical mistake to think of the government as all one thing.

Some parts of the government (corrupt officials, CIA agents, etc.) benefit from drugs being illegal.

The tax gathering arm of the government would benefit from the drugs being legal.

Their interests differ, therefore there is struggle.

He explicitly compared alcohol to drugs. At least in regard to taxation. But the taxation issues points up how different they are.
No one is making Johnny Walker in his basement. But dope is pretty much the same and doesn't take much to produce it. So they aren't comparable at all.

you dont know much about growing it do ya?....

Please cite any taste tests and gold medal winners for dope.

you not only don't know about growing have just proved you know jack shit about pot do know there are all kinds of Pot right? do know that there are different degrees of Potency right? do know that different Pot has different flavor depending on where and how it is grown right?....of course you did......if you want to see the gold medal winners....get a "High Times" magazine....learn a little something about what you are trying to argue about.......
Making Johnny Walker Red, no. But there is a growing underground interest in artisan distilled products. It's like the homebrew revolution of the 80s and 90s that lead to the great American beers we have now. The only difference is the fed's nonsense about taxing a still, but not allowing private individuals to buy a still to tax.

So? I dont see much point of comparison between artisanal liquor and dope.

They are both in demand and both illegal to produce. Your point was people aren't making spirits in their basements, but some people are because there is a demand for more than just what is available at the liquor store.

It's not illegal to produce liquor. It happens every day.
Some people have a hobby of distilling liquor. They aren't carting it around and selling it out of the back of their cars.
totally different. Thanks for making that clear.
Excuse me, if they were convicted and sentenced they are NOT INNOCENT. Just simple possession for personal use usually don't involve jail time but those involved in distribution are usually convicted on multiple crimes not just the pot.

You make a valid point. But apart from the purely legal distinctions between personal use and distribution I have one question that bothers me:

If the use of Marijuana is OK, how can distribution be a crime? How can consumption be legal and providing the product for consumption be illegal? I just don't get it.

As far as those being involved in marijuana distribution being involved in other crimes, I can only respond: So what? If they break other laws punish them, but don't put them in jail for selling Marijuana. If the issue is the funding of criminal activities other than marijuana, wouldn’t the user also be responsible since it is HIS money that provides the funding?

I admit that at times I may be overly simplistic but I think it is intellectually and morally reprehensible to permit consumption and criminalize distribution.

I have read enough about the subject to conclude that the war on drugs has far more casualties than the use of drugs. But that is an issue I will address at a later date. I promise.

Edited to add: In answer to your question, Matthew: yes, hell yes. The use of (and the necessary distribution of) marijuana should be legal.
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you dont know much about growing it do ya?....

Please cite any taste tests and gold medal winners for dope.

you not only don't know about growing have just proved you know jack shit about pot do know there are all kinds of Pot right? do know that there are different degrees of Potency right? do know that different Pot has different flavor depending on where and how it is grown right?....of course you did......if you want to see the gold medal winners....get a "High Times" magazine....learn a little something about what you are trying to argue about.......

And I am sure all consumers are discriminating about it. R ight?
Remind how people smoke it for the taste.
You are a pompous jackass.
Legalizing pot in Washington hasn't worked out very well.

Seattle City Council proposes limits on sale, growth of newly legal recreational marijuana - NY Daily News

Although existing regulations provide basic protections against the location of incompatible uses, the increased production, processing, selling, or delivery of marijuana likely to be spurred by the new State regulations may create additional impacts,” the city said in a news release before Wednesday’s council meeting. “Experience with medical marijuana dispensaries indicates that businesses containing usable marijuana or marijuana-infused products may have greater security issues compared with the other businesses. Additionally, many residents have expressed concern that marijuana-related businesses can negatively impact neighborhood character due to messaging on signs and the potential for robberies”

Legalize drugs and there is an immediate problem with protecting the non using public from the addicts.

pot addicts? proof you can get addicted?....

Is Marijuana Addictive? | Psychology Today


you notice it was a Psychology Magazine? has been said plenty of times in threads here about can get mentally addicted IF YOU LET show me where its physically addictive like all the other things out there....if you notice the same link said most long term smokers can stop smoking it with very little problems...the majority of research will say Pot is not physically addictive but CAN be mentally addictive....something like 10% of pot smokers are mentally "Addicted" look at the people who regularly indulge in the other shit out there....look at their addiction numbers....
Please cite any taste tests and gold medal winners for dope.

you not only don't know about growing have just proved you know jack shit about pot do know there are all kinds of Pot right? do know that there are different degrees of Potency right? do know that different Pot has different flavor depending on where and how it is grown right?....of course you did......if you want to see the gold medal winners....get a "High Times" magazine....learn a little something about what you are trying to argue about.......

And I am sure all consumers are discriminating about it. R ight?
Remind how people smoke it for the taste.
You are a pompous jackass.

What would you know ?..of course taste is a big part of enjoying marijuana and yes in fact people are very discriminating about it...just like wine or cigars the taste in a very important part of the whole really have no Idea what you are talking about
They aren't "innocent people" they broke the law. They are guilty.

Another "small government conservative" who likes the government dictating what they can and can't do to their own bodies. :eusa_whistle:

Another IDIOT who can't seem to live without setting a leaf on fire and absorbing it's carcinogenic output....

By the way - small government conservatives could give a flying fuck what you do with your own body. It's the heinous crimes you assholes commit while high that we have a problem with...

smoking pot does not lead to violence or crime ...what are you on ?
pot addicts? proof you can get addicted?....

Is Marijuana Addictive? | Psychology Today


you notice it was a Psychology Magazine? has been said plenty of times in threads here about can get mentally addicted IF YOU LET show me where its physically addictive like all the other things out there....if you notice the same link said most long term smokers can stop smoking it with very little problems...the majority of research will say Pot is not physically addictive but CAN be mentally addictive....something like 10% of pot smokers are mentally "Addicted" look at the people who regularly indulge in the other shit out there....look at their addiction numbers....

Moving the goal posts? Addicted is addicted.
you not only don't know about growing have just proved you know jack shit about pot do know there are all kinds of Pot right? do know that there are different degrees of Potency right? do know that different Pot has different flavor depending on where and how it is grown right?....of course you did......if you want to see the gold medal winners....get a "High Times" magazine....learn a little something about what you are trying to argue about.......

And I am sure all consumers are discriminating about it. R ight?
Remind how people smoke it for the taste.
You are a pompous jackass.

What would you know ?..of course taste is a big part of enjoying marijuana and yes in fact people are very discriminating about it...just like wine or cigars the taste in a very important part of the whole really have no Idea what you are talking about
Uh, yeah. Right. Sure it is.
dunce. Neg rep for abject stupidity and lying.
And I am sure all consumers are discriminating about it. R ight?
Remind how people smoke it for the taste.
You are a pompous jackass.

What would you know ?..of course taste is a big part of enjoying marijuana and yes in fact people are very discriminating about it...just like wine or cigars the taste in a very important part of the whole really have no Idea what you are talking about
Uh, yeah. Right. Sure it is.
dunce. Neg rep for abject stupidity and lying.

You have idea what you are talking about could you possible comment on taste if you do not smoke ? you are a babbling idiot speaking on a subject you know nothing about
There really isn't much of a down side besides the ones that comes with drinking and smoking. We spend billions locking people up for this as of now that we could be collecting. ;)
Actually the downsides of smoking (tobacco) and drinking (alcohol) do not apply to marijuana. Because while smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol kills hundreds of thousands of Americans every year, and makes hundreds of thousands more seriously ill, there is no record in the annals of medical science of anyone ever dying or being made sick from using marijuana. None. Zero!

Also, both tobacco (nicotine) and beverage alcohol are dangerously addictive. Marijuana is not addictive.
Excuse me, if they were convicted and sentenced they are NOT INNOCENT. Just simple possession for personal use usually don't involve jail time but those involved in distribution are usually convicted on multiple crimes not just the pot.
This forum is not a court of Law. It is a court of public opinion in which the concepts of guilt and innocence may be evaluated on the basis of morality, logic, and fundamental reason. In accordance with those humanistic values the laws which punish otherwise law-abiding citizens for no reason other than the use, possession, or sale of a naturally occuring substance like cannabis are utterly and definably insane and should have been repealed decades ago! And in accordance with those humanistic values those who are punished for violating anti-marijuana laws are indeed innocent! They have harmed no one.

So I urge you to give some thought to this subject and adjust your thinking to conform with a humanistic perception of the wholly insane laws that punish Americans for possessing cannabis plant material. There is no rational justification for it.
I apologize for any misunderstanding on the subject. My problem is with calling offenders "guilty" because the government says they are. Wrong is wrong. Right is right. The government shouldn't be able to dictate right and wrong based upon their own ideology.

And narcotics are most definitely WRONG.

Getting drunk is WRONG

Getting high is WRONG

And the fact that you don't get that is REALLY wrong...

Anarchy Rulz duuuuuuude! :cuckoo:

i will tell you what get the govt to ban Alcohol.....the substance responsible for many deaths and destroying more families than anything out there....get them to ban of the most addicting things out there and has been proven to be slowly killing you.....and i will be just as against Pot as you are.....until then ill be for the least dangerous one out there....

Are you expecting an argument? I'll sign any petition any time, any where to ban alcohol or cigarettes.

Saying that pot should be legal because it is not as bad as alcohol is as fuck'n stupid as saying rape should be legal because it's not as bad as murder... :cuckoo:
Another "small government conservative" who likes the government dictating what they can and can't do to their own bodies. :eusa_whistle:

Another IDIOT who can't seem to live without setting a leaf on fire and absorbing it's carcinogenic output....

By the way - small government conservatives could give a flying fuck what you do with your own body. It's the heinous crimes you assholes commit while high that we have a problem with...

smoking pot does not lead to violence or crime ...what are you on ?

Says the pot smoker (who also already claimed that marijuana was not addictive and then was immediately proven wrong with facts and data in under 10 minutes by Rabbi).

You guys will do anything to get your next "hit". Smoking pot leads to many crimes (in many cases, things like petty theft but it can get much worse).

But hey, keep pretending like reality is not actually reality because you're too weak to put that stupid-ass leaf down and walk away from it. The only person your fooling is yourself (and I'm not even sure you're actually being successful at that).
And narcotics are most definitely WRONG.

Getting drunk is WRONG

Getting high is WRONG

And the fact that you don't get that is REALLY wrong...

Anarchy Rulz duuuuuuude! :cuckoo:

i will tell you what get the govt to ban Alcohol.....the substance responsible for many deaths and destroying more families than anything out there....get them to ban of the most addicting things out there and has been proven to be slowly killing you.....and i will be just as against Pot as you are.....until then ill be for the least dangerous one out there....

Are you expecting an argument? I'll sign any petition any time, any where to ban alcohol or cigarettes.

Saying that pot should be legal because it is not as bad as alcohol is as fuck'n stupid as saying rape should be legal because it's not as bad as murder... :cuckoo:

so why do you hate freedom ?
i will tell you what get the govt to ban Alcohol.....the substance responsible for many deaths and destroying more families than anything out there....get them to ban of the most addicting things out there and has been proven to be slowly killing you.....and i will be just as against Pot as you are.....until then ill be for the least dangerous one out there....

Are you expecting an argument? I'll sign any petition any time, any where to ban alcohol or cigarettes.

Saying that pot should be legal because it is not as bad as alcohol is as fuck'n stupid as saying rape should be legal because it's not as bad as murder... :cuckoo:

so why do you hate freedom ?

Why do you love rape?
Another IDIOT who can't seem to live without setting a leaf on fire and absorbing it's carcinogenic output....

By the way - small government conservatives could give a flying fuck what you do with your own body. It's the heinous crimes you assholes commit while high that we have a problem with...

smoking pot does not lead to violence or crime ...what are you on ?

Says the pot smoker (who also already claimed that marijuana was not addictive and then was immediately proven wrong with facts and data in under 10 minutes by Rabbi).

You guys will do anything to get your next "hit". Smoking pot leads to many crimes (in many cases, things like petty theft but it can get much worse).

But hey, keep pretending like reality is not actually reality because you're too weak to put that stupid-ass leaf down and walk away from it. The only person your fooling is yourself (and I'm not even sure you're actually being successful at that).

lol....what world do you live in ????

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