Should we legalize pot and help free innocent people?

Legalizing pot in Washington hasn't worked out very well.

Seattle City Council proposes limits on sale, growth of newly legal recreational marijuana - NY Daily News

Although existing regulations provide basic protections against the location of incompatible uses, the increased production, processing, selling, or delivery of marijuana likely to be spurred by the new State regulations may create additional impacts,” the city said in a news release before Wednesday’s council meeting. “Experience with medical marijuana dispensaries indicates that businesses containing usable marijuana or marijuana-infused products may have greater security issues compared with the other businesses. Additionally, many residents have expressed concern that marijuana-related businesses can negatively impact neighborhood character due to messaging on signs and the potential for robberies”

Legalize drugs and there is an immediate problem with protecting the non using public from the addicts.

protecting the public from pot smokers ???...are you as nutty as you seem ?
Should we legalize pot and help free innocent people?

Why Is the U.S. Prison Population So Large? | LearnLiberty

United States incarceration rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Seriously, I'd be willing to release all the innocent people of all races that did a simple leaf. Sounds sane? I think so.

Let's place our resources into locking up the murderers, crooks, rapist and thugs. ;) Let's say even half of that 24% is there just because they smoked some leaf??? No other crime. Imagine how much money our nation could save by releasing them.

This is the one area I could work with the black community with. As long as we could refocus some of our resources on the real criminals.

They aren't "innocent people" they broke the law. They are guilty.

Another "small government conservative" who likes the government dictating what they can and can't do to their own bodies. :eusa_whistle:

Another IDIOT who can't seem to live without setting a leaf on fire and absorbing it's carcinogenic output....

By the way - small government conservatives could give a flying fuck what you do with your own body. It's the heinous crimes you assholes commit while high that we have a problem with...
Not even close. One involves a single person ingesting something into their own bodies. The other involves doing harm to a non-consenting human being. I'd ask if you were really that dense, but I already saw your username before I responded.

If you think ingesting dangerous substances is victimless you're a nitwit. Actually based on your other posts even if you dont think that you're still a nitwit.

So you are for alcohol and sugar prohibition? Coffee?

Soon we will have so many in prison we won't have any available to guard the prisoners.

those are ok.....Rabbi uses its cool.....
Another "small government conservative" who likes the government dictating what they can and can't do to their own bodies. :eusa_whistle:

Wrong dumbass. I am for legalization. It's just wrong and stupid to call the people who are in jail now "innocent".

I apologize for any misunderstanding on the subject. My problem is with calling offenders "guilty" because the government says they are. Wrong is wrong. Right is right. The government shouldn't be able to dictate right and wrong based upon their own ideology.

And narcotics are most definitely WRONG.

Getting drunk is WRONG

Getting high is WRONG

And the fact that you don't get that is REALLY wrong...

Anarchy Rulz duuuuuuude! :cuckoo:
So do I. That has nothing to do with the discussion. Go peep into someone's bedroom, your neighbors are having gay sex right now, I guarantee you. Someone has to stop that.
Drug use in society has nothing to do with a thread about legalizing drugs?
Are you on drugs?

How is it possible at this point that you still don't even understand the discussion? You argue just like a liberal. You keep posting in discussions points that aren't in contention, then you make a smug insult as if you'd actually said something relevant, and anyone who disagrees with you is doing that because they are immoral and they actually want the bad things you oppose to happen.

I don't want government to confiscate money and redistribute it, oh, you don't believe in charity. I don't want to lower the bar for blacks? Oh, you're in favor of discrimination. Or in your case, you don't think it's government's job to force morality on it's citizens, oh, you're FOR drug use! Bam!

And also like the liberals, I gave a lot of downsides of the war on drugs, you don't address any of them, you just keep repeating your inane point that to oppose the war on drugs is to favor drug use. And like liberals, you ignore the point that even after that, it doesn't work, we still freaking have the drugs! Just like liberals ignore that hello, poverty rates haven't changed!

A rose by any other name. You're just like your enemy, you're just like the liberals.

Rabbi and Dean....what a team they would make....
Thanks for pointing up the differences between alcohol and dope. They are totally unlike in every way.
It is more akin to trafficking in cigarettes, which is a huge problem.

His point was about taxes, a point that you raised. He didn't compare alcohol and drugs. You seriously didn't get that?

He explicitly compared alcohol to drugs. At least in regard to taxation. But the taxation issues points up how different they are.
No one is making Johnny Walker in his basement. But dope is pretty much the same and doesn't take much to produce it. So they aren't comparable at all.

Making Johnny Walker Red, no. But there is a growing underground interest in artisan distilled products. It's like the homebrew revolution of the 80s and 90s that lead to the great American beers we have now. The only difference is the fed's nonsense about taxing a still, but not allowing private individuals to buy a still to tax.
Wrong. It would move from enforcement of prohibition to enforcement of tax laws. No real net gain.

Nope. The situation would mimic the present situation with alcohol. There might be some people skirting tax law, but the illegal trade wouldn't be the multi-bajillion dollars it is now.

How many people got killed in illegal alcohol trafficing last year vs how many that got killed in illegal drug trafficing?
Thanks for pointing up the differences between alcohol and dope. They are totally unlike in every way.
It is more akin to trafficking in cigarettes, which is a huge problem.

they sure are is addicting and fucks up lots of people especially people who are just driving home minding their own business...
I'd think about it, but pot heads are way to obsessive over this stuff....but I would jail anyone with that pot giggle....I really HATE that (for those of you that dont know, it sounds a lot like Beavis and Butthead)
Legalizing pot in Washington hasn't worked out very well.

Seattle City Council proposes limits on sale, growth of newly legal recreational marijuana - NY Daily News

Although existing regulations provide basic protections against the location of incompatible uses, the increased production, processing, selling, or delivery of marijuana likely to be spurred by the new State regulations may create additional impacts,” the city said in a news release before Wednesday’s council meeting. “Experience with medical marijuana dispensaries indicates that businesses containing usable marijuana or marijuana-infused products may have greater security issues compared with the other businesses. Additionally, many residents have expressed concern that marijuana-related businesses can negatively impact neighborhood character due to messaging on signs and the potential for robberies”

Legalize drugs and there is an immediate problem with protecting the non using public from the addicts.

pot addicts? proof you can get addicted?....
Thanks for pointing up the differences between alcohol and dope. They are totally unlike in every way.
It is more akin to trafficking in cigarettes, which is a huge problem.

His point was about taxes, a point that you raised. He didn't compare alcohol and drugs. You seriously didn't get that?

He explicitly compared alcohol to drugs. At least in regard to taxation. But the taxation issues points up how different they are.
No one is making Johnny Walker in his basement. But dope is pretty much the same and doesn't take much to produce it. So they aren't comparable at all.

you dont know much about growing it do ya?....
His point was about taxes, a point that you raised. He didn't compare alcohol and drugs. You seriously didn't get that?

He explicitly compared alcohol to drugs. At least in regard to taxation. But the taxation issues points up how different they are.
No one is making Johnny Walker in his basement. But dope is pretty much the same and doesn't take much to produce it. So they aren't comparable at all.

Making Johnny Walker Red, no. But there is a growing underground interest in artisan distilled products. It's like the homebrew revolution of the 80s and 90s that lead to the great American beers we have now. The only difference is the fed's nonsense about taxing a still, but not allowing private individuals to buy a still to tax.

So? I dont see much point of comparison between artisanal liquor and dope.
Should we legalize pot and help free innocent people?.

"Innocent"? Innocent of what? People who have broken the law are not, by definition, innocent.

And the law must never be broken, no matter how immoral or unjust said law is, right?

Immoral or unjust according to whom? I'm sure there are people who think laws against keeping plutonium in your freezer at home are unjust, people who think laws against rape are unjust, people who think laws against selling heroin to children are unjust. In fact, there probably doesn't exist a law that somebody doesn't consider unjust. So, no laws then? Anarchy? I wonder how long you'd last.

Don't enforce any laws until we ask Stevie if he personally approves? Is that where you're going with this?
His point was about taxes, a point that you raised. He didn't compare alcohol and drugs. You seriously didn't get that?

He explicitly compared alcohol to drugs. At least in regard to taxation. But the taxation issues points up how different they are.
No one is making Johnny Walker in his basement. But dope is pretty much the same and doesn't take much to produce it. So they aren't comparable at all.

you dont know much about growing it do ya?....

Please cite any taste tests and gold medal winners for dope.
Legalizing pot in Washington hasn't worked out very well.

Seattle City Council proposes limits on sale, growth of newly legal recreational marijuana - NY Daily News

Although existing regulations provide basic protections against the location of incompatible uses, the increased production, processing, selling, or delivery of marijuana likely to be spurred by the new State regulations may create additional impacts,” the city said in a news release before Wednesday’s council meeting. “Experience with medical marijuana dispensaries indicates that businesses containing usable marijuana or marijuana-infused products may have greater security issues compared with the other businesses. Additionally, many residents have expressed concern that marijuana-related businesses can negatively impact neighborhood character due to messaging on signs and the potential for robberies”

Legalize drugs and there is an immediate problem with protecting the non using public from the addicts.

pot addicts? proof you can get addicted?....

Is Marijuana Addictive? | Psychology Today

He explicitly compared alcohol to drugs. At least in regard to taxation. But the taxation issues points up how different they are.
No one is making Johnny Walker in his basement. But dope is pretty much the same and doesn't take much to produce it. So they aren't comparable at all.

Making Johnny Walker Red, no. But there is a growing underground interest in artisan distilled products. It's like the homebrew revolution of the 80s and 90s that lead to the great American beers we have now. The only difference is the fed's nonsense about taxing a still, but not allowing private individuals to buy a still to tax.

So? I dont see much point of comparison between artisanal liquor and dope.

They are both in demand and both illegal to produce. Your point was people aren't making spirits in their basements, but some people are because there is a demand for more than just what is available at the liquor store.
They aren't "innocent people" they broke the law. They are guilty.

Another "small government conservative" who likes the government dictating what they can and can't do to their own bodies. :eusa_whistle:

Another IDIOT who can't seem to live without setting a leaf on fire and absorbing it's carcinogenic output....

By the way - small government conservatives could give a flying fuck what you do with your own body. It's the heinous crimes you assholes commit while high that we have a problem with...

and those are? make sure you mention the guy who smoked a little pot but also got drunk and violent, or did some speed or other harder drugs along with his buzz....or a combination of all 3.....i expect to see just people who smoke pot and go out and do crimes.....

Legalize pot!!! What an idea!!!

Think of all the Mafiosi, Congressmen and bankers on the take, border guards and CIA agents who would be well nigh poverty struck if their trade in importing and distributing illegal drugs were destroyed!!

Wrong dumbass. I am for legalization. It's just wrong and stupid to call the people who are in jail now "innocent".

I apologize for any misunderstanding on the subject. My problem is with calling offenders "guilty" because the government says they are. Wrong is wrong. Right is right. The government shouldn't be able to dictate right and wrong based upon their own ideology.

And narcotics are most definitely WRONG.

Getting drunk is WRONG

Getting high is WRONG

And the fact that you don't get that is REALLY wrong...

Anarchy Rulz duuuuuuude! :cuckoo:

i will tell you what get the govt to ban Alcohol.....the substance responsible for many deaths and destroying more families than anything out there....get them to ban of the most addicting things out there and has been proven to be slowly killing you.....and i will be just as against Pot as you are.....until then ill be for the least dangerous one out there....

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