Should we legalize pot and help free innocent people?

Another IDIOT who can't seem to live without setting a leaf on fire and absorbing it's carcinogenic output....

By the way - small government conservatives could give a flying fuck what you do with your own body. It's the heinous crimes you assholes commit while high that we have a problem with...

smoking pot does not lead to violence or crime ...what are you on ?

Says the pot smoker (who also already claimed that marijuana was not addictive and then was immediately proven wrong with facts and data in under 10 minutes by Rabbi).

You guys will do anything to get your next "hit". Smoking pot leads to many crimes (in many cases, things like petty theft but it can get much worse).

But hey, keep pretending like reality is not actually reality because you're too weak to put that stupid-ass leaf down and walk away from it. The only person your fooling is yourself (and I'm not even sure you're actually being successful at that).

Rabbi didn't prove anything wrong.
Another "small government conservative" who likes the government dictating what they can and can't do to their own bodies. :eusa_whistle:

Another IDIOT who can't seem to live without setting a leaf on fire and absorbing it's carcinogenic output....

By the way - small government conservatives could give a flying fuck what you do with your own body. It's the heinous crimes you assholes commit while high that we have a problem with...

and those are? make sure you mention the guy who smoked a little pot but also got drunk and violent, or did some speed or other harder drugs along with his buzz....or a combination of all 3.....i expect to see just people who smoke pot and go out and do crimes.....

To steal a great quote from Rabbi (if I may).... Oops!!!!

Marijuana is drug most often linked to crime, study finds | McClatchy
Another "small government conservative" who likes the government dictating what they can and can't do to their own bodies. :eusa_whistle:

Another IDIOT who can't seem to live without setting a leaf on fire and absorbing it's carcinogenic output....

By the way - small government conservatives could give a flying fuck what you do with your own body. It's the heinous crimes you assholes commit while high that we have a problem with...

smoking pot does not lead to violence or crime ...what are you on ?

To steal a great quote from Rabbi (if I may).... Oops!!!!

Marijuana is drug most often linked to crime, study finds | McClatchy
Are you expecting an argument? I'll sign any petition any time, any where to ban alcohol or cigarettes.

Saying that pot should be legal because it is not as bad as alcohol is as fuck'n stupid as saying rape should be legal because it's not as bad as murder... :cuckoo:

so why do you hate freedom ?

Why do you love rape?

I don't ...rape is a violent act that takes rights away people who want to force their views on you would outlaw people enjoying a fine cigar ...enjoying a glass of wine or smoking some herb...what other freedoms would you like take from others ?
smoking pot does not lead to violence or crime ...what are you on ?

Says the pot smoker (who also already claimed that marijuana was not addictive and then was immediately proven wrong with facts and data in under 10 minutes by Rabbi).

You guys will do anything to get your next "hit". Smoking pot leads to many crimes (in many cases, things like petty theft but it can get much worse).

But hey, keep pretending like reality is not actually reality because you're too weak to put that stupid-ass leaf down and walk away from it. The only person your fooling is yourself (and I'm not even sure you're actually being successful at that).

Rabbi didn't prove anything wrong.

So Rabbi provides documentation from the medical community and you ignore it in favor of your ignorance? Well that's typical of both libtards and libturdtarians here on USMB.

We should ignore the medical community in favor of your USMB opinions backed up by......nothing :eusa_whistle:
Another IDIOT who can't seem to live without setting a leaf on fire and absorbing it's carcinogenic output....

By the way - small government conservatives could give a flying fuck what you do with your own body. It's the heinous crimes you assholes commit while high that we have a problem with...

smoking pot does not lead to violence or crime ...what are you on ?

To steal a great quote from Rabbi (if I may).... Oops!!!!

Marijuana is drug most often linked to crime, study finds | McClatchy

lol...that same satistic would be true on a radom testing of any group as so many people smoke weed .. correlation is not causation...they probably had 90% with caffeine in their does not mean it was a factor in their criminality does it
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It should be legalized but it won't be. The government benefits more by it being illegal.
You are absolutely correct in that certain factions of government (corrupt officials and the entire law enforcement establishment) do indeed benefit from marijuana prohibition. But there are many segments of the private sector which enjoy substantial profits because of this prohibition.

For example, if marijuana were legal the liquor industry would be affected as more and more people realize that marijuana produces a much nicer effect with zero consequences.

Because marijuana is a far better tranquilizer than anything a doctor can prescribe, the pharmaceutical industry's bottom line would suffer.

Prison construction and maintenance is in fact the only remaining growth industry in America. Legalized marijuana would put an end to it.

Those interests, and others, finance anti-marijuana lobbyists who bribe our legislators with campaign contributions and other inducements to vote against the legalization of marijuana, a reality which is and has been enormously costly to all Americans -- especially those who have been imprisoned or stigmatized with a criminal record for something which should not be illegal.
Says the pot smoker (who also already claimed that marijuana was not addictive and then was immediately proven wrong with facts and data in under 10 minutes by Rabbi).

You guys will do anything to get your next "hit". Smoking pot leads to many crimes (in many cases, things like petty theft but it can get much worse).

But hey, keep pretending like reality is not actually reality because you're too weak to put that stupid-ass leaf down and walk away from it. The only person your fooling is yourself (and I'm not even sure you're actually being successful at that).

Rabbi didn't prove anything wrong.

So Rabbi provides documentation from the medical community and you ignore it in favor of your ignorance? Well that's typical of both libtards and libturdtarians here on USMB.

We should ignore the medical community in favor of your USMB opinions backed up by......nothing :eusa_whistle:

Ignore what? The medical community just came out that it has medical uses. You ignoring that?

Do you drink alcohol?

you notice it was a Psychology Magazine? has been said plenty of times in threads here about can get mentally addicted IF YOU LET show me where its physically addictive like all the other things out there....if you notice the same link said most long term smokers can stop smoking it with very little problems...the majority of research will say Pot is not physically addictive but CAN be mentally addictive....something like 10% of pot smokers are mentally "Addicted" look at the people who regularly indulge in the other shit out there....look at their addiction numbers....

Moving the goal posts? Addicted is addicted.

You cannot become physically addicted to pot. It is habit forming, there is a difference.
Alcohol is the only drug you can die from its withdrawals if you don't have other medical problems. You can even die from over dosing on pot.
How many people died from their addiction to marihuana last year?

Is it none? I think so.

I have smoked pot for years, I have had no problem quitting for months at a time and I never once went through withdrawals. Lying about what Marihuana does only makes the problem worse.
Says the pot smoker (who also already claimed that marijuana was not addictive and then was immediately proven wrong with facts and data in under 10 minutes by Rabbi).

You guys will do anything to get your next "hit". Smoking pot leads to many crimes (in many cases, things like petty theft but it can get much worse).

But hey, keep pretending like reality is not actually reality because you're too weak to put that stupid-ass leaf down and walk away from it. The only person your fooling is yourself (and I'm not even sure you're actually being successful at that).

Rabbi didn't prove anything wrong.

So Rabbi provides documentation from the medical community and you ignore it in favor of your ignorance? Well that's typical of both libtards and libturdtarians here on USMB.

We should ignore the medical community in favor of your USMB opinions backed up by......nothing :eusa_whistle:

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you notice it was a Psychology Magazine? has been said plenty of times in threads here about can get mentally addicted IF YOU LET show me where its physically addictive like all the other things out there....if you notice the same link said most long term smokers can stop smoking it with very little problems...the majority of research will say Pot is not physically addictive but CAN be mentally addictive....something like 10% of pot smokers are mentally "Addicted" look at the people who regularly indulge in the other shit out there....look at their addiction numbers....

Moving the goal posts? Addicted is addicted.

You cannot become physically addicted to pot. It is habit forming, there is a difference.
Alcohol is the only drug you can die from its withdrawals if you don't have other medical problems. You can even die from over dosing on pot.
How many people died from their addiction to marihuana last year?

Is it none? I think so.

I have smoked pot for years, I have had no problem quitting for months at a time and I never once went through withdrawals. Lying about what Marihuana does only makes the problem worse.

Exactly I smoked daily for decades but have no problem when going without if the situation requires..I can not say the same about coffee however...that gives me horrible physical withdraw
He explicitly compared alcohol to drugs. At least in regard to taxation. But the taxation issues points up how different they are.
No one is making Johnny Walker in his basement. But dope is pretty much the same and doesn't take much to produce it. So they aren't comparable at all.

Whiskey takes far less time to produce.

Whiskey is generally aged in barrels for 4 years or more. I dont think dope takes that long.

Aging takes time, depending on how smooth you want it but production is hours or days ( great uncle was a bootlegger ), moonshine whiskey can be made and consumed in no time flat

Read your history books
smoking pot does not lead to violence or crime ...what are you on ?

To steal a great quote from Rabbi (if I may).... Oops!!!!

Marijuana is drug most often linked to crime, study finds | McClatchy

lol...that same satistic would be true on a radom testing of any group as so many people smoke weed .. correlation is not causation...they probably had 90% with caffeine in their does not mean it was a factor in their criminality does it

Ah! I see... We should ignore credible medical evidence in favor of the opinions of the pot-head.... maaaaaaaan

By the way, in what world do you operate that "so many people smoke weed"? I've never smoked pot a day in my life. Never even tried a single hit. Same for nearly all of my friends (I do have a few who TRIED it, but absolutely none who smoked it regularly or who smoke it at all now that they are mature adults).
Moving the goal posts? Addicted is addicted.

You cannot become physically addicted to pot. It is habit forming, there is a difference.
Alcohol is the only drug you can die from its withdrawals if you don't have other medical problems. You can even die from over dosing on pot.
How many people died from their addiction to marihuana last year?

Is it none? I think so.

I have smoked pot for years, I have had no problem quitting for months at a time and I never once went through withdrawals. Lying about what Marihuana does only makes the problem worse.

Exactly I smoked daily for decades but have no problem when going without if the situation requires..I can not say the same about coffee however...that gives me horrible physical withdraw


Oh man, the irony in that statement is so thick (not to mention hysterical) that you could cut it with a knife! Only a pot-head could make that statement and not realize what they were saying.... maaaaaaaaaan
so why do you hate freedom ?

Why do you love rape?

I don't ...rape is a violent act that takes rights away people who want to force their views on you would outlaw people enjoying a fine cigar ...enjoying a glass of wine or smoking some herb...what other freedoms would you like take from others ?

Dude - I'm a die hard constitutional conservative (and everyone on this board knows it). There is no bigger advocate for FREEDOM on this board than ME.

But as I've had to exlpain over and over and over to the libertarian quacks on this board, this is a huge difference between freedom and anarchy. Freedom does not mean doing whatever the fuck you want, whenever the fuck you want, to whomever the fuck you want.

You guys want to take anarchy and pretend that it is freedom. It's a completely absurd premise (and one that can only come from stoned-out-of-their-mind libertarians).

I could care less what anyone does with themselves. Want to test me on this? Go kill yourself and see how many tears I shed for you. See if I even attempt to stop you. But narcotics = addiction = heinous crimes and there is no amount of your distorted stoner logic that is going to change that simple, undeniable FACT.
You cannot become physically addicted to pot. It is habit forming, there is a difference.
Alcohol is the only drug you can die from its withdrawals if you don't have other medical problems. You can even die from over dosing on pot.
How many people died from their addiction to marihuana last year?

Is it none? I think so.

I have smoked pot for years, I have had no problem quitting for months at a time and I never once went through withdrawals. Lying about what Marihuana does only makes the problem worse.

Exactly I smoked daily for decades but have no problem when going without if the situation requires..I can not say the same about coffee however...that gives me horrible physical withdraw


Oh man, the irony in that statement is so thick (not to mention hysterical) that you could cut it with a knife! Only a pot-head could make that statement and not realize what they were saying.... maaaaaaaaaan

Yes I know exactly what I am saying ..I am saying I enjoy smoking marijuana on a daily basis for many many years but when in situations I feel its not appropriate or convenient..I have gone several months without and felt no withdraw effects as one would with additive substances like caffeine or nicotine
Exactly I smoked daily for decades but have no problem when going without if the situation requires..I can not say the same about coffee however...that gives me horrible physical withdraw


Oh man, the irony in that statement is so thick (not to mention hysterical) that you could cut it with a knife! Only a pot-head could make that statement and not realize what they were saying.... maaaaaaaaaan

Yes I know exactly what I am saying ..I am saying I enjoy smoking marijuana on a daily basis for many many years but when in situations I feel its not appropriate or convenient..I have gone several months without and felt no withdraw effects as one would with additive substances like caffeine or nicotine

The fact that you "smoked DAILY for DECADES" and the fact that you require a "situation" to get you to stop means that you are severely addicted. Just because you don't feel any physical effects when you stop doesn't mean anything.

This is akin to the alcoholic going "I'm not an alcoholic, when I absolutely must stop drinking for a day, I do".... :eusa_whistle:
you notice it was a Psychology Magazine? has been said plenty of times in threads here about can get mentally addicted IF YOU LET show me where its physically addictive like all the other things out there....if you notice the same link said most long term smokers can stop smoking it with very little problems...the majority of research will say Pot is not physically addictive but CAN be mentally addictive....something like 10% of pot smokers are mentally "Addicted" look at the people who regularly indulge in the other shit out there....look at their addiction numbers....

Moving the goal posts? Addicted is addicted.

You cannot become physically addicted to pot. It is habit forming, there is a difference.
Alcohol is the only drug you can die from its withdrawals if you don't have other medical problems. You can even die from over dosing on pot.
How many people died from their addiction to marihuana last year?

Is it none? I think so.

I have smoked pot for years, I have had no problem quitting for months at a time and I never once went through withdrawals. Lying about what Marihuana does only makes the problem worse.

Moving the goalposts.
The claim was marijuana was not addictive. I showed that was false.

Your drug use does explain many of your idiotic posts. I am sure they sounded good. If you were stoned.

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