Should we shut down left-wing media?

Lately the Democratic party and "left" wing media has been used for the purposes of rabble rousing, inciting violence, and perpetuating misinformation to the uneducated Demographic.

This could give as a good case for repealing the First Amendment, or using the state's power to shut down Democratic media, including social media which incites violence and anarchy.

In practice, I don't think it would be too easy to do - the government could simply shut down TV and radio such as the Colbert Report, NPR, as well as social media outlets such as YouTube channels which incite violence, hatred, and immorality in the lowest common denominator.

In practice, most of their "rights" are imaginary anyway, and are merely fed to them via their misinformation outlets by rabble rousers - simply shut them all down, and remind the Democratic party and it's mouth-breading demographic of their rightful place under the state's hierarchy.

As an example, anyone who uses the term "white supremacist", "Nazi", or "fascist" could be profiled by the FBI and the CIA, given that anarchist groups have abused this term. (Much as how actual white supremacy groups may be being monitored as well).
No, that is a slippery slope we should not go down. I would propose an alert to show up on the screen or be stated on radio that says "The speaker is currently stating opinion or speculation". Granted this could get annoying on CNN since the alert would never turn off.
Just how stupid do you think the American viewing public is? We don't need an alert--we just need both sides of the story, the facts laid out without a team of analysts rushing in to spend ten minutes discussing a two minute news item. The most ironic thing is that since we have had 24/7 News Networks, we are receiving less and less real news. They read the articles from AP and the Times, if it interests them. They all pick the same top stories. And it's mostly commercials, not even news. How many journalists are breaking real news stories on CNN and Fox? Nada.

Even PBS does that analyst bit now. That is what the Sunday shows are for. Although I always liked Friday evenings with five minutes of Brooks and Dunn. (Dunn? I think it was Dunn--I've been tv free for a year now). .
We don't really want you to have information, we'd like to advise you as to what your perception of reality should be. This is best handled by having the entire platform overseen by half a dozen multinational corporations.

Edward Bernays - Wikipedia
I'm not buying the multinational evil genius theory, but I certainly see the influence of advertising. Sometimes it is even a good thing, like when they push to get rid of a puke like Roger Ailes. But like most things in this country, the bottom line is the $$ involved. Christmas, news, immigration, you name it, we can find a way to monetize it.
No, I'm not a communist, but sometimes the way things work in this country make me want to vomit.
Should we shut down left-wing media?
No. The Left have a right to their views.

But when views become spun into lies and fiction and sold us as fact by news outlets, that becomes PROPAGANDA, the attempt to MISLEAD and control people, the very opposite to what the Press was supposed to be about.

When the "watchdog" of the government becomes the lapdog for the government or some special interest instead, hiding and excusing scurrilous deeds, it is no longer press or media, and has become an insidious agent to undermine our society. And that must be shut down, crushed and destroyed.
We shouldn't shut down then leftwing press, but we should shut down all public universities and stop all government funding of education. The government should not be able to subsidies ideas that it approves of. This incestuous relationship between government and education is the reason we have a steady stream of leftwing journalists graduating from public universities and populating the ranks of leftwing propaganda organs like CNN and the New York Times.
If education was privatized, one benefit would be that we could remove all "critical theory" and radical politics from the universities, I honestly wouldn't mind that.

More Russel Kirk and less John Stuart Mill.
Exactly. Many types of degrees would simply disappear, like political science, which is really nothing more than a degree in propaganda.
Lately the Democratic party and "left" wing media has been used for the purposes of rabble rousing, inciting violence, and perpetuating misinformation to the uneducated Demographic.

This could give as a good case for repealing the First Amendment, or using the state's power to shut down Democratic media, including social media which incites violence and anarchy.

In practice, I don't think it would be too easy to do - the government could simply shut down TV and radio such as the Colbert Report, NPR, as well as social media outlets such as YouTube channels which incite violence, hatred, and immorality in the lowest common denominator.

In practice, most of their "rights" are imaginary anyway, and are merely fed to them via their misinformation outlets by rabble rousers - simply shut them all down, and remind the Democratic party and it's mouth-breading demographic of their rightful place under the state's hierarchy.

As an example, anyone who uses the term "white supremacist", "Nazi", or "fascist" could be profiled by the FBI and the CIA, given that anarchist groups have abused this term. (Much as how actual white supremacy groups may be being monitored as well).
No, that is a slippery slope we should not go down. I would propose an alert to show up on the screen or be stated on radio that says "The speaker is currently stating opinion or speculation". Granted this could get annoying on CNN since the alert would never turn off.
Just how stupid do you think the American viewing public is? We don't need an alert--we just need both sides of the story, the facts laid out without a team of analysts rushing in to spend ten minutes discussing a two minute news item. The most ironic thing is that since we have had 24/7 News Networks, we are receiving less and less real news. They read the articles from AP and the Times, if it interests them. They all pick the same top stories. And it's mostly commercials, not even news. How many journalists are breaking real news stories on CNN and Fox? Nada.

Even PBS does that analyst bit now. That is what the Sunday shows are for. Although I always liked Friday evenings with five minutes of Brooks and Dunn. (Dunn? I think it was Dunn--I've been tv free for a year now). .
We don't really want you to have information, we'd like to advise you as to what your perception of reality should be. This is best handled by having the entire platform overseen by half a dozen multinational corporations.

Edward Bernays - Wikipedia
I'm not buying the multinational evil genius theory, but I certainly see the influence of advertising. Sometimes it is even a good thing, like when they push to get rid of a puke like Roger Ailes. But like most things in this country, the bottom line is the $$ involved. Christmas, news, immigration, you name it, we can find a way to monetize it.
No, I'm not a communist, but sometimes the way things work in this country make me want to vomit.
Mam, monopolization is monopolization, concentrated wealth and authority does what it does.
Should we shut down left-wing media?
No. The Left have a right to their views.

But when views become spun into lies and fiction and sold us as fact by news outlets, that becomes PROPAGANDA, the attempt to MISLEAD and control people, the very opposite to what the Press was supposed to be about.

When the "watchdog" of the government becomes the lapdog for the government or some special interest instead, hiding and excusing scurrilous deeds, it is no longer press or media, and has become an insidious agent to undermine our society. And that must be shut down, crushed and destroyed.
We shouldn't shut down then leftwing press, but we should shut down all public universities and stop all government funding of education. The government should not be able to subsidies ideas that it approves of. This incestuous relationship between government and education is the reason we have a steady stream of leftwing journalists graduating from public universities and populating the ranks of leftwing propaganda organs like CNN and the New York Times.
If education was privatized, one benefit would be that we could remove all "critical theory" and radical politics from the universities, I honestly wouldn't mind that.

More Russel Kirk and less John Stuart Mill.
Exactly. Many types of degrees would simply disappear, like political science, which is really nothing more than a degree in propaganda.
Capitalism has no responsibility to the consumer does it.
50 million Americans are so stupid that still intend to vote for trump

Fails COMPLETELY at proper sentence structure and English while attempting to call others stupid....

If I were you, I'd stick to your own lane and let Pogo handle the grammar, Grampa. There is just a word missing. I'll give you an extra 5 points if you can figure out what it is.....
50 million Americans are so stupid that still intend to vote for trump

Fails COMPLETELY at proper sentence structure and English while attempting to call others stupid....

If I were you, I'd stick to your own lane and let Pogo handle the grammar, Grampa. There is just a word missing. I'll give you an extra 5 points if you can figure out what it is.....
So you also failed English class.

There is more than one mistake. It is clearly YOU who can not identify the mistakes lol.
NPR and PBS, at a minimum, need to have their funding from taxpayers ceased. These entities generate millions from donations. Taking taxpayer money for Left Wing propaganda is an insult.
They give the most even handed reporting of the news, with the least disrespect of the President, of any of the major news outlets. They have a left leaning slant in the issues they choose to cover, but I have never heard a single one of them foaming at the mouth about the President or Republicans, not even their guests.
You would be shooting the wrong folks here.

I would suggest that conservatives have never actually heard NPR or PBS and merely repeat the HATE and LIES that limbaugh et al feed them
Never would I have imagined that we would break up into two completely separate news & informational universes like this.

They come up with stories and "facts" that simply run parallel to reality, absolutely ignoring readily-available information.

Not sure how you're supposed to keep a republic together when it operates under separate realities.

We were always 2.
The one simply had the key to lock up most of the information that didn't fit their agenda.
They dont have the only key anymore
Should we shut down left-wing media?
No. The Left have a right to their views.

But when views become spun into lies and fiction and sold us as fact by news outlets, that becomes PROPAGANDA, the attempt to MISLEAD and control people, the very opposite to what the Press was supposed to be about.

When the "watchdog" of the government becomes the lapdog for the government or some special interest instead, hiding and excusing scurrilous deeds, it is no longer press or media, and has become an insidious agent to undermine our society. And that must be shut down, crushed and destroyed.
We shouldn't shut down then leftwing press, but we should shut down all public universities and stop all government funding of education. The government should not be able to subsidies ideas that it approves of. This incestuous relationship between government and education is the reason we have a steady stream of leftwing journalists graduating from public universities and populating the ranks of leftwing propaganda organs like CNN and the New York Times.
If education was privatized, one benefit would be that we could remove all "critical theory" and radical politics from the universities, I honestly wouldn't mind that.

More Russel Kirk and less John Stuart Mill.
Exactly. Many types of degrees would simply disappear, like political science, which is really nothing more than a degree in propaganda.
Capitalism has no responsibility to the consumer does it.
Private companies have to give consumers what they want. Otherwise they go bankrupt. Government obtains its funding at gunpoint. It doesn't have to satisfy the consumers. The government school system has been widely acknowledge for decades as a failure, yet its funding has expanded. This is your idea of a good system.
Last edited:
50 million Americans are so stupid that still intend to vote for trump

Fails COMPLETELY at proper sentence structure and English while attempting to call others stupid....

If I were you, I'd stick to your own lane and let Pogo handle the grammar, Grampa. There is just a word missing. I'll give you an extra 5 points if you can figure out what it is.....
So you also failed English class.

There is more than one mistake. It is clearly YOU who can not identify the mistakes lol.
50 million Americans are so stupid that still intend to vote for trump

Fails COMPLETELY at proper sentence structure and English while attempting to call others stupid....

If I were you, I'd stick to your own lane and let Pogo handle the grammar, Grampa. There is just a word missing. I'll give you an extra 5 points if you can figure out what it is.....
So you also failed English class.

There is more than one mistake. It is clearly YOU who can not identify the mistakes lol.
I teach English class. There is a one word fix. I'm not counting the missed capitalization of Trump. It is so tempting not to bother with the shift key sometimes.
But we digress. A mod will appear shortly and tell us to get back on track. So straighten up and fly right.
Lately the Democratic party and "left" wing media has been used for the purposes of rabble rousing, inciting violence, and perpetuating misinformation to the uneducated Demographic.

This could give as a good case for repealing the First Amendment, or using the state's power to shut down Democratic media, including social media which incites violence and anarchy.

In practice, I don't think it would be too easy to do - the government could simply shut down TV and radio such as the Colbert Report, NPR, as well as social media outlets such as YouTube channels which incite violence, hatred, and immorality in the lowest common denominator.

In practice, most of their "rights" are imaginary anyway, and are merely fed to them via their misinformation outlets by rabble rousers - simply shut them all down, and remind the Democratic party and it's mouth-breading demographic of their rightful place under the state's hierarchy.

As an example, anyone who uses the term "white supremacist", "Nazi", or "fascist" could be profiled by the FBI and the CIA, given that anarchist groups have abused this term. (Much as how actual white supremacy groups may be being monitored as well).
No, that is a slippery slope we should not go down. I would propose an alert to show up on the screen or be stated on radio that says "The speaker is currently stating opinion or speculation". Granted this could get annoying on CNN since the alert would never turn off.
Just how stupid do you think the American viewing public is? We don't need an alert--we just need both sides of the story, the facts laid out without a team of analysts rushing in to spend ten minutes discussing a two minute news item. The most ironic thing is that since we have had 24/7 News Networks, we are receiving less and less real news. They read the articles from AP and the Times, if it interests them. They all pick the same top stories. And it's mostly commercials, not even news. How many journalists are breaking real news stories on CNN and Fox? Nada.

Even PBS does that analyst bit now. That is what the Sunday shows are for. Although I always liked Friday evenings with five minutes of Brooks and Dunn. (Dunn? I think it was Dunn--I've been tv free for a year now). .
We don't really want you to have information, we'd like to advise you as to what your perception of reality should be. This is best handled by having the entire platform overseen by half a dozen multinational corporations.

Edward Bernays - Wikipedia
I'm not buying the multinational evil genius theory, but I certainly see the influence of advertising. Sometimes it is even a good thing, like when they push to get rid of a puke like Roger Ailes. But like most things in this country, the bottom line is the $$ involved. Christmas, news, immigration, you name it, we can find a way to monetize it.
No, I'm not a communist, but sometimes the way things work in this country make me want to vomit.
Mam, monopolization is monopolization, concentrated wealth and authority does what it does.
There's no bigger monopoly in the world than the federal government.
Piss off.

MLK doesn't agree with you.

Believe in your conspiracy theories all you want, see how far it will get you.

If the whole state is against you, then I'd venture you've already lost.

MLK took on the entire war machine and the economic system itself pard. Are you that unaware?
MLK doesn't agree with his racist or violent views.
I never heard MLK set you up as his representative, sorry. Would you like to tell me what Jesus would do too?
I've read MLK, I'm assuming you never have - he wanted to be above and beyond "hating the white man" and identarian politics.

If you or others don't care about King, then that's on you.

As far as Jesus, he was in favor of nonviolence, and about Samaritans and Jews getting along, so he seems to be on the side of King as well.
You're free to assign whatever views to me you wish, happens here all the time. Why are your christians so unlike your Jesus?
Why are Hindus so unlike Ghandi, or Buddhists so unlike Buddha?

There are exclusivist sects within those religions, such as Nichiren's Buddhism and its Lotus Sutra, nor is the average Hindu or Buddhist a Ghandi or Budda in practice.

And how did america come to be? Violence.
Not all "violence" nor philosophies of government or warfare are created equal. The violence committed, for example, by a police officer in defense of an innocent hostage is not "the same" as the violence committed by a criminal against an armed assailant. "Violence" is not primarily what they were known for, but merely a facet - had that been "all" any civilized nation was known for, they never would have existed to begin with. Those men and women known primarily for creative and intellectual endeavours who helped build civilizations, while those primarily or only known for "violence" being historical no ones, and merely worthless individuals.

You're merely choosing to focus on a specific facet, which psychology such as the "negativity bias" explains the reason for fairly well, pretend that, in practice, it is "equal' to such and such a thing else, while ignoring everything else, or that the insincere opposition to "violence" online is equal to that of the non-violence advocated and practiced by King or Ghandi.

Those who are too unintelligent or uncreative, or lacking in the impulse control needed to solve their problems without mindless violence, historically do not do well, this being the hallmark of impoverished 3rd world countries rather than 1st world ones.

You're free to read up on philosophies of warfare and violence, such as Just War Theory, but I doubt you will, or that it's even at your reading level. Nor will you read "non-white" philosophies of government and violence, such as Chinese Confusicanism, or systems of African government, aristocracy, and civilization, because it would debunk your lies about "Eurocentric" conspiracy theories, and how your ilk wouldn't have been welcome in any actual civilization, or system of well educated people, regardless of race, religion, or sex.

What you falsely attribute to "white" conspiracy theories are simply cultural realities and phenomenon's, as well documented by individuals such as Steven Pinker and other evolutionary psychologists, as well as the premise of legal systems, such as our Common Law.

There is nothing more identarian politics than what the founders set up; a system in which ONLY aristocratic white males had any representation at all, as they enslaved any, and later on black folk alone, while engaging in ethnic cleansing.
That's historically incorrect. Just critical theory propaganda, inspired by a racist anti-Semite known as Marx, as well as others such as Foucault and Derrida.

Slavery of some variety or another is a historical reality regardless of race, much as some type of hierarchy or another, whether by birth, educational, financial by values and character, or otherwise. Neither of these things were "set up", they were merely already existing.

Economically speaking, you're an "aristocratic white male" by the standard of third world countries, and you're not content on giving that privilege up, no. Had you been born in the founders' era, you would have been supporting slavery, denying women the right to vote, and other historical norms of the day and age, while better men and women would have been seeking to change those things.

Your "MLK" has been whitewashed for eurocentric consumption.
Thanks for the conspiracy theory, white boy - your computer is the prime definition of "Eurocentric consumption", as well as the entire education systems of America and Europe, founded primarily by "aristocratic white values" - along with the English language, which still exist today, albeit ideally in a more organic form - much as how you believe that being, at least nominally against "Eurocentric consumption" is "superior" to being in favor of it, despite being the spitting definition of that yourself, with all your "fancy lad English".

Start abolishing all private property by abolishing your computer, your Eurocentric education, your English language, and so forth. You won't do it because you enjoy your privilege, as do most well-adjusted normal people. You're also falsely stereotyping black people as "violent", by claiming that King wanting to be above and beyond violence is "Eurocentric".

History doesn't bode well for those who can't come up with solutions to problems beyond violence, hatred and immorality.

"Civilization" of some sort or another, black white or Asian is a cultural universal, as well as being up from savagry, were it not so, then no civilization, black white or Asian would have existed to begin with, nor would have critical theorists and those that inspire them, such as Marx, Foucault, Derrida, and otherwise.

As an example, here is a list of black Mathematicians - mathematics, in some form or another has been around in every civilization, whether America, China, or the Middle East.

Your conspiracy theory would likely claim that black mathematics are a product of "eurocentrism" or some dishonest propaganda of that nature.

Not to mention, you contradict yourself anyway, since you're at once dishonestly attempting to conflate all forms of "violence" and pretend that they're "the same", while at the same time appealing to some higher moral "ideal", in which violence, slavery, and so forth are "morally wrong" for some faith based reason.

If your argument is that all forms of "violence" are the same, then there is nothing wrong with slavery, violence, and so forth, regardless of race, religion, or sex to begin with. Thankfully our Common Law system is predicated on being above and beyond "blood feuds", and primitive or archaic emotional sentiments such as "an eye for an eye", but rather on civilization and law being an evolution up from violence and depravity which would otherwise exist, with your entire approval, I assume.

List of African-American mathematicians - Wikipedia
Last edited:
50 million Americans are so stupid that still intend to vote for trump

Fails COMPLETELY at proper sentence structure and English while attempting to call others stupid....

If I were you, I'd stick to your own lane and let Pogo handle the grammar, Grampa. There is just a word missing. I'll give you an extra 5 points if you can figure out what it is.....
So you also failed English class.

There is more than one mistake. It is clearly YOU who can not identify the mistakes lol.
50 million Americans are so stupid that still intend to vote for trump

Fails COMPLETELY at proper sentence structure and English while attempting to call others stupid....

If I were you, I'd stick to your own lane and let Pogo handle the grammar, Grampa. There is just a word missing. I'll give you an extra 5 points if you can figure out what it is.....
So you also failed English class.

There is more than one mistake. It is clearly YOU who can not identify the mistakes lol.
I teach English class. There is a one word fix. I'm not counting the missed capitalization of Trump. It is so tempting not to bother with the shift key sometimes.
But we digress. A mod will appear shortly and tell us to get back on track. So straighten up and fly right.
You teach English and don't consider starting a sentence with a numeral a mistake? How bout lack of or proper use of punctuation? Capitalization?

My point stands. Don't call others stupid if you can't even form a 4th grade level sentence.
50 million Americans are so stupid that still intend to vote for trump

Fails COMPLETELY at proper sentence structure and English while attempting to call others stupid....

If I were you, I'd stick to your own lane and let Pogo handle the grammar, Grampa. There is just a word missing. I'll give you an extra 5 points if you can figure out what it is.....
So you also failed English class.

There is more than one mistake. It is clearly YOU who can not identify the mistakes lol.

50 million Americans are SOOOO fkn stupid they still intend to vote for Herr trump.

is THAT better?


50 million morons hate freedom so much they still intend to vote for a KNOWN liar, cheater and conman who disgraces the office of the presidency AND our constitution.

is THAT better?
50 million Americans are so stupid that still intend to vote for trump

Fails COMPLETELY at proper sentence structure and English while attempting to call others stupid....

If I were you, I'd stick to your own lane and let Pogo handle the grammar, Grampa. There is just a word missing. I'll give you an extra 5 points if you can figure out what it is.....
So you also failed English class.

There is more than one mistake. It is clearly YOU who can not identify the mistakes lol.

50 million Americans are SOOOO fkn stupid they still intend to vote for Herr trump.

is THAT better?


50 million morons hate freedom so much they still intend to vote for a KNOWN liar, cheater and conman who disgraces the office of the presidency AND our constitution.

is THAT better?
We didn't vote for Hillary, asshole. Now that would have been stupid.
NPR and PBS, at a minimum, need to have their funding from taxpayers ceased. These entities generate millions from donations. Taking taxpayer money for Left Wing propaganda is an insult.
They give the most even handed reporting of the news, with the least disrespect of the President, of any of the major news outlets. They have a left leaning slant in the issues they choose to cover, but I have never heard a single one of them foaming at the mouth about the President or Republicans, not even their guests.
You would be shooting the wrong folks here.

They USED to.

The other day, they repeated the DNC and CFR myth that it was Ukrainian conspiracy theory that their government colluded with the DNC to brainwash their listeners on NPR, I HEARD THEM.

wtf? Hell, it was in Politico. . .

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire
Kiev officials are scrambling to make amends with the president-elect after quietly working to boost Clinton.
Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

. . . .and Ukraine's OWN politicians ADMITTED it?

It's not really a debunked theory just b/c ruling class journalists and CFR bureaucrats and spooks say it is. NPR and PBS meet with politicians at the CFR. These are the same folks that let Hillary off with a warning for doing clearly illegal shit, why should he listen to them?


The FBI’s Outside Contractors, DNC Servers & Crowdstrike
The FBI’s Outside Contractors, DNC Servers & Crowdstrike

CrowdStrike: Five Things Everyone Is Ignoring About The Russia-DNC Story
CrowdStrike: Five Things Everyone Is Ignoring About The Russia-DNC Story

US Intel Vets Dispute Russia Hacking Claims

A Demand for Russian 'Hacking' Proof

Intel Vets Challenge 'Russia Hack' Evidence

VIPS Tells Media: Support for Brennan is Not Unanimous

VIPS: Mueller’s Forensics-Free Findings

From what it appears, the PBS and NPR are doing everything they can to deflect attention from the very real established facts of election meddling by the Ukrainian political establishment.

It seems to me, a real national and bureaucratic hypocrisy to focus on "Russian" meddling, while just giving a pass on Ukraine meddling that is an open secret.

No one seems to care.

Ukraine admitted to interfering in the 2016 US election on Clinton’s side
Ukraine admitted to interfering in the 2016 US election on Clinton’s side


". . . Thus, the audio recording made public in the Ukrainian media was one piece of evidence of Ukraine’s interference. According to it, a person with a voice similar to the voice of the head of Ukraine’s National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU), Artem Sytnyk, admitted that he had supported Hillary Clinton in the 2016 US election.

His office was responsible for publicly disclosing the contents of the Ukrainian «black ledger», which implicated Paul Manafort, to the media. The document contained a list of secret payments made by Ukraine’s Party of Regions to Manafort.

Earlier, the county administrative court of Kyiv had pledged the director of the NABU Artem Sytnyk, and a member of the Ukrainian Parliament Sergey Leshchenko guilty of publicizing the pre-trial investigation materials concerning Paul Manafort and election interference. The information was spread illegally and inflicted damage on the foreign policy of Ukraine.. . . . "



Admit unlawful acts of the director of the NABU A. Sytnyk and the Ukrainian MP S. Leshchenko concerning the disclosure and distribution of the information about D. Trump’s campaign chairman P. Manafort and the presence of P.Manafort’s name and signatures in the lists of “The Party of Regions’ black ledgers” in the materials of the pre-trial investigation, which was the result of interference in the electoral processes of the United States of America in 2016 and harmed the interests of Ukraine.



“The Party of Regions’ black ledgers” saved the world. Manafort, who was fed from Yanukovich’s hands, leaves with dishonor. Guess, after such a blow Trump will not recover.

P.S. We can clearly see the reaction of the Ukrainian politicians involved in “Yanukovich’s black ledgers”. Political culture – you’ve either got it or you haven’t”.

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

Kiev officials are scrambling to make amends with the president-elect after quietly working to boost Clinton.
Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

As far as I'm concerned? Yeah, NPR and PBS need to have their funding cut at this point for spreading the propaganda and lies of the Atlantic Council which is profiting off of deal made in Ukraine.

Telling people that Trump is looking into crap that is not there? How dishonest. It's awful.
Lately the Democratic party and "left" wing media has been used for the purposes of rabble rousing, inciting violence, and perpetuating misinformation to the uneducated Demographic.

This could give as a good case for repealing the First Amendment, or using the state's power to shut down Democratic media, including social media which incites violence and anarchy.

In practice, I don't think it would be too easy to do - the government could simply shut down TV and radio such as the Colbert Report, NPR, as well as social media outlets such as YouTube channels which incite violence, hatred, and immorality in the lowest common denominator.

In practice, most of their "rights" are imaginary anyway, and are merely fed to them via their misinformation outlets by rabble rousers - simply shut them all down, and remind the Democratic party and it's mouth-breading demographic of their rightful place under the state's hierarchy.

As an example, anyone who uses the term "white supremacist", "Nazi", or "fascist" could be profiled by the FBI and the CIA, given that anarchist groups have abused this term. (Much as how actual white supremacy groups may be being monitored as well).

In my view they no longer qualify as legitimate press and are only in it for the money so they should have no protection under the 1st amendment.
NPR and PBS, at a minimum, need to have their funding from taxpayers ceased. These entities generate millions from donations. Taking taxpayer money for Left Wing propaganda is an insult.
They give the most even handed reporting of the news, with the least disrespect of the President, of any of the major news outlets. They have a left leaning slant in the issues they choose to cover, but I have never heard a single one of them foaming at the mouth about the President or Republicans, not even their guests.
You would be shooting the wrong folks here.

They're noncommercial media, which means they have no incentive to milk ratings for ad revenues, which in turn means they don't need to hype stories with emotional booga-booga. That's the difference between one outlet laying out simple facts and another one going "SLUT! SLUT! SLUT!".


They are mouth piece for the CFR, the Anglo-American alliance, and global capitalists everywhere.

Apparently you don't pay attention to the foundations that support their work.

I can't believe you are utterly this dumb.

They serve the interests of the richest of the one percent.
NPR and PBS, at a minimum, need to have their funding from taxpayers ceased. These entities generate millions from donations. Taking taxpayer money for Left Wing propaganda is an insult.
They give the most even handed reporting of the news, with the least disrespect of the President, of any of the major news outlets. They have a left leaning slant in the issues they choose to cover, but I have never heard a single one of them foaming at the mouth about the President or Republicans, not even their guests.
You would be shooting the wrong folks here.

They're noncommercial media, which means they have no incentive to milk ratings for ad revenues, which in turn means they don't need to hype stories with emotional booga-booga. That's the difference between one outlet laying out simple facts and another one going "SLUT! SLUT! SLUT!".


They are mouth piece for the CFR, the Anglo-American alliance, and global capitalists everywhere.

Apparently you don't pay attention to the foundations that support their work.

I can't believe you are utterly this dumb.

They serve the interests of the richest of the one percent.
What's the "CFR," Mr. Beale?
As far as me, I don't respect scum who prey on or lie to others, regardless of race, religion, or sex. That includes the critical theorists, and their misinformation and propaganda.

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