Should We Take Back Former ISIS US Citizens?

Under What Conditions Should we allow former ISIS members to return to the USA?

  • Only if we remove a finger or two

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  • I dunno, whassa matter?

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Upstairs, jammed into two cells with little sunlight, are more than 150 children — ages roughly 9 to 14 — from a range of countries. Their parents brought them to Syria and ended up dead or detained. The children have been here for months and have no idea where their relatives are or what the future holds.

How many of those parents did we kill?


Does it matter?

Absolutely. You sound like Hillary.
Upstairs, jammed into two cells with little sunlight, are more than 150 children — ages roughly 9 to 14 — from a range of countries. Their parents brought them to Syria and ended up dead or detained. The children have been here for months and have no idea where their relatives are or what the future holds.

How many of those parents did we kill?


Does it matter?

Absolutely. You sound like Hillary.

How exactly does it matter how many we killed, how many were killed by others, how many children were simply abandoned? It doesn't CHANGE the problem.
OK; one caveat...if a victim of forced marriage and defilement. But if willing partners then hell no!!!

------------------------------------------------------------ to heck will all classes of traiitors . The mothers will end up be 'public school teachers' and their muslim kids will be students in USA / Western Schools influencing American and Western kids . Really not a problem as my kids were growed up 30 years ago . Anyway , if TRUMP and POMPEO stick to their guns then all will be ok till a DEM gets in .
OK; one caveat...if a victim of forced marriage and defilement. But if willing partners then hell no!!!

---------------------------------------------------- how will the whores and those of disrepute prove anything . [chuckle]
Upstairs, jammed into two cells with little sunlight, are more than 150 children — ages roughly 9 to 14 — from a range of countries. Their parents brought them to Syria and ended up dead or detained. The children have been here for months and have no idea where their relatives are or what the future holds.

How many of those parents did we kill?


Does it matter?

Absolutely. You sound like Hillary.

How exactly does it matter how many we killed, how many were killed by others, how many children were simply abandoned? It doesn't CHANGE the problem.

It doesn't fix the problem. It does change the problem. If it's a problem and it is, we should not be a part of it.
Upstairs, jammed into two cells with little sunlight, are more than 150 children — ages roughly 9 to 14 — from a range of countries. Their parents brought them to Syria and ended up dead or detained. The children have been here for months and have no idea where their relatives are or what the future holds.

How many of those parents did we kill?
-------------------------------- probably did not kill Enough of the Enemy Combatant parents P.K. .
Upstairs, jammed into two cells with little sunlight, are more than 150 children — ages roughly 9 to 14 — from a range of countries. Their parents brought them to Syria and ended up dead or detained. The children have been here for months and have no idea where their relatives are or what the future holds.

How many of those parents did we kill?


Does it matter?

Absolutely. You sound like Hillary.

How exactly does it matter how many we killed, how many were killed by others, how many children were simply abandoned? It doesn't CHANGE the problem.
---------------------------------- they will all be fine where they are Coyote .
Upstairs, jammed into two cells with little sunlight, are more than 150 children — ages roughly 9 to 14 — from a range of countries. Their parents brought them to Syria and ended up dead or detained. The children have been here for months and have no idea where their relatives are or what the future holds.

How many of those parents did we kill?


Does it matter?

Absolutely. You sound like Hillary.

How exactly does it matter how many we killed, how many were killed by others, how many children were simply abandoned? It doesn't CHANGE the problem.
---------------------------------- they will all be fine where they are Coyote .

They aren't.
Upstairs, jammed into two cells with little sunlight, are more than 150 children — ages roughly 9 to 14 — from a range of countries. Their parents brought them to Syria and ended up dead or detained. The children have been here for months and have no idea where their relatives are or what the future holds.

How many of those parents did we kill?


Does it matter?

Absolutely. You sound like Hillary.

How exactly does it matter how many we killed, how many were killed by others, how many children were simply abandoned? It doesn't CHANGE the problem.

It doesn't fix the problem. It does change the problem. If it's a problem and it is, we should not be a part of it.

You mean by continuing to kill ISIS?
Upstairs, jammed into two cells with little sunlight, are more than 150 children — ages roughly 9 to 14 — from a range of countries. Their parents brought them to Syria and ended up dead or detained. The children have been here for months and have no idea where their relatives are or what the future holds.

How many of those parents did we kill?


Does it matter?

Absolutely. You sound like Hillary.

How exactly does it matter how many we killed, how many were killed by others, how many children were simply abandoned? It doesn't CHANGE the problem.

It doesn't fix the problem. It does change the problem. If it's a problem and it is, we should not be a part of it.

You mean by continuing to kill ISIS?

We have no clue who we are killing.
Upstairs, jammed into two cells with little sunlight, are more than 150 children — ages roughly 9 to 14 — from a range of countries. Their parents brought them to Syria and ended up dead or detained. The children have been here for months and have no idea where their relatives are or what the future holds.

How many of those parents did we kill?


Does it matter?

Absolutely. You sound like Hillary.

How exactly does it matter how many we killed, how many were killed by others, how many children were simply abandoned? It doesn't CHANGE the problem.
---------------------------------- they will all be fine where they are Coyote .

They aren't.
-------------------------------------- in your opinion Coyote .

Does it matter?

Absolutely. You sound like Hillary.

How exactly does it matter how many we killed, how many were killed by others, how many children were simply abandoned? It doesn't CHANGE the problem.

It doesn't fix the problem. It does change the problem. If it's a problem and it is, we should not be a part of it.

You mean by continuing to kill ISIS?

We have no clue who we are killing.
------------------------------------------ enemy Combatants are good for the kill no matter where they are found P.K..
Absolutely. You sound like Hillary.

How exactly does it matter how many we killed, how many were killed by others, how many children were simply abandoned? It doesn't CHANGE the problem.

It doesn't fix the problem. It does change the problem. If it's a problem and it is, we should not be a part of it.

You mean by continuing to kill ISIS?

We have no clue who we are killing.
------------------------------------------ enemy Combatants are good for the kill no matter where they are found P.K..

We claim no matter who we kill that they were "enemy combatants". One can never be an "enemy combatant" protecting their own country at that.
If they are killed by AMERICAN Military they are dead 'enemy combatants' . Ask Navy Seal Chief Galagher P.K..
ISIS was organized and funded by the CIA.

Any American citizen who joined ISIS should be taken back with no legal penalties.

After all, they were in line with our government's foreign policy towards defeating Assad in Syria. ... :cool:

There were dozens of different groups operating in that area. We had no way to know at that time, that the former group was insane, and would eventually turn into ISIS.

At the time that ISIS began international propaganda recruiting, it was well established they were nuts, and slaughtering people.

If we have no clue who we are giving arms to, maybe we shouldn't do it.

Well yes... except that people are really good at lying, if you haven't noticed. How many people get married only to find out later that the one they married is psychotic? And equally people do in fact change. The freedom fighters of the past, that fought against the tyranny, can turn into tyrants themselves later.

A classic historical example would be Castro. Castro started off as a 'freedom fighter' fighting against the evil corrupt government in Cuba. The moment he gained power, and his rebellion allies started fighting against him.... Castro brought down brutal oppression on the very people who helped put him in power.

So while I would agree with you, sometimes the solutions or correct choices, are not always obvious.

Then stay out of it.

Hard to do that sometimes. You proclaim to support human rights. You proclaim to support freedom of the people. You proclaim to support democracy, and oppose tyranny.

Then some freedom fighters ask for help, and you say 'nah go die'.... not always super easy to make that call, unless you are just posting on an internet forum somewhere.

Generally I would agree with you. I'd rather not be involved unless you can make a solid case we have invested interest.
The ones I feel awful for are the kids fathered by ISIS fighters. When communities take back the women, they refuse to take the kids. The mothers are forced to leave them if they want to return,
War is hell...............Were the women with ISIS in your last comment.........or just stuck there.
A combination I think, but mostly they were women captured by ISIS.

Captured by ISIS?

The link says:
"An American-born woman who once urged jihadists in America to "go on drivebys, and spill all of their blood,""

The women who deserted America, to go to ISIS, openly said that jihadists in America, should go on drive by (shootings) and spill their blood.

What part of that indicates any level of "poor victim captured by ISIS"?
She wants people to see ISIS as victims in order to generate sympathy for ISIS.

It's what she does.

She has been doing this sort of thing for years online.
America foments war across the globe, who has what where?

ISIS was organized and funded by the CIA.

Any American citizen who joined ISIS should be taken back with no legal penalties.

After all, they were in line with our government's foreign policy towards defeating Assad in Syria. ... :cool:

There were dozens of different groups operating in that area. We had no way to know at that time, that the former group was insane, and would eventually turn into ISIS.

At the time that ISIS began international propaganda recruiting, it was well established they were nuts, and slaughtering people.

If we have no clue who we are giving arms to, maybe we shouldn't do it.

Well yes... except that people are really good at lying, if you haven't noticed. How many people get married only to find out later that the one they married is psychotic? And equally people do in fact change. The freedom fighters of the past, that fought against the tyranny, can turn into tyrants themselves later.

A classic historical example would be Castro. Castro started off as a 'freedom fighter' fighting against the evil corrupt government in Cuba. The moment he gained power, and his rebellion allies started fighting against him.... Castro brought down brutal oppression on the very people who helped put him in power.

So while I would agree with you, sometimes the solutions or correct choices, are not always obvious.

Then stay out of it.

Hard to do that sometimes. You proclaim to support human rights. You proclaim to support freedom of the people. You proclaim to support democracy, and oppose tyranny.

Then some freedom fighters ask for help, and you say 'nah go die'.... not always super easy to make that call, unless you are just posting on an internet forum somewhere.

Generally I would agree with you. I'd rather not be involved unless you can make a solid case we have invested interest.

That hasn't happened for decades.
ISIS was organized and funded by the CIA.

Any American citizen who joined ISIS should be taken back with no legal penalties.

After all, they were in line with our government's foreign policy towards defeating Assad in Syria. ... :cool:

There were dozens of different groups operating in that area. We had no way to know at that time, that the former group was insane, and would eventually turn into ISIS.

At the time that ISIS began international propaganda recruiting, it was well established they were nuts, and slaughtering people.

If we have no clue who we are giving arms to, maybe we shouldn't do it.

Well yes... except that people are really good at lying, if you haven't noticed. How many people get married only to find out later that the one they married is psychotic? And equally people do in fact change. The freedom fighters of the past, that fought against the tyranny, can turn into tyrants themselves later.

A classic historical example would be Castro. Castro started off as a 'freedom fighter' fighting against the evil corrupt government in Cuba. The moment he gained power, and his rebellion allies started fighting against him.... Castro brought down brutal oppression on the very people who helped put him in power.

So while I would agree with you, sometimes the solutions or correct choices, are not always obvious.

Then stay out of it.

Hard to do that sometimes. You proclaim to support human rights. You proclaim to support freedom of the people. You proclaim to support democracy, and oppose tyranny.

Then some freedom fighters ask for help, and you say 'nah go die'.... not always super easy to make that call, unless you are just posting on an internet forum somewhere.

Generally I would agree with you. I'd rather not be involved unless you can make a solid case we have invested interest.
------------------------------------------- to heck with the entire crew . mothers . whore and widdle ' jihadis '. They did try to murder Americans .
I think we should if they denounce ISIS, face court procedings for joining a terrorist organization, do their time and show no criminal activity, I would say take them back but keep an eye on them.

Any other opinions? Please do the poll.

U.S.-born ISIS bride thinks she 'deserves a second chance'
We should, only after all of the members of ISIS are captured or dead. But meanwhile while she is over there. That she can spy on ISIS and let the U.S. military know what she has learned. She can be another Mata Hari. Even though, she was caught double dipping. But if any of our raid attempts fails behind her. Then she cannot ever come back. and so let her work as a spy for the U.S. in order to regain her citizenship.
I think we should if they denounce ISIS, face court procedings for joining a terrorist organization, do their time and show no criminal activity, I would say take them back but keep an eye on them.

Any other opinions? Please do the poll.

U.S.-born ISIS bride thinks she 'deserves a second chance'

If they are US citizens we take them back regardless because they are are ours.

They can then face legal and criminal charges here.

The penalty upon conviction should be death by lethal injection.

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