CDZ Should Whoopi have been suspended for her free speech?

What if someone comments about slavery and says it's about "man's inhumanity to man", how well would that go over? Would Whoopi say that about slavery? I doubt it. It's like saying it's no big deal, happens all the time. It's marginalizing the extermination of 6 million Jews, what difference does it make what color they all were? Consider this:

In his new book, “Legacy: A Genetic History of the Jewish People,” Harry Ostrer, a medical geneticist and professor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, claims that Jews are different, and the differences are not just skin deep. Jews exhibit, he writes, a distinctive genetic signature. Considering that the Nazis tried to exterminate Jews based on their supposed racial distinctiveness, such a conclusion might be a cause for concern. But Ostrer sees it as central to Jewish identity.

“Who is a Jew?” has been a poignant question for Jews throughout our history. It evokes a complex tapestry of Jewish identity made up of different strains of religious beliefs, cultural practices and blood ties to ancient Palestine and modern Israel. But the question, with its echoes of genetic determinism, also has a dark side.

Geneticists have long been aware that certain diseases, from breast cancer to Tay-Sachs, disproportionately affect Jews. Ostrer, who is also director of genetic and genomic testing at Montefiore Medical Center, goes further, maintaining that Jews are a homogeneous group with all the scientific trappings of what we used to call a “race.”

So was it about race? Maybe, maybe not but it sure as hell was a chicken-shit thing to say and is indicative of the contempt the democrats have for Jewish people. And that is why Whoopie deserved to be suspended.

Basically Jews can't even agree on who is a Jew and who isn't, and then they will shift semantics around to whatever suits their particular argument. I use the religious test,which means I also include Da Evul Xians as Jewish, and in fact are more 'Jewish' than most claiming to be atheist Jews; of course many of the Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox Jews are more like Nazis in their 'Master Race' mythology and prefer family genealogies and genetic tests, they follow Ezra's attempt at defining Jews as a race unto themselves, others vary, with secular Jews claiming it's a 'culture' not a race, except when it's convenient to be one when the kids are getting married or they need a new Rabbi, then they want to know the spouse's and the Rabbi's bloodlines; are they from the correct tribe? Catholics and others do the some thing re religion, but not so much the racial backgrounds any more, as in Irish versus German etc.

Then there is the whole Sephardic versus Ashkenazi thing going on, and in the U.S. the German Jews versus the eastern European Jews and separate Synagogues for those back in the day; that is still around too, at least in New York City, where German Jews will still discriminate against Polish Jews re admissions into building Co-ops like 740 Park as late as the 1990's, and Sepharidics are still discriminated against in Israel today. The point is if they cant make up their minds among themselves, then they shouldn't snivel about anybody else. They want to identify as a separate people then they can't complain about 'prejudice n stuff', since they are themselves discriminating.

I grew up with friends whose fathers wouldn't let them join our Boy Scout Troop because it met in the local Catholic Church and had Catholics in it; they had to join a Troop in the next town over that met in a Methodist Church. They were Baptists, but I guess the taint of Methodism was less dire than Catholicism or something.
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Basically Jews can't even agree on who is a Jew and who isn't, and then they will shift semantics around to whatever suits their particular argument. I use the religious test,which means I also include Da Evul Xians as Jewish, and in fact are more 'Jewish' than most claiming to be atheist Jews; of course many of the Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox Jews are more like Nazis in their 'Master Race' mythology and prefer family genealogies and genetic tests, they follow Ezra's attempt at defining Jews as a race unto themselves, others vary, with secular Jews claiming it's a 'culture' not a race, except when it's convenient to be one when the kids are getting married or they need a new Rabbi, then they want to know the spouse's and the Rabbi's bloodlines; are they from the correct tribe? Catholics and others do the some thing re religion, but not so much the racial backgrounds any more, as in Irish versus German etc.

Then there is the whole Sephardic versus Ashkenazi thing going on, and in the U.S. the German Jews versus the eastern European Jews and separate Synagogues for those back in the day; that is still around too, at least in New York City, where German Jews will still discriminate against Polish Jews re admissions into building Co-ops like 740 Park as late as the 1990's, and Sepharidics are still discriminated against in Israel today. The point is if they cant make up their minds among themselves, then they shouldn't snivel about anybody else. They want to identify as a separate people then they can't complain about 'prejudice n stuff', since they are themselves discriminating.

I grew up with friends whose fathers wouldn't let them join our Boy Scout Troop because it met in the local Catholic Church and had Catholics in it; they had to join a Troop in the next town over that met in a Methodist Church. They were Baptists, but I guess the taint of Methodism was less dire than Catholicism or something.
People have to believe in who has a better version of everything. Christianity is an example. however, when things are pushed to curtail or improve things, what is the size of government at all levels? If the total tax bite is several percent many decades ago and then adding taxes up it is over 50% with hidden taxes, fees and fines how much civility are we getting for the price? Because by prog standards alone we are far from pure civility and utopia.
how much civility are we getting for the price?

Yes, this is the crux of the matter, not getting what people think is being paid for. Both the left and the right fail at that game; I don't see a difference between losing 50% to failing govt. or my employer holding my wages down 75% because they can. It's the little people who pay for all of it. Screw them and you eventually screw yourself or your children. If the right thinks only winning elections against total left wing nutjob Parties by 2%-5% is fine, then they can't snivel when they lose by the same margins. Of course the commies should be losing by landslides, but there is no center Party around, and right wingers couldn't be bothered to practice what they preach when they got in office, so no pity for them. They wanted Social Darwinism, and they got it, they just don't understand they got exactly that.
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Whoopi Goldberg was suspended from "The View" TV show over her Holocaust comments: that it was not about "race", but it was about "man's inhumanity to man" and that both groups of people (Nazis & Jews) were white.

Was she wrong? If so, why?
Even if she was mistaken, why suspend her for her comments, especially since she apologized & corrected/clarified her statements?

Personally, I believe she was not completely wrong, and she definitely should not have been suspended.
No .....but they are her allies .her and every asswhore fake centrist deserves what's coming to them
Whoopi Goldberg was suspended from "The View" TV show over her Holocaust comments: that it was not about "race", but it was about "man's inhumanity to man" and that both groups of people (Nazis & Jews) were white.

Was she wrong? If so, why?
Even if she was mistaken, why suspend her for her comments, especially since she apologized & corrected/clarified her statements?

Personally, I believe she was not completely wrong, and she definitely should not have been suspended.
She was dead wrong. Her apology seemed genuine. I am sorry that she was suspended. Frankly, I want her and the other far-left liberals to talk as much as possible.

Whoopi Goldberg was suspended from "The View" TV show over her Holocaust comments: that it was not about "race", but it was about "man's inhumanity to man" and that both groups of people (Nazis & Jews) were white.

Was she wrong? If so, why?
Even if she was mistaken, why suspend her for her comments, especially since she apologized & corrected/clarified her statements?

Personally, I believe she was not completely wrong, and she definitely should not have been suspended.
The Left made the rules.
Call me when Trump is not censored.
The label, Jewish doesn't really identify a race or a religion it's more a cultural thing.

So technically Whoopie wasn't wrong but I do enjoy that she had to take a dose of her own medicine.
Was she wrong? If so, why?
Even if she was mistaken, why suspend her for her comments, especially since she apologized & corrected/clarified her statements?
I have not been able to find anything she said to be inaccurate. It is nice to see her experience cancel culture.

She was only suspended because that's the social/cultural environment that has been artificially created, nurtured and enforced.

Cancel Culture is just habit now, across the political spectrum. Self-inflicted wound. As usual.
True, but Whoopie only got a slap on the wrist. She hasn't been destroyed the way that many others have been by cancel culture.
Exactly! She wasn't dismissing the holocaust, she was very awkwardly trying to say it COULDN'T be racism because Jews are "White".

I felt like she was downplaying the Holocaust at least, which had to be something of a slap in the face to many Jews. The idea that only blacks or people of color can be the victims of racism is IMHO a load of crap.
When you live by the cancel culture sword you can also die by it. I don’t believe she was right about her holocaust comment nor do I think she should have been suspended over it. Freedom of speech does not apply only to speech we agree with does not matter if it’s Whoopi Goldberg or Joe Rogan.
The levels of ignorance on display here are deeply disturbing. So disturbing that they require some serious reflection. How is it possible that a 66-year-old supposedly switched-on cultural mover and shaker in 21st-century America is not aware that the Holocaust was an act of racial extermination?

That the Nazis were obsessed with race? That the beginning of the Holocaust was the passing of the Nuremberg race laws in which Jews were defined as ‘enemies of the race-based state’? That the founding belief of the Nazis was that Aryans enjoyed racial supremacy and that the state had a responsibility to protect this superior race from any form of pollution by the Jewish race? That the law of Nazi Germany upheld the ‘purity of German blood’ and the isolation and suppression of the pollutant Jews?

That Hitler threatened in 1939 to bring about ‘the annihilation of the Jewish race’? And, of course, that the Nazis very nearly achieved this deranged racial plan with their murder of six million Jews?

Whoopi Goldberg was suspended from "The View" TV show over her Holocaust comments: that it was not about "race", but it was about "man's inhumanity to man" and that both groups of people (Nazis & Jews) were white.

Was she wrong? If so, why?
Even if she was mistaken, why suspend her for her comments, especially since she apologized & corrected/clarified her statements?

Personally, I believe she was not completely wrong, and she definitely should not have been suspended.

It depends on what the frame of the question is...

Should she have been suspended by leftist standards? Yes... but moreso, she should have been fired.

Should she have been suspended by Conservative standards? No, not at all.

Only one side is doing the modern day book-burning. That's the left.
Please tell us w
Whoopi Goldberg was suspended from "The View" TV show over her Holocaust comments: that it was not about "race", but it was about "man's inhumanity to man" and that both groups of people (Nazis & Jews) were white.

Was she wrong? If so, why?
Even if she was mistaken, why suspend her for her comments, especially since she apologized & corrected/clarified her statements?

Personally, I believe she was not completely wrong, and she definitely should not have been suspended.
Please tell us why she was not completely wrong . What she did in fact was to deny Hitler’s goal which was the killing of every single Jewish person . It was not just “ Man’s inhumanity to man” I refuse to believe she never heard of Hitler’s Mein Kampf, The Final Solution or The diary of Ann Frank

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