Shouldn’t Kamala Harris be Indicted for Encouraging BLM riots?

did that protest morph into riot and vandalism?
why does it have to be specfically just the one protest? There were many for that reason that did erupt in death, destruction and mayhem. What did she do about it? She expressed support and is the VP. She knows that people are going to listen to her and assume she supports them when she expresses said support then is silent when they turn violent. Is TRUMP! to be held blameless because he called for peaceful protest then didn't say anything for a while after the violence started? I've heard no.
Did you see George Floyd’s brother Terrence Floyd speak at a press conference shortly after his brother was killed.

See my post nf.21.03.14 #450

Can you answer a question? Did Terrance Floyd have the right to peaceably assemble with others to protest the 8 minute 48 second suffocation death of his brother by a police officer?

TOPLINE George Floyd’s younger brother Terrence Floyd urged protesters in Minneapolis on Monday to protest peacefully and to vote in the wake of violent demonstrations that have gripped the city since his brother’s death.

George Floyd’s Brother Calls For Peaceful Protests, Political Action

Trump had the right to call his supporters to peaceably assemble at Capitol Hill to protest the certification of the winner of the election because it was not him.

“If I’m not over here blowing up stuff, messing up my community, what are y’all doing? Y’all doing nothing. Because that’s not going to bring my brother back at all,” Floyd said at the site where his brother died after a police officer knelt on his neck last Monday.

Floyd told the crowd that his family is peaceful and argued that violence doesn’t accomplish the change demonstrators are seeking.

“Let’s do this another way,” Floyd proposed. “Let’s stop thinking our voice don’t matter. Vote. Educate yourself and know who you’re voting for. That’s how we’re gonna hit them.”

Floyd concluded by saying, “I know my brother would not want violence,” imploring the crowd “let’s do this peacefully, please.”
is Terrence Floyd or Donald Trump responsible for outbreaks of violence that breakout in the vicinity of the called peaceful protest.
Too bad the thugs didn't listen to him.

Shouldn’t Kamala Harris be Indicted for Encouraging BLM riots?​

OF COURSE, if you could find one republican AG out there who actually had a backbone and a set of balls and the will. Reminds me of the Revolutionary War, where the GOP fights like 18th century french soldiers by strict rules of decorum lining up on the field in plain sight taking shots while the democrats fight like terrorists taking them out like fish in a barrel lobbing bombs from the bushes and setting clever traps.

While the democrats are fighting a 21st century brush war using cunning and creativity, the GOP still think the game is muskets and bayonets at 20 paces.
why does it have to be specfically just the one protest? There were many for that reason that did erupt in death, destruction and mayhem. What did she do about it? She expressed support and is the VP. She knows that people are going to listen to her and assume she supports them when she expresses said support then is silent when they turn violent. Is TRUMP! to be held blameless because he called for peaceful protest then didn't say anything for a while after the violence started? I've heard no.
I agree that the jerkess did not come out against riot, vandalism and murder, BUT I am
not sure a case can be made that she actually---ENCOURAGED it
why does it have to be specfically just the one protest?
Jan6 protest and separate riot was part of a broad nationwide conspiracy involving the president of the United States to overturn the election for a second term that he lost. The criminal enterprise had that very same objective that was to delay the certification of the electors on January 6, 2021 in order to cause chaos in Congress, The Courts and the streets of big cities..

The Chauvin murder riots during the summer of 2020 were spontaneous reactions by criminals who had zero ties to Kamela Harris and were exactly the opposite of beneficial violence to her causes.

Trump benefited from the violence on Jan6 because inducements charge Trump was pressing Senators to block the procedure for hours after the rioters went home..
Hey, you're the one claiming it was two different groups of people.
Pretty damn much, obviously. BLM members were mainly arrested for baloney by over aggressive cops and the charges were mainly dropped. Even during the day there are many blacks who were just pissed off and criminals basically that were triggered by attacking over aggressive policing. At night the cops were all home l o l...
I agree that the jerkess did not come out against riot, vandalism and murder, BUT I am
not sure a case can be made that she actually---ENCOURAGED it
actually the Democrats are always talking about peaceful protests and so did she, except the little clips and the BS Punditry give you the absolute wrong impression as always. Only the GOP base believes this crap to the point of violence....
Pretty damn much, obviously. BLM members were mainly arrested for baloney by over aggressive cops and the charges were mainly dropped. Even during the day there are many blacks who were just pissed off and criminals basically that were triggered by attacking over aggressive policing. At night the cops were all home l o l...
And the fantasy continues. It would seem important for the demonstrators to weed out the rioters from among them, would it not?
actually the Democrats are always talking about peaceful protests and so did she, except the little clips and the BS Punditry give you the absolute wrong impression as always. Only the GOP base believes this crap to the point of violence....

Wow. For public safety, Trump should be locked up now and bail denied.
And the fantasy continues. It would seem important for the demonstrators to weed out the rioters from among them, would it not?
They were protesting police brutality as proven by new smartphone videos all over the place, and when the police attacked them basically to arrest them for nothing, nothing to lose people get pissed and loot. The cops were a disgrace through the whole thing during the peaceful protest. And the ones at night where they just disappeared. And these people were not getting Biden or Trump Financial aid during the pandemic. The criminals I'm talking about, the rioters. And the corporate media don't ever report on that or the ridiculous giveaway to the rich tax rates or the corporate big oil big money organizations getting away with murder under GOP tax rates and loopholes. The damn country is falling apart... And the country is so dumb. Only modern one without health care for all, day care paid parental leave, cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations. You'll never hear about that in our media. I think I'm going to Thailand. My Farziga costs the insurance$2800 a month and in Thailand you can buy it for $1.80 a pill so $50 a month. All you get in the United States is you get to get on the big oil big pharma treadmill. Everyone is trapped that needs health care that's for sure.... Health care is such a mess if I want to travel I have to go to Thailand LOL, here medicare and insurance all freak out if you try and move around. Pure GOP treadmill to hell.
Sorry we go by the law and our fine public servants of all kinds in this country, brainwashed functional moron.... There is an epidemic of criminals running for president....

So you don't want Trump locked up?
You are leaving out a few facts.

Trump did not encourage his followers to peacefully protest. That word appeared one time, in a multi-page speech full of incendiary language, certainly NOT emphasized…. and hours later, after watching it play out, he reluctantly, under pressure, tweeted.

Your attempt to link Harris to the violence of the rioters is laughably week. She encouraged people to donate to the Minnesota Freedom Fund which pays for bail and immigrations bonds for Minnesotans who can’t afford it.

What she said about protests has been clipped out of context a dead in response to a specific question, not about rioting, looting etc.

She also said:
“It’s no wonder people are taking to the streets and I support them. We must always defend peaceful protest and peaceful protestors. We should not confuse them with those looting and committing acts of violence, including the shooter who was arrested for murder. And make no mistake, we will not let these vigilantes and extremists derail the path to justice.”

Just wondering…where is her mob of supporters?

The lying bitch is lying through her lying teeth.

What she really meant is "we will not allow these terrorists to interfere with our plan to get Trump".
Dec 8, 2020
tssm.20.12.08 #209

You a MAGA devotee saw a SCOTUS ruling on December 8 2020 against Trump as representing law and order in this country.

Trump sees himself above law and order and conducted himself practically criminally insane in public while internally conspiring with many internally to reject the will of the people that was upheld by the USSC including his three picks who wanted no part of his sore loser insanity.

Why are you defending him now with your fraudulent whataboutism against Harris?

Does MAGA as a cult have that much power over your mind? How does Trump control your mind the way he does. Are you into being saved by a messiah in your religion and politics? What is it?

nf.23.08.16 #166

See, you got it all wrong. I can’t believe that, in your dive into my post history, you didn’t see that, I’m not a trump supporter, let alone any kind of “maga devotee”. I would have thought if you read my post history, you would see that.

I vote for the party not the person. My arguments here are based on the hate and rhetoric that I see coming from the left. So, what you see in my posts is not “pro trump” it’s “anti leftist”.
They were protesting police brutality as proven by new smartphone videos all over the place, and when the police attacked them basically to arrest them for nothing, nothing to lose people get pissed and loot. The cops were a disgrace through the whole thing during the peaceful protest. And the ones at night where they just disappeared. And these people were not getting Biden or Trump Financial aid during the pandemic. The criminals I'm talking about, the rioters. And the corporate media don't ever report on that or the ridiculous giveaway to the rich tax rates or the corporate big oil big money organizations getting away with murder under GOP tax rates and loopholes. The damn country is falling apart... And the country is so dumb. Only modern one without health care for all, day care paid parental leave, cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations. You'll never hear about that in our media. I think I'm going to Thailand. My Farziga costs the insurance$2800 a month and in Thailand you can buy it for $1.80 a pill so $50 a month. All you get in the United States is you get to get on the big oil big pharma treadmill. Everyone is trapped that needs health care that's for sure.... Health care is such a mess if I want to travel I have to go to Thailand LOL, here medicare and insurance all freak out if you try and move around. Pure GOP treadmill to hell.
Boy, let's see if we can untangle that mess. It's worse than usual. You start with making the rioters victims who were forced into rioting because they were being arrested for nothing at all. That's strange statement one. Then you go off into a rant about "Trump financial aid"? What the heck is that? Then, OF COURSE, you have to roll into your pet peeve about the media that doesn't give you the echo chamber you so desperately want the whole world to be forced into, and don't forget tax rates, you really hate tax rates that don't punish people you want punished, and corporations. Then an inevitable screed about healthcare and Thailand. Wow, it's amazing you can even keep all that straight, or do you?

All that in a thread about something completely different.
Seriously? Did you even see the BLM RIOTS?
Day or night? There's a big difference. I saw everything including the cops going nuts and arresting thousands of BLM who were only protesting and then starting big fights and finally tear gas Etcetera- that was when some people looted and rioted- at night there were no cops... god knows who they were but I say and reality says they weren't BLM riots. And to tell you the truth I don't give a damn at this point, what about your party and your orange clown president complaining about election fraud they knew did not happen and setting brainwashed functional moron idiots to attack the capital. Don't Care if he said be peaceful once among an hour of speeches calling on them to fight and be strong and be tough and all the other BS. Plus he knew about the Oath keepers et cetera and told them to show up. Give me a break, you people are brainwashed functional morons and the worst voters in the world by far.... Everything you know is wrong. And Anti American divisive racist BS. What Murdoch does everywhere and why he was thrown out of Australia and the UK.... He should go to hell immediately along with the Orange Dingbat. Who I found amusing until this baloney....

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