Shouldn’t Kamala Harris be Indicted for Encouraging BLM riots?

You don’t remember how Hillary lied to the grieving parents on the tarmac and blamed a Christian filmmaker so as not to criticize Muslim terrorists?!

Susan Rice went on five Sunday news shows to promote the same lie.

”A bad Christian is responsible!!!“
More BS from the party of lies. They no more blamed the video than George Bush claimed Saddam Hussain was giving WMD to Bin Laden and Al Queda. They did always manage to use the two in the same paragraph, just like the Bush admin did with the WMD scare tactic. They always blamed the attack on the unfinished and unsecure consulate building on extremist who brought heavy weapons to the compound. Cairo riot was different because there are not a lot of militia's with weapons in Egypt like there are in Libya, and they attacked our embassy.
No they didn't know it was coming. Ambassador Stevens was only there overnight.

That's a lie. In the first place Stevens was stationed in Tripoli not Benghazi. There was no consulate in Benghazi. Congress had ruled no money for embassy security except for Baghdad and Kabul.
You sure post a lot of disinformation.

If you supposedly know all that, you'd know the video Hillary and Obama lied and blamed the attack on.

Ergo you're an intentional liar.

If Stevens was stationed in Tripoli, why did he die at Benghazi?


Dayum, even after being shown this, you still lie about it?? :ack-1:

Fourth, the Committee concludes that after the attacks, the early intelligence assessments and the Administration's initial public narrative on the causes and motivations for the attacks were not fully accurate. There was a stream of contradictory and conflicting intelligence that came in after the attacks. The Committee found intelligence to support CIA's initial assessment that the attacks had evolved out of a protest in Benghazi; but it also found contrary intelligence, which ultimately proved to be the correct intelligence. There was no protest. The CIA only changed its initial assessment about a protest on September 24, 2012, when closed caption television footage became available on September 18, 2012 (two days after Ambassador Susan Rice spoke), and after the FBI began publishing its interviews with U.S. officials on the ground on September 22, 2012.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

Sorry I can show you show you General Ham's testimony stating he and Panetta knew right away it was terrorists.
More BS from the party of lies. They no more blamed the video than George Bush claimed Saddam Hussain was giving WMD to Bin Laden and Al Queda. They did always manage to use the two in the same paragraph, just like the Bush admin did with the WMD scare tactic. They always blamed the attack on the unfinished and unsecure consulate building on extremist who brought heavy weapons to the compound. Cairo riot was different because there are not a lot of militia's with weapons in Egypt like there are in Libya, and they attacked our embassy.
Of COURSE they blamed the video! Susan Rice made the rounds of five news shows that Sunday repeating the lie.

The fact that you don’t know this - and in your leftist arrogance scream “Liar!!!!” when you’re informed of it - tells me that you get your news from liberal propaganda channels.
Of COURSE they blamed the video! Susan Rice made the rounds of five news shows that Sunday repeating the lie.

The fact that you don’t know this - and in your leftist arrogance scream “Liar!!!!” when you’re informed of it - tells me that you get your news from liberal propaganda channels.
Not liberal. Globalist MIC propaganda.
The 'sonofabitches' being the 'negros'? Is that right, Stormfront?

And which 'insurrection' did the Vice President 'incite'? Specifically. Both the insurrection and the evidence of incitement by VP Harris.

If you're talking about actual charges, you'll need specific claims and clear evidence. Not vague blanket accusations spread across 6 months.
You dumbass broad. You don't have a clue, do you?

This is a Banana Republic with the Democrat filth controlling the Federal government.

No way are the Democrat shitheads going to indict themselves for the insurrection.

Just like them letting Crooked Hillary off the hook because she was the Democrat filth's Presidential nominee or Potatohead's Justice Department not pursuing charges against Potatohead or anything significant to his bag boy Hunter. The whole family should be in prison for corruption and treachery against the US for monetary gain.

The Democrats did not charge anyone for the attempt coup against Trump, which was as big a travesty of justice as letting the goddamn Negroes off the hook for their destructive insurrection.

Just go fix a sandwich for somebody and not worry about things you know nothing about.
You dumbass broad. You don't have a clue, do you?

This is a Banana Republic with the Democrat filth controlling the Federal government.

No way are the Democrat shitheads going to indict themselves for the insurrection.

Just like them letting Crooked Hillary off the hook because she was the Democrat filth's Presidential nominee or Potatohead's Justice Department not pursuing charges against Potatohead or anything significant to his bag boy Hunter. The whole family should be in prison for corruption and treachery against the US for monetary gain.

The Democrats did not charge anyone for the attempt coup against Trump, which was as big a travesty of justice as letting the goddamn Negroes off the hook for their destructive insurrection.

Just go fix a sandwich for somebody and not worry about things you know nothing about.


And what specific evidence of incitement do you have against Vice President Harris, related to what specific insurrection?

If your argument had merit, you could answer both those questions. Yet they send you fleeing every time.
Sorry I can show you show you General Ham's testimony stating he and Panetta knew right away it was terrorists.

Matters not. The White House and the State Department were informed by the intelligence community, first that there were conflicting reports between it being because of the video and it being a terrorist attack, then quickly assessing it was the video, then 2 weeks later, switching back to it being a terrorist attack. If they were lying to Obama and Hillary and Rice, that doesn't change the fact that Obama and Hillary and Rice were telling America what they were being told.
Of COURSE they blamed the video! Susan Rice made the rounds of five news shows that Sunday repeating the lie.

The fact that you don’t know this - and in your leftist arrogance scream “Liar!!!!” when you’re informed of it - tells me that you get your news from liberal propaganda channels.

You're still lying...

Fourth, the Committee concludes that after the attacks, the early intelligence assessments and the Administration's initial public narrative on the causes and motivations for the attacks were not fully accurate. There was a stream of contradictory and conflicting intelligence that came in after the attacks. The Committee found intelligence to support CIA's initial assessment that the attacks had evolved out of a protest in Benghazi; but it also found contrary intelligence, which ultimately proved to be the correct intelligence. There was no protest. The CIA only changed its initial assessment about a protest on September 24, 2012, when closed caption television footage became available on September 18, 2012 (two days after Ambassador Susan Rice spoke), and after the FBI began publishing its interviews with U.S. officials on the ground on September 22, 2012.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
Nope, per General Ham

General Ham and others also reported to the committee that they readily believed the events in Benghazi to be an attack, not a protest against a YouTube video that had spun out of control. “It became pretty apparent to me, and I think to most at Africa Command pretty shortly after this attack began, that this was an attack,”

it was both DUHHH, spin meister...
I know more about Benghazi than you ever will. Per General Ham they knew that it was Terrorism that very day.

General Ham and others also reported to the committee that they readily believed the events in Benghazi to be an attack, not a protest against a YouTube video that had spun out of control. “It became pretty apparent to me, and I think to most at Africa Command pretty shortly after this attack began, that this was an attack,” General Ham said

you have an incredible knowledge of pure BS from scumbag propagandists, Super Duper. Of course it was both an attack a terrorist attack and part of the protests that were all across the Middle East at the time because of the Rush Limbaugh of the Muslim world in Cairo telling people to attack embassies because of the video DUHHHHH. any stupider you'd be a fungus, Brainwashed functional moron....
So.....anyone ever manage to figure out what Vice President Harris should be charged with?

And backed with what evidence?
Not hindsight. We now know what happened. We've known this for about the last 7 or 8 years now. Who knows why cons still spread bullshit about it?
If it wasn’t a YouTube video, why was the producer thrown in jail??

And what specific evidence of incitement do you have against Vice President Harris, related to what specific insurrection?

If your argument had merit, you could answer both those questions. Yet they send you fleeing every time.
She encouraged protestors to participate in massive BLM gatherings by helping bail them out when she knew how violent the riots were. You can’t excuse ThAT and then try to crucify President Trump for encouraging protestors as well - and specifically calling for them to be peaceful.
She encouraged protestors to participate in massive BLM gatherings by helping bail them out when she knew how violent the riots were.
Which protests, and what riot did she incite, with which statements?

If you're talking about charges, you can't be vague. It has to be specific events, specific statements, specifically inciting.

When I ask for specifics......this all kinda falls apart.
Which protests, and what riot did she incite, with which statements?

If you're talking about charges, you can't be vague. It has to be specific events, specific statements, specifically inciting.

When I ask for specifics......this all kinda falls apart.
Nope….you can’t hold Trump responsible for a riot that broke out one afternoon when Kamala encouraged participation in massive gatherings that she ALREADY knew were violent.
Nope….you can’t hold Trump responsible for a riot that broke out one afternoon when Kamala encouraged participation in massive gatherings that she ALREADY knew were violent.

So....nothing specific. You can't cite a single riot that Kamala incited. Nor present any statements she made to incite it.

Well that was easy.
Nope. BLM was protesting police brutality. Remember. Trump threw out the Taskforce for 21st Century Policing.
I remember Trump wanted to bring in the feds to help battle antifa and BLM in Portland but the left wing here squished that idea and told a bunch of lies about trump. You guys are so dishonest
Nope. BLM was protesting police brutality. Remember. Trump threw out the Taskforce for 21st Century Policing.
Nope. Trump wanted to help by sending in the feds to battle BLM and antifa in portland. You on the left just laughed that off and made up lies about it. You are disgustingly dishonest.
So....nothing specific. You can't cite a single riot that Kamala incited. Nor present any statements she made to incite it.

Well that was easy.
She said people should keep participating In violent riots, and bailed them out so they could continue to do damage. One of the thugs she bailed out went on to murder someone.

She never told them to be peaceful, the way Trump did.

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