Shouldn’t Kamala Harris be Indicted for Encouraging BLM riots?

You've been lying about the whole thing the whole time, you should just STFU about it.

No, Obama was running weapons to ISIS through Libya, but the Libyans got ahold of them for their own internal

conflicts and power struggles after Hillary toppled their power structure.

They (the weapons) were a block or 2 from that compound, and they raided that,

but they did the compound attack just out of anger at the US for what Hillary did in their country.

And the anniversary of 9/11 too.

I even know why Ghadaffi was deposed.

Nope. The Eastern tribes hated Gaddafi for 40 years. That's why Gaddafi's military and police were all foreign nationals. Gaddafi was afraid of the Libyan people.

There was no way to save Gaddafi short of a massive occupation force.
were you attempting, desperately, to make a point?

Yes, I'm saying you're too stupid to have your own ideas so you just repeat what you're told without questioning them.

I subtlety made that point by saying directly saying it. Democrats, stupid as the day is long, your party depends on it
The head guy at Benghazi - I think his name was Stevens - sent 300 emails to Hillary, begging for more security. The incompetent Sec of State ignored them all.

That's a lie. In the first place Stevens was stationed in Tripoli not Benghazi. There was no consulate in Benghazi. Congress had ruled no money for embassy security except for Baghdad and Kabul.
No they didn't know it was coming. Ambassador Stevens was only there overnight.

Yes, clearly it was an impromptu unplanned attack by 150 armed military soldiers. I can't get over how stupid Democrats are. My God you'll believe ANYTHING you're told to think by your Gods in the Democrat party.

And most stupid of all is you're begging to make your Gods filthy rich and they will make you as poor as they make us despite your voting for them and you don't see that either. Look, out the window, a birdie. Here birdie, good boy ...
That's a lie. In the first place Stevens was stationed in Tripoli not Benghazi. There was no consulate in Benghazi. Congress had ruled no money for embassy security except for Baghdad and Kabul.
So what makes what I said a lie? Stevens knew Benghazi was at the mercy of Islamic terrorists with very little defense, and sent 300 emails to Hillary asking for more security. His please went unanswered.

And then, to cover up her incompetence, she blamed a Christian filmmaker rather than the Muslim extremists who were responsible, and herself, to a lesser extent, for ignoring the please for more security.
Yes, clearly it was an impromptu unplanned attack by 150 armed military soldiers. I can't get over how stupid Democrats are. My God you'll believe ANYTHING you're told to think by your Gods in the Democrat party.

And most stupid of all is you're begging to make your Gods filthy rich and they will make you as poor as they make us despite your voting for them and you don't see that either. Look, out the window, a birdie. Here birdie, good boy ...
And she ignores the fact that she claims she never heard Hillary blame the whole thing on a Christian filmmaker not being respectful to Muslims!
So what makes what I said a lie? Stevens knew Benghazi was at the mercy of Islamic terrorists with very little defense, and sent 300 emails to Hillary asking for more security. His please went unanswered.

And then, to cover up her incompetence, she blamed a Christian filmmaker rather than the Muslim extremists who were responsible, and herself, to a lesser extent, for ignoring the please for more security.

That's a lie. Stevens spent time in Benghazi before they reopened the US embassy in Tripoli. He loved Benghazi and the people. He especially enjoys jogging there. He didn't ask for more security in Benghazi because there was no consulate there. He did ask for more security in Tripoli because they were short two people, but Congress had already ruled against more security.
Actually that was because Hillary assassinated the leader of their country, it devolved into chaos , and the

US was running weapons out of Benghazi that Muslim terrorists wanted, as well as manifesting some

hate against the US for what Hillary did.

No Stupor Duper, that was the story (lie) put out by the Obama White House mere days before the 2012 election.

So why were there protests all over the Middle East at the same time, Super Dupe Ignoramus? As always you know nothing factual about any situation....
And she ignores the fact that she claims she never heard Hillary blame the whole thing on a Christian filmmaker not being respectful to Muslims!
Sorry about reality, ignoramus. The leading radio troublemaker of the Muslim world told people to go out and attack American embassies because of that video, and as you know lies mean more than fact for idiots and ignoramuses like the Muslim world and the GOP base...
So what? It was a lie to make Christians look bad and to protect Muslims from looking like savage terrorists.

12, a "Sam Bacile",[11] who was later identified as Nakoula, posted English-language promotional trailers for Innocence of Muslims on YouTube. The videos were later dubbed into Arabic and posted on the Internet in September 2012. Demonstrations and violent protests against the video broke out on September 11 in Egypt and spread to other Arab and Muslim countries and some western countries. These protests led to more than 50 deaths and hundreds of injuries.[12][13]

On September 27, 2012, U.S. federal authorities stated that Nakoula had been arrested in Los Angeles and charged with violating terms of his probation. Prosecutors stated that the violations included making false statements regarding his role in the film and his use of the alias "Sam Bacile".[5]

On November 7, 2012, Nakoula pleaded guilty to four of the charges against him and was sentenced to one year in prison and four years of supervised release.[14][15]
You've been lying about the whole thing the whole time, you should just STFU about it.

No, Obama was running weapons to ISIS through Libya, but the Libyans got ahold of them for their own internal

conflicts and power struggles after Hillary toppled their power structure.

They (the weapons) were a block or 2 from that compound, and they raided that,

but they did the compound attack just out of anger at the US for what Hillary did in their country.

And the anniversary of 9/11 too.

I even know why Ghadaffi was deposed.
12, a "Sam Bacile",[11] who was later identified as Nakoula, posted English-language promotional trailers for Innocence of Muslims on YouTube. The videos were later dubbed into Arabic and posted on the Internet in September 2012. Demonstrations and violent protests against the video broke out on September 11 in Egypt and spread to other Arab and Muslim countries and some western countries. These protests led to more than 50 deaths and hundreds of injuries.[12][13]

On September 27, 2012, U.S. federal authorities stated that Nakoula had been arrested in Los Angeles and charged with violating terms of his probation. Prosecutors stated that the violations included making false statements regarding his role in the film and his use of the alias "Sam Bacile".[5]

On November 7, 2012, Nakoula pleaded guilty to four of the charges against him and was sentenced to one year in prison and four years of supervised release.[14][15]
It was their protest, but it was not their riots for the billionth time, super Duper.... The BLM question is a difficult one and you have to read the lines between all the news from real journalists to figure it out. The supposedly Democratic propaganda CNN etc are actually corporate news and you'll never hear such from CNN etc. Unlike your crap, CNNABC france 24 Etcetera Etcetera are in the real world, but they are also corporate news.... They don't talk about how ridiculous our giveaway to the rich tax rates or even that Fox is a total piece of crap....

Besides this point or two, I always back up everything with respectable links unlike your crap... BLM riots my rear end, black riots for good reasons, Smartphone videos of police brutality and murders That somehow you missed l o l.... But of course we are for peaceful protests, the violence never helps... Especially with corporate news which is basically all you get from major outlets. And the worst of course is English speaking media which can't tell the difference between communism and socialism that old saw.... National socialism and Soviet socialism are not socialism and they are the worst liars in the world along with the GOP of today.

Sorry but you're full of shyte. You never back anything up, you simply the claim that EVERY "responsible" journalist agrees with you about everything. You're just another run of the mill liar.
And she ignores the fact that she claims she never heard Hillary blame the whole thing on a Christian filmmaker not being respectful to Muslims!

True, that is above surada 's level. She's just told what to think, she's not authorized to question, so she doesn't

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