Shouldn’t Kamala Harris be Indicted for Encouraging BLM riots?

It's all fake and drummed up by the Democrats.

The documents they found in Trump's residence....were fake? The testimony of Trump's own lawyer admitting that Trump tried to convince him to lie to authorities....was fake? The recording of Trump admitting that that the secret docs he was showing off had never been declassified.....was fake?

The conspiracy you're describing is absolutely vast spanning years, both parties and hundreds if not thousands of co-conspirators all working in perfect secrecy. There's a much simpler explanation:

Trump is crooked.

Matches all the evidence and doesn't require something as complicated as your vast international conspiracy.
This persecution has never happened before in the history of the United States. It's not hard for the Democrats to find a bunch of dishonest people to run their circles, that's exactly what is happening. You are a fool.

Alleged crimes of this magnitude have never been committed by an ex-president.

I mean, forged election documents for the purpose of overturning a lawful election? Using an attack on the capitol by Trump's own supporters to try and obstruct an official proceeding and prevent the peaceful passage of power? Obstruction of justice, lying to authorities, willfully retaining defense docs, showing them to random people, conspiracy, fraud, forgery?

Trump's been busy.

And I trust the evidence way more than I trust you. As did the grand juries. All 4 of them.
Kamala might be if she was a Trump supporting Republican and said Trump supporters should protest the 2020 election. However she is a Democrat and it is obvious the rules are different for Democrats.

None of Trump's supporters were charged with incitement to riot. So you're going to need new imaginary charges to make up 'if she was a Trump supporter'.
The documents they found in Trump's residence....were fake? The testimony of Trump's own lawyer admitting that Trump tried to convince him to lie to authorities....was fake? The recording of Trump admitting that that the secret docs he was showing off had never been declassified.....was fake?

The conspiracy you're describing is absolutely vast spanning years, both parties and hundreds if not thousands of co-conspirators all working in perfect secrecy. There's a much simpler explanation:

Trump is crooked.

Matches all the evidence and doesn't require something as complicated as your vast international conspiracy.

Alleged crimes of this magnitude have never been committed by an ex-president.

I mean, forged election documents for the purpose of overturning a lawful election? Using an attack on the capitol by Trump's own supporters to try and obstruct an official proceeding and prevent the peaceful passage of power? Obstruction of justice, lying to authorities, willfully retaining defense docs, showing them to random people, conspiracy, fraud, forgery?

Trump's been busy.

And I trust the evidence way more than I trust you. As did the grand juries. All 4 of them.
You trust the Democrats. Case closed, they are liars and dishonest grifters. Which of these hoaxes did you fall for?
Kamala might be if she was a Trump supporting Republican and said Trump supporters should protest the 2020 election. However she is a Democrat and it is obvious the rules are different for Democrats.
No trump supporter, nor Trump, are being indicted for their free speech....or support for the constitutional right to protest. They have been indicted for actions taken that broke U.S. CODE, broke the law.
No trump supporter, nor Trump, are being indicted for their free speech....or support for the constitutional right to protest. They have been indicted for actions taken that broke U.S. CODE, broke the law.

Yup. They're gonna have a hard time arguing that forged election documents were 'free speech'.
No trump supporter, nor Trump, are being indicted for their free speech....or support for the constitutional right to protest. They have been indicted for actions taken that broke U.S. CODE, broke the law.
If Trump is convicted we will see how these charges stand up when appealed.

The liberal media is dancing in the streets anticipating Trump being sentenced to over 100 years in prison while Joe Biden and Hunter Biden waltz away into the sunset scot-free.

That may happen. I can’t deny it. We’d do live in strange and interesting times.

There are times I feel I have accidentally walked into a parallel universe where today the really bad guys always win because the upper level of the FBI and DOJ are corrupt. I think that transfer happened during the 2000 election where the Presidential election involved things like “pregnant chads” in Florida. Things have rapidly gone downhill in this nation since then.


Trump could be convicted and the appeals would end up in the Supreme Court which leans conservative. Those changes might be thrown out which would lead the Democrats to push to stack the Supreme Court with Marxist socialists.

Trump is being charged because he thought the 2020 election was rigged. So did Hillary who helped pay for the Steele Dossier to get Trump impeached for colluding with Putin. Of course Hillary is not charged even though the Steele Document is totally discredited.

Time will tell how things work out. If Trump runs I will vote for him but I would like to see another younger, less obnoxious, candidate run. The problem is I don’t see one with the charisma to fire up supporters like Trump.
No, I didn't.

I have noticed, however, that all photographs of her are done to portray her as some kind of beauty queen. Quite amusing.
The only person I ever knew who was even minimally associated with a Black Panther was the daughter of an activist, and who invited one of them to dinner. This woman was the most anti-white racist I ever met.

I can’t even imagine the toxicity the DA was brought up with - and her indoctrination into thinking this is a massively racist country. And the irony is that given her age, she was likely the beneficiary of Affirmative Action getting into both college and law school.
The only person I ever knew who was even minimally associated with a Black Panther was the daughter of an activist, and who invited one of them to dinner. This woman was the most anti-white racist I ever met.

I can’t even imagine the toxicity the DA was brought up with - and her indoctrination into thinking this is a massively racist country. And the irony is that given her age, she was likely the beneficiary of Affirmative Action getting into both college and law school.
Of COURSE they blamed the video! Susan Rice made the rounds of five news shows that Sunday repeating the lie.

The fact that you don’t know this - and in your leftist arrogance scream “Liar!!!!” when you’re informed of it - tells me that you get your news from liberal propaganda channels.
Leftards are so full of shit the brown matter's oozing out their ears
Leftards are so full of shit the brown matter's oozing out their ears
What I wonder when they scream “liar!” over something that is common knowledge - like Hillary blaming the Islamic terror attack on a Christian video - do they KNOW they are lying, or are they really that badly misinformed?
What I wonder when they scream “liar!” over something that is common knowledge - like Hillary blaming the Islamic terror attack on a Christian video - do they KNOW they are lying, or are they really that badly misinformed?

No she didn't say they should riot. They do have the right to protest.

True----she did not use the word RIOT----she spoke very supportively of the PROTESTS----
which were actually RIOTS
What I wonder when they scream “liar!” over something that is common knowledge - like Hillary blaming the Islamic terror attack on a Christian video - do they KNOW they are lying, or are they really that badly misinformed?
It is easier to lie when the mainstream media is on your side and will go out of their way to run cover for you or bury a story.

The most important freedoms we have are freedom of speech and freedom of the press. It is a shame to see our mainstream media turned into a propaganda machine for the Democratic Party.

If it wasn’t a YouTube video, why was the producer thrown in jail??

I don't know what else to tell ya, but...

Fourth, the Committee concludes that after the attacks, the early intelligence assessments and the Administration's initial public narrative on the causes and motivations for the attacks were not fully accurate. There was a stream of contradictory and conflicting intelligence that came in after the attacks. The Committee found intelligence to support CIA's initial assessment that the attacks had evolved out of a protest in Benghazi; but it also found contrary intelligence, which ultimately proved to be the correct intelligence. There was no protest. The CIA only changed its initial assessment about a protest on September 24, 2012, when closed caption television footage became available on September 18, 2012 (two days after Ambassador Susan Rice spoke), and after the FBI began publishing its interviews with U.S. officials on the ground on September 22, 2012.

U.S. House of Representatives Permanent Select Committee on intelligence
If Trump is convicted we will see how these charges stand up when appealed.

The liberal media is dancing in the streets anticipating Trump being sentenced to over 100 years in prison while Joe Biden and Hunter Biden waltz away into the sunset scot-free.

That may happen. I can’t deny it. We’d do live in strange and interesting times.

There are times I feel I have accidentally walked into a parallel universe where today the really bad guys always win because the upper level of the FBI and DOJ are corrupt. I think that transfer happened during the 2000 election where the Presidential election involved things like “pregnant chads” in Florida. Things have rapidly gone downhill in this nation since then.

View attachment 816558

Trump could be convicted and the appeals would end up in the Supreme Court which leans conservative. Those changes might be thrown out which would lead the Democrats to push to stack the Supreme Court with Marxist socialists.

Trump is being charged because he thought the 2020 election was rigged. So did Hillary who helped pay for the Steele Dossier to get Trump impeached for colluding with Putin. Of course Hillary is not charged even though the Steele Document is totally discredited.

Time will tell how things work out. If Trump runs I will vote for him but I would like to see another younger, less obnoxious, candidate run. The problem is I don’t see one with the charisma to fire up supporters like Trump.

Not to be rude, but....

Trump is NOT being charged because he THOUGHT the 2020 election was stolen. I'm seeing with the right wing repetition of those talking points, that you all are being brainwashed by your media... much like you think us on the left are....

Please, read the indictments....his thoughts are not being charged.... He and cohorts are being charged with crimes, breaking U.S. Code, not for talking.
Not to be rude, but....

Trump is NOT being charged because he THOUGHT the 2020 election was stolen. I'm seeing with the right wing repetition of those talking points, that you all are being brainwashed by your media... much like you think us on the left are....

Please, read the indictments....his thoughts are not being charged.... He and cohorts are being charged with crimes, breaking U.S. Code, not for talking.
18 US Code 2101, dumbass.

Look it up.

Where are the federal charges?

WHERE? Where are they, leftard hypocrite?

"Shouldn’t Kamala Harris be Indicted for Encouraging BLM riots?"​

I think that would deny her free speech according to the Constitution, so I don't agree with that because nobody listens to VP Harris. She has lost the respect of both right and left people who support the Constitution for other reasons that are not related to this thread.

Just because a cabal of deep staters who lean left try their best to shut righties up, I support their freedom of speech rights, although that is not always the case of reciprocity on their part, although there are some lefties who don't follow the big brass drum of shutting other Americans up, because they respect the Constitution like I do.
Not to be rude, but....

Trump is NOT being charged because he THOUGHT the 2020 election was stolen. I'm seeing with the right wing repetition of those talking points, that you all are being brainwashed by your media... much like you think us on the left are....

Please, read the indictments....his thoughts are not being charged.... He and cohorts are being charged with crimes, breaking U.S. Code, not for talking.
I thought and still think there was major corruption in inserting votes of people who were known to not have voted, but their votes went to the loyal opposition anyhow. Most of them will never know their vote was made for them by the other party, because as nonvoters why in the world would they think someone voted for them? They'll never find out now because that information may no longer exist due to bleaching old information to process the new.

The reason I think there was major corruption was because at an old online board in the last century, I ran into a conversation of Democrat precinct chairmen bragging how many times they voted for their candidate to beat the opponent. It horrified me that precinct chairmen would brag about their dubious win if they encouraged others to do likewise or wink-winked them into voting more than once and several different precincts. It sounded like organized crime had taken the polls in the states these chairmen acted in, and I was horrified that people trusted in their states would do such a thing. I also ran into a conversation in which national DNC chairmen were organizing a no-win push for their loyal opposition. Those two incidents truly horrified me that 3rd-world country antics were being played out in the country I live in and love due to the Constitution according to my class in college that was about the U.S. Constitution that caused me to respect the very Founders who penned it and gave all Americans of voting age an equal vote to everyone else. Hearing people bragging about voting 30 or more times who ran precincts across the country was jaw-dropping to hear the first time, and that was in the late 90s. Knowing that is still disappointing, so when the information came out that votes were pushed into certain states to change the outcome of the election, I remembered my online experience of twenty years ago. :(

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