Shouldn't the West all drop the facade of the term "progressive" and just be direct and call them Communists?

The question is whether or not he's a "conservative" if he supports the extremism of Sleepy Joe.
I think W loves this country more than he loves conservatism, which only really left him with one viable option.

The Bushes haven't switched parties yet, that's sort of hypocritical IMHO.

I'd love to see JEB! do what's in his heart , become a Democrat and maybe even primary Sleepy Joe in 2024?
The question is whether or not he's a "conservative" if he supports the extremism of Sleepy Joe.
I think W loves this country more than he loves conservatism, which only really left him with one viable option.
I think W is an elitist retard

Imaging voting for someone even more elitist and even dumber like Trump?

I fully expect things to get worse.

I can even see the vacuous AOC getting elected.

People will vote whom the media and academia tell them to.

They always do.
The question is whether or not he's a "conservative" if he supports the extremism of Sleepy Joe.
I think W loves this country more than he loves conservatism, which only really left him with one viable option.

The Bushes haven't switched parties yet, that's sort of hypocritical IMHO.

I'd love to see JEB! do what's in his heart , become a Democrat and maybe even primary Sleepy Joe in 2024?
Why would they switch parties?
The question is whether or not he's a "conservative" if he supports the extremism of Sleepy Joe.
I think W loves this country more than he loves conservatism, which only really left him with one viable option.
I think W is an elitist retard

Imaging voting for someone even more elitist and even dumber like Trump?

I fully expect things to get worse.

I can even see the vacuous AOC getting elected.

People will vote whom the media and academia tell them to.

They always do.

History doesn’t move in one direction, but the experience with Obama clearly indicates that a large portion of the populace has no respect for someone who speaks with any level of intelligence.
The question is whether or not he's a "conservative" if he supports the extremism of Sleepy Joe.
I think W loves this country more than he loves conservatism, which only really left him with one viable option.
I think W is an elitist retard

Imaging voting for someone even more elitist and even dumber like Trump?

I fully expect things to get worse.

I can even see the vacuous AOC getting elected.

People will vote whom the media and academia tell them to.

They always do.

History doesn’t move in one direction, but the experience with Obama clearly indicates that a large portion of the populace has no respect for someone who speaks with any level of intelligence.

Human history is rife with slavery and oppression which does seem to move in only one direction.

In fact, there are more slaves today than at any other time in human history yet our political leaders are transfixed about slavery hundreds of years ago we can do nothing about today.
What Progressives support

Affordable healthcare for all
Low cost higher education
Clean environment
Modern Infrastructure
Fair wages

Yea......I guess that makes them Commies
Those democrat policies aren't the ones we oppose, its these:
Open Borders and lax immigration policies
Defund the police
Russia First Energy policies
Lax Military posture
The Green New Deal
Support of criminals, no bail, etc.
Reprogramed US education system: Critical Race Theory vs Traditional/Family Values
Oppose school vouchers
China First trade policies
Outsourcing jobs by taxing corporations so much they relocate
HR-1 grab for one-party rule
Make DC & PR new states taking over the US senate forever
Replacing the Electoral College with the popular vote
Totally turning the US into a socialist/failed state.
Packing the US Supreme Court with Leftists
Nice list, but which ones represent a Communist system?
The strictly commie ones are:
Reprogram US education system with Critical Race Theory, a proven commie methodology
HR-1 grab for one-party rule, the commie party
Make DC & PR new states taking over the US senate forever with leftists/commies
Replacing the Electoral College with the popular vote, commie urban voters as pre-programmed
Totally turning the US into a socialist/failed state.
Packing the US Supreme Court with Leftists/commies

They are all bad, but the voters will decide in 2022 and 2024.
Last edited:
The question is whether or not he's a "conservative" if he supports the extremism of Sleepy Joe.
I think W loves this country more than he loves conservatism, which only really left him with one viable option.

The Bushes haven't switched parties yet, that's sort of hypocritical IMHO.

I'd love to see JEB! do what's in his heart , become a Democrat and maybe even primary Sleepy Joe in 2024?
Why would they switch parties?

Because they appreciate what the D's have been doing and they agree with them?
The question is whether or not he's a "conservative" if he supports the extremism of Sleepy Joe.
I think W loves this country more than he loves conservatism, which only really left him with one viable option.
I think W is an elitist retard

Imaging voting for someone even more elitist and even dumber like Trump?

I fully expect things to get worse.

I can even see the vacuous AOC getting elected.

People will vote whom the media and academia tell them to.

They always do.

History doesn’t move in one direction, but the experience with Obama clearly indicates that a large portion of the populace has no respect for someone who speaks with any level of intelligence.

Human history is rife with slavery and oppression which does seem to move in only one direction.

In fact, there are more slaves today than at any other time in human history yet our political leaders are transfixed about slavery hundreds of years ago we can do nothing about today.

There’s plenty of reasons to care about the legacy of slavery in this country.

Makes a lot more sense to worry about our own problems than others, doesn’t it?
The question is whether or not he's a "conservative" if he supports the extremism of Sleepy Joe.
I think W loves this country more than he loves conservatism, which only really left him with one viable option.
I think W is an elitist retard

Imaging voting for someone even more elitist and even dumber like Trump?

No need to imagine it. We witnessed it just last election when 80+ million voted for Xiden.
What Progressives support

Affordable healthcare for all
Low cost higher education
Clean environment
Modern Infrastructure
Fair wages

Yea......I guess that makes them Commies
Those democrat policies aren't the ones we oppose, its these:
Open Borders and lax immigration policies
Defund the police
Russia First Energy policies
Lax Military posture
The Green New Deal
Support of criminals, no bail, etc.
Reprogramed US education system: Critical Race Theory vs Traditional/Family Values
Oppose school vouchers
China First trade policies
Outsourcing jobs by taxing corporations so much they relocate
HR-1 grab for one-party rule
Make DC & PR new states taking over the US senate forever
Replacing the Electoral College with the popular vote
Totally turning the US into a socialist/failed state.
Packing the US Supreme Court with Leftists
Nice list, but which ones represent a Communist system?
The strictly commie ones are:
Reprogram US education system with Critical Race Theory, a proven commie methodology
HR-1 grab for one-party rule, the commie party
Make DC & PR new states taking over the US senate forever with leftists/commies
Replacing the Electoral College with the popular vote, commie urban voters as pre-programmed
Totally turning the US into a socialist/failed state.
Packing the US Supreme Court with Leftists/commies

They are all bad, but the voters will decide in 2022 and 2024.

How is making DC and PR states Communist?
How is a popular vote Communist?
You are getting all goofy on me
What Progressives support

Affordable healthcare for all
Low cost higher education
Clean environment
Modern Infrastructure
Fair wages

Yea......I guess that makes them Commies
Those democrat policies aren't the ones we oppose, its these:
Open Borders and lax immigration policies
Defund the police
Russia First Energy policies
Lax Military posture
The Green New Deal
Support of criminals, no bail, etc.
Reprogramed US education system: Critical Race Theory vs Traditional/Family Values
Oppose school vouchers
China First trade policies
Outsourcing jobs by taxing corporations so much they relocate
HR-1 grab for one-party rule
Make DC & PR new states taking over the US senate forever
Replacing the Electoral College with the popular vote
Totally turning the US into a socialist/failed state.
Packing the US Supreme Court with Leftists
Nice list, but which ones represent a Communist system?
The strictly commie ones are:
Reprogram US education system with Critical Race Theory, a proven commie methodology
HR-1 grab for one-party rule, the commie party
Make DC & PR new states taking over the US senate forever with leftists/commies
Replacing the Electoral College with the popular vote, commie urban voters as pre-programmed
Totally turning the US into a socialist/failed state.
Packing the US Supreme Court with Leftists/commies

They are all bad, but the voters will decide in 2022 and 2024.

How is making DC and PR states Communist?
How is a popular vote Communist?
You are getting all goofy on me
1. DC & PR are one-party "states", I call that communism
2. The popular vote is unconstitutional, its a stretch, but same result, a one-party system
Keeping two parties to ensure one party never takes control forever is a MUST.
What Progressives support

Affordable healthcare for all
Low cost higher education
Clean environment
Modern Infrastructure
Fair wages

Yea......I guess that makes them Commies
Those democrat policies aren't the ones we oppose, its these:
Open Borders and lax immigration policies
Defund the police
Russia First Energy policies
Lax Military posture
The Green New Deal
Support of criminals, no bail, etc.
Reprogramed US education system: Critical Race Theory vs Traditional/Family Values
Oppose school vouchers
China First trade policies
Outsourcing jobs by taxing corporations so much they relocate
HR-1 grab for one-party rule
Make DC & PR new states taking over the US senate forever
Replacing the Electoral College with the popular vote
Totally turning the US into a socialist/failed state.
Packing the US Supreme Court with Leftists
Nice list, but which ones represent a Communist system?
The strictly commie ones are:
Reprogram US education system with Critical Race Theory, a proven commie methodology
HR-1 grab for one-party rule, the commie party
Make DC & PR new states taking over the US senate forever with leftists/commies
Replacing the Electoral College with the popular vote, commie urban voters as pre-programmed
Totally turning the US into a socialist/failed state.
Packing the US Supreme Court with Leftists/commies

They are all bad, but the voters will decide in 2022 and 2024.

How is making DC and PR states Communist?
How is a popular vote Communist?
You are getting all goofy on me
1. DC & PR are one-party "states", I call that communism
2. The popular vote is unconstitutional, its a stretch, but same result, a one-party system
Keeping two parties to ensure one party never takes control forever is a MUST.
Is Wyoming Communist?
How about Mississippi?

Popular vote equates to one man one vote
How is the will of the people Communist?
The term progressive has reached its limit of dishonesty. Let's be honest, progressive is just another term for communist. I see very little difference in their means to expand power, in their view of the individual or businesses and the governments role in them.

I'm not referring to someone wanting to hold businesses accountable, or even higher tax brackets etc. I'm talking about the level of demand for government centralized spending and control over industries. It's as if too many in the West are really buying into (or just looking at how they can profit from, as thy do in Canada) the CCP "philosophy" as being some superior system.

At the very least, let's drop the progressive mantra. please. It's disingenuous.

Here is a funny little definition of progressivism, which tells us really nothing about it's position, but at least they offered the concept of "progressive education", which is what some are pushing for. I.E, social engineering and communism:


Definition of progressivism

1 : the principles, beliefs, or practices of progressives
2 capitalized : the political and economic doctrines advocated by the Progressives
3 : the theories of progressive education
Dems always hide things with a sugar coated label to DECIEVE. Brutal abortions relabeled 'pro choice' see how much nicer that sounds.
leftist tend to change the name of their party or movement from time to time to distance themselves from the historical horrors their policies being....death, racism, rape, poverty, etc

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