Shouldn't the West all drop the facade of the term "progressive" and just be direct and call them Communists?

The term progressive has reached its limit of dishonesty. Let's be honest, progressive is just another term for communist. I see very little difference in their means to expand power, in their view of the individual or businesses and the governments role in them.

I'm not referring to someone wanting to hold businesses accountable, or even higher tax brackets etc. I'm talking about the level of demand for government centralized spending and control over industries. It's as if too many in the West are really buying into (or just looking at how they can profit from, as thy do in Canada) the CCP "philosophy" as being some superior system.

At the very least, let's drop the progressive mantra. please. It's disingenuous.

Here is a funny little definition of progressivism, which tells us really nothing about it's position, but at least they offered the concept of "progressive education", which is what some are pushing for. I.E, social engineering and communism:


Definition of progressivism

1 : the principles, beliefs, or practices of progressives
2 capitalized : the political and economic doctrines advocated by the Progressives
3 : the theories of progressive education
Do you know what communism actually is? What is it?

And please provide examples of Democrats who want it. Feel free to start with Bernie and AOC if you wish. And get specific.

Thanks in advance.
Promises to take from the rich to give to the useful idiots, when in fact the rich are also buying off the same government so the middle class then poor class are the ones being taken from which result in food lines despite the promises. Communisms only significant difference from socialism is that communism was more jew influenced while socialism was more christian mainly catholic influenced. Both forms of government lead to misery but the ruling class and wealthy are able to amass wealth for t hemselves.
That is not communism. Holy shit.

You're on the fucking "internet". Look it up.

Fer fuck's sake.
The term progressive has reached its limit of dishonesty. Let's be honest, progressive is just another term for communist. I see very little difference in their means to expand power, in their view of the individual or businesses and the governments role in them.

I'm not referring to someone wanting to hold businesses accountable, or even higher tax brackets etc. I'm talking about the level of demand for government centralized spending and control over industries. It's as if too many in the West are really buying into (or just looking at how they can profit from, as thy do in Canada) the CCP "philosophy" as being some superior system.

At the very least, let's drop the progressive mantra. please. It's disingenuous.

Here is a funny little definition of progressivism, which tells us really nothing about it's position, but at least they offered the concept of "progressive education", which is what some are pushing for. I.E, social engineering and communism:


Definition of progressivism

1 : the principles, beliefs, or practices of progressives
2 capitalized : the political and economic doctrines advocated by the Progressives
3 : the theories of progressive education
Maybe we should drop the facade and call Trump and Trumpers Stalinist.

Let‘s look at their record:

Trump called the press the “enemy of the people.” A clear Stalinist term.
Trump praised the Communist Chinese for 70 years of commie rule.
Trump bragged he sent love letters to Kim Jong Un.
Trump and Trumpears seek to pass laws telling private enterprise what they can and cannot publish.
Trump has used the power of the presidency to surreptitiously Investigate members of Congress.
Trump has made clear his love and admiration for Putin.

These are just for starters.
Trump tried to overturn the results of a free election

Fucking COMMIE!

It is a DISPUTED election, RW. Just not proven to be a "free" election in the eyes of millions of Americans.

That's the point, and that's why the audits are so important . Give Sleepy Joe a chance to prove his legitimacy.

No it's not. It's the loser's side throwing a temper tantrum. No evidence, no court case taken, Republican and Democrat election officials saying it was fair.
No one asked Trump to prove his legitimacy seven months after the election. I don't remember any audits proceeding into 2017 and I certainly don't
remember Clinton supporters storming the Capitol. And before you start, no one cares about Russia. That didn't happen until AFTER Trump was inaugurated.
And he made all those problems himself.

Joe Biden is the legitimate President. No one except the alt-right will care about the baloney that comes out of these "shams"..erm...audits.
They have no credibility. And it won't change the outcome.

Apparently you missed the years of Mueller's fake investigation into "Collusion" or the Liberal protesters in "**** Hats " conducting insurrectionists against the Trumpster?
What Progressives support

Affordable healthcare for all
Low cost higher education
Clean environment
Modern Infrastructure
Fair wages

Yea......I guess that makes them Commies
Those democrat policies aren't the ones we oppose, its these:
Open Borders and lax immigration policies
Defund the police
Russia First Energy policies
Lax Military posture
The Green New Deal
Support of criminals, no bail, etc.
Reprogramed US education system: Critical Race Theory vs Traditional/Family Values
Oppose school vouchers
China First trade policies
Outsourcing jobs by taxing corporations so much they relocate
HR-1 grab for one-party rule
Make DC & PR new states taking over the US senate forever
Replacing the Electoral College with the popular vote
Totally turning the US into a socialist/failed state.
Packing the US Supreme Court with Leftists

These are all just a laundry list of right wing talking points. Something I'd hear from the Republican party. None of these represent communism in any form. you remember ANY communism country taking a LAX military posture?..or having a system in place where even small sections of their country are represented equally (the EC) neither. This is one of the reasons no one gets scared about the "ists" and the "ism" terms you people throw around. This is just a list of gripes.
I'm talking about the level of demand for government centralized spending and control over industries.

Where have progressives demanded the government have control over industries?

Can you provide examples or is this just more hyperbole?

There are plenty of examples, you know.

Like Sleepy Joe's massive restrictions on the oil and gas pipeline business, and his proposed new "Cafe" restrictions on auto manufacturing and other restrictions on America's tremendous Firearms Industry.

Even more than that, here in Pennsylvania, the Radical socialists in Harrisburg want to establish a new state government bureaucracy to control the Grass Business with their stupid "cannabis legalization" scheme.
Restrictions on a private business -- private businesses are a part of capitalism -- is not communism.

You people clearly don't understand what communism is.

You're on "the internet". You could learn. Why don't you?

You are moving the goalposts here. I was answering the inquiry of your friend as to

"Where have progressives demanded the government have control over industries?"

Whether someone wants to label you a "communist", "nazi" or "horse's ass" for your devotion to Sleepy Joe is their choice.
You still don’t understand Communism

Under Communism the Government controls production, wages, prices, labor

Show where anyone is doing that

Making rules for industry is not communism
Above all, Stalinists despise democracy and seek to undermine it at every opportunity. They discredit it, call it corrupt, promulgate lies about elections, seek to purge all those that disagree with them and rally around a single Individual to lead them.

Perhaps you missed it, but Liberal Icon FDR was a huge backer of Uncle Joe Stalin. Notice how they were sitting here, and Roosevelt didn't say a word about Stalin's Gulag policies? With the world watching, Yalta would have been the ideal place to call out Stalin- if you disagreed with him
The term progressive has reached its limit of dishonesty. Let's be honest, progressive is just another term for communist. I see very little difference in their means to expand power, in their view of the individual or businesses and the governments role in them.

I'm not referring to someone wanting to hold businesses accountable, or even higher tax brackets etc. I'm talking about the level of demand for government centralized spending and control over industries. It's as if too many in the West are really buying into (or just looking at how they can profit from, as thy do in Canada) the CCP "philosophy" as being some superior system.

At the very least, let's drop the progressive mantra. please. It's disingenuous.

Here is a funny little definition of progressivism, which tells us really nothing about it's position, but at least they offered the concept of "progressive education", which is what some are pushing for. I.E, social engineering and communism:


Definition of progressivism

1 : the principles, beliefs, or practices of progressives
2 capitalized : the political and economic doctrines advocated by the Progressives
3 : the theories of progressive education
We should call the self-proclaimed "conservatives", communist, they like, defend and support Putin, just like their dear leader.
They fell in love with Jong-un, just like their dear leader.

They praised and cheered for Xi Ping.

March 3 2020
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

I've heard the audio, it was clear he was joking or being facetious. It was a mix of laughter and cheer, they understood the joke he was making.

Considering how the world is moving in the West today, there are far too many who want power at all costs, it starts with centralizing a system. Trumps policies ran away from centralization of the U.S economy.
All commies lie about being commies because they know we will reject them.

SmokinOP is a commie.
I'm talking about the level of demand for government centralized spending and control over industries.

Where have progressives demanded the government have control over industries?

Can you provide examples or is this just more hyperbole?

There are plenty of examples, you know.

Like Sleepy Joe's massive restrictions on the oil and gas pipeline business, and his proposed new "Cafe" restrictions on auto manufacturing and other restrictions on America's tremendous Firearms Industry.

Even more than that, here in Pennsylvania, the Radical socialists in Harrisburg want to establish a new state government bureaucracy to control the Grass Business with their stupid "cannabis legalization" scheme.
Restrictions on a private business -- private businesses are a part of capitalism -- is not communism.

You people clearly don't understand what communism is.

You're on "the internet". You could learn. Why don't you?

You are moving the goalposts here. I was answering the inquiry of your friend as to

"Where have progressives demanded the government have control over industries?"

Whether someone wants to label you a "communist", "nazi" or "horse's ass" for your devotion to Sleepy Joe is their choice.
You still don’t understand Communism

Under Communism the Government controls production, wages, prices, labor

Show where anyone is doing that

Making rules for industry is not communism
Above all, Stalinists despise democracy and seek to undermine it at every opportunity. They discredit it, call it corrupt, promulgate lies about elections, seek to purge all those that disagree with them and rally around a single Individual to lead them.

Perhaps you missed it, but Liberal Icon FDR was a huge backer of Uncle Joe Stalin. Notice how they were sitting here, and Roosevelt didn't say a word about Stalin's Gulag policies? With the world watching, Yalta would have been the ideal place to call out Stalin- if you disagreed with him
View attachment 499924
Stalin was an ally who was doing most of the fighting and dying against Hitler
Saved hundreds of thousands of American lives

Yalta was a meeting to discuss military strategy. FDR did not bring up the Gulags, Stalin did not bring up segregation and racist US policies.
Why don't these people know what communism is?

Don't they know they could find out, pretty fucking easily?

Lack of education by Conservatives
When your only source of information is the RW Echo Chamber......this is what you get

Libs try to ban Conservatives from education, you know, RW?

Didn't you see how libs tried to ban Nick Sandmann from attending college and threw out conservatives who were matriculating at Harvard?
The term progressive has reached its limit of dishonesty. Let's be honest, progressive is just another term for communist. I see very little difference in their means to expand power, in their view of the individual or businesses and the governments role in them.

I'm not referring to someone wanting to hold businesses accountable, or even higher tax brackets etc. I'm talking about the level of demand for government centralized spending and control over industries. It's as if too many in the West are really buying into (or just looking at how they can profit from, as thy do in Canada) the CCP "philosophy" as being some superior system.

At the very least, let's drop the progressive mantra. please. It's disingenuous.

Here is a funny little definition of progressivism, which tells us really nothing about it's position, but at least they offered the concept of "progressive education", which is what some are pushing for. I.E, social engineering and communism:


Definition of progressivism

1 : the principles, beliefs, or practices of progressives
2 capitalized : the political and economic doctrines advocated by the Progressives
3 : the theories of progressive education
Maybe we should drop the facade and call Trump and Trumpers Stalinist.

Let‘s look at their record:

Trump called the press the “enemy of the people.” A clear Stalinist term.
Trump praised the Communist Chinese for 70 years of commie rule.
Trump bragged he sent love letters to Kim Jong Un.
Trump and Trumpears seek to pass laws telling private enterprise what they can and cannot publish.
Trump has used the power of the presidency to surreptitiously Investigate members of Congress.
Trump has made clear his love and admiration for Putin.

These are just for starters.
Trump tried to overturn the results of a free election

Fucking COMMIE!

It is a DISPUTED election, RW. Just not proven to be a "free" election in the eyes of millions of Americans.

That's the point, and that's why the audits are so important . Give Sleepy Joe a chance to prove his legitimacy.

No it's not. It's the loser's side throwing a temper tantrum. No evidence, no court case taken, Republican and Democrat election officials saying it was fair.
No one asked Trump to prove his legitimacy seven months after the election. I don't remember any audits proceeding into 2017 and I certainly don't
remember Clinton supporters storming the Capitol. And before you start, no one cares about Russia. That didn't happen until AFTER Trump was inaugurated.
And he made all those problems himself.

Joe Biden is the legitimate President. No one except the alt-right will care about the baloney that comes out of these "shams"..erm...audits.
They have no credibility. And it won't change the outcome.

Apparently you missed the years of Mueller's fake investigation into "Collusion" or the Liberal protesters in "**** Hats " conducting insurrectionists against the Trumpster?

Yeah, I'd pump the brakes on that if I were you. Mueller said up front that "collusion" wasn't a legal term in his investigating. And if Trump hadn't fired Comey in his quest for omerta pledges of loyalty, there would have been no Mueller.
Again, every ill that visited itself on Trump..was of his own making. Including inciting the thousands of MAGA hat wearing TRUMP supporters who stormed the Capitol on January 6th.
The OP evidently does not have any understanding of what communism is.
None of them do. They just toss the word around like a Frisbee™.

They did it with "socialism", now it scares no one, so they've moved to "communism".

No doubt the real socialists and communists around the world appreciate the assist.

Maybe you should check with immigrants who have come from Communists and Socialists countries to see where they stand. The vast majority of these folks can see where the democrats are headed. It is bone-headed, spoiled Americans who have been indoctrinated to think differently and that there is no way progressive policies would progress to Communism. Most of those that experienced it first hand, see otherwise.

I know, you folks are smarter than those. You know better than them.
I'm talking about the level of demand for government centralized spending and control over industries.

Where have progressives demanded the government have control over industries?

Can you provide examples or is this just more hyperbole?

There are plenty of examples, you know.

Like Sleepy Joe's massive restrictions on the oil and gas pipeline business, and his proposed new "Cafe" restrictions on auto manufacturing and other restrictions on America's tremendous Firearms Industry.

Even more than that, here in Pennsylvania, the Radical socialists in Harrisburg want to establish a new state government bureaucracy to control the Grass Business with their stupid "cannabis legalization" scheme.
Restrictions on a private business -- private businesses are a part of capitalism -- is not communism.

You people clearly don't understand what communism is.

You're on "the internet". You could learn. Why don't you?

You are moving the goalposts here. I was answering the inquiry of your friend as to

"Where have progressives demanded the government have control over industries?"

Whether someone wants to label you a "communist", "nazi" or "horse's ass" for your devotion to Sleepy Joe is their choice.
You still don’t understand Communism

Under Communism the Government controls production, wages, prices, labor

Show where anyone is doing that

Making rules for industry is not communism
Ah, the old "this is not communism, it's just a step in that direction" denial.

That, and indoctinating kids with critical race theory...

Commies always lie about being commies,
I'm talking about the level of demand for government centralized spending and control over industries.

Where have progressives demanded the government have control over industries?

Can you provide examples or is this just more hyperbole?

There are plenty of examples, you know.

Like Sleepy Joe's massive restrictions on the oil and gas pipeline business, and his proposed new "Cafe" restrictions on auto manufacturing and other restrictions on America's tremendous Firearms Industry.

Even more than that, here in Pennsylvania, the Radical socialists in Harrisburg want to establish a new state government bureaucracy to control the Grass Business with their stupid "cannabis legalization" scheme.
Restrictions on a private business -- private businesses are a part of capitalism -- is not communism.

You people clearly don't understand what communism is.

You're on "the internet". You could learn. Why don't you?

You are moving the goalposts here. I was answering the inquiry of your friend as to

"Where have progressives demanded the government have control over industries?"

Whether someone wants to label you a "communist", "nazi" or "horse's ass" for your devotion to Sleepy Joe is their choice.
You still don’t understand Communism

Under Communism the Government controls production, wages, prices, labor

Show where anyone is doing that

Making rules for industry is not communism
Above all, Stalinists despise democracy and seek to undermine it at every opportunity. They discredit it, call it corrupt, promulgate lies about elections, seek to purge all those that disagree with them and rally around a single Individual to lead them.

Perhaps you missed it, but Liberal Icon FDR was a huge backer of Uncle Joe Stalin. Notice how they were sitting here, and Roosevelt didn't say a word about Stalin's Gulag policies? With the world watching, Yalta would have been the ideal place to call out Stalin- if you disagreed with him
View attachment 499924
Stalin was an ally who was doing most of the fighting and dying against Hitler

Saved hundreds of thousands of American lives

So what?

That gives him permission to establish tyranny over huge swaths of land and kill tens of millions without receiving criticism?

I wasn't suggesting that Roosevelt necessarily stop Uncle Joe's Atrocities, but just to SPEAK OUT.
Why don't these people know what communism is?

Don't they know they could find out, pretty fucking easily?

Lack of education by Conservatives
When your only source of information is the RW Echo Chamber......this is what you get

Libs try to ban Conservatives from education, you know, RW?

Didn't you see how libs tried to ban Nick Sandmann from attending college and threw out conservatives who were matriculating at Harvard?

Haven’t seen that
The term progressive has reached its limit of dishonesty. Let's be honest, progressive is just another term for communist. I see very little difference in their means to expand power, in their view of the individual or businesses and the governments role in them.

I'm not referring to someone wanting to hold businesses accountable, or even higher tax brackets etc. I'm talking about the level of demand for government centralized spending and control over industries. It's as if too many in the West are really buying into (or just looking at how they can profit from, as thy do in Canada) the CCP "philosophy" as being some superior system.

At the very least, let's drop the progressive mantra. please. It's disingenuous.

Here is a funny little definition of progressivism, which tells us really nothing about it's position, but at least they offered the concept of "progressive education", which is what some are pushing for. I.E, social engineering and communism:


Definition of progressivism

1 : the principles, beliefs, or practices of progressives
2 capitalized : the political and economic doctrines advocated by the Progressives
3 : the theories of progressive education
Maybe we should drop the facade and call Trump and Trumpers Stalinist.

Let‘s look at their record:

Trump called the press the “enemy of the people.” A clear Stalinist term.
Trump praised the Communist Chinese for 70 years of commie rule.
Trump bragged he sent love letters to Kim Jong Un.
Trump and Trumpears seek to pass laws telling private enterprise what they can and cannot publish.
Trump has used the power of the presidency to surreptitiously Investigate members of Congress.
Trump has made clear his love and admiration for Putin.

These are just for starters.
Trump tried to overturn the results of a free election

Fucking COMMIE!

It is a DISPUTED election, RW. Just not proven to be a "free" election in the eyes of millions of Americans.

That's the point, and that's why the audits are so important . Give Sleepy Joe a chance to prove his legitimacy.

No it's not. It's the loser's side throwing a temper tantrum. No evidence, no court case taken, Republican and Democrat election officials saying it was fair.
No one asked Trump to prove his legitimacy seven months after the election. I don't remember any audits proceeding into 2017 and I certainly don't
remember Clinton supporters storming the Capitol. And before you start, no one cares about Russia. That didn't happen until AFTER Trump was inaugurated.
And he made all those problems himself.

Joe Biden is the legitimate President. No one except the alt-right will care about the baloney that comes out of these "shams"..erm...audits.
They have no credibility. And it won't change the outcome.

Aw, bs.

All that is being asked for is an INVESTIGATION.

If Biden is on the up and up, he should WELCOME the chance to prove his legitimacy.

If he isn't he won't be.

No. What you and others that think like you are hoping for is to drag this spectacle out in the media long enough to make a dent in the 2022 elections.
That and in the meantime, try to gin up as much public support for your conspiracy theories as you can. Maybe you'll get a weak kneed judge somewhere
to actually give you a forum for these ridiculous claims. Again, I didn't see anyone pulling this BS after Trump was way fewer votes over way fewer
I wasn't suggesting that Roosevelt necessarily stop Uncle Joe's Atrocities, but just to SPEAK OUT.
War was the atrocity at the moment
Not an opportunity to discuss human rights

The US at the time had a segregated society. Should that have come up?
The OP evidently does not have any understanding of what communism is.
None of them do. They just toss the word around like a Frisbee™.

They did it with "socialism", now it scares no one, so they've moved to "communism".

No doubt the real socialists and communists around the world appreciate the assist.

Maybe you should check with immigrants who have come from Communists and Socialists countries to see where they stand. The vast majority of these folks can see where the democrats are headed. It is bone-headed, spoiled Americans who have been indoctrinated to think differently and that there is no way progressive policies would progress to Communism. Most of those that experienced it first hand, see otherwise.

I know, you folks are smarter than those. You know better than them.

Of course they are going to be wary when they come here. They lived under authoritarian regimes. So what happens when they come here? They are immediately bombarded by right wing and alt-right media and politicians screaming about the evils of "ists" and "ism" and saying America is going to turn into this. When nothing could be further from the truth. If you had lived under an authoritarian regime and came here only to be surrounded by people proclaiming that the sky was might be upset too. But you'd be upset at a phantom...because it doesn't happen. The right and the alt-right parrot these talking points to keep sheep like you in constant fear.
The term progressive has reached its limit of dishonesty. Let's be honest, progressive is just another term for communist. I see very little difference in their means to expand power, in their view of the individual or businesses and the governments role in them.

I'm not referring to someone wanting to hold businesses accountable, or even higher tax brackets etc. I'm talking about the level of demand for government centralized spending and control over industries. It's as if too many in the West are really buying into (or just looking at how they can profit from, as thy do in Canada) the CCP "philosophy" as being some superior system.

At the very least, let's drop the progressive mantra. please. It's disingenuous.

Here is a funny little definition of progressivism, which tells us really nothing about it's position, but at least they offered the concept of "progressive education", which is what some are pushing for. I.E, social engineering and communism:


Definition of progressivism

1 : the principles, beliefs, or practices of progressives
2 capitalized : the political and economic doctrines advocated by the Progressives
3 : the theories of progressive education
We should call the self-proclaimed "conservatives", communist, they like, defend and support Putin, just like their dear leader.
They fell in love with Jong-un, just like their dear leader.

They praised and cheered for Xi Ping.

March 3 2020
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

I've heard the audio, it was clear he was joking or being facetious. It was a mix of laughter and cheer, they understood the joke he was making.

Considering how the world is moving in the West today, there are far too many who want power at all costs, it starts with centralizing a system. Trumps policies ran away from centralization of the U.S economy.
Trump's policies were geared toward the establishment of an autocratic government, like Putin .
I wasn't suggesting that Roosevelt necessarily stop Uncle Joe's Atrocities, but just to SPEAK OUT.
War was the atrocity at the moment
Not an opportunity to discuss human rights

The US at the time had a segregated society. Should that have come up?

Actually, it should have.

Roosevelt's decision to field a Jim Crow Army during WW2 was an atrocity as well.

When he established conscription in 1941- when my old man got called up- FDR committed a crime against humanity by not demanding complete equal rights in the military, particularly as millions were being called up at the time.

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