Shouting matches, arrests and fed up parents: How school board meetings became ground zero in politics

Reading this thread with amusement. Public schooling has always been first about socialization,,and then about education. Turning out culturally homogeneous citizens that can easily be controlled. Drones to power our economy..and put everyone on the same 'rat race' page.
I just wish that those who home-schooled didn't do the same thing...focus on the cultural stuff..and go light on the Science and math.

As always..if you wish your children to get a good need to make sure it happens. Many on the right are anti-intellectual..that's a cross the kids have to bear.

Thanks for your lefty elitist perspective.
The Ivy League must've ruined your potential to critically think.
Or maybe it was your public school?

Possibly both
Reading this thread with amusement. Public schooling has always been first about socialization,,and then about education. Turning out culturally homogeneous citizens that can easily be controlled. Drones to power our economy..and put everyone on the same 'rat race' page.
I just wish that those who home-schooled didn't do the same thing...focus on the cultural stuff..and go light on the Science and math.

As always..if you wish your children to get a good need to make sure it happens. Many on the right are anti-intellectual..that's a cross the kids have to bear.

Thanks for your lefty elitist perspective.
The Ivy League must've ruined your potential to critically think.
Or maybe it was your public school?

Possibly both

These arrogant fools think that they have the corner on intellect!
Sorry. Those days are over!!
Trump out-foxed them time and time again.
Reading this thread with amusement. Public schooling has always been first about socialization,,and then about education. Turning out culturally homogeneous citizens that can easily be controlled. Drones to power our economy..and put everyone on the same 'rat race' page.
I just wish that those who home-schooled didn't do the same thing...focus on the cultural stuff..and go light on the Science and math.

As always..if you wish your children to get a good need to make sure it happens. Many on the right are anti-intellectual..that's a cross the kids have to bear.

Thanks for your lefty elitist perspective.
The Ivy League must've ruined your potential to critically think.
Or maybe it was your public school?

Possibly both
Or neither..who's ta say?
I note..again with amusement that not a word of his, or your, post addressed what I said~

Having interacted with you sassy one...I would have pegged you for a home schooled kiddo..long on recess..and short of reasoning.
Reading this thread with amusement. Public schooling has always been first about socialization,,and then about education. Turning out culturally homogeneous citizens that can easily be controlled. Drones to power our economy..and put everyone on the same 'rat race' page.
I just wish that those who home-schooled didn't do the same thing...focus on the cultural stuff..and go light on the Science and math.

As always..if you wish your children to get a good need to make sure it happens. Many on the right are anti-intellectual..that's a cross the kids have to bear.

Thanks for your lefty elitist perspective.
The Ivy League must've ruined your potential to critically think.
Or maybe it was your public school?

Possibly both
Or neither..who's ta say?
I note..again with amusement that not a word of his, or your, post addressed what I said~

Having interacted with you sassy one...I would have pegged you for a home schooled kiddo..long on recess..and short of reasoning.

I figured you for a high school dropout who still can't attain that lofty GED
How bout California,. The highest paid teachers in the nation yet their students are 49th in the US in math and 48th in reading.
Got a link for that....cause i got a link that says fact, got a boatload of them...but here's one:

According to the Department of Education’s Nation’s Report Card, these are the 10 highest states in eighth-grade reading scores.

Top 10​

  1. Massachusetts
  2. New Jersey
  3. Connecticut
  4. Vermont
  5. New Hampshire
  6. Utah
  7. Wisconsin
  8. Colorado
  9. Ohio
  10. Idaho
Of these, 50% are also among the states with the highest median incomes. They are New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Utah, and New Hampshire. These states are bedroom communities for major metropolitan areas. That helps them attract world-class universities that improve their education rankings.2
This list shows the states with the lowest eighth-grade reading scores, with New Mexico having the worst scores in the nation.
  1. Oklahoma
  2. Hawaii
  3. Nevada
  4. Louisiana
  5. Mississippi
  6. Texas
  7. West Virginia
  8. Alabama
  9. Alaska
  10. New Mexico

Spending Per Student​

The average spending per U.S. public elementary school student was $13,962 in 2017, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.

The top 10 states that spent the most, spent about 30% to 100% more than the average.
  1. New York—$25,985
  2. Connecticut —$21,647
  3. New Jersey—$21,531
  4. Wyoming—$20,508
  5. Delaware—$20,035
  6. Vermont—$19,702
  7. Massachusetts—$19,101
  8. Alaska—$18,897
  9. Pennsylvania—$18,149
  10. Rhode Island—$18,020

Four of these states are also among the ones with the top 10 reading scores. They are Massachusetts, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Vermont. But high spending doesn’t always translate into high scores.

Six states—New York, Delaware, Alaska, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Wyoming—are not among the top 10. In fact, Alaska is among the bottom 10.3

The 10 lowest spending states spend more than 25% less than the average.
  1. Alabama—$10,590
  2. Nevada—$10,384
  3. Florida—$10,227
  4. Tennessee—$10,062
  5. Mississippi—$9,838
  6. North Carolina—$9,342
  7. Arizona —$9,214
  8. Oklahoma—$9,167
  9. Utah—$8,726
  10. Idaho—$8,6659

Forum List
