Show Me the Fossils!

The creationist behind that attraction is using the same method that the Darwinians use in their own museum attractions: Put together a model based on their ideas of what the dinosaur era looked like, and expect people to accept it because they "see it with their own eyes."
The creationist charlatan, Ken Ham, who is the perpetrator of the Ark Park is using none of the methods used by science. Ken Ham is a part of the religious extremist AIG cult. Here is a part of their ''about'' section of the website.

Our Message​

Answers in Genesis is an apologetics (i.e., Christianity-defending) ministry dedicated to enabling Christians to defend their faith and to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively. We focus particularly on providing answers to questions surrounding the book of Genesis, as it is the most-attacked book of the Bible. We also desire to train others to develop a biblical worldview and seek to expose the bankruptcy of evolutionary ideas and bedfellow: a “millions of years old” earth (and even older universe).

AiG teaches that “facts” don’t speak for themselves: they must be interpreted.

As you know, (being a card carrying member?), they are charlatans who announce their bias. AIG requires their cult members to adhere to 'statement of faith' that facts and the truth are secondary to their fundamentalist agenda. They provide no science, they promote dogma.

To believe the planet us 6,000 years old, that people in buckskin outfits used to frolick with dinosaurs and that an Ark cruised the oceans just a few thousand years ago is delusional and dangerous.
natural events huh??
tell me how does one type of animal turn into a completely other type??
like the claim that a T-rex turned into a chicken??

Speciation, (read below to understand what that means), has a great deal of observational evidence.

Let us know what Jimmy Swaggert has to say about this.

I am impressed by the number of evolution scientists who spend so much time posting here!
I applaud your efforts to find common ground. Unfortunately, I can't sign off on that.

My take is that the "evidence" that all life on Earth descends from one common ancestor is based on some version of "well, it must have."
Your take ignores the evidence that supports descent from a common ancestor and is the only viable theory that explains what we see from the fields of biology, geology, paleontology, etc.

Also driving acceptance of this idea is the implausibility of all of the theories of abiogenesis, i.e. life arising from non-life. Since it is so improbable, I suppose it is easier to believe that abiogenesis happened one time only and that all life came from that one highly unlikely event.
Again I think it is your ignorance on the subject that makes you think abiogenesis improbable. I think it more likely that, given the environment of the Earth, it was inevitable.

Maybe there is more evidence of descent from a common ancestor that I'm not aware of. If so I welcome you or others to present it.
Evidence for evolution comes from many different areas of biology:
  • Anatomy. Species may share similar physical features because the feature was present in a common ancestor (homologous structures).
  • Molecular biology. DNA and the genetic code reflect the shared ancestry of life. DNA comparisons can show how related species are.
  • Biogeography. The global distribution of organisms and the unique features of island species reflect evolution and geological change.
  • Fossils. Fossils document the existence of now-extinct past species that are related to present-day species.
  • Direct observation. We can directly observe small-scale evolution in organisms with short lifecycles (e.g., pesticide-resistant insects).
I'm disappointed in the number of religious extremists who enter a science forum trying to tear down what they don't understand .
Wow! You'd really hate my community where at least 30% have advanced hard science degrees.
The reality is that for every Evolution Scientists aka University Professor hired to convince students they7 are no better than gorillas, there is another, more qualified scientist, working in the real world, who claims the University Professor is full of shit.

The problem I have to live with is that, being a Jew, almost half the people I will ever run into are MDs and medical professionals.
Wow! You'd really hate my community where at least 30% have advanced hard science degrees.
The reality is that for every Evolution Scientists aka University Professor hired to convince students they7 are no better than gorillas, there is another, more qualified scientist, working in the real world, who claims the University Professor is full of shit.

The problem I have to live with is that, being a Jew, almost half the people I will ever run into are MDs and medical professionals.
You seem to have a real antagonistic attitude toward learning. Not a good student, apparently. Your flailing tirade about professors teaching students ''they're no better than gorillas'' is a bit frantic. Are you attending a madrassah?
You seem to have a real antagonistic attitude toward learning. Not a good student, apparently. Your flailing tirade about professors teaching students ''they're no better than gorillas'' is a bit frantic. Are you attending a madrassah?
My daughter spent 6 years studying hard science from advanced University classes in High School through Graduate School and you have the balls to infer you know what you are talking about?
None of your business. I don't offer personal information on a public message board.

What's your Mastercard number and 3 digit code?
I didn't ask a personal question as many posters here mention their professions.
Did you earn a Graduate Degree in a hard science?

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