Show me your titties


Nov 30, 2011
I'm watching a cop show and a tranny walks in with his top falling down. The tranny had very convincing breast Implants. Here's the question:

When a man goes out he can take off his shirt and expose his nipples no problem, but when a woman goes out her nipples MUST be covered or she will get arrested for indecent exposure. Now if a tranny has DD implants but still has a dick,can he walk around without being arrested if HIS nipples are showing? Is it considered indecent or just body modification?
The Tranny walked into your house with it's shirt falling off?

Did he look like this?

[ame=]TRHPS "Sweet Transvestite" - YouTube[/ame]
ROLMAO! yes but with big knockers. No he didn't walk into my house he was arested on the show and walked into the police station.
The religious right are clearly the leader in making it a sin to see a bare female breast.
I'm watching a cop show and a tranny walks in with his top falling down. The tranny had very convincing breast Implants. Here's the question:

When a man goes out he can take off his shirt and expose his nipples no problem, but when a woman goes out her nipples MUST be covered or she will get arrested for indecent exposure. Now if a tranny has DD implants but still has a dick,can he walk around without being arrested if HIS nipples are showing? Is it considered indecent or just body modification?
That's an interesting question.

Back in the 70s when I was still living in Brooklyn some guy had a huge dildo lying on the dashboard of his car. A meter-maid was offended by it, called the cops and the guy was arrested for "lewd conduct." I never found out what the disposition was.
I'm not sure I know where it is illegal for a woman to expose her nipples.

It's a silly law, if it exists.
I'm not sure I know where it is illegal for a woman to expose her nipples.

It's a silly law, if it exists.

I believe it is illegal/prohibited on this board to show exposed female breasts. Not sure about transsexual breasts ...
My personal take is boobs and nipples are forbidden regardless of sex.

Tit pictures per se are not forbidden. This one here is perfectly fine.
I'm not sure I know where it is illegal for a woman to expose her nipples.

It's a silly law, if it exists.

I believe it is illegal/prohibited on this board to show exposed female breasts. Not sure about transsexual breasts ...

Where it is illegal, and I do not doubt it is in some jurisdictions, the laws are LOCAL or STATE laws.

Silly laws, those. Truly silly.

I'm actually surprised that they haven't as yet been overturned by the SCOTUS.

They are, after all, obviously sexists laws that are unfairly applied to women.

I seriously doubt that most women cover their nipples because of any law about public indecency..

They do so because they don't want to deal with the social fallout of exposing themselves in public.
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I guarentee you if I walk down the street topless I will be arrested for indecent exposure in most if not all 50 states if my nips are uncovered. Yes I do cover my tit's because of the social fallout, I for one would love to walk around in the summer time shirtless but am forced to submit to a sexist social rule. Then I walk around the corner and see a overweight man boobed, stark white male mowing his lawn. Seriously I see man boobs bigger than womens boobs. That for some halfassed reason is OK because that person has a dick between his legs and I don't.

What gets me angry is people both men AND WOMEN bitching about breastfeeding in public. I actually heard one woman say it was disgusting. It's what tit's are for why is it gross? If women were allowed to go topless anytime they wanted to it would eventually become socially acceptable and considered no big deal. Men would view it as they view a hot woman now, look at her and try to get her to go home with them. lol

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