Shrill's campaign is brilliant!


Gold Member
Oct 8, 2013
The cons and media are having conniptions that the Shrill isn't playing the "Gotcha" game. She won't answer questions, and instead just delivers her message. Not only does it drive the cons crazy, and frustrate the shit pot stirring media, but it also generates more and more interest in her as a candidate.

As a result, there are a lot of the GOP field that wishes they had thought of that.

The cons and media are having conniptions that the Shrill isn't playing the "Gotcha" game. She won't answer questions, and instead just delivers her message. Not only does it drive the cons crazy, and frustrate the shit pot stirring media, but it also generates more and more interest in her as a candidate.

As a result, there are a lot of the GOP field that wishes they had thought of that.

Driving cons crazy! LOL!!
Hillary is running the most scripted campaign in history. People dont like scripted. Hillary's campaign has every element of every losing campaign waged over the last 30 years. I doubt she'll make it past Iowa.
Even MSNBC knows it...

MSNBC Panel: Hillary’s New Poll Numbers Are ‘Terrible,’ ‘Crushingly Bad’

The panel of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” tore into Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s poll numbers in the wake of a series of scandals surrounding her use of private email and foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation, calling them “Nixonian” and “crushingly bad.”

“You have a lot of Clinton supporters saying this is all much ado about nothing and we heard that her scrubbing her email server was much ado about nothing,” Scarborough said. “Well, it is actually having an impact.”

“The fact is, Hillary Clinton’s approval rating stayed up around 66 percent … and was 65 percent just two and a half years ago, her approval rating. Now it’s 42 percent approve, 42 percent disapprove,” he continued “It’s quite a drop.”

MSNBC Hillary Poll Numbers Are Terrible Crushingly Bad The Daily Caller
She's intelligent, no doubt about it.
No vote from this poster, but obviously smarter than the average presidential candidate and light years over the female vice-presidential candidate a while back.
OK, so what's the punch line here? Curious minds want to know.
The cons and media are having conniptions that the Shrill isn't playing the "Gotcha" game. She won't answer questions, and instead just delivers her message. Not only does it drive the cons crazy, and frustrate the shit pot stirring media, but it also generates more and more interest in her as a candidate.

As a result, there are a lot of the GOP field that wishes they had thought of that.

Okay. So, what's the punch line here? Curious minds want to know.
OK, so what's the punch line here? Curious minds want to know.
The cons and media are having conniptions that the Shrill isn't playing the "Gotcha" game. She won't answer questions, and instead just delivers her message. Not only does it drive the cons crazy, and frustrate the shit pot stirring media, but it also generates more and more interest in her as a candidate.

As a result, there are a lot of the GOP field that wishes they had thought of that.

Okay. So, what's the punch line here? Curious minds want to know.
The cons and media are having conniptions that the Shrill isn't playing the "Gotcha" game. She won't answer questions, and instead just delivers her message. Not only does it drive the cons crazy, and frustrate the shit pot stirring media, but it also generates more and more interest in her as a candidate.

As a result, there are a lot of the GOP field that wishes they had thought of that.


She won't answer questions, and instead just delivers her message.

Vote for me because....ummm....uhhh. LOL!
She's intelligent, no doubt about it.
No vote from this poster, but obviously smarter than the average presidential candidate and light years over the female vice-presidential candidate a while back.

So smart, she couldn't figure out how to separate private/public emails.
That couldn't have been a plan?

Of course it was her plan. She didn't plan on getting caught.
She was hoping the libs would be dumb enough to believe her explanation.
They know her too well. Between this and her poor health, I don't think she
makes it to 2016.
She's avoiding all reporters not just conservatives. Right now she really doesn't have to answer any questions. She has no democrat opposition. Why bother campaigning. She just can't do it forever.
There's so much corruption and deceit on her watch that everytime she opens her mouth a ton of lies spill out. Yeah, she has to be careful every time she opens that trap.
This thread shows us what is voting for the Democrat party. and just how shallow they can be.

It should scare us all as this is how someone LIKE Obama was able to get elected. Appealing to the low information mush brains in high schools and colleges.

Everyone needs to vote in this upcoming election and KICK out this progressive/commie/so called Democrat party OUT of our lives
Hilary's campaign has all the appeal of Bob Doles. all the likeability of John McCain's., all the enthusiasm of Fritz Mondale's, and all the vision of George HW Bush's re-election.
IOW, she is toast. Her campaign is a stinker.
The cons and media are having conniptions that the Shrill isn't playing the "Gotcha" game. She won't answer questions, and instead just delivers her message. Not only does it drive the cons crazy, and frustrate the shit pot stirring media, but it also generates more and more interest in her as a candidate.

As a result, there are a lot of the GOP field that wishes they had thought of that.


Um, what? Refusing to answer questions is a basic non-starter. And it is very strange that one would use nearly identical logic to what Sarah Palin's fans did when she refused to answer questions. If it was bad for one candidate it is bad for the other.

Answering questions is a basic part of being or running for President. If one can't do it, one can't do the job.
The cons and media are having conniptions that the Shrill isn't playing the "Gotcha" game. She won't answer questions, and instead just delivers her message. Not only does it drive the cons crazy, and frustrate the shit pot stirring media, but it also generates more and more interest in her as a candidate.

As a result, there are a lot of the GOP field that wishes they had thought of that.


Um, what? Refusing to answer questions is a basic non-starter. And it is very strange that one would use nearly identical logic to what Sarah Palin's fans did when she refused to answer questions. If it was bad for one candidate it is bad for the other.

Answering questions is a basic part of being or running for President. If one can't do it, one can't do the job.

How on Earth given her actions could she ever be trusted with a security clearance?
The cons and media are having conniptions that the Shrill isn't playing the "Gotcha" game. She won't answer questions, and instead just delivers her message. Not only does it drive the cons crazy, and frustrate the shit pot stirring media, but it also generates more and more interest in her as a candidate.

As a result, there are a lot of the GOP field that wishes they had thought of that.

It generates no interest. The point Bill told her...why answer stupid questions from Steponmyphallus when you have 47% of the morons in your crotch bag without saying anything.

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