Shrink government?


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
Government is the Largest Employer

The Fading American Economy

By Paul Craig Roberts

"According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the US economy lost 98,000 private sector jobs in March, half of which were in manufacturing. Today 13,643,000 Americans are employed in manufacturing, of which 9,849,000 are production workers.

Government employs 22,387,000 Americans, 8,744,000 more than manufacturing. Even the category leisure and hospitality employs 13,682,000 Americans, slightly more than manufacturing. There are as many waitresses and bartenders as production workers."
For all the good FDR did for the country in ww2, he also did completely wrong for his socialistic programs. This is, in essence, the root to most of our domestic problems today.
You're blaming FDR for 2008? You may want to blame the founding fathers, they started this thing.
You're blaming FDR for 2008? You may want to blame the founding fathers, they started this thing.

The Founding Father's did NOT start this current overstuffed turkey of a government we have. The Founding Father's were instrumental in the writing of the US Constitution, remember?

I lmao when people bring up the Founding Father's in relation to our current government. They probably roll in their graves in cadence at what their vision has become ... the very thing they declared themselves independent from.
The Founding Father's did NOT start this current overstuffed turkey of a government we have. The Founding Father's were instrumental in the writing of the US Constitution, remember?

I would agree but consider the impact of 911 on that growth and you see society moving towards a sort of democratic socialism in which most work for the state. If we outsource all work that can be done cheaper in other countries - that would be most things - we'll need to work for someone. Fast food or lawn care, jeez even the Indians and Mexicans are doing those. Maybe we'll arrive at a place where we don't have to work at all????
I see some on the right who desire to reduce government want to actually reduce the formal elected government. They would not eliminate US being governed. It would however, be by the people who have the power and the money who would now be the suppliers of what government now supplies. They would also be the governors.

This is supported in their perspective that everything can be done more profitably by private enterpirse, which is bull crap.

It wouldn't really reduce the size of government, it would simply switch who has the power to govern and there would be no way to vote them in or out since there would be no vote.

I think they did this back in the Kingly days.
I think we need to eliminate major chunks of the bureaucracy and slim the government down to a more manageable form. Whenever you start talking like this in the government, though, all of the bureaucrats run for cover and start looking to stab each other in the back to keep their jobs.

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