Shut The Hell Up Romney, Just Shut The Hell Up

I don't think pointing it out does much good with Trumpeters. The art of ANY con requires a victim who WANTS to be conned.
Yep. I found that to be the case with the clients of psychics, mediums, homeopathy, and other snake oil salesmen. It is just as true in politics.

I've spoken a lot about "the desire to believe" on this forum and the abnegation of critical thinking.

Very depressing.
Yep.....1980 all over again, but instead of Reagan, now it's Trump.
I have to admit, Romney would have had a better chance now than he did against a popular incumbent president like Barrack Obama.
It's a real shame but the dozen losers (Jeb, Rand, Rubio, etc) cried about wanting to have their turn. Mitt was the strongest candidate but he needed to let everyone else run and burn out to show a point
Trump is winning and GOP is desperate, they are running out of options.

* A political science professor claims to know who will be our next president, and he even backs his prediction. The next president, according to Helmut Norpoth, has a 97-99% chance of being elected this November.
he predicts that Donald Trump has a 97% or greater chance of being our next president.
Political Science Professor Makes His Prediction For Our 45th President

* They will kill him before they let him be president. It could be a Republican or a Democrat that instigates the shutting up of Trump. Don't be surprised if Trump has an accident. Some people are getting very nervous: Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton and Jon Corzine, to name just a few.
Interesting take on Trump.

* Harlan K. Ullman, a shrewd American analyst, once noted that there used to be two parties in America – one had a conscience but no brains, and the other always had brains but no conscience. Now, Ullman notes, we have two completely identical parties with no brains and no conscience, and he questions the meaning of their existence.
America Forever?
That model also predicted Gore in 2000 and Hillary in 2008.
Donald Trump is a phony, a fraud. His promises are as worthless as a degree from Trump University. He's playing ... the American public for suckers

OMFG talk about your epic projection, this is precisely what the GOP establishment did in 2014.

The GOP establishment ran over 40,000 ads pretending to support tea party candidates and positions. They promised to defund both Obamacare and Executive Amnesty then the first thing they did after the Tea Party gave them the victory was fund both of them, and proceed to mock and despise the Tea Party representatives, and brag how they could win the White House without the conservative base.
What are the GOP "elite" going to do next? Dig up dead people? Shut the hell up Mitt. You were Obama lite on your best day and look where there hell that got us.
Now you are out there fighting for the party "elites" you loser. The VERY reason you were a LOSER.

Obamacare and Romneycare SAME product, different label. Your shit shovel was made by the SAME people who made his. He just had the "super size me" model.
You Romney are a size 12 "elite" political bitch CLAIMING she can wear a size 2.

You have been out of politics now for eight years. Did you get a CNN or FOX show? No, because the people did not want you idiot. And if the networks had even liked you the cameras and reporters would be there to hang on your every word.

But they are NOT Mitt, because America could care less what you think? Anybody ask you about terrorists in the last eight years? NO. Anybody ask you about ILLEGALS in the last eight years? NO. Anybody ask you about BLM? NO. Take a hint stupid....If they DON'T ask you DON'T matter. Damn good rule of thumb.

You need to shut the hell up Mitt, just shut the hell up already okay?
This is NOT a job for magic underwear, its a job FOR TRUMP!


So, you're against Free Speech. Got it.
All the young GOP'rs who are turning their back on the old establishment types in their party will learn the hard way if they elect Trump. America will be so messed up I hope it and the Republicans can get back on track in the future. People are voting for presidents like they buy into the next fad shown in a tv commercial ad. Like children and their fascination with a new toy. The interest will wear out quick when the next thing rolls into town.

You people cannot take any criticism at all.
That is "the donalds" mantra.
Hey! Why don't you sue romney!
You are so like the mental-defective league.


What are the GOP "elite" going to do next? Dig up dead people? Shut the hell up Mitt. You were Obama lite on your best day and look where there hell that got us.
Now you are out there fighting for the party "elites" you loser. The VERY reason you were a LOSER.

Obamacare and Romneycare SAME product, different label. Your shit shovel was made by the SAME people who made his. He just had the "super size me" model.
You Romney are a size 12 "elite" political bitch CLAIMING she can wear a size 2.

You have been out of politics now for eight years. Did you get a CNN or FOX show? No, because the people did not want you idiot. And if the networks had even liked you the cameras and reporters would be there to hang on your every word.

But they are NOT Mitt, because America could care less what you think? Anybody ask you about terrorists in the last eight years? NO. Anybody ask you about ILLEGALS in the last eight years? NO. Anybody ask you about BLM? NO. Take a hint stupid....If they DON'T ask you DON'T matter. Damn good rule of thumb.

You need to shut the hell up Mitt, just shut the hell up already okay?
This is NOT a job for magic underwear, its a job FOR TRUMP!


You people cannot take any criticism at all.
That is "the donalds" mantra.
Hey! Why don't you sue romney!
You are so like the mental-defective league.


What are the GOP "elite" going to do next? Dig up dead people? Shut the hell up Mitt. You were Obama lite on your best day and look where there hell that got us.
Now you are out there fighting for the party "elites" you loser. The VERY reason you were a LOSER.

Obamacare and Romneycare SAME product, different label. Your shit shovel was made by the SAME people who made his. He just had the "super size me" model.
You Romney are a size 12 "elite" political bitch CLAIMING she can wear a size 2.

You have been out of politics now for eight years. Did you get a CNN or FOX show? No, because the people did not want you idiot. And if the networks had even liked you the cameras and reporters would be there to hang on your every word.

But they are NOT Mitt, because America could care less what you think? Anybody ask you about terrorists in the last eight years? NO. Anybody ask you about ILLEGALS in the last eight years? NO. Anybody ask you about BLM? NO. Take a hint stupid....If they DON'T ask you DON'T matter. Damn good rule of thumb.

You need to shut the hell up Mitt, just shut the hell up already okay?
This is NOT a job for magic underwear, its a job FOR TRUMP!

Trump is talking about Romney during his speech in Maine.

Poor Mitt. He walked right into a shitstorm. Trump is being nice, but Romney is looking real weak right now. All that dirt that Trump knows about Romney. Pretty hilarious.
It is still to funny the both of them and those that think "the donald" tells the truth and is a fine representative of the United States.


You people cannot take any criticism at all.
That is "the donalds" mantra.
Hey! Why don't you sue romney!
You are so like the mental-defective league.


What are the GOP "elite" going to do next? Dig up dead people? Shut the hell up Mitt. You were Obama lite on your best day and look where there hell that got us.
Now you are out there fighting for the party "elites" you loser. The VERY reason you were a LOSER.

Obamacare and Romneycare SAME product, different label. Your shit shovel was made by the SAME people who made his. He just had the "super size me" model.
You Romney are a size 12 "elite" political bitch CLAIMING she can wear a size 2.

You have been out of politics now for eight years. Did you get a CNN or FOX show? No, because the people did not want you idiot. And if the networks had even liked you the cameras and reporters would be there to hang on your every word.

But they are NOT Mitt, because America could care less what you think? Anybody ask you about terrorists in the last eight years? NO. Anybody ask you about ILLEGALS in the last eight years? NO. Anybody ask you about BLM? NO. Take a hint stupid....If they DON'T ask you DON'T matter. Damn good rule of thumb.

You need to shut the hell up Mitt, just shut the hell up already okay?
This is NOT a job for magic underwear, its a job FOR TRUMP!

Trump is talking about Romney during his speech in Maine.

Poor Mitt. He walked right into a shitstorm. Trump is being nice, but Romney is looking real weak right now. All that dirt that Trump knows about Romney. Pretty hilarious.

Frances Townsend: Donald Trump is "dangerous to American people"
Sixty GOP national security experts are joining in the party's scramble to stop frontrunner Donald Trump from winning the Republican presidential nomination.

They signed a scathing open letter, calling the business mogul's vision of American power and influence "wildly inconsistent and unmoored in principle," and said he "swings from isolationism to military adventurism within the space of one sentence."

One of the experts who wrote the letter, Frances Townsend -- former homeland security adviser to President George W. Bush - explained she is speaking up now, months into the presidential race, because she did not think his rhetoric "would resonate with so many people."

God bless this woman.


You people cannot take any criticism at all.
That is "the donalds" mantra.
Hey! Why don't you sue romney!
You are so like the mental-defective league.


What are the GOP "elite" going to do next? Dig up dead people? Shut the hell up Mitt. You were Obama lite on your best day and look where there hell that got us.
Now you are out there fighting for the party "elites" you loser. The VERY reason you were a LOSER.

Obamacare and Romneycare SAME product, different label. Your shit shovel was made by the SAME people who made his. He just had the "super size me" model.
You Romney are a size 12 "elite" political bitch CLAIMING she can wear a size 2.

You have been out of politics now for eight years. Did you get a CNN or FOX show? No, because the people did not want you idiot. And if the networks had even liked you the cameras and reporters would be there to hang on your every word.

But they are NOT Mitt, because America could care less what you think? Anybody ask you about terrorists in the last eight years? NO. Anybody ask you about ILLEGALS in the last eight years? NO. Anybody ask you about BLM? NO. Take a hint stupid....If they DON'T ask you DON'T matter. Damn good rule of thumb.

You need to shut the hell up Mitt, just shut the hell up already okay?
This is NOT a job for magic underwear, its a job FOR TRUMP!

Trump is talking about Romney during his speech in Maine.

Poor Mitt. He walked right into a shitstorm. Trump is being nice, but Romney is looking real weak right now. All that dirt that Trump knows about Romney. Pretty hilarious.
What are the GOP "elite" going to do next? Dig up dead people? Shut the hell up Mitt. You were Obama lite on your best day and look where there hell that got us.
Now you are out there fighting for the party "elites" you loser. The VERY reason you were a LOSER.

Obamacare and Romneycare SAME product, different label. Your shit shovel was made by the SAME people who made his. He just had the "super size me" model.
You Romney are a size 12 "elite" political bitch CLAIMING she can wear a size 2.

You have been out of politics now for eight years. Did you get a CNN or FOX show? No, because the people did not want you idiot. And if the networks had even liked you the cameras and reporters would be there to hang on your every word.

But they are NOT Mitt, because America could care less what you think? Anybody ask you about terrorists in the last eight years? NO. Anybody ask you about ILLEGALS in the last eight years? NO. Anybody ask you about BLM? NO. Take a hint stupid....If they DON'T ask you DON'T matter. Damn good rule of thumb.

You need to shut the hell up Mitt, just shut the hell up already okay?
This is NOT a job for magic underwear, its a job FOR TRUMP!


So, you're against Free Speech. Got it.

Hey, so is Rump. He gone "open up" da First Amendment.

Swoon, what a man, not afraid to take on the Constitution. Be still my heart.

It still tickles me to no end that Pinkie thinks the measure of political efficacy is whether or not he gets offered a fucking TV show. That says so much.

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