Shut The Hell Up Romney, Just Shut The Hell Up

Ha, way too late for Romney to man-up. He should have done that in the past Election. He'd probably be President right now. But instead he went the frightened little wuss route. He bitched out. So it's just too late for him to pretend he has balls. He's a loser. It is what it is.
Trump University

Trump University swindled me, says Iowa retiree

Among the key pieces of evidence in the class actions is an infomercial by Trump in which he presents the university as his own. In the infomercial, the billionaire claims he personally hired “professors and adjunct professors that are absolutely terrific.”

“And honestly, if you don’t learn from them, if you don’t learn from me, if you don’t learn from the people that we’re going to be putting forward, and these are all people handpicked by me,” Trump says, “then you’re just not going to make it in terms of world-class success.”

Under oath, Trump told a different story. He testified in a 2012 deposition that, contrary to the Trump University sales materials and statements he made in the infomercial to the media, he neither selected the instructors nor oversaw the curriculum.
The man is a huckster.

Wise up, rubes.
I don't think pointing it out does much good with Trumpeters. The art of ANY con requires a victim who WANTS to be conned. Trump U was no different than the dozens of other "secret guide to making money in real estate" schemes that have been around since I can remember. What could be easier that using a property as collateral for a loan when the property was "certain" to appreciate?

Trump speaks to the Establishment just as the Trumpeters wish they could. You can point out that he's rude and uncivil and a bully ..... but don't you think the Trumpeters would like to be just that to .... their bosses, the government that won't let them do something, the ex who wants the child support, the bank that holds an underwater mortgage ......? He's telling them "look I can focking get away with this and I'm worth ten focking billion dollars." They are literally losers for whom neither the gop nor dems appear to offer any chance for life getting better. They don't give a fock if Trumps 7 point HC policy is ... nothing beyond "you're on your own Jack," because its what they expect. That's why Trump's best line is telling the establishment "you're a LOSER."
The man is a huckster.

Wise up, rubes.
I don't think pointing it out does much good with Trumpeters. The art of ANY con requires a victim who WANTS to be conned. Trump U was no different than the dozens of other "secret guide to making money in real estate" schemes that have been around since I can remember. What could be easier that using a property as collateral for a loan when the property was "certain" to appreciate?

Trump speaks to the Establishment just as the Trumpeters wish they could. You can point out that he's rude and uncivil and a bully ..... but don't you think the Trumpeters would like to be just that to .... their bosses, the government that won't let them do something, the ex who wants the child support, the bank that holds an underwater mortgage ......? He's telling them "look I can focking get away with this and I'm worth ten focking billion dollars." They are literally losers for whom neither the gop nor dems appear to offer any chance for life getting better. They don't give a fock if Trumps 7 point HC policy is ... nothing beyond "you're on your own Jack," because its what they expect. That's why Trump's best line is telling the establishment "you're a LOSER."
you dem voters have some Nerve talking about people being conned. the Democrat party CONNED Hillary on you as who you will vote for and gave you Bernie the Socialist to back that up. snobs. I'd rather be a Trumpster than be a Democrat slave/sheep
The man is a huckster.

Wise up, rubes.
I don't think pointing it out does much good with Trumpeters. The art of ANY con requires a victim who WANTS to be conned. Trump U was no different than the dozens of other "secret guide to making money in real estate" schemes that have been around since I can remember. What could be easier that using a property as collateral for a loan when the property was "certain" to appreciate?

Trump speaks to the Establishment just as the Trumpeters wish they could. You can point out that he's rude and uncivil and a bully ..... but don't you think the Trumpeters would like to be just that to .... their bosses, the government that won't let them do something, the ex who wants the child support, the bank that holds an underwater mortgage ......? He's telling them "look I can focking get away with this and I'm worth ten focking billion dollars." They are literally losers for whom neither the gop nor dems appear to offer any chance for life getting better. They don't give a fock if Trumps 7 point HC policy is ... nothing beyond "you're on your own Jack," because its what they expect. That's why Trump's best line is telling the establishment "you're a LOSER."
you dem voters have some Nerve talking about people being conned. the Democrat party CONNED Hillary on you as who you will vote for and gave you Bernie the Socialist to back that up. snobs. I'd rather be a Trumpster than be a Democrat slave/sheep
I'm a goper unhappy with the establishement failing to secure a budget balancing plan with $1 taxes for $3 spending. Trump offers no plan beyond telling the party they are losers. That's what you want, and that he will deliver.
A man that personifies establishment politics calls out Donald Trump in an attempt to dissuade some of his establishment hating base from voting for him. What a brilliant strategy.
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Pretty sure Trump won't be taking advice from milquetoast losers like Romney. So you're dismissed Romney. Now go away.
I don't think pointing it out does much good with Trumpeters. The art of ANY con requires a victim who WANTS to be conned.
Yep. I found that to be the case with the clients of psychics, mediums, homeopathy, and other snake oil salesmen. It is just as true in politics.

I've spoken a lot about "the desire to believe" on this forum and the abnegation of critical thinking.

Very depressing.
I don't think pointing it out does much good with Trumpeters. The art of ANY con requires a victim who WANTS to be conned.
Yep. I found that to be the case with the clients of psychics, mediums, homeopathy, and other snake oil salesmen. It is just as true in politics.

I've spoken a lot about "the desire to believe" on this forum and the subjugation of critical thinking.

Very depressing.

Kinda like y'all worshipping a corrupt lying criminal and her serial sex predator husband. Talk about 'the desire to believe?' Y'all are crazy duped wingnuts. :cuckoo:
The man is a huckster.

Wise up, rubes.
I don't think pointing it out does much good with Trumpeters. The art of ANY con requires a victim who WANTS to be conned. Trump U was no different than the dozens of other "secret guide to making money in real estate" schemes that have been around since I can remember. What could be easier that using a property as collateral for a loan when the property was "certain" to appreciate?

Trump speaks to the Establishment just as the Trumpeters wish they could. You can point out that he's rude and uncivil and a bully ..... but don't you think the Trumpeters would like to be just that to .... their bosses, the government that won't let them do something, the ex who wants the child support, the bank that holds an underwater mortgage ......? He's telling them "look I can focking get away with this and I'm worth ten focking billion dollars." They are literally losers for whom neither the gop nor dems appear to offer any chance for life getting better. They don't give a fock if Trumps 7 point HC policy is ... nothing beyond "you're on your own Jack," because its what they expect. That's why Trump's best line is telling the establishment "you're a LOSER."
you dem voters have some Nerve talking about people being conned. the Democrat party CONNED Hillary on you as who you will vote for and gave you Bernie the Socialist to back that up. snobs. I'd rather be a Trumpster than be a Democrat slave/sheep
Meanwhile, 68,395 posts later, and we are all still waiting for just one of them to make a little sense.

Keep TRYING Staph.
OP you are mad as **** and back a flip-flopping liberal
I don't think pointing it out does much good with Trumpeters. The art of ANY con requires a victim who WANTS to be conned.
Yep. I found that to be the case with the clients of psychics, mediums, homeopathy, and other snake oil salesmen. It is just as true in politics.

I've spoken a lot about "the desire to believe" on this forum and the abnegation of critical thinking.

Very depressing.
I don't know that it's depressing. It's actually understandable after W. It's just the whole Joe the Plumber thing. The dems break up in the early 70s was sort of similar ... except Nixon's years were actually good economic times. There was a social upheaval, but polls really don't show McGovern led any "revolution." Sanders is sort of doing the same thing, and it works a little because we had 8 years of W, and Schumer warned early on that Obama needed to benefit the middle class, and his policies really have not.

The establishment lied about how much of a conservative agenda they could deliver in a two party govt. The tea party demanded they live up to the promises. That is impossible ... fiscally. Trump is unfortunately a classic con. He promises to deliver the impossible, but his victims want to believe there's "money for nothing and the chicks for free." The con works until the victims wise up.
What are the GOP "elite" going to do next? Dig up dead people? Shut the hell up Mitt. You were Obama lite on your best day and look where there hell that got us.
Now you are out there fighting for the party "elites" you loser. The VERY reason you were a LOSER.

Obamacare and Romneycare SAME product, different label. Your shit shovel was made by the SAME people who made his. He just had the "super size me" model.
You Romney are a size 12 "elite" political bitch CLAIMING she can wear a size 2.

You have been out of politics now for eight years. Did you get a CNN or FOX show? No, because the people did not want you idiot. And if the networks had even liked you the cameras and reporters would be there to hang on your every word.

But they are NOT Mitt, because America could care less what you think? Anybody ask you about terrorists in the last eight years? NO. Anybody ask you about ILLEGALS in the last eight years? NO. Anybody ask you about BLM? NO. Take a hint stupid....If they DON'T ask you DON'T matter. Damn good rule of thumb.

You need to shut the hell up Mitt, just shut the hell up already okay?
This is NOT a job for magic underwear, its a job FOR TRUMP!

He wishes he sat it out and 2012 and ran this time. He thinks he could beat Hillary.

But then again him and Karl Rove thought they could beat Obama but they were wrong.

I have to admit, Romney would have had a better chance now than he did against a popular incumbent president like Barrack Obama.

To Republicans this is a bad economy
The Obama Economy Sets Another Record As Job Growth Streak Surges On

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