Shut Up About the Jews Already...


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
Long Beach, Ca
...I'm sick of talking about all these Israeli issue threads!

We need to talk more about US issues, not Israeli issues. Israel can solve it's own fucking problems. I don't want my government wasting time on what matters to some other fucking country! I want this fucking government spending it's time on what matters to this fucking country! And what matters to this fucking country, is not fucking AIPAC!

AIPAC should be outlawed in the United States. The President doesn't even need Congress to do it. All he has to do, is put that fuckin' organization on the "Terrorist Watch List" and it's a done deal.

American's need to deal with American problems, not Israeli ones. I don't want 0.24% of the American population, setting the political agenda for the country.

American Jews constitute just 1.7 percent of the voting population, according to the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life. Of the tiny percentage of American voters who are Jewish, roughly 7 percent put Israel at the top of their list of political concerns. So, overall, 7 percent of 1.7 percent—or pretty close to 0 percent—say they vote on the basis of policies related to Israel.
Israel ain't that fuckin' special and neither are jews (unless, of coarse, they happen to be Laker fans, then they get carte blanche).
There are certain fucktards who think life is all about being sodomized by Jews.
Jews are people toos.

Lots of Jooz live in US.

Lots of everbody lives in US. We're like the sucker pot of the world.

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore...

Jews are people toos.

You must be a hit at parties. You say the wildest and craziest things!

I tell them as I see them. At one social gathering, I told a couple that they were two of the nicest White people that I ever knew.

Really- where's the fear? You can charm and disarm in a single comment. Rightly placed and timed to perfection- the subtlety of campy humor must by definition be self-deprecating and humorously insulting at the same time. It works.
Uncle Ferd says, "Hey...

... how would you like it if someone called you 'Jewboy'?...

... just `cause ya's tryin' to get to school...

... w/o bein' robbed of yer lunch money...

... an' ya couldn't go to yer gramma or grampa...

... to talk about it...

... `cause dey was killed inna Holocaust...

... think about it...

... an old Jewish Indian proverb...

... 'Ya don't know what it's like...

... till ya walk around inna other person's moccassins'...

... ya oughta be ashamed...

... cause ya live in America...

... an' don't have to worry `bout dem things.
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Uncle Ferd says, "Hey...

... how would you like it if someone called you 'Jewboy'?...

... just `cause ya's tryin' to get to school...

... w/o bein' robbed of yer lunch money...

... an' ya couldn't go to yer gramma or grampa...

... to talk about it...

... `cause dey was killed inna Holocaust...

... think about it...

... an old Jewish Indian proverb...

... 'Ya don't know what it's like...

... till ya walk around inna other person's moccassins'...

... ya oughta be ashamed...

... cause ya live in America...

... an' don't have to worry `bout dem things.
I know some jews, they can't stand Israeli's!
loinboy wrote: I know some jews, they can't stand Israeli's!

Granny says...

... when Jesus comes back...

... he gonna bless the Jews an' dey's friends...

... an' dey's enemies he gonna put inna fiery hot place...

... with lotsa smoke an' brimstone an' lefty lib'rals...

... which side ya wanna be on?
loinboy wrote: I know some jews, they can't stand Israeli's!

Granny says...

... when Jesus comes back...

... he gonna bless the Jews an' dey's friends...

... an' dey's enemies he gonna put inna fiery hot place...

... with lotsa smoke an' brimstone an' lefty lib'rals...

... which side ya wanna be on?
Jesus is not going to bless anyone who is racist and treats an entire population of people like garbage.

What HE does with them, is condemn them to hell.
...I'm sick of talking about all these Israeli issue threads!

We need to talk more about US issues, not Israeli issues. Israel can solve it's own fucking problems. I don't want my government wasting time on what matters to some other fucking country! I want this fucking government spending it's time on what matters to this fucking country! And what matters to this fucking country, is not fucking AIPAC!

AIPAC should be outlawed in the United States. The President doesn't even need Congress to do it. All he has to do, is put that fuckin' organization on the "Terrorist Watch List" and it's a done deal.

American's need to deal with American problems, not Israeli ones. I don't want 0.24% of the American population, setting the political agenda for the country.

American Jews constitute just 1.7 percent of the voting population, according to the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life. Of the tiny percentage of American voters who are Jewish, roughly 7 percent put Israel at the top of their list of political concerns. So, overall, 7 percent of 1.7 percent—or pretty close to 0 percent—say they vote on the basis of policies related to Israel.
Israel ain't that fuckin' special and neither are jews (unless, of coarse, they happen to be Laker fans, then they get carte blanche).

Are you serious? you start more Israeli/Palestinian threads than anyone on here.:eusa_eh:
loinboy wrote: I know some jews, they can't stand Israeli's!

Granny says...

... when Jesus comes back...

... he gonna bless the Jews an' dey's friends...

... an' dey's enemies he gonna put inna fiery hot place...

... with lotsa smoke an' brimstone an' lefty lib'rals...

... which side ya wanna be on?
Jesus is not going to bless anyone who is racist and treats an entire population of people like garbage.

What HE does with them, is condemn them to hell.

You can't say that, have you read the Bible? all kinds of terrible things happened to people, Jesus hardly lived in a world of peaches and cream.

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