Shutdown Prediction Thread

Who blinks first

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Who blinks first?


the Dems?

The GOP in Congress?

I suspect Donny will cave after a few weeks, after all he was just recently sending signals that he would sign the appropriations sans funding for the wall, that trial balloon received a bunch of flak from his base so I suspect he's just doing all this to placate them until he can have some grounds to blame the Democrats when they take over the HoR.
Who blinks first?


the Dems?

The GOP in Congress?

I suspect Donny will cave after a few weeks, after all he was just recently sending signals that he would sign the appropriations sans funding for the wall, that trial balloon received a bunch of flak from his base so I suspect he's just doing all this to placate them until he can have some grounds to blame the Democrats when they take over the HoR.

This is my thought as well. This will linger on till the new year and the Dems taking over the House and then he can blame them and all his sheep will be ok with that.
Who blinks first?


the Dems?

The GOP in Congress?
Trump creates a crisis. Then when it is averted, he claims to be a great manger and deal maker. That is so nuts.

Trump will call it success no matter how the Trump shutdown comes out

What crisis?
Well even Trump calls the shutdown a crisis

you too

try and keep up. we know it hard with Trump changing his tune with every Tweet

The President is turning your Kabuki theater back on you Stalinists. The little Goebbles of the press hype this beyond all rationality, so make you commie fucks wear it. Fund the wall of face the Armageddon you so dishonestly preach.
Not Trump. The longer gov't stays shut down, the more people will realize how irrelevant government really is.
Not when they don’t get paid and services are missing. It doesn’t just affect the government but all the subsidiaries and contractors. Trump’s tantrum is not popularly supported.

Quick, name the amount of money federal welfare rats have lost in all the government shutdowns ever????? :eek:

That would be zero - they get paid for every day they are furloughed. Free vacation days for the few that are actually affected by the farcical shutdown.
They get maybe months later. Contractors likely not at all.

Days later, as you know. Contractors are unlikely to be affected. No defense work is impacted by the shutdown farce. Generally national monuments and parks.

This is just theater that the Heinreich Himmlers over at CNN pimp as part of the propaganda war you wage against America.The shutdown is a non-event.

Oh, and if you Stalinists actually cared, take ONE HALF of what you gave Mexico and FUND THE DAMN WALL.

U.S. Pledges $10.6 Billion For Central America and Southern Mexico…

The President is turning your Kabuki Theater back on you.

you do realize that it is the State Dept that pledged the money to those places, not congress.

you know, Trump's state Dept.

Seems your anger is misplaced.

No one gives a fuck. Twice the amount asked for to fund the wall is given out like candy in a welfare payments to Mexico. It ain't the money commie. you Stalinist shits refuse to protect the nation because you simply want an open border.
Not when they don’t get paid and services are missing. It doesn’t just affect the government but all the subsidiaries and contractors. Trump’s tantrum is not popularly supported.

Quick, name the amount of money federal welfare rats have lost in all the government shutdowns ever????? :eek:

That would be zero - they get paid for every day they are furloughed. Free vacation days for the few that are actually affected by the farcical shutdown.
They get maybe months later. Contractors likely not at all.

Days later, as you know. Contractors are unlikely to be affected. No defense work is impacted by the shutdown farce. Generally national monuments and parks.

This is just theater that the Heinreich Himmlers over at CNN pimp as part of the propaganda war you wage against America.The shutdown is a non-event.

Oh, and if you Stalinists actually cared, take ONE HALF of what you gave Mexico and FUND THE DAMN WALL.

U.S. Pledges $10.6 Billion For Central America and Southern Mexico…

The President is turning your Kabuki Theater back on you.

you do realize that it is the State Dept that pledged the money to those places, not congress.

you know, Trump's state Dept.

Seems your anger is misplaced.

No one gives a fuck. Twice the amount asked for to fund the wall is given out like candy in a welfare payments to Mexico. It ain't the money commie. you Stalinist shits refuse to protect the nation because you simply want an open border.

Your savoir in the White House gives twice the money for the wall to Mexico and it is somehow not his fault.

It is a very good thing you were not around to hear Jim Jones, you love to drink in the kool-aid.
Who blinks first?


the Dems?

The GOP in Congress?

I suspect Donny will cave after a few weeks, after all he was just recently sending signals that he would sign the appropriations sans funding for the wall, that trial balloon received a bunch of flak from his base so I suspect he's just doing all this to placate them until he can have some grounds to blame the Democrats when they take over the HoR.

This is my thought as well. This will linger on till the new year and the Dems taking over the House and then he can blame them and all his sheep will be ok with that.

IMHO this whole "shutdown over the wall" thing is just another installment of partisan kabuki theater.

My real concern is that with the departure of Mattis, the recent seemingly impulsive foreign policies moves and the fact that Trump has not articulated any sort of coherent strategy, U.S. foreign policy is in complete disarray and that's on top of all the trade issues, personally I don't care about the partial shutdown and I suspect neither do the financial markets, they're worried about geopolitical instability, trade and where monetary policy is going.

I don't think Mnuchin was calling all the CEO's of the major U.S. Banks over the appropriations spat with the Democrats, do you? Treasury is worried about a repeat of 2008 and Trump doesn't seem to have a clue about it.
It's a very simple thing.

1) Trump should explain to the Democrats and especially the DACA kids that a DACA sign off will cost 5.7 billion dollars for the wall.

2) Draw up the deal, and let the Democrats vote against it.

3) Watch the pretty fireworks.

That is exactly what Schumer offered a year ago...your Messiah rejected it.

Someone should remind McConnell that Schumer and his Communists are the MINORITY party.

Or, better yet, someone should remind McConnell that he and his statist are the MAJORITY party.[

If McConnell wants a secure border, he can easily fund one. He's just afraid his wife will lose bribes if he does.
How much did he offer up front? He asked Trumpto name his price. Trump gave a figure, Schumer agreed to it.

20 billion right now? How’s the deficit doing? You conservatives have really dropped the ball on are supposed to be the check on liberal spending. Looks like you are out to pasture.

$20 billion is about 5 minutes of welfare payments.

Queer Barry added $9 TRILLION to the debt, and we have NOTHING to show for it. The payoff to the UAW with the GM scam under Queer Barry did nothing, the crooks took the cash and are headed to China. We got Fascist Care that allows massive corporations like Blue Cross to rape the public at will.

But in $9 Trillion, the little faggot couldn't manage to even protect the nation from invasion.

$20 billion is a paltry sum on the federal scale and does ONE TINY thing that is ACTUALLY CALLED FOR IN THE CONSTITUTION, you know that document your party is at war to put an end to,

There is a wall called for in the Constitution?

Damn, I must have missed that part.


Section 8
1: The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;}

Even for a Communist, you're dumb as all fuck...
Who blinks first?


the Dems?

The GOP in Congress?

I suspect Donny will cave after a few weeks, after all he was just recently sending signals that he would sign the appropriations sans funding for the wall, that trial balloon received a bunch of flak from his base so I suspect he's just doing all this to placate them until he can have some grounds to blame the Democrats when they take over the HoR.

Wait, you Communists are wailing that America won't last a few weeks. Isn't Madcow over on MSNPC already reporting mass starvation, deaths in the millions, rioting in the streets and global warming as a result of the most catastrophic shutdown in the history of history and ever?
It all depends on how the talking heads on Fox react to the agreement. If they praise the blob more than criticize him, the government may reopen. If they criticize more than praise, no deal.

That is the long and short of it.
Who blinks first?


the Dems?

The GOP in Congress?

I suspect Donny will cave after a few weeks, after all he was just recently sending signals that he would sign the appropriations sans funding for the wall, that trial balloon received a bunch of flak from his base so I suspect he's just doing all this to placate them until he can have some grounds to blame the Democrats when they take over the HoR.

This is my thought as well. This will linger on till the new year and the Dems taking over the House and then he can blame them and all his sheep will be ok with that.

You should hold your breath comrade.

This is the worst thing in the history of ever...

Quick, name the amount of money federal welfare rats have lost in all the government shutdowns ever????? :eek:

That would be zero - they get paid for every day they are furloughed. Free vacation days for the few that are actually affected by the farcical shutdown.
They get maybe months later. Contractors likely not at all.

Days later, as you know. Contractors are unlikely to be affected. No defense work is impacted by the shutdown farce. Generally national monuments and parks.

This is just theater that the Heinreich Himmlers over at CNN pimp as part of the propaganda war you wage against America.The shutdown is a non-event.

Oh, and if you Stalinists actually cared, take ONE HALF of what you gave Mexico and FUND THE DAMN WALL.

U.S. Pledges $10.6 Billion For Central America and Southern Mexico…

The President is turning your Kabuki Theater back on you.

you do realize that it is the State Dept that pledged the money to those places, not congress.

you know, Trump's state Dept.

Seems your anger is misplaced.

No one gives a fuck. Twice the amount asked for to fund the wall is given out like candy in a welfare payments to Mexico. It ain't the money commie. you Stalinist shits refuse to protect the nation because you simply want an open border.

Your savoir in the White House gives twice the money for the wall to Mexico and it is somehow not his fault.

It is a very good thing you were not around to hear Jim Jones, you love to drink in the kool-aid.

Trump allocated that money, stupid fuck? :lmao:

The lies you stalinist shits tell....
I'm thinking some type of compromise promoted as a win-win.
Say $3.9b for the wall and green cards for the DACA kids.
It looks like Trump has a new prototype of wall that could be much cheaper per mile, so he might spin it as he gets the same length of wall.

Trump will be in the same situation he was with the wall

RW media will crucify him if he offers a deal on DACA. He will back out at the last minute again
Did the government shut down? I've been too busy working at the post office to find out.
Hard to tell

They shut down on Friday night
Saturday Offices closed
Sunday ...Offices closed
Monday.....Trump gave workers day off

Won’t see any impact till Wednesday.
Who blinks first?


the Dems?

The GOP in Congress?

I suspect Donny will cave after a few weeks, after all he was just recently sending signals that he would sign the appropriations sans funding for the wall, that trial balloon received a bunch of flak from his base so I suspect he's just doing all this to placate them until he can have some grounds to blame the Democrats when they take over the HoR.

Wait, you Communists are wailing that America won't last a few weeks.

LOL, yeah I'm a communist.... :rolleyes:

Hate to burst your little ad hominem narrative just as you're getting it fired up but I'm far more of a free market capitalist than you are, you're just so enthralled by partisan propaganda that everything that doesn't fit neatly into your illusion of choice looks like a commie.
I'm thinking some type of compromise promoted as a win-win.
Say $3.9b for the wall and green cards for the DACA kids.
It looks like Trump has a new prototype of wall that could be much cheaper per mile, so he might spin it as he gets the same length of wall.

Trump will be in the same situation he was with the wall

RW media will crucify him if he offers a deal on DACA. He will back out at the last minute again

There is no RW media.

Even Fox is well left of center in their reporting. The only people who support America are COMMENTATORS, talk radio mostly. The right has talk radio because the right is in their cars going to work and back every day. The left goes for TV, because they are planted on their couch.
Who blinks first?


the Dems?

The GOP in Congress?

I suspect Donny will cave after a few weeks, after all he was just recently sending signals that he would sign the appropriations sans funding for the wall, that trial balloon received a bunch of flak from his base so I suspect he's just doing all this to placate them until he can have some grounds to blame the Democrats when they take over the HoR.

Wait, you Communists are wailing that America won't last a few weeks.

LOL, yeah I'm a communist.... :rolleyes:

Hate to burst your little ad hominem narrative just as you're getting it fired up but I'm far more of a free market capitalist than you are, you're just so enthralled by partisan propaganda that everything that doesn't fit neatly into your illusion of choice looks like a commie.

Sure you are, which is why you promote Schumer, Pelosi, and Bernie.... :eusa_whistle:
It's a very simple thing.

1) Trump should explain to the Democrats and especially the DACA kids that a DACA sign off will cost 5.7 billion dollars for the wall.

2) Draw up the deal, and let the Democrats vote against it.

3) Watch the pretty fireworks.

That is exactly what Schumer offered a year ago...your Messiah rejected it.

Someone should remind McConnell that Schumer and his Communists are the MINORITY party.

Or, better yet, someone should remind McConnell that he and his statist are the MAJORITY party.[

If McConnell wants a secure border, he can easily fund one. He's just afraid his wife will lose bribes if he does.

Something we agree on
Who blinks first?


the Dems?

The GOP in Congress?

I suspect Donny will cave after a few weeks, after all he was just recently sending signals that he would sign the appropriations sans funding for the wall, that trial balloon received a bunch of flak from his base so I suspect he's just doing all this to placate them until he can have some grounds to blame the Democrats when they take over the HoR.

Wait, you Communists are wailing that America won't last a few weeks.

LOL, yeah I'm a communist.... :rolleyes:

Hate to burst your little ad hominem narrative just as you're getting it fired up but I'm far more of a free market capitalist than you are, you're just so enthralled by partisan propaganda that everything that doesn't fit neatly into your illusion of choice looks like a commie.

Sure you are, which is why you promote Schumer, Pelosi, and Bernie.... :eusa_whistle:

LOL, please remind me, when did I ever "promote" any of those criminal dingbats? and the conversations with the voices in your own head don't count.

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