Shutdown Prediction Thread

Who blinks first

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I'm thinking some type of compromise promoted as a win-win.
Say $3.9b for the wall and green cards for the DACA kids.
It looks like Trump has a new prototype of wall that could be much cheaper per mile, so he might spin it as he gets the same length of wall.
Sounds like a plan as long as Trump doesn't throw in all the rest of that immigration reform he insisted on last time at the last minute. Has he learned his lesson yet about what compromise means?
Why don’t you give a shit about Americans and America! Why do libturds aka democrats hate this country so much? We are entitled to national security. We deserve nothing less!
Why don't you come up with a real argument or just shut the fuck up. Like a child give me what I want now or I will huff and puff. Fuck you, toher ideas floating around other than yours thank god you are a one trick pony
Who blinks first?


the Dems?

The GOP in Congress?

I suspect Donny will cave after a few weeks, after all he was just recently sending signals that he would sign the appropriations sans funding for the wall, that trial balloon received a bunch of flak from his base so I suspect he's just doing all this to placate them until he can have some grounds to blame the Democrats when they take over the HoR.

This is my thought as well. This will linger on till the new year and the Dems taking over the House and then he can blame them and all his sheep will be ok with that.

IMHO this whole "shutdown over the wall" thing is just another installment of partisan kabuki theater.

My real concern is that with the departure of Mattis, the recent seemingly impulsive foreign policies moves and the fact that Trump has not articulated any sort of coherent strategy, U.S. foreign policy is in complete disarray and that's on top of all the trade issues, personally I don't care about the partial shutdown and I suspect neither do the financial markets, they're worried about geopolitical instability, trade and where monetary policy is going.

I don't think Mnuchin was calling all the CEO's of the major U.S. Banks over the appropriations spat with the Democrats, do you? Treasury is worried about a repeat of 2008 and Trump doesn't seem to have a clue about it.
Frankly this stuff scares the hell out of me...
I'm thinking some type of compromise promoted as a win-win.
Say $3.9b for the wall and green cards for the DACA kids.
It looks like Trump has a new prototype of wall that could be much cheaper per mile, so he might spin it as he gets the same length of wall.
Sounds like a plan as long as Trump doesn't throw in all the rest of that immigration reform he insisted on last time at the last minute. Has he learned his lesson yet about what compromise means?
Why don’t you give a shit about Americans and America! Why do libturds aka democrats hate this country so much? We are entitled to national security. We deserve nothing less!
Why don't you come up with a real argument or just shut the fuck up. Like a child give me what I want now or I will huff and puff. Fuck you, toher ideas floating around other than yours thank god you are a one trick pony
What did ewe find lacking in my argument gomer?
My thought has changed from Republicans to Trump. I believe he'll take what he can get prior to Jan 3rd when GOP loses control of the House and when he'll be lucky to get half of the $5 billion he wants. Of course his backers will claim anything he gets was all he wanted in the first place. Which may be true, but it is the closest we'll ever get to a win-win.

I'll call $2.5 billion a tie, anything more as a win for Trump, anything less then I'd call it in favor of the Democrats.
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I'm thinking some type of compromise promoted as a win-win.
Say $3.9b for the wall and green cards for the DACA kids.
It looks like Trump has a new prototype of wall that could be much cheaper per mile, so he might spin it as he gets the same length of wall.

Trump will be in the same situation he was with the wall

RW media will crucify him if he offers a deal on DACA. He will back out at the last minute again

There is no RW media.

Even Fox is well left of center in their reporting. The only people who support America are COMMENTATORS, talk radio mostly. The right has talk radio because the right is in their cars going to work and back every day. The left goes for TV, because they are planted on their couch.
You Goofy
My thought has changed from Republicans to Trump. I believe he'll take what he can get prior to Jan 3rd when GOP loses control of the House and he'll be lucky to get half of the $5 billion he wants. Of course his backers will claim that's all he was after in the first place, which is the closest we'll ever get to a win-win.
I don’t think Dems will offer anything until they control the House
Who blinks first?


the Dems?

The GOP in Congress?

I suspect Donny will cave after a few weeks, after all he was just recently sending signals that he would sign the appropriations sans funding for the wall, that trial balloon received a bunch of flak from his base so I suspect he's just doing all this to placate them until he can have some grounds to blame the Democrats when they take over the HoR.

This is my thought as well. This will linger on till the new year and the Dems taking over the House and then he can blame them and all his sheep will be ok with that.

IMHO this whole "shutdown over the wall" thing is just another installment of partisan kabuki theater.

My real concern is that with the departure of Mattis, the recent seemingly impulsive foreign policies moves and the fact that Trump has not articulated any sort of coherent strategy, U.S. foreign policy is in complete disarray and that's on top of all the trade issues, personally I don't care about the partial shutdown and I suspect neither do the financial markets, they're worried about geopolitical instability, trade and where monetary policy is going.

I don't think Mnuchin was calling all the CEO's of the major U.S. Banks over the appropriations spat with the Democrats, do you? Treasury is worried about a repeat of 2008 and Trump doesn't seem to have a clue about it.
Frankly this stuff scares the hell out of me...
For years now..........Trump has stated that he didn't want to overthrow Assad.......A shift in U.S. policy from Obama........He said he would stay long enough to finish off ISIS and then leave............this is not new policy...........and when ISIS is reported to be done to only about 2000 troops and contained in tunnels he said we are bugging out.

Why is this a surprise to anyone considering he's been saying that for a very long time.........Suddenly everyone is surprised about it.....Are you really surprised or were you not listening.
Who blinks first?


the Dems?

The GOP in Congress?
Trump creates a crisis. Then when it is averted, he claims to be a great manger and deal maker. That is so nuts.

Trump will call it success no matter how the Trump shutdown comes out

What crisis?
Well even Trump calls the shutdown a crisis

you too

try and keep up. we know it hard with Trump changing his tune with every Tweet

The President is turning your Kabuki theater back on you Stalinists. The little Goebbles of the press hype this beyond all rationality, so make you commie fucks wear it. Fund the wall of face the Armageddon you so dishonestly preach.

are you still fighting the old Soviet Union? LOL
Sounds like a plan as long as Trump doesn't throw in all the rest of that immigration reform he insisted on last time at the last minute. Has he learned his lesson yet about what compromise means?
The artist of the deal I'm afraid is nothing but an over pompous bully
5 billion is chump change in this budget. Why do Pelosi and Schumer support illegal immigration?
BS no one wants illegal immigration That's just more repub poppycock
So it's personal. That's a hell of a way for Democrats to govern.
LOL speaking of governing You're bonkers if trumps way of governing pleases you

On the one hand, I agree with you.

On the other hand, after watching the unfair treatment his administration has gotten, and the way the press has treated him, I am at a loss to see how any administration intent on taking on the Deep State could govern at this point.

We continually hear the press rail on about how many folks associated with the Trump government have been under investigation or indicted. Yet, if you do a Google search and try to investigate the partisan attempts at the take down? It is slanted, you have to use a different search engine. The whole system is corrupt. We have a war between the public state and the Deep State, it is corruption. And one's POV on the whole mess is completely dependent on their partisan attitude. I KNOW you don't give a shit why these folks were fired or resigned, BUT IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE. YOU CAN'T IGNORE IT. So please, wake up.

FBI Departures:

  1. James Comey, director (fired)
  2. Andrew McCabe, deputy director (fired)
  3. Peter Strzok, counterintelligence expert (fired)
  4. Lisa Page, attorney (demoted; resigned)
  5. James Rybicki, chief of staff (resigned)
  6. James Baker, general counsel (resigned)
  7. Mike Kortan, assistant director for public affairs (resigned)
  8. Josh Campbell, special assistant to James Comey (resigned)
  9. James Turgal, executive assistant director (resigned)
  10. Greg Bower, assistant director for office of congressional affairs (resigned)
  11. Michael Steinbach, executive assistant director (resigned)
  12. John Giacalone, executive assistant director (resigned)
DOJ Departures:

  1. Sally Yates, deputy attorney general (fired)
  2. Bruce Ohr, associate deputy attorney general (twice demoted)
  3. David Laufman, counterintelligence chief (resigned)
  4. Rachel Brand, deputy attorney general (resigned)
  5. Trisha Beth Anderson, office of legal counsel for FBI (demoted or reassigned*)
  6. John P. Carlin, assistant attorney general (resigned)
  7. Peter Kadzik, assistant attorney general, congressional liaison (resigned)
  8. Mary McCord, acting assistant attorney general (resigned)
  9. Matthew Axelrod, principal assistant to deputy attorney general (resigned)
  10. Preet Bharara, U.S. attorney, SDNY (fired along with 45 other U.S. Attorneys)
  11. Sharon McGowan, civil rights division (resigned)
  12. Diana Flynn, litigation director for LGBTQ civil rights (resigned)
  13. Vanita Gupta, civil rights division (resigned)
  14. Joel McElvain, assistant branch director of the civil division (resigned)

We saw what happened when Nixon tried to address the corruption, they had criminals in his administration frame him for committing a crime. Was he slimy? YES. Did HE, with intent, purposely break laws though? No such proof has come to light.

"Question: “Why would the Establishment of that day want to get rid of Nixon over a burglary?” It doesn’t make any sense! Nixon was its man and it had just spent tons of money getting him elected to a second term. The Post’s version of what happened has huge holes in it. Meanwhile, as I write, President George W. Bush has lied us into an unjust, costly and deadly war with Iraq, with no end in sight to that conflict. Yet, the Post is maintaining a strict vow of silence about that. Why isn’t it howling for Bush’s Impeachment? This is the same stealth-like position that it took when President Ronald Reagan was lying his a.. off about Contragate. The Post also didn’t dare to disturb the demented Reagan as he was going about his anti-American plot of repealing the progressive gains of “FDR’s New Deal.” This is the same rotten scheme that Bush, again without any opposition from the Post, is finishing off. Who is watching the store? Not the self-glorifying Post, that’s for sure."
Nixon's Watergate and JFK's Murder: Connecting the Dots! - Media Monitors Network (MMN)

When JFK tried, they had him shot.

When Perot tried, they threatened his kids.

When Sanders and Ron Paul tried, they rigged the nominating process against these men.

When Reagan tried, his own VP tried to have him killed and then threatened his children to keep him in line till he sold out.

When Carter tried, they used a combination of these tactics. . .

We have had good men from both parties try to reform the system and put power back into the hands of the people and take it away from the Deep State, but they all end up selling out, dead, or disgraced. The only thing that matters to the global corporatists is power and money. Freedom, justice, equity, and especially the environment can go get bent in their opinion. Don't be fooled.

It might be time to just go bonkers, eh?

AND YOU? YOU NEED TO STOP GOBBLING UP THE JIZZ of government schooling and CFR propaganda, that paradigm doesn't make any sense at all.

If it did, the most powerful nation on earth would live up to it's morals and ethics while making the world a better place, not an unbearable shit hole for everyone.
Who blinks first?


the Dems?

The GOP in Congress?
Trump creates a crisis. Then when it is averted, he claims to be a great manger and deal maker. That is so nuts.

Trump will call it success no matter how the Trump shutdown comes out

What crisis?
Well even Trump calls the shutdown a crisis

you too

try and keep up. we know it hard with Trump changing his tune with every Tweet

The President is turning your Kabuki theater back on you Stalinists. The little Goebbles of the press hype this beyond all rationality, so make you commie fucks wear it. Fund the wall of face the Armageddon you so dishonestly preach.

are you still fighting the old Soviet Union? LOL

Just the philosophy.
Who blinks first?


the Dems?

The GOP in Congress?

I suspect Donny will cave after a few weeks, after all he was just recently sending signals that he would sign the appropriations sans funding for the wall, that trial balloon received a bunch of flak from his base so I suspect he's just doing all this to placate them until he can have some grounds to blame the Democrats when they take over the HoR.

This is my thought as well. This will linger on till the new year and the Dems taking over the House and then he can blame them and all his sheep will be ok with that.

IMHO this whole "shutdown over the wall" thing is just another installment of partisan kabuki theater.

My real concern is that with the departure of Mattis, the recent seemingly impulsive foreign policies moves and the fact that Trump has not articulated any sort of coherent strategy, U.S. foreign policy is in complete disarray and that's on top of all the trade issues, personally I don't care about the partial shutdown and I suspect neither do the financial markets, they're worried about geopolitical instability, trade and where monetary policy is going.

I don't think Mnuchin was calling all the CEO's of the major U.S. Banks over the appropriations spat with the Democrats, do you? Treasury is worried about a repeat of 2008 and Trump doesn't seem to have a clue about it.
Frankly this stuff scares the hell out of me...

Without eternal war, what reason would America have to surrender our civil rights?

Barry's army, his ISIS, is defeated. We have no purpose in Syria.
I'm thinking some type of compromise promoted as a win-win.
Say $3.9b for the wall and green cards for the DACA kids.
It looks like Trump has a new prototype of wall that could be much cheaper per mile, so he might spin it as he gets the same length of wall.

Trump will be in the same situation he was with the wall

RW media will crucify him if he offers a deal on DACA. He will back out at the last minute again

There is no RW media.

Even Fox is well left of center in their reporting. The only people who support America are COMMENTATORS, talk radio mostly. The right has talk radio because the right is in their cars going to work and back every day. The left goes for TV, because they are planted on their couch.
You Goofy

You Communists don't grasp what commentary is. That's because you use editorials on the front page - that is when you aren't shamelessly lying.

Fox reporting is nearly as far left as CNN. That Hannity has an opinion show is irrelevant to this fact.
Who blinks first?


the Dems?

The GOP in Congress?

I suspect Donny will cave after a few weeks, after all he was just recently sending signals that he would sign the appropriations sans funding for the wall, that trial balloon received a bunch of flak from his base so I suspect he's just doing all this to placate them until he can have some grounds to blame the Democrats when they take over the HoR.

This is my thought as well. This will linger on till the new year and the Dems taking over the House and then he can blame them and all his sheep will be ok with that.

IMHO this whole "shutdown over the wall" thing is just another installment of partisan kabuki theater.

My real concern is that with the departure of Mattis, the recent seemingly impulsive foreign policies moves and the fact that Trump has not articulated any sort of coherent strategy, U.S. foreign policy is in complete disarray and that's on top of all the trade issues, personally I don't care about the partial shutdown and I suspect neither do the financial markets, they're worried about geopolitical instability, trade and where monetary policy is going.

I don't think Mnuchin was calling all the CEO's of the major U.S. Banks over the appropriations spat with the Democrats, do you? Treasury is worried about a repeat of 2008 and Trump doesn't seem to have a clue about it.
IMO, it has more to do with the FED aggressive moves on the interest rates.

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Just read the comments.
Trump creates a crisis. Then when it is averted, he claims to be a great manger and deal maker. That is so nuts.

Trump will call it success no matter how the Trump shutdown comes out

What crisis?
Well even Trump calls the shutdown a crisis

you too

try and keep up. we know it hard with Trump changing his tune with every Tweet

The President is turning your Kabuki theater back on you Stalinists. The little Goebbles of the press hype this beyond all rationality, so make you commie fucks wear it. Fund the wall of face the Armageddon you so dishonestly preach.

are you still fighting the old Soviet Union? LOL

Just the philosophy.
think about that .. a philosophy?
Who blinks first?


the Dems?

The GOP in Congress?

I suspect Donny will cave after a few weeks, after all he was just recently sending signals that he would sign the appropriations sans funding for the wall, that trial balloon received a bunch of flak from his base so I suspect he's just doing all this to placate them until he can have some grounds to blame the Democrats when they take over the HoR.

This is my thought as well. This will linger on till the new year and the Dems taking over the House and then he can blame them and all his sheep will be ok with that.

IMHO this whole "shutdown over the wall" thing is just another installment of partisan kabuki theater.

My real concern is that with the departure of Mattis, the recent seemingly impulsive foreign policies moves and the fact that Trump has not articulated any sort of coherent strategy, U.S. foreign policy is in complete disarray and that's on top of all the trade issues, personally I don't care about the partial shutdown and I suspect neither do the financial markets, they're worried about geopolitical instability, trade and where monetary policy is going.

I don't think Mnuchin was calling all the CEO's of the major U.S. Banks over the appropriations spat with the Democrats, do you? Treasury is worried about a repeat of 2008 and Trump doesn't seem to have a clue about it.
IMO, it has more to do with the FED aggressive moves on the interest rates.

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Just read the comments.

Yep, that's the reference I made to Monetary Policy, however right at this moment I believe the primary drivers of the financial markets are political and trade uncertainty, the last FOMC meeting struck a slightly more dovish tone than the previous meeting, though the financial markets wanted more the meeting minutes still indicate a slower pace of rate increases for 2019 than what we've been pricing in all year.

The Trump administration is in complete turmoil on all fronts and the markets don't like the uncertainty that it's generating, hopefully the White House will get it's shit together sooner rather than later and calm things down.
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Dems have most to lose in the Schumer shutdown. The endless investigations will halt. Pelosi won't get to go after guns. I would wait them out to all $25B.
"Schumer Shutdown??"


"I will be the one to shut it down." ~ Crazy Donald
Pony up the extra 3.4 Billion and it's over..........worth about 260 miles of improved walls in congested areas.


Take a look at the wall they built us in 2006..........I bow to the majesty of the establishment to protect us.......No one can get over that wall......

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