Shutdown Prediction Thread

Who blinks first

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It’s two years in, time to put that excuse to bed. It isn’t about the election. It’s about Trump’s vision for our country. 2020 you’ll still be whining about how it is all sour grapes.

What drives you leftists insane is that a majority in this country agrees with Trump's vision.
What majority?

The majority of total popular votes Trump won by 1 million votes in 49 states. Hillary won California the traitor state allied with Mexico.

That is it? Talk about a stretch :lmao: If the popular vote is the indication of what vision was supported it wasn’t Trump’s. He lost the popular vote big time. And he only won the popular votes in 38 states, not 49.

If the majority approved of his vision (a statement debunked)... it would be reflected in his approval rating (it isn’t). Keep spinning.

Its you people who wanted to harp on and on about the so called "popular vote". I simply pointed out that outside California Trump kicked the crap out of Hillary in the other 49 states.

And CA just happens to be the state where they let illegals vote. :1peleas::rolleyes:

Oh, they've pulled voter fraud in other states before..

4-5 Buses pulling up to migrant farm worker camps to take them to the polls.

They're not American citizens.

So why is a 6-foot Obama sign in the middle of their housing?
Schumer offered Trump his wall. Trump reneged . Guess it wasn’t that important. What a baby to be whining about it now.

Analysis | Schumer offered Trump something Democrats hate for something Republicans broadly like is his much publicized “I am going to take responsibility for the shut down” claim going...anyone?
Schumer offered this.

Trump agreed then reneged. Wasn’t Schumer that withdrew the agreement. Seems you ought to be pissed at Trump for mucking it up.

BS.............he offered 20 Billion over the years......with only some up front.............but Schumer gets DACA up front............

Then next year...........when Trump goes where is the money for the wall..........Schumer would go oh well.......I LIED SUCKER.........

That was the offer.................Tell Schumer to offer up the 20 Billion up front for DACA up front and we can end this mess.

If you think we are going to try and kick the ball Lucy is holding.............LOL.........not going to happen.

Nice try at a the political circle jerk of how Trump backed out.

How about 20 billion right now.......for DACA and see how it turns out.........LOL.....

How much did he offer up front? He asked Trumpto name his price. Trump gave a figure, Schumer agreed to it.

20 billion right now? How’s the deficit doing? You conservatives have really dropped the ball on are supposed to be the check on liberal spending. Looks like you are out to pasture.

That was the number Trump gave him for DACA........yep............and after Obama you gonna try that line.........

They are catching 2000 illegals a day on the border.......who knows how many that they aren't catching...........All get on the doll eventually and go to school......and so forth...........cost about 35 k a year in most schools.........

Got news for you ........keeping them out is a hell of a lot cheaper than letting them in..........
Try all those allies in Syria who are totally surprised by trumps actions and if you think he doesn't act like a bully you must be just waking up from a long sleep

Allies in Syria? You mean ISIS? Trump defeated your forces.
Obama was sending weapons that ended up in their hands and El Nusra........yippie..........yeah we'd be better off with El Nusra....

That leads me off topic..........don't do drugs.
It’s two years in, time to put that excuse to bed. It isn’t about the election. It’s about Trump’s vision for our country. 2020 you’ll still be whining about how it is all sour grapes.

What drives you leftists insane is that a majority in this country agrees with Trump's vision.
What majority?

The majority of total popular votes Trump won by 1 million votes in 49 states. Hillary won California the traitor state allied with Mexico.

That is it? Talk about a stretch :lmao: If the popular vote is the indication of what vision was supported it wasn’t Trump’s. He lost the popular vote big time. And he only won the popular votes in 38 states, not 49.

If the majority approved of his vision (a statement debunked)... it would be reflected in his approval rating (it isn’t). Keep spinning.

Its you people who wanted to harp on and on about the so called "popular vote". I simply pointed out that outside California Trump kicked the crap out of Hillary in the other 49 states.
beat hill by 70k total in wisconsin mich and penn,,,,,,,,,,,,won't happen again
Try all those allies in Syria who are totally surprised by trumps actions and if you think he doesn't act like a bully you must be just waking up from a long sleep

Allies in Syria? You mean ISIS? Trump defeated your forces.
The Kurds.
And none of the surrounding countries want them........they think of them as second class citizens..........All of them.......Turks, Iran, Iraq, and Syria........Syria might do a deal to let them stay..........after we are gone the others will go back to doing what they always have done.......kill them until they don't like the casualties in the mountains...........

They have a saying No Friend but the Mountains.............. do we save them.......create a Kurdistan...........then we'd have to protect them for about 2 decades......or do we stay there forever......Are we prepared to go to War with all of those countries over there over it................Are we ready to kick Turkey out of NATO and move out of the base there...........which would guarantee they would turn to Russia as allies...........

What are you prepared to do.........let's have it.
ummm..........are we posting this subject on the wrong thread....or did I screw up or something.
I don't care both sides will claim they won either way no matter what happens the American people will get fucked over again.
only one side is demanding a shutdown because they cannot get what they want - that says no to compromise, which is the art of politics

this is not a business deal for a family business
Only one side really? So when one of those sides says you will not get any money for a wall not now not next year not ever is that compromise or trying to avoid a shutdown?
actually Trump is now saying for Border Security, and has said that before.

And the Democrats have passed before, and offer now to pass bills with money for border security

try and keep up (even if Trump is a slippery deceiver)
Who blinks first?


the Dems?

The GOP in Congress?
Trump creates a crisis. Then when it is averted, he claims to be a great manger and deal maker. That is so nuts.

Trump will call it success no matter how the Trump shutdown comes out

What crisis?
There is no crisis..........only talking heads blabbing that we are all going to die for ratings...........

Next up.........showing some small child without a Christmas Present under the Tree because of the shutdown.....

tomorrow on the Soap Opera of BS........who knows.
Stop disagreeing with Trump!

Even he admits a shutdown is a bad thing - crisis
Not Trump. The longer gov't stays shut down, the more people will realize how irrelevant government really is.
Not when they don’t get paid and services are missing. It doesn’t just affect the government but all the subsidiaries and contractors. Trump’s tantrum is not popularly supported.

Quick, name the amount of money federal welfare rats have lost in all the government shutdowns ever????? :eek:

That would be zero - they get paid for every day they are furloughed. Free vacation days for the few that are actually affected by the farcical shutdown.
They get maybe months later. Contractors likely not at all.

Days later, as you know. Contractors are unlikely to be affected. No defense work is impacted by the shutdown farce. Generally national monuments and parks.

This is just theater that the Heinreich Himmlers over at CNN pimp as part of the propaganda war you wage against America.The shutdown is a non-event.

Oh, and if you Stalinists actually cared, take ONE HALF of what you gave Mexico and FUND THE DAMN WALL.

U.S. Pledges $10.6 Billion For Central America and Southern Mexico…

The President is turning your Kabuki Theater back on you.
How much did he offer up front? He asked Trumpto name his price. Trump gave a figure, Schumer agreed to it.

20 billion right now? How’s the deficit doing? You conservatives have really dropped the ball on are supposed to be the check on liberal spending. Looks like you are out to pasture.
That was the number Trump gave him for DACA........yep............and after Obama you gonna try that line.........

They are catching 2000 illegals a day on the border.......who knows how many that they aren't catching...........All get on the doll eventually and go to school......and so forth...........cost about 35 k a year in most schools.........

Got news for you ........keeping them out is a hell of a lot cheaper than letting them in..........[/QUOTE]

Border Patrol estimates about 10 to 1.

If they catch 2,000, about 20,000 are getting through.
Not Trump. The longer gov't stays shut down, the more people will realize how irrelevant government really is.
Not when they don’t get paid and services are missing. It doesn’t just affect the government but all the subsidiaries and contractors. Trump’s tantrum is not popularly supported.

Quick, name the amount of money federal welfare rats have lost in all the government shutdowns ever????? :eek:

That would be zero - they get paid for every day they are furloughed. Free vacation days for the few that are actually affected by the farcical shutdown.
They get maybe months later. Contractors likely not at all.

Days later, as you know. Contractors are unlikely to be affected. No defense work is impacted by the shutdown farce. Generally national monuments and parks.

This is just theater that the Heinreich Himmlers over at CNN pimp as part of the propaganda war you wage against America.The shutdown is a non-event.

Oh, and if you Stalinists actually cared, take ONE HALF of what you gave Mexico and FUND THE DAMN WALL.

U.S. Pledges $10.6 Billion For Central America and Southern Mexico…

The President is turning your Kabuki Theater back on you.

you do realize that it is the State Dept that pledged the money to those places, not congress.

you know, Trump's state Dept.

Seems your anger is misplaced.
It's a very simple thing.

1) Trump should explain to the Democrats and especially the DACA kids that a DACA sign off will cost 5.7 billion dollars for the wall.

2) Draw up the deal, and let the Democrats vote against it.

3) Watch the pretty fireworks.

That is exactly what Schumer offered a year ago...your Messiah rejected it.

Someone should remind McConnell that Schumer and his Communists are the MINORITY party.
It's a very simple thing.

1) Trump should explain to the Democrats and especially the DACA kids that a DACA sign off will cost 5.7 billion dollars for the wall.

2) Draw up the deal, and let the Democrats vote against it.

3) Watch the pretty fireworks.

That is exactly what Schumer offered a year ago...your Messiah rejected it.

Someone should remind McConnell that Schumer and his Communists are the MINORITY party.

Or, better yet, someone should remind McConnell that he and his statist are the MAJORITY party.[
How much did he offer up front? He asked Trumpto name his price. Trump gave a figure, Schumer agreed to it.

20 billion right now? How’s the deficit doing? You conservatives have really dropped the ball on are supposed to be the check on liberal spending. Looks like you are out to pasture.

$20 billion is about 5 minutes of welfare payments.

Queer Barry added $9 TRILLION to the debt, and we have NOTHING to show for it. The payoff to the UAW with the GM scam under Queer Barry did nothing, the crooks took the cash and are headed to China. We got Fascist Care that allows massive corporations like Blue Cross to rape the public at will.

But in $9 Trillion, the little faggot couldn't manage to even protect the nation from invasion.

$20 billion is a paltry sum on the federal scale and does ONE TINY thing that is ACTUALLY CALLED FOR IN THE CONSTITUTION, you know that document your party is at war to put an end to,
How much did he offer up front? He asked Trumpto name his price. Trump gave a figure, Schumer agreed to it.

20 billion right now? How’s the deficit doing? You conservatives have really dropped the ball on are supposed to be the check on liberal spending. Looks like you are out to pasture.

$20 billion is about 5 minutes of welfare payments.

Queer Barry added $9 TRILLION to the debt, and we have NOTHING to show for it. The payoff to the UAW with the GM scam under Queer Barry did nothing, the crooks took the cash and are headed to China. We got Fascist Care that allows massive corporations like Blue Cross to rape the public at will.

But in $9 Trillion, the little faggot couldn't manage to even protect the nation from invasion.

$20 billion is a paltry sum on the federal scale and does ONE TINY thing that is ACTUALLY CALLED FOR IN THE CONSTITUTION, you know that document your party is at war to put an end to,

There is a wall called for in the Constitution?

Damn, I must have missed that part.

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