Shutting Down the lie About a Democratic Plantation

It is truly bizarre how the tards keep bringing up the far right racist past of the Democratic Party of long ago, and attempt to create linkage to the liberal Democratic Party of today.

I mean, this is a level of profound stupidity which takes one's breath away.

The KKK was, is, and always will be a far right Christian terrorist organization.


In 1957, Ike proposes a Civil Rights Bill it dies it the Senate where the democrat Majority Leader kills it calling it “the ****** Bill”

In 1963, after JFK is assassinated by the CIA, the VP, former democrat Senate Majority Leader becomes President. He explains his nomination of Thurgood Marshall to SCOTUS as follows: “Son, when I appoint a ****** to the court, I want everyone to know he’s a Nugger”

Yeah, Republicans are the racists
One thing is for sure. Blacks are a lot smarter than these tards. Blacks know exactly how much the Republicans hate them.
Yet they are not smart enough to change their diets in order to reduce the numbers in their midst suffering from diabetes.
“Hey man, Rollo!! Damn, you look slick in dem dare new duds! What da occasion?!?”

“Well suh!! Da doc at da clinic says I cain’t have babies. He dun sed I be impotent. So, I was thinkin, if’n I is gonna be impotent, then I need to look impotent!”
In 1957, Ike proposes a Civil Rights Bill it dies it the Senate where the democrat Majority Leader kills it calling it “the ****** Bill”

In 1963, after JFK is assassinated by the CIA, the VP, former democrat Senate Majority Leader becomes President. He explains his nomination of Thurgood Marshall to SCOTUS as follows: “Son, when I appoint a ****** to the court, I want everyone to know he’s a Nugger”

Yeah, Republicans are the racists
It's funny that when it's shown how whites have benefitted from past racism, that's too long ago and we should focus on the present. You white right wingers are pu**ies

Lincoln wanted to ship blacks out of the country, but we are supposed to be Republicans because he signed the Emancipation Proclamation. In 1964, Johnson signed our second Emancipation Proclamation 100 years after Republicans didn't help honor the first one. Then we have the matter of the first black president being a Democrat while Republicans are still calling him a Kenyan. So yes, Republicans are racists.
It is truly bizarre how the tards keep bringing up the far right racist past of the Democratic Party of long ago, and attempt to create linkage to the liberal Democratic Party of today.

I mean, this is a level of profound stupidity which takes one's breath away.

The KKK was, is, and always will be a far right Christian terrorist organization.


Putting jackboots on parents complaining about their daughters getting raped in schools and dragging Christians out of their homes is love I tell you. That is the authoritarians.

White folks you can have your automobiles, paved streets and lights. You can have your buses, and street cars, and hot pavement and tall buildings cause I aint got no use for em no way. I tell you what I do want--I want my old cotton bed and the moonlight shining through the willow trees, and the cool grass under my feet while I run around catching lightening bugs. I want to feel the sway of the old wagon, going down the red, dusty road, and listening to the wheels groaning as they roll along. I want to sink my teeth into that old ash cake.

White folks, I want to see the boats passing up and down the Alabammy river and hear the slaves singing at their work. I want to see dawn break over the black ridge and the twilight settle over the place spreading an orange hue. I want to walk the paths through the woods and see the rabbits and the birds and the frogs at night...

But they took me away from that a long time ago. Weren't long before I married and had children, but don't none of em contribute to my support now. One of them was killed in the big war with German, and the rest is all scattered out--eight of em. Now I just live from hand to mouth. Here one day, somewhere else the next. I guess we all gonna die iffin this depression don't let us alone. Maybe someday I'll get to go home. They tell me that when a person crosses over that river, the Lord gives him what he wants. I don told the Lord I don't want nothing much---only my home, white folks. I don't think that's much to ask for. I suppose he'll send me back there. I been waiting a long time for him to call.
This was hard to understand, especially for good-hearted Whites who assumed that blacks must have abhorred slavery. By every logic they should. But there were indeed Blacks to enjoyed being enslaved by the Democrat in the South, or at least felt comfortable and safe in that condition. Their kindred spirits among their descendants enjoy being on the modern Democratic Plantation.

They got the welfare check mighty reg'lar, free housing, and of course Obamaphones. Low expectation, constant excuse making, and now Democrats have finally gone back to being prosecutors, only instead of refusing to prosecute Klansman as Democrats did for decades, they now refuse to prosecute the worst of the Black criminals. Of course, white Democrats prefer to have black prosecutors for their front men and women and whatever. But the black criminals, released on OR for the third time for raping teenage girls and living off their welfare, know it is the White Massa behind it.

No more whips and chains, Democrats now pay mistresses for that. Now the bondage for Democratic Party Blacks is the bondage of dependency.
The racist history of the Democratic party is well documented. The Democratic Party was founded in 1828. Slavery had been in this country since at least 1619. Slavery existed for 209 years before the democratic party was created. Republicans today love telling blacks how the Democratic Party was pro-slavery and how it was the Republican Party that freed the slaves. There is a lot modern republicans choose not to tell young blacks as they try luring blacks into supporting a move back into Jim Crow.

Alen West ran his mouth as do many right wing whites here do. But:

Allen West demands apology from Roland; Roland DESTROYS Allen West.​

If the party was founded in 1828, why do they trace their roots back to Jefferson?
Let's not forget. Dems were/are the party of slavery and segregation and continue to keep their followers in bondage. They loathe the populace.
One thing is for sure. Blacks are a lot smarter than these tards. Blacks know exactly how much the Republicans hate them.
...and they know how much the stupid Democrats will kiss their black asses.
It's funny that when it's shown how whites have benefitted from past racism, that's too long ago and we should focus on the present. You white right wingers are pu**ies

Lincoln wanted to ship blacks out of the country, but we are supposed to be Republicans because he signed the Emancipation Proclamation. In 1964, Johnson signed our second Emancipation Proclamation 100 years after Republicans didn't help honor the first one. Then we have the matter of the first black president being a Democrat while Republicans are still calling him a Kenyan. So yes, Republicans are racists.
I just fucking told you that racist Johnson set Civil Right back 7 years by killing Ike’s Civil Right Bill until he signed an almost identical bill. Nobody is as dumb as you appear so it’s obvious you’re a paid agitator
After 75 years on Dem party plantations blacks in their cities are living the good life am I right. #extrememockingsarcasm
After 100 years on the Republican plantation we were still facing Jim Crow. Lynchings. Convict leasing. Contract selling. Restrictive covenants. Exclusion from unions and good paying jobs. Redlining. Voter suppression.. Equal Protection under the law. I can keep going.
I just fucking told you that racist Johnson set Civil Right back 7 years by killing Ike’s Civil Right Bill until he signed an almost identical bill. Nobody is as dumb as you appear so it’s obvious you’re a paid agitator
You don't tell me squat chump.

On September 9, 1957, President Eisenhower signed the Civil Rights Act of 1957 into law, the first major civil rights legislation since Reconstruction. It allowed federal prosecution of anyone who tried to prevent someone from voting. It also created a commission to investigate voter fraud.

That Civil Rights Act was signed into law, so Johnson didn't stop anything for 7 years. The 1957 Civil Rights Act was weak.

The Act did not create new rights but established:
  • Protection of voting rights set out in the Fifteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution.
  • The Civil Rights Division in the Department of Justice empowering federal prosecutors to obtain court injunctions against interference with the right to vote.
  • A Civil Rights Commission within the executive branch with the authority to investigate discriminatory conditions and to recommend corrective measures.

That 1957 Act did not end Jim Crow, nor did it end poll taxes and other forms of voter suppresion. It would behoove you to stop trying to teach me history

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