SIAP, MUST READ, BEST summary of the Ukraine/Russian Collusion/Election "meddling"

Trump Has the Bad Guys Surrounded in Ukraine

I'd copy and paste the whole thing, but that's not permitted.

Of course.

And the deep state and the Democrats--but I repeat myself--are counting on everyday Americans being too busy and/or stupid to wade into the weeds on this. So they are counting on them being outraged about the "phone call" and not the ACTUAL crime.

And of course, they have the MSM to cover for them.

And the minion idiots here.
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The Democratic Party and many high-ranking government officials are super corrupt. The media, controlled by giants such as AT&T and Comcast, continue to lie to the American people. I wonder why those two companies are so anti-American.
The Democratic Party and many high-ranking government officials are super corrupt. The media, controlled by giants such as AT&T and Comcast, continue to lie to the American people. I wonder why those two companies are so anti-American.
Why ? Could it be all due to huge perks to be given after the demorats somehow take back power again or are they loyal/feel obligated because the demorats gave them by way of government power what they have today ??
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The Democratic Party and many high-ranking government officials are super corrupt. The media, controlled by giants such as AT&T and Comcast, continue to lie to the American people. I wonder why those two companies are so anti-American.
Why ? Could it be all due to huge perks to be given after the demorats somehow take back power again or are they loyal/feel obligated because the demorats gave them by way of government power what they have today ??

Something like that, perhaps.
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Trump Has the Bad Guys Surrounded in Ukraine

I'd copy and paste the whole thing, but that's not permitted.
jimminy cricket!

that is pure 100% Russian Propaganda

HOW can you NOT recognize this...?

You can spot it in the first few sentences?
The OP is typical of the type of idiot targeted by Russian trolls.

What specifically in the article is inaccurate and how so?
John McCain`s support of protesters isn`t the same as fomenting a coup. The article is so stupid I couldn`t get past the second sentence.
Trump Has the Bad Guys Surrounded in Ukraine

I'd copy and paste the whole thing, but that's not permitted.
jimminy cricket!

that is pure 100% Russian Propaganda

HOW can you NOT recognize this...?

You can spot it in the first few sentences?
The OP is typical of the type of idiot targeted by Russian trolls.

What specifically in the article is inaccurate and how so?
John McCain`s support of protesters isn`t the same as fomenting a coup. The article is so stupid I couldn`t get past the second sentence.

I'm not so sure. The Obama Administration was very supportive in helping to support the overthrow of regimes in Libya, Egypt and nearly Syria. And with McCain being a dinosaur stuck in the 70's, I think it's quite plausible that he was there to help remove that regime too.

John McCain Went To Ukraine And Stood On Stage With A Man Accused Of Being An Anti-Semitic Neo-Nazi
Trump Has the Bad Guys Surrounded in Ukraine

I'd copy and paste the whole thing, but that's not permitted.
jimminy cricket!

that is pure 100% Russian Propaganda

HOW can you NOT recognize this...?

You can spot it in the first few sentences?
The OP is typical of the type of idiot targeted by Russian trolls.
you know you have drank a lot of super concentrated right wing Kool Aid when you post an article, without trying to be sarcastic, that claims- Trump has the bad guys surrounded in Ukraine...when trump and his stooges are the bad guys!! do all the trump stooges take an oath to never read a real news article about what is going on with corrupt conman liar Trump? how do they still try to defend this POS? this is like trying to defend Nixon or Tim McVeigh or David Koresh or George Zimmerman. Even really conservative Fox commentators are tired of Trump's lying, illegal, corruption. Like what the top Fox Legal Expert Judge Napolitano said about the Trump phone call-

The acts of obstruction that Mueller found arguably constitute impeachable offenses. That's because the constitutional language of "high crimes and misdemeanors" as one of the three bases for impeachment has been found by the House of Representatives, in three different generations, to include obstruction. Yet there is still wiggle room as to how much personal presidential obstruction and underlying criminality is needed to constitute an impeachable offense.

There is no such wiggle room for bribery. The Constitution is quite clear that "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors" shall constitute a basis for impeachment.

Was Trump offering to bribe the Ukrainian president? The circumstantial evidence is: Yes. The transcript of Trump's critical conversation with the Ukrainian president shows he asked his counterpart to coordinate with American authorities to prosecute the son of his likely political opponent in 2020. That is the solicitation of something of value from a foreign government -- a felony.

Within a week of that conversation, Trump put his hold on the $390 million in aid. That's when the Ukrainian president got the message.

Where does this leave us? We are at the precipice of a constitutional crisis. We have a president whose apparent corruption is palpable. We have a Constitution that prescribes a remedy. We have an attorney general who acts as if he were the president's personal lawyer. We have Republicans in Congress who see and hear no evil from this president. And we have congressional Democrats hesitant to do their constitutional duty.

Do you wallow in Dimocrap muck to somehow come up with this tripe?
I'd put you on Ignore but I need to read your posts for my morning laugh.
This seems to be the best place to post this.

Democrats have fallen into Trump's impeachment trap


Oh no! Do you think that President Trump has ramped up this impeachment farce on purpose? To alienate Democrats and get Independents and on-the-fence Republicans to get out the vote for him and GOP candidates at all levels?

"The Democratic Party is very desperate to impeach Trump because they have no one for 2020, so their only option is to come after Trump for anything," Suave says. "The Democratic Party has shown their true colours, how evil they are. And they're just dirt. They're no good."

This from a guy living in Corona, Calif who was born in Mexico and came to the US when he was 5.

Inman feels it's possible the Democrats aren't studying history quite closely enough.

"We always tell you guys, 'Learn from history, that's why you take history class,'" he tells his daughter. "Yet we seem to kind of be repeating ourselves."

From a GOP voter in the same area.

Full piece @
Trump Has the Bad Guys Surrounded in Ukraine

I'd copy and paste the whole thing, but that's not permitted.
jimminy cricket!

that is pure 100% Russian Propaganda

HOW can you NOT recognize this...?

You can spot it in the first few sentences?
The OP is typical of the type of idiot targeted by Russian trolls.

What specifically in the article is inaccurate and how so?

The article says Yanukovych had been elected, and yes he was, but it was due to a corrupt election.... he was a Russian asset...

article says he hired the Podesta Group, but he hired some Swiss or Swedish firm, who then hired the Podesta group to lobby in the USA to improve his image.... Manafort actually hired the Swiss or Swedish or whomever the heck it was in the E.U. to initially hide the New President's hand in it... and even his hand in it.... but that did not last long from what I understand, and the Podesta Group.... Tony not John.... John had parted from the Group, years earlier, knew this was for the Russian Puppet president.... that's all another long story!!! And the 2011 year seems wrong.... but I would need to double check.

-McCain did not plan a coup d'etat "in the name of Democracy"

You can tell the way the piece is written that there is a 100% Russian slant the way important facts are left out and the way the writer is putting things that happened in a rosy 'Russians are the good guys and USA are the bad guys' bull shit.... all the way through the whole article.... it is influenced by Russian propaganda... what they say in their news papers and blogs and thru their trolls and fake news sites on the net.

Yanukovych, who had been elected on the narrowest margin, immediately felt political pressure from the West. He hired The Podesta Group in 2011 to purchase some influence, but to no avail.

U.S. Senator and 2008 Republican presidential candidate John McCain flew to Kiev in December 2013 to foment a successful coup d’etat against Yanukovych, in the name of—get this—democracy.
you know you have drank a lot of super concentrated right wing Kool Aid when you post an article, without trying to be sarcastic, that claims- Trump has the bad guys surrounded in Ukraine...when trump and his stooges are the bad guys!! do all the trump stooges take an oath to never read a real news article about what is going on with corrupt conman liar Trump? how do they still try to defend this POS? this is like trying to defend Nixon or Tim McVeigh or David Koresh or George Zimmerman. Even really conservative Fox commentators are tired of Trump's lying, illegal, corruption. Like what the top Fox Legal Expert Judge Napolitano said about the Trump phone call-

The acts of obstruction that Mueller found arguably constitute impeachable offenses. That's because the constitutional language of "high crimes and misdemeanors" as one of the three bases for impeachment has been found by the House of Representatives, in three different generations, to include obstruction. Yet there is still wiggle room as to how much personal presidential obstruction and underlying criminality is needed to constitute an impeachable offense.

There is no such wiggle room for bribery. The Constitution is quite clear that "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors" shall constitute a basis for impeachment.

Was Trump offering to bribe the Ukrainian president? The circumstantial evidence is: Yes. The transcript of Trump's critical conversation with the Ukrainian president shows he asked his counterpart to coordinate with American authorities to prosecute the son of his likely political opponent in 2020. That is the solicitation of something of value from a foreign government -- a felony.

Within a week of that conversation, Trump put his hold on the $390 million in aid. That's when the Ukrainian president got the message.

Where does this leave us? We are at the precipice of a constitutional crisis. We have a president whose apparent corruption is palpable. We have a Constitution that prescribes a remedy. We have an attorney general who acts as if he were the president's personal lawyer. We have Republicans in Congress who see and hear no evil from this president. And we have congressional Democrats hesitant to do their constitutional duty.
Seems like you're reading a whole lot into what you want to be the case....

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weird how so many trump voters can claim a post or an article is full o' lies and Obama Deep State talking points but can never actually even name the lie or name the talking point they call a lie, much less post some sort of sourced evidence that backs up their claim. it is like that bumper stick from the 80's that is even more true today- Vote Republican- It's Easier than Thinking.
You mean like that "Trump has lied 30,000 times" nonsense? Like that?

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