Sibling Rivalry?


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
Do you get along with your siblings? That is, presuming you have siblings.

I have one older sister. We have never gotten along. Ever. We are so different in everything. Opposites. Completely. Probably why we never got along, lol.
This is an interesting question (to me) probably because I have the same situation.

We get along BETTER now, but, still, there is a tension ... but we used to HATE each other. There is a 6 year difference, and we fought a few times in quite a violent way. Disadvantaged as I was, she was incredibly bossy and demanding and I just could not take that.... It was quite ugly.

My brother and I got along perfectly. (Except when he liked top pick on me, which was often, but only playfully, if I ever needed him, he was there...)
I haven't spoken to my sister or my mother for that matter in over 10 years

So we get along just fine
Now we do. But when my brothers and I were kids we actually had CPS pick us up at school because the school staff thought we were abused children.

We played a lot of tackle football with no protective equipment, we would box, but we didn't have boxing gloves, climb trees and have bb gun wars. Hell, these days if a cop saw you in a tree with a Daisy bb gun rifle you'd probably be shot on sight.

Our friends and my brothers beat the hell out of each other so much that our teachers thought we were being physically abused by our parents.
Do you get along with your siblings? That is, presuming you have siblings.

I have one older sister. We have never gotten along. Ever. We are so different in everything. Opposites. Completely. Probably why we never got along, lol.

I always protected my younger brother, kept him away from the drugs and party ways...always watched him or had others watch him for me.

We always hated eatch other growing up

But he turned out well...

But some thanks I get , we have not talked in 15 years...
I'm an only child. No brothers, no sisters. I always wanted to have a brother or sister when I was younger though.
My youngest brother was about 2 years younger than me. I would tell him monster stories. The stories weren't written down or anything, I just made them up as I went along whenever he was scared and wanted to sleep in my room. But by the end of the story the monsters were not scary anymore. They were stupid cartoonish bungling idiots who were defeated. He would laugh himself to sleep.

I would make comic books about battles between him vs. his arch enemy and nemesis, Kitten. Kitten was his favorite pet cat. I would draw a weekly panel comic book on notebook paper about them scheming against each other in Spy vs. Spy fashion.

Sometimes my brother would win in the scenario, and sometimes Kitten would win. And sometimes they would both get messed up. You never knew unless you read the comics.
I'm an only child. No brothers, no sisters. I always wanted to have a brother or sister when I was younger though.
On one hand, that seems like it would be really lonely, but on the other it seems that would be very peaceful.
I can't even have a decent mundane boring convo with Sis cuz she ALWAYS winds up trying to browbeat, or condemn or whatever she feels she needs to do to make herself feel better at my expense. Hell, I ran from her AND Ma when I was 16 years old and never looked back because both of them were obnoxious.
Meh. I chose my family. Most came from the dog pound.
Do you get along with your siblings? That is, presuming you have siblings.

I have one older sister. We have never gotten along. Ever. We are so different in everything. Opposites. Completely. Probably why we never got along, lol.

I have an older sister who I pretty much have given up on. She stopped communicating a few years ago- I made a few efforts, but finally stopped, because I really don't like her.

I adore my younger sister and we are very close.
You can choose your friends, but you can't choose your family. Um. Yes you can. :)
I'm an only child. No brothers, no sisters. I always wanted to have a brother or sister when I was younger though.

Yeah, that explains a lot...

What's THAT supposed to mean? :eek:

Nothing really, just that you seem a little self-absorbed.

Pfft, says the guy who whines that no women are "good enough" for him. :rolleyes-41: Perhaps you need to look in a mirror before criticizing other people that you don't even KNOW, eh?
Speak of the devil.....oy. She called.
I make a habit of saying "gotta go" when she starts to make my blood pressure rise, but this time she ignored it and kept yapping. I hung up. She called back. I hung up again. She emailed. I blocked her. She called again. I let the answering machine get it. Mr Gracie erased it, lol.

She has to have the last word. And keep the fires stoked. I can't count the times she would do this same shit while I was at work. Couldn't NOT pick up the phone cuz it was a business. So I was doomed. Anyway...she wanted to know what we could do to fix "us". Um. Nothing. After almost 63 years, if it couldn't be "fixed" what would change it now? Jeez. She is the most selfish, manipulative person I have ever had the misfortune to know. And unfortunately..she is my sister. :cool-45:

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