Sick and tired of both parties--Dems/Repubs acting like 3 yr old's fighting over toys

What should Republicans do on immigration?

  • Get an immigration reform bill to pass both houses and put it on Obama's desk?

    Votes: 5 50.0%
  • Impeach Obama?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Shut down the government?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • De-fund Obama's immigration plan?

    Votes: 5 50.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
To OP: they have to because gerrymandering has rendered elections irrelevant in 80% + of elections.

Our "leaders" (cough) continue to fail us, and the partisans refuse to hold their "side" accountable.

Vicious cycle.

So true! That's why more and more Americans choose to be independent.
In case YOU don't understand we do have an aging population in the United States called babyboomers--who are entering social security/medicare at 10,000 on a daily basis and this rate will continue for the next 14 years. Adding an additional 83 TRILLION in unfunded liabilities, on top of the 18 trillion in debt we're currently at.

Back in the 1950's families consisted of 4 or more kids, over the last several decades it's been 2 or less. There aren't enough LEGAL youth in this country to sustain these programs. And that's why IMMIGRATION is so important to the BUDGET you're talking about!

I understand completely ... You would rather talk about immigration and support half measures by the President ... Than Congress doing their job and fixing the mess Progressive Liberals made with unfounded liabilities. If they spent more time doing their job than chasing rainbows ... We wouldn't be in the mess you described.

Thanks for making my point even better.

You didn't make ANY point with me, you won't even cast a vote here, and you tried to change the topic from immigration to the budget, which indicates you're against any immigration reform.
You didn't make ANY point with me, you won't even cast a vote here, and you tried to change the topic from immigration to the budget, which indicates you're against any immigration reform.

No, I did make a point ... And my point was none of your options apply to what should be done. I am not for or against immigration reform ... I am for the Republicans setting better priorities and doing their job in Congress no matter what options irresponsible Progressive Liberals like you want to give them.

If the Progressive Liberals in Congress don't want to do their job ... Fine, let them talk about immigration. They are in the minority and they can talk about whatever they want and get nothing done. If they wanted immigration fixed, they should have done it when they were in control instead of using it as a political football now.

I indicated you didn't have a "none of the above" selection in your retarded poll. None of the options that you provide accomplish anything but more of the stupid bickering you claim to be tired of. If you expect Republicans to simply do what you want to do ... Well don't be surprised when they tell you to take a flying leap.

Republicans will continue to do what they've been doing because it works for them. They do nothing but gerrymander and obstruct and lie about Obama - and it works. They don't have to actually work, don't have to do their job, they show up a scant 126 days a year, pose for photo ops and go play golf. In return, dummies watch fox and alex jones and vote a straight Repub ticket even though its harmful to them and their families and even though, because of the extensive gerrymandering, they could just stay home.

The Republican party has a winning strategy. Why change what works?

And the irony impaired far left checks with their propaganda not based in reality

Funny how things change for the far left as if they forget the years 2000 - 2009..

The Bush Jr. years reflect the trend of rising filibusters, yes. But the obstructionism on display today by the GOP is at a whole new level.

Really .... there is nothing new under the sun, since there has been such a thing as partisan politics in AMERICA, it has been the same crap, different year.... Look at the historical political cartoons published during the Johnson administration, ( no, not Lyndon ) Andrew Johnson, its been going on for at least that long! WE THE PEOPLE need to make a statement and I most strongly recommend VOTING and indeed voting for the NOT a Democrat & NOT a Republican, thereby making a statement that WE THE PEOPLE are MAD AS HELL and not going to take it anymore!

I have no idea how old you are, but I was an adult through Ronald Reagan and on up, whom had to work with hostile democrat congress's and they managed to get things done--without all of this media hypervention.
Actually not, clearly you don't remember at all.

The democratic House worked with Reagan, they were anything but 'hostile.' What Reagan got accomplished was with the help of democrats.
The Federal Government today is so non-functional it's actually nauseating. For the last 6 years democrats refuse to work with republicans, republicans refuse to work with democrats. We have the far left trying to control the majority and the far right trying to control the majority--and NO ONE is left representing the middle--which are the overwhelming majority of this nation.

Immigration is a perfect example: There was a bi-partisan immigration bill sitting in congress that house Republican John Boehner refused to put on the floor for a vote. Democrat senate majority leader Harry Reid has stashed Republican bills in his lower file cabinet during the last 4 years refusing those to come to a vote on the senate floor. Obama ropes a dopes a Republicans again by signing an executive order on immigration, egging on Republicans--then we have Ted Cruz (doing the expected) getting on the microphone to announce--(If I were Mitch McConnell) I would tell Obama we're not going to allow any vote on any appointment he makes, if he does this.

Now the majority of this nation, including Republicans want a comprehensive immigration bill--but the far right--the minut minority of the Republican party wants to send them all back to nothing. The far left wants to make all illegals--legal and are right now applauding Obama's action. Again no one representing the middle ground.

Where does all this division come from? Rush Limbaugh--Fox News--and MSNBC and left wing talk radio who's sole purpose is to rile up and send the far left and far right into hysterical frenzies, with half truths and distortions. Who's listening to these extreme people. Obviously Democrats and Republicans.

What did the Senate and House do. The Democrats elected Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi to now be the minority leaders, and Republicans are stuck with Mitch McConnell for the senate--and of course John Boehner. And we wonder why nothing ever changes. We wonder why Democrats can no longer work with Republicans and visa versa. And they wonder why congress's approval ratings are so low.

The bipartisan immigration bill from the Senate was unconstitutional because it contained revenue raising provisions that according to Article 1, must originate in the House, so why would the House consider it?
The Bush Jr. years reflect the trend of rising filibusters, yes. But the obstructionism on display today by the GOP is at a whole new level.


The number of filibusters doesn't address content of the legislation ... Which makes it irrelevant. All it means is that Congress has been getting more comfortable with the filibuster since 1969.

Really .... there is nothing new under the sun, since there has been such a thing as partisan politics in AMERICA, it has been the same crap, different year.... Look at the historical political cartoons published during the Johnson administration, ( no, not Lyndon ) Andrew Johnson, its been going on for at least that long! WE THE PEOPLE need to make a statement and I most strongly recommend VOTING and indeed voting for the NOT a Democrat & NOT a Republican, thereby making a statement that WE THE PEOPLE are MAD AS HELL and not going to take it anymore!
Partisan politics in the US has not been, in the past, so extreme as it is today. Not by any stretch.

When I was growing up, my dad was a Republican and my mom was a Democrat. There was never any excessive arguing: they respected each others' opinions. In fact, back in the days before radio and television political talk shows like Rush Limbaugh, people, for the most part, who were on opposite sides of the political spectrum managed to discuss the issues with some dignity and maturity, something sorely lacking today.
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Build a better wall; stiffen border security and let our agents do their job precisely and concisely; gather up and deport all illegals (including "anchor kids"); defund 100% of Obama's unconstitutional efforts; penalize all corporations that hire illegals over American citizens; allow city police to check citizenship status and immediately deport any and all illegals found in the USA.

For starters!
The Bush Jr. years reflect the trend of rising filibusters, yes. But the obstructionism on display today by the GOP is at a whole new level.


The number of filibusters doesn't address content of the legislation ... Which makes it irrelevant. All it means is that Congress has been getting more comfortable with the filibuster since 1969..

Irrelevant? The number of cloture votes immediately doubled starting right when the Democrats became the majority in the House and the Senate. Either the Democrats suddenly became radicals during this time, or the Republicans chose to refuse any Democrat legislation for purely political purposes.

In fact it's irrelevant which one it is. The American people voted the Democrats in on the promise of that potential legislation. How can refusing to allow any of that legislation to even come to a vote possibly be good governance?
Whichever party can forget the politics and start working FOR THE PEOPLE get my vote. I want the economy, jobs, a border, fewer people on welfare, Obamacare fixed. Those are the priorities I want to be done. I don't think I am alone.
Irrelevant? The number of cloture votes immediately doubled starting right when the Democrats became the majority in the House and the Senate. Either the Democrats suddenly became radicals during this time, or the Republicans chose to refuse any Democrat legislation for purely political purposes.

In fact it's irrelevant which one it is. The American people voted the Democrats in on the promise of that potential legislation. How can refusing to allow any of that legislation to even come to a vote possibly be good governance?

It can happen when the legislation is crap ... It doesn't have to be radical. The only trend your graph indicated is the uptick in Filibuster use began when Nixon was President in 1969 and has increased almost steadily since.

No matter what you want to assume ... The number represents the count of filibusters and nothing more. If you care to do the research and find some valid way to bridge your assumptions to some actual worth ... Then get to it and quit arguing with me about the unsupported and irrelevant.

Irrelevant? The number of cloture votes immediately doubled starting right when the Democrats became the majority in the House and the Senate. Either the Democrats suddenly became radicals during this time, or the Republicans chose to refuse any Democrat legislation for purely political purposes.

In fact it's irrelevant which one it is. The American people voted the Democrats in on the promise of that potential legislation. How can refusing to allow any of that legislation to even come to a vote possibly be good governance?

It can happen when the legislation is crap ... It doesn't have to be radical. The only trend your graph indicated is the uptick in Filibuster use began when Nixon was President in 1969 and has increased almost steadily since.

No matter what you want to assume ... The number represents the count of filibusters and nothing more. If you care to do the research and find some valid way to bridge your assumptions to some actual worth ... Then get to it and quit arguing with me about the unsupported and irrelevant.


The increase in cloture votes in 2007 is clearly much greater than the pattern would warrant. Show me where cloture votes increased by more than 50 per session previously, or even where rates ever doubled following that uptick in the Nixon years. Which was the Republicans again, you might notice.

Now, I've offered clear evidence that the GOP has been obstructing the legislative process. If you have nothing but your own opinion that there was the extenuating circumstance of "crap" legislation, then that's not much, is it?
if you think both the libs and cons are equally responsible for this mess, I'm sorry I can't help you. If you want to put a real "number" on it I'm sure it goes something like this 80% libs fault, 20% cons. For example see Ocare and the debt. Obama has about 10-15 "gates" he still should be impeached for.
if you think both the libs and cons are equally responsible for this mess, I'm sorry I can't help you. If you want to put a real "number" on it I'm sure it goes something like this 80% libs fault, 20% cons. For example see Ocare and the debt. Obama has about 10-15 "gates" he still should be impeached for.
This is why there is a problem, because people think like this, that it is all or mostly the other side who is the problem. From my perspective, it is the conservatives who are 80% at fault. Very much so: the name calling, the insulting and even disgusting references to liberals and Democrats, to our democratic leaders, etc. I didn't like Bush, but I do not (and never did) call him disgusting names and make revolting comments about him or his wife and family. But it is the type of thing the right wingers do regularly and with gusto.
The increase in cloture votes in 2007 is clearly much greater than the pattern would warrant. Show me where cloture votes increased by more than 50 per session previously, or even where rates ever doubled following that uptick in the Nixon years. Which was the Republicans again, you might notice.

Now, I've offered clear evidence that the GOP has been obstructing the legislative process. If you have nothing but your own opinion that there was the extenuating circumstance of "crap" legislation, then that's not much, is it?

I never said that filibusters don't obstruct legislation ... That is what they are intended to do. The Progressive Liberals in Congress have provided more than enough adequate proof they desire to pass radical Progressive crap legislation. The point I made is the number of filibusters has been increasing each and every cycle listed since 1969.

That is a clearer and more consistent observation than anything you want to imply concerning data not supplied nor related to the graph.

Like I said before ... Try to find some evidence that addresses the context of your argument ... Then supply the bridge that connects it to the graph. If you want to express the minority party in the Senate has filibustered more legislation per cycle since 1969 ... Then we can agree.

Build a better wall; stiffen border security and let our agents do their job precisely and concisely; gather up and deport all illegals (including "anchor kids"); defund 100% of Obama's unconstitutional efforts; penalize all corporations that hire illegals over American citizens; allow city police to check citizenship status and immediately deport any and all illegals found in the USA.

For starters!
Nothing like living a Police State, which is what that would be. No thanks, and get the fuck out of my country.
buld a better wall , deport and I don't want repubs being rolled by dems or a dem president . Keep fighting , do nothing on immigration other than shutting it down !! Just my opinion !!

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