Sick and tired of US debate on raising the min. wage.

News flash alert....when I was 12 years old, White Castle hamburgers were 15CENTS, today they're a these burgers are about the size of a postage stamp and still are....but the world didn't end and the workers, actually make good more time, JUST PAY THE MAN, AUNT BEE.
When you where 12 we didn't have 20 million illegals in this country lowering wages
What jobs are illegals taking that is lowering the wages? I havent heard that one before.
Oh for gods sake. I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth, I've worked hard since I was sixteen. I managed to survive and I get IT. I really DO! Raising the minim wage will NOT fix our economy. This is just a bone they throw to the dog. Its a empty short term bag of nothing.
" Raising the minim wage will NOT fix our economy. "

Who said it would by itself? The point is to pay people a wage they can survive on and raise their children so they dont repeat the cycle.
Businesses are not supposed to be welfare distribution centers. They exist to make a profit, and when you sharply increase the cost of labor, business takes steps to reduce that cost, and one of the things it does is lay workers off. Do you not think that would happen, that businesses would just happily accept the big increase in labor cost and do nothing about it? Keep in mind that the cost of a $15/hr job is a lot more than $15/hr.
News flash alert....when I was 12 years old, White Castle hamburgers were 15CENTS, today they're a these burgers are about the size of a postage stamp and still are....but the world didn't end and the workers, actually make good more time, JUST PAY THE MAN, AUNT BEE.
When you where 12 we didn't have 20 million illegals in this country lowering wages
Oh, oh, oh, I'm all for legalized need to take this argument to Wall street, dear
Minimum wage is a horseshit issue. But, it stirs up the dummies and gives government more power - so it's irresistible to Democrats.
It is a horseshit issue
It should have been raised 10 years ago and future raises should be tied to inflation

You know why it wasn't? Because politicians are afraid of getting voted out of office for fucking up the economy.
Raising minimum wage does not fuk up the economy
Cutting corporate taxes by 40 percent did
One of the things a lot of people miss with this topic is the unintended consequences...

I work in a Union environment. If the $10 an hour call center operators get an upgrade to $15 an hour then my $40 an hour job (4x the Operator pay) has to go up to $60 an hour. Imagine what that would require the company to do with our electric rates (I work for a utility company).
" has to go up to $60 "

Nothing has to go up because someone else got a raise. That can always be renegotiated.
What universe do you live in? In the REAL world if you're making fifteen dollars an hour and new hires are making ten dollars an hour...when the new hire starts making fifteen dollars an hour do you REALLY think you're not going to ask for a raise to twenty dollars an hour? Get your head out of your ass on this topic,'s not rocket science! You do however have to use a little common sense!
I would never ask for a raise because I was jealous. Sorry. I'm just not built like that. If youre character is such that you would be upset because someone else got a break you should reassess your character and ask why someone else making more money effects you? Stop being childish and spiteful.
I've never asked for a raise out of jealousy. I've always asked for raises when the job skills that I've learned have made me more valuable to my employer! Job skill is what should get you a higher wage...not some government mandate.
" Job skill is what should get you a higher wage... "

I agree but there should be a minimum wage that keeps you out of poverty just like there should be free health care in this country.
For god's sake...getting more skills is what keeps you out of poverty! What part of that concept can't you on the left grasp? If you're staying in poverty my question for you is...why? I've never worked a job that didn't have room for advancement. I've always advanced because I DON'T like poverty!
" For god's sake...getting more skills is what keeps you out of poverty! "

That's not necessarily true for a variety of reasons. In theory that sounds great but in reality (racism, physical and mental disabilities, cancer, etc etc) that only works for people that fit a certain mold.
Were you referring to people that have ambition? (eye roll)
Lots of people have ambition. Not everyone with ambition can get a good job.

Of course you can, it's called determination
You can be determined all you want but if they want to hire a white guy or girl you wont get hired unless you fit that mold.
Bullshit! Walk into any government office and look at who's working there. Do you really want to tell me that it's all white guys and girls?
Not sure you got what I saying. I will repeat it then you tell me what your reply had to do with what I said?

You can be determined all you want but if they want to hire a white guy or girl you wont get hired unless you fit that mold.
So you saying jackie didn't play MLB or Obama didn't become president
So youre saying that because Jackie played MLB and Obama became president all racists died?
Playing the victim again, loser?
Minimum wage is a horseshit issue. But, it stirs up the dummies and gives government more power - so it's irresistible to Democrats.
aAnd stuffing the pockets of the rich is irresistible to the GOP, next?

That's it? "The Republicans are just as bad"? Weak.

The better comparison, if you want to point to equally stupid Republican policies, would be the border wall. It's an empty gesture that placates their idiot base.
Let's talk common sense, Dblack! You can have an entitlement society or you can have unsecure borders. You cannot have both at the same time because you'll never be able to pay for it!
Minimum wage is a horseshit issue. But, it stirs up the dummies and gives government more power - so it's irresistible to Democrats.
It is a horseshit issue
It should have been raised 10 years ago and future raises should be tied to inflation

You know why it wasn't? Because politicians are afraid of getting voted out of office for fucking up the economy.
Raising minimum wage does not fuk up the economy
Cutting corporate taxes by 40 percent did
Cutting corporate taxes fucked up the economy? How exactly?
Oh for gods sake. I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth, I've worked hard since I was sixteen. I managed to survive and I get IT. I really DO! Raising the minim wage will NOT fix our economy. This is just a bone they throw to the dog. Its a empty short term bag of nothing.
" Raising the minim wage will NOT fix our economy. "

Who said it would by itself? The point is to pay people a wage they can survive on and raise their children so they dont repeat the cycle.
Businesses are not supposed to be welfare distribution centers. They exist to make a profit, and when you sharply increase the cost of labor, business takes steps to reduce that cost, and one of the things it does is lay workers off. Do you not think that would happen, that businesses would just happily accept the big increase in labor cost and do nothing about it? Keep in mind that the cost of a $15/hr job is a lot more than $15/hr.
Low wage workers are not expected to provide welfare for employers
Minimum wage is a horseshit issue. But, it stirs up the dummies and gives government more power - so it's irresistible to Democrats.
It is a horseshit issue
It should have been raised 10 years ago and future raises should be tied to inflation

You know why it wasn't? Because politicians are afraid of getting voted out of office for fucking up the economy.
Raising minimum wage does not fuk up the economy
Cutting corporate taxes by 40 percent did
Cutting corporate taxes fucked up the economy? How exactly?

Trillion dollar deficits
News flash alert....when I was 12 years old, White Castle hamburgers were 15CENTS, today they're a these burgers are about the size of a postage stamp and still are....but the world didn't end and the workers, actually make good more time, JUST PAY THE MAN, AUNT BEE.
When you where 12 we didn't have 20 million illegals in this country lowering wages
What jobs are illegals taking that is lowering the wages? I havent heard that one before.
Have you been to a resturant of late? Have you visited a fast food chain lately.....factories, etc....listen, we all know they're there and we all know, what a US citizen wont' do, an illegal will....lets not go there, what the commentary said was true. They're the number one reason my job is suck a fucked up place to be,,,,glad to be in america immigrants. Who value money more than life.
Oh for gods sake. I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth, I've worked hard since I was sixteen. I managed to survive and I get IT. I really DO! Raising the minim wage will NOT fix our economy. This is just a bone they throw to the dog. Its a empty short term bag of nothing.
" Raising the minim wage will NOT fix our economy. "

Who said it would by itself? The point is to pay people a wage they can survive on and raise their children so they dont repeat the cycle.
Businesses are not supposed to be welfare distribution centers. They exist to make a profit, and when you sharply increase the cost of labor, business takes steps to reduce that cost, and one of the things it does is lay workers off. Do you not think that would happen, that businesses would just happily accept the big increase in labor cost and do nothing about it? Keep in mind that the cost of a $15/hr job is a lot more than $15/hr.
" They exist to make a profit "

..and for that privilege they need to pay their share either in wages, taxes or both. You dont have a right to own a business if you cant pay the expenses of the environment

Then make it illegal for them to hire workers and force them to make that profit off their own labor.
Minimum wage is a horseshit issue. But, it stirs up the dummies and gives government more power - so it's irresistible to Democrats.
It is a horseshit issue
It should have been raised 10 years ago and future raises should be tied to inflation

You know why it wasn't? Because politicians are afraid of getting voted out of office for fucking up the economy.
Raising minimum wage does not fuk up the economy
Cutting corporate taxes by 40 percent did
Doubling the minimum wage royalty fucks up red states jobs which the left is after
News flash alert....when I was 12 years old, White Castle hamburgers were 15CENTS, today they're a these burgers are about the size of a postage stamp and still are....but the world didn't end and the workers, actually make good more time, JUST PAY THE MAN, AUNT BEE.
When you where 12 we didn't have 20 million illegals in this country lowering wages
What jobs are illegals taking that is lowering the wages? I havent heard that one before.
LEGAL immigrants lower wages. I've seen that in my field. In the golden days of IT, the 80's and 90's, if you didn't like your job or wanted more money you could walk down the street for 20% more. Then Indian programmers started flooding the market, willing to work for a fraction of what American coders made. That's when I decided to move into database administration. It's much more specialized and has less pressure from well trained, low cost foreign workers.
Minimum wage is a horseshit issue. But, it stirs up the dummies and gives government more power - so it's irresistible to Democrats.
aAnd stuffing the pockets of the rich is irresistible to the GOP, next?

That's it? "The Republicans are just as bad"? Weak.

The better comparison, if you want to point to equally stupid Republican policies, would be the border wall. It's an empty gesture that placates their idiot base.
Let's talk common sense, Dblack! You can have an entitlement society or you can have unsecure borders. You cannot have both at the same time because you'll never be able to pay for it!
Huh? What's your point? I don't want an entitlement society.
Oh for gods sake. I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth, I've worked hard since I was sixteen. I managed to survive and I get IT. I really DO! Raising the minim wage will NOT fix our economy. This is just a bone they throw to the dog. Its a empty short term bag of nothing.
" Raising the minim wage will NOT fix our economy. "

Who said it would by itself? The point is to pay people a wage they can survive on and raise their children so they dont repeat the cycle.
Businesses are not supposed to be welfare distribution centers. They exist to make a profit, and when you sharply increase the cost of labor, business takes steps to reduce that cost, and one of the things it does is lay workers off. Do you not think that would happen, that businesses would just happily accept the big increase in labor cost and do nothing about it? Keep in mind that the cost of a $15/hr job is a lot more than $15/hr.
" They exist to make a profit "

..and for that privilege they need to pay their share either in wages, taxes or both. You dont have a right to own a business if you cant pay the expenses of the environment

Then make it illegal for them to hire workers and force them to make that profit off their own labor.
Hmmm, now where have I heard of government and business working hand in hand before? I do hate to tell you this, but you absolutely have a right to own a business, full stop. Now, how long are you going to pretend you haven't seen the question that you are afraid to answer? See, I can play armchair psychiatrist too.
News flash alert....when I was 12 years old, White Castle hamburgers were 15CENTS, today they're a these burgers are about the size of a postage stamp and still are....but the world didn't end and the workers, actually make good more time, JUST PAY THE MAN, AUNT BEE.
When you where 12 we didn't have 20 million illegals in this country lowering wages
What jobs are illegals taking that is lowering the wages? I havent heard that one before.

Dry wall, painting , electrician name a few
News flash alert....when I was 12 years old, White Castle hamburgers were 15CENTS, today they're a these burgers are about the size of a postage stamp and still are....but the world didn't end and the workers, actually make good more time, JUST PAY THE MAN, AUNT BEE.
When you where 12 we didn't have 20 million illegals in this country lowering wages
What jobs are illegals taking that is lowering the wages? I havent heard that one before.
LEGAL immigrants lower wages. I've seen that in my field. In the golden days of IT, the 80's and 90's, if you didn't like your job or wanted more money you could walk down the street for 20% more. Then Indian programmers started flooding the market, willing to work for a fraction of what American coders made. That's when I decided to move into database administration. It's much more specialized and has less pressure from well trained, low cost foreign workers.
Exactly, I just made mention of that...its the legal immigrants that keep wages low, pay raises far and inbtween. I'm not hating on em, but I loath working with these Glad to be in America asian motherfuckers, who by the way are the worst creatures on the planet to work with. 20 feet of snow, they come to work, 50 inches of rain, they come to work, Covid, just a fuckin holiday to these motherfuckers, they use to wearing mask...I hate em and I love em too, some of the nicest motherfuckers you'll ever want to know....truly they are.
News flash alert....when I was 12 years old, White Castle hamburgers were 15CENTS, today they're a these burgers are about the size of a postage stamp and still are....but the world didn't end and the workers, actually make good more time, JUST PAY THE MAN, AUNT BEE.
When you where 12 we didn't have 20 million illegals in this country lowering wages
What jobs are illegals taking that is lowering the wages? I havent heard that one before.
LEGAL immigrants lower wages. I've seen that in my field. In the golden days of IT, the 80's and 90's, if you didn't like your job or wanted more money you could walk down the street for 20% more. Then Indian programmers started flooding the market, willing to work for a fraction of what American coders made. That's when I decided to move into database administration. It's much more specialized and has less pressure from well trained, low cost foreign workers.
I'm in IT and I have zero problems getting top dollar. You have to adapt and then stop whining about environment. Those people you are talking about are not illegal. They have green cards.
Oh for gods sake. I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth, I've worked hard since I was sixteen. I managed to survive and I get IT. I really DO! Raising the minim wage will NOT fix our economy. This is just a bone they throw to the dog. Its a empty short term bag of nothing.
" Raising the minim wage will NOT fix our economy. "

Who said it would by itself? The point is to pay people a wage they can survive on and raise their children so they dont repeat the cycle.
Businesses are not supposed to be welfare distribution centers. They exist to make a profit, and when you sharply increase the cost of labor, business takes steps to reduce that cost, and one of the things it does is lay workers off. Do you not think that would happen, that businesses would just happily accept the big increase in labor cost and do nothing about it? Keep in mind that the cost of a $15/hr job is a lot more than $15/hr.
Low wage workers are not expected to provide welfare for employers
They don't. It's not business' responsibility that society has decided that everyone should get $14/hr in benefits. If society wants to do that, then society needs to collect the taxes and mail the checks to do it.
Joe Biden, as do most economist wants to raise the min. wage to 15.00 an hour, from the poultry 7.25 as it stands today. Most workers of course do not make 7.25 an hour as we all know, most are making btwn 8-12 an hour, with 12.00 being the standard. However, this debate has got to come to an end and real work, not words have to prevail this time.

For the last 12 years Wall Street as has Main Street retailers via online venues, all have seen profits soar to historic levels and Trump rallied and braged on how rich the rich was getting especially his last 4 years, not only with tax cuts but with market this bullshit about ppl will lose jobs...tired of hearing about it.

And waiting on a recovery from this pandemic will take another decade, if not more with so many business's, closing. However, NOBODY AND I MEAN NOBODY WILL MAKE A DIME, OUTSIDE OF SPECULATORS AND HEDGE FUNDERS on WALL STREET, WITHOUT CONSUMER SPENDING.

Its time Biden, congress and the senate take the effort, the vote and raise the min. wage to a level that can not only help families regroup again with a new job focus, but also help business's grow also. Amazon raised wages profits only grew. Some companies will have to fold, welcome to life!! But at least the owner can go out and find a job paying 15 bucks an hour vs 7.25.
Let the states decide. $10 in Arkansas has a lot more buying power than $10 in NY.

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