Sick of Obama!

I've never gotten a government check in my life, except for Bush's stimulus.

Nice stereotyping though.

You act like the only way to be dependent on government is to get a check from them.

Doesnt change your idealogy.
My ideology is a president that will ask the question, "Will this work?"

And in my idealogy the President will ask a number of things: Is this right? Will the country be better off if it happens? Do I actually have the authority to do this? Can we pay for this? Will the benefit of the program be worth the cost? What are the unintended consequences? etc etc.

The real irony about your "idealogy" is that you are fully supporting programs that will not and cannot work.
Maybe Chris is hoping that maybe Charles Rangel will bring his Draft bill up again. That way Obama can have his gastapo.
And in my idealogy the President will ask a number of things: Is this right? Will the country be better off if it happens? Do I actually have the authority to do this? Can we pay for this? Will the benefit of the program be worth the cost? What are the unintended consequences? etc etc.

The real irony about your "idealogy" is that you are fully supporting programs that will not and cannot work.

The progams I support will work. It has been shown as such.

The left failed by creating welfare and public housing. The right failed by supporting wasteful military adventures and huge deficits. Hopefully, both sides will now see the error of their ways.
Anyone else sick of the Obama Fest? I didn't vote for the guy but I wish him the best of luck and he now has my support. I'm sick of the almost God like status the media is giving him. I never remember another President getting this type of MTV and E! like coverage.

Well I *DON'T* wish him luck. I mean I hope he doesn't do grave damage to the country, but I'm afraid he will. The man has had a hot air hose shoved up his ass from the start. He's nothing more than a hot air, gas bag created by a love blind, slobbering, liberal media, and it's not over. It won't matter WHAT this little twat does, the media will continue to grovel at his feet licking his boots for as long as he's ALIVE. It's sickening, and makes me wanna PUKE! I just hope that after four years of hussein, it's perfectly clear to people by then that they made a MASSIVE mistake to vote for him.

And we still haven't heard the outcome of more than fifteen pending law suits filed to see if he even can be President by legal American birth. Not answering this question is going to come back to bite this country in the ass. Mark my words.

This HUGE love fest is mainly being enjoyed by blacks and liberals. The other HALF of this country is ready to PUKE!
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Anyone else sick of the Obama Fest? I didn't vote for the guy but I wish him the best of luck and he now has my support. I'm sick of the almost God like status the media is giving him. I never remember another President getting this type of MTV and E! like coverage.

Get used to it man... These people are going to orgasm over him everyday...that is unless he fails to promote their liberal agenda... If he doesn't do that they will turn on him in a heartbeat.

In this day in age when all we hear is equality, and don't judge a person by their race etc..., it sure seems like a big deal is being made of his race... Do you think Hillary would have gotten this much attention?
And in other news:

Portland Mayor Admits Past Relationship With Teen | Political News -

PORTLAND, Ore. -- More than a year after denying it, the newly elected mayor of Portland has admitted having a sexual relationship with a male teenager in 2005.

Sam Adams, who is openly gay, acknowledged the relationship in a statement Monday, after the Willamette Week newspaper broke the story on its Web site.

In Washington, D.C., for the inauguration, Adams will cut his trip short to issue a public apology Tuesday afternoon in Portland, said Wade Nkrumah, his spokesman.

Adams, 45, said he and the teen were together in the summer of 2005, shortly after the teenager turned 18 in June, and when Adams was a city commissioner. The revelations come nearly a year and a half after Adams and the teen said rumors of a sexual relationship between them were false.

"I lied at the time because I was afraid that people would believe untrue rumors being circulated by an undeclared mayoral opponent that I had broken a law involving sexual relations with a minor. But this is not a good excuse," Adams said in his statement.

Despite the rumors, Adams coasted to victory in his race, making Portland the largest U.S. city to ever elect an openly gay mayor. He was sworn in Jan. 1.

In his statement Monday, Adams apologized to the teen for making him lie about the relationship. He also apologized to colleagues and voters.

The young man, now 21, did not immediately return a request for comment.
A couple of points, and let me preface this by saying that although I didn't vote for Obama, I hope he does a great job. First off, many people such as yourself are certain Obama will be so much better than Bush. Yet there is no guarantee of this. He could prove to be this country's worst nightmare.

History judges people (Presidents) based on many things. Events that take place long after a President is out of office can shape their legacy. Let me give you a very possible scenario. Let's say in Obama eases up on national security issues for varying reasons. Then say in his third or fourth year in office, the US is hit by a terrorist attack much worse than 9/11. George Bush then becomes a man of great foresight and a great President; Obama becomes our worst nightmare.

Mind you, I don't hope for this or want this, but this is something to be aware of. GW kept this country safe after 9/11. Yes, it was at a great cost, but we are most likely going to do a complete 180 on many of Bush's national security policies. Only time will tell if this is a safe course of action or not.

POINT well taken....I know that ALL of the republicans that voted for President Bush in 2000 were CERTAIN that he would do a fantastic job and be a much better President than Clinton.

Buyer Beware....if the deal's too good to be true, then it probably isn't true!

is how I stand....

(I still deep inside think and hope he will do a better job than president bush but we will only know once he takes the position of President, what he will accomplish as a President.)

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POINT well taken....I know that ALL of the republicans that voted for President Bush in 2000 were CERTAIN that he would do a fantastic job and a much better President than Clinton.

Buyer Beware....if the deal's too good to be true, then it probably isn't true!

is how I stand....

(I still deep inside think and hope he will do a better job than president bush but we will only know once he takes the position of President, what he will accomplish as a President.)


I'm not so sure about that--- I think some who voted for Bush just thought he could do better than Gore or Kerry.
Whatever--Obama's just another politician--best of luck to him.
I see it like this; The media is giving him so many prop-ups and it's going to backfire on their guy. It can only go down hill from an already inflated reputation.

I only wish I can see some of those voters faces a few years from now when their pay checks are smaller and they thought that they would have more money. My guess is that Halo will be around his wrist in their eyes. No wait, I take that back, for they no not what they do. Just words! Sheep!

*throws back her head and cackles with glee*

He was created by the media so I guess they are basking in their glory. I wish Obama well. However if you noticed in the last few months he has started to tone down expectations. In a year he will still be blaming everything on what he inherited. I feel sorry for Obama. He has so many problems and the public has god like expectations of him.


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While so many ponder there are a million people plus in Washington standing in the cold just to be a part of this. This isn't about Obama, it is about America and a change in direction of the past 30 years. It is about hope and change, two overused words. The challenge is not Obama's it is everyone's.
While so many ponder there are a million people plus in Washington standing in the cold just to be a part of this. This isn't about Obama, it is about America and a change in direction of the past 30 years. It is about hope and change, two overused words. The challenge is not Obama's it is everyone's.

The change we need is for the government to leave us the hell alone.

the change we need is for the government to stop meddling in the affairs of other countries.

the change we need is for people to hold the government to be accountable for its graft , corruption, nepotism, malfeasance, waste, etc etc etc ad infinitum ad nauseum.

We don't need a bigger, more wasteful, more corrupt government but that's what all of you standing in the cold to watch yet another politician promise you everything under the sun seem to want. And that ain't change. it's more of the same.
Even if I was Obama, I think I'd be sick of hearing about myself by now.

If I were Obama I'd lay low for 5 days and send Biden out as a distraction, possibly let him shoot someone in the face just to get the media to focus on someone else.
While so many ponder there are a million people plus in Washington standing in the cold just to be a part of this. This isn't about Obama, it is about America and a change in direction of the past 30 years. It is about hope and change, two overused words. The challenge is not Obama's it is everyone's.

And where exactly do you think we are heading now that Obama is President?

My life isnt going to change for the better because Obama is President. It might get worse, but it's not getting better.
Anyone else sick of the Obama Fest? I didn't vote for the guy but I wish him the best of luck and he now has my support. I'm sick of the almost God like status the media is giving him. I never remember another President getting this type of MTV and E! like coverage.

I'm sick of Bush. No, I'm not sick of the Obamafest. It has been a long time coming.
While so many ponder there are a million people plus in Washington standing in the cold just to be a part of this. This isn't about Obama, it is about America and a change in direction of the past 30 years. It is about hope and change, two overused words. The challenge is not Obama's it is everyone's.

Yes, and it has been for quite some time. Where the hell have you been?
Do you know when America took the big turn for the worse?

Do you know who initiated the fucking of the American Middle Class?

It was your god, Reagan. - Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts

Yeah, middle class has been so screwed. Decreasing 12%, oddly enough corralating with the 12% increase in the upper class. But no one likes when the middle class get wealthy. Because then they dont need government. And if you dont need government, you dont need Democrats.

But hey. continue to screw us little people all you want. Dont be surprised though when you lose your power and the tables are turned. Because while I wouldnt treat people as inferior as you do, I cant promise you others wont.

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