Sick Of Waiting, Woman Takes Down South Carolina Confederate Flag Herself:

the majority of us has been sick of Obama and his administration of commies

lets get the lady to go toss his ass out. I'll admire her then for doing something Courageous. Instead of stepping all over everyone ELSES rights
The flag is there in order that people learn their history just like any other record in history is, and it has been set there in an historical context. This way people can then choose what they see as being wrong with that history or right with the history in their understanding of it and within their learning of it. Just because a radical decides that he wants to take his idled mind and apply it to what ever he wanted to apply it to in his life, and this be it for good or for bad (in this case very bad), doesn't mean that history should be banned or taken down and/or wiped out in order that others can't or shouldn't be allowed to learn about it. It just sets the whole thing up to be repeated again is what it does.

The only thing is this you see, and that is that it will be in a different coat or have a different face the next time around, and the dangers are is that the coat or face won't be recognized until it is learned about possibly in a very bad way over time, and then dealt with as well but in a very late kind of way over time. The problem with doing away with history, is that it opens a new door up that no one is familiar with, and by the time they get familiar with it, then sadly many may die or become abused before it is recognized or found out about just as a new strain of disease or virus is found out about but way to late when it is. How long does it take to roll back those kinds of things, and this because no one new about it prior to or was dis-honest about the symptoms or ways in which they may have contacted the virus or disease? I say leave history alone and let it serve as a reminder always of the good and bad in our societies. Let not history be repeated again due to our young peoples ignorance or highjacking of it for their own rotten murderous devilment they decide to get into in life. Leave the history flying for all to see, but stay pro-active in putting out fires no matter where they may flame up in society.

If don't want history to work against you in life, then don't place yourself in a position where it does work against you in life. Otherwise don't empower the wrong sides of history or give power to those who are on the wrong side of history, but instead show by ones actions just how wrong that history truly was. The Christians are handling the situation in a Godly manor, while all others are using it for every wrong reason that can be imagined now.
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You people better wake to what they are doing TO YOU in this country

#BlackLivesMatter Woman Takes Down SC Confederate Flag, Gets Arrested By Black State Troopers…Update: DeRay McKesson, Other BLM Folk Confess To Planning With Woman…Update: Shaun King Says He Will Pay Off The Woman For Committing Crime

Shaun King has a check to write. And hopefully, a visit to the pokey in his future…

ALL of it with tweets

BlackLivesMatter Woman Takes Down SC Confederate Flag Gets Arrested By Black State Troopers Update DeRay McKesson Other BLM Folk Confess To Planning With Woman Update Shaun King Says He Will Pay Off The Woman For Committing Crime Weasel Zippers
I bet there will be more outrage about this on the right than about Roof's actions.

oh come on, i haven't seen anyone actually happy about what Roof did (note I haven't gone down to the racism sub forum no doubt there are some morons down there who admire him)

This is the SECOND thread I've seen with liberals being happy about someone breaking the law over a damn flag though.
I bet there will be more outrage about this on the right than about Roof's actions.

oh come on, i haven't seen anyone actually happy about what Roof did (note I haven't gone down to the racism sub forum no doubt there are some morons down there who admire him)

This is the SECOND thread I've seen with liberals being happy about someone breaking the law over a damn flag though.
Peaceful civil disobedience is an American tradition. It is time to stop placating racists by being PC and flying that traitor flag.
Left and right love grand standing with the flag because of its great metaphorical strength.
After Obama is gone or before he's gone, the blacks and the whites in this nation need to go back to healing this nation once again. This nation needs to judge a man or a woman based upon their characters in their lives, and not upon the color of their skins. I love all people regardless of their skin color, until they show me a side to themselves that I may not like, then I will just move on at that moment as we all should do in situations like that in which we might encounter with various individuals in life or on life's journey.
Just keep on keepin on, Beagle9, you are on the right track.

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