Sick Of Waiting, Woman Takes Down South Carolina Confederate Flag Herself:

Well. I cannot say that I agree with the gay lifestyle. It runs counter to my conservative Christian upbringing. Sorry, that is just the way it is. But I don't stand in judgement of those who apparently cannot help themselves and fall into that way of life. They are no threat to me.

You say they have a rainbow flag? Well, that flag is not one with a history of violence and hate tied to it. The Confederate flag does have such a history and everywhere it is displayed it is meant to send this unmistakeable message:White Supremacy now and forever!

The rainbow flag represents the pro-queer agenda. It represents condoning and acceptance of homosexuality and promotes sexual promiscuity. That agenda has been the main cause for the spread of HIV and AIDS throughout the world. What do you think has caused more suffering and death in the last 30 years, some racist hillbillies and their displaying an old flag, or the spread of AIDS by homosexuals? So the Fag flag may not have violence and hate tied to it, but it sure does have irresponsibility, selfishness, and AIDS tied to it.

Well, where is the rainbow flag prominently displayed on public property?
Is there a reason it should be? Don't think many soldiers died on a battlefield somewhere carrying or following one.
If the rainbow flag isn't displayed prominently and permanently on public property you don't have a complaint. The terrorist CSA flag is permanently displayed on public property. That is the reason a growing number of people want it removed, not banned. You can still drive your '59 Caddy onto state property outfitted with CSA license plates and flags on 6 ft poles attached to both bumpers.

I'm not the one complaining. The civil war is a huge part of American history. The U.S. Flag should never be taken down from sites that honor soldiers who dies under it, I think that same respect should be shown for the Confederate soldiers, even if they were wrong in their ideals and even though they lost the war.

Geessh! It is bad enough the traitorous bahs-turds are buried in National Cemeteries maintained at the expense of taxpayers. I'll use the old RW stand by to express my disgust: I don't want my tax dollars spent on CSA graves, memorabilia, flags or anything else. The South needs to put all the confederate graves and junk in private hands so that people who are disgusted by that stuff don't have to see it when they visit public sites.
I don't set the standard for humanity.... Our ancestors did thousands of years ago.

I would follow a similar tactic but probably worse in the eyes of people like you.

If you're what Heaven is full of, I don't want to be there. I'd prefer Valhalla or Hell.

There are different perspectives on "standards" for humanity... some countries such as China and Japan have moral standards much higher than most European populated countries.

Thanks for admitting you would follow a similar tactic as that of Hitler. You friggin Big gut!

Careful, you just might get what you ask for if you prefer valhalla or hell to heaven under ANY circumstances!
The rainbow flag is the flag of America over the defeat of the fear mongering, brain dead far right.
I recently posted a study that showed that leftists have less self control than conservatives....this shows it...there are legal means and processes to do this....but no...she couldn't control herself....that flag has been there decades and now all of a sudden she just has to act........
No one is afraid of you guys, JimBowie, not in the least. What a Mighty Girl picture.

Sick Of Waiting, Woman Takes Down South Carolina Confederate Flag Herself:

Sick Of Waiting, Woman Takes Down South Carolina Confederate Flag Herself
A pro-flag rally is planned for later on Saturday.

She broke the law in protest, she gets arrested. She does the crime, she does the time.

Nothing heroic, nothing very smart, just doing what she wants. A Democratic governor put up the flag, it will be a Republican governor that will have it removed...legally.
Her action is heroic, your denunciation is cowardly. Fact of the matter, bub.

How is it heroic? She broke the law. I don't care about the flag coming down, that isn't the issue with me, it is breaking a law. You do not like laws good for you.

Lots of ways to take the flag down besides climbing the pole, that was probably the most dangerous but it got her cheap publicity. She didn't risk her life out of necessity, she didn't save anyone, it was foolish. Not heroic.

That's the fact of the matter bubba.

Progressive assclowns do not care about the law. All they care about is their agenda. It doesn't matter if it promoted by legal or illegal means.

The same assclowns pretending to suddenly be offended by a flag that has been around for a hundred and fifty plus years, are the same ones waiving an equally offensive rainbow flag.

A number of prominent republicans have said the flag should come down. Those republican voices might be new to the protest, but blacks and a host of other well meaning citizens have been calling for the confederate rag to be removed for decades. They aren't calling for banning the terrorist icon completely, they just want it to be removed from prominent public display on public properties. Proponents of rebel flag waving can join their gay counterparts in waving their respective flags until they are blue in the face.

The laws promulgated to protect CSA flag on the capitol grounds of SC have not been violated for 150 years. That shows a lot of patience and tolerance for a terrorist icon and symbol of hate. Respect for the law is foremost in bringing the flag down, otherwise it would have been destroyed long ago. It's time for a change!

All true, in fact a Democrat put it up there in 1961 and a Republican will bring it down. That doesn't excuse what this woman did I climbing the pole and taking down the flag. The real stupidity is she didn't need to climb the damn pole, she was just showing off. Yet, idiots,will cheer her as a hero, really stupid people will call her a hero.
She broke the law in protest, she gets arrested. She does the crime, she does the time.

Nothing heroic, nothing very smart, just doing what she wants. A Democratic governor put up the flag, it will be a Republican governor that will have it removed...legally.
Her action is heroic, your denunciation is cowardly. Fact of the matter, bub.

How is it heroic? She broke the law. I don't care about the flag coming down, that isn't the issue with me, it is breaking a law. You do not like laws good for you.

Lots of ways to take the flag down besides climbing the pole, that was probably the most dangerous but it got her cheap publicity. She didn't risk her life out of necessity, she didn't save anyone, it was foolish. Not heroic.

That's the fact of the matter bubba.

Progressive assclowns do not care about the law. All they care about is their agenda. It doesn't matter if it promoted by legal or illegal means.

The same assclowns pretending to suddenly be offended by a flag that has been around for a hundred and fifty plus years, are the same ones waiving an equally offensive rainbow flag.

A number of prominent republicans have said the flag should come down. Those republican voices might be new to the protest, but blacks and a host of other well meaning citizens have been calling for the confederate rag to be removed for decades. They aren't calling for banning the terrorist icon completely, they just want it to be removed from prominent public display on public properties. Proponents of rebel flag waving can join their gay counterparts in waving their respective flags until they are blue in the face.

The laws promulgated to protect CSA flag on the capitol grounds of SC have not been violated for 150 years. That shows a lot of patience and tolerance for a terrorist icon and symbol of hate. Respect for the law is foremost in bringing the flag down, otherwise it would have been destroyed long ago. It's time for a change!

All true, in fact a Democrat put it up there in 1961 and a Republican will bring it down. That doesn't excuse what this woman did I climbing the pole and taking down the flag. The real stupidity is she didn't need to climb the damn pole, she was just showing off. Yet, idiots,will cheer her as a hero, really stupid people will call her a hero.

Well, now, I agreed with you until you started the ad hominem attacks. The woman did what she did to make a political statement; and, it did take a measure of courage to climb that pole. She knew the probable outcome but proceeded anyway regardless of the consequences, including the possibility of getting shot or attacked. She is no heroine but I like that Calamity Jane type spirit.
No one is afraid of you guys, JimBowie, not in the least. What a Mighty Girl picture.

Sick Of Waiting, Woman Takes Down South Carolina Confederate Flag Herself:

Sick Of Waiting, Woman Takes Down South Carolina Confederate Flag Herself
A pro-flag rally is planned for later on Saturday.

The she gets her stupid ass arrested and the flag will be there again tomorrow. Progressives are so fucking stupid.

yes, and have trouble finding a real job.
Common criminal. Some rubber bullets would have been appropriate. How long will her jail sentence be?
I bet there will be more outrage about this on the right than about Roof's actions.

oh come on, i haven't seen anyone actually happy about what Roof did (note I haven't gone down to the racism sub forum no doubt there are some morons down there who admire him)

This is the SECOND thread I've seen with liberals being happy about someone breaking the law over a damn flag though.
Peaceful civil disobedience is an American tradition. It is time to stop placating racists by being PC and flying that traitor flag.

And what did she accomplish?

5 minutes of cheering?

her name on a police blotter?

A fine, possibly a jail sentence?

And the flag was flying high as ever in an hour.

She made idiots happy.

and screwed herself.
Not in the slightest.

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