Sick Of Waiting, Woman Takes Down South Carolina Confederate Flag Herself:

The PC Police are fine when one of theirs breaks the law. They are praised, as here in the OP.

Then they scream about "public accommodations" laws when laws matter.

My goodness, this is beyond absurd.

Some laws are unjust and need to be broken for the good of the nation. Where would we be today if Martin Luther King had not broken Jim Crow laws. Someone mentioned Rosa Parks. Well, she broke the law too... look what that defiant act accomplished.
Yes, and the PC Police are clearly in charge of deciding what is "just".

Break the wrong one, of course, and they will ruin you by leveraging the law and pretending all they're doing is supporting the law.

'cuz the law is what matters.

The hypocrisy here is clear.

No, the so-called PC police, whoever that might be, are probably not prosecutors nor jurists. That is where the real power is. In the court room. There , the constitutionality of the offending law can be addressed. Breaking the law is a means for getting it into court.
I bet there will be more outrage about this on the right than about Roof's actions.

oh come on, i haven't seen anyone actually happy about what Roof did (note I haven't gone down to the racism sub forum no doubt there are some morons down there who admire him)

This is the SECOND thread I've seen with liberals being happy about someone breaking the law over a damn flag though.
Peaceful civil disobedience is an American tradition. It is time to stop placating racists by being PC and flying that traitor flag.

And what did she accomplish?

5 minutes of cheering?

her name on a police blotter?

A fine, possibly a jail sentence?

And the flag was flying high as ever in an hour.

She made idiots happy.

and screwed herself.

She got her 15 min of fame.
I bet there will be more outrage about this on the right than about Roof's actions.

oh come on, i haven't seen anyone actually happy about what Roof did (note I haven't gone down to the racism sub forum no doubt there are some morons down there who admire him)

This is the SECOND thread I've seen with liberals being happy about someone breaking the law over a damn flag though.
Peaceful civil disobedience is an American tradition. It is time to stop placating racists by being PC and flying that traitor flag.

And what did she accomplish?

5 minutes of cheering?

her name on a police blotter?

A fine, possibly a jail sentence?

And the flag was flying high as ever in an hour.

She made idiots happy.

and screwed herself.

She got her 15 min of fame.

Probably only about 5 minutes of it.

I'm sure someone with her attitude towards the law, she will be back in the news.
Boy, now it looks like we need another website from the PC Police.

We have long needed one that lists the words and phrases that we and are not allowed to use or think. We could just check it every morning to make sure we don't "offend" anyone for the next 24 hours.

And now we need one that lists the laws that we are and are not allowed to support and/or follow. Then we won't have to worry about when the PC Police are going to try to destroy us if we do the wrong thing.

Maybe you guys can get a website volume discount, huh?

You gotta love the hypocrisy of liberals. They can't stand the mere sight of a flag that isn't in line with their political Agenda, yet have no hesitation in displaying their faggot rainbow flags everywhere when they know it offends many people.

We must not forget: they believe, they are the SUPERIOR ones in this country.

they are superior at being intolerant and have become nothing more but little marching goosestepping Fascist like the party they belong taught them to be.
The PC Police are fine when one of theirs breaks the law. They are praised, as here in the OP.

Then they scream about "public accommodations" laws when laws matter.

My goodness, this is beyond absurd..
Only your screaming about PA laws is absurd.
No one is afraid of you guys, JimBowie, not in the least. What a Mighty Girl picture.

Sick Of Waiting, Woman Takes Down South Carolina Confederate Flag Herself:

Sick Of Waiting, Woman Takes Down South Carolina Confederate Flag Herself
A pro-flag rally is planned for later on Saturday.

She broke the law in protest, she gets arrested. She does the crime, she does the time.

Nothing heroic, nothing very smart, just doing what she wants. A Democratic governor put up the flag, it will be a Republican governor that will have it removed...legally.
Her action is heroic, your denunciation is cowardly. Fact of the matter, bub.
No one is afraid of you guys, JimBowie, not in the least. What a Mighty Girl picture.

Sick Of Waiting, Woman Takes Down South Carolina Confederate Flag Herself:

Sick Of Waiting, Woman Takes Down South Carolina Confederate Flag Herself
A pro-flag rally is planned for later on Saturday.

She broke the law in protest, she gets arrested. She does the crime, she does the time.

Nothing heroic, nothing very smart, just doing what she wants. A Democratic governor put up the flag, it will be a Republican governor that will have it removed...legally.
Her action is heroic, your denunciation is cowardly. Fact of the matter, bub.

hardly heroic
that lady was PAID to do what she did

NOT A DAMN thing heroic about that. sort of like a Prostitute is what I'd call her

She couldn't wait a few days to see what the General Assembly decided?

She's as 'principled' as my 5 year old grandson.

and I don't consider trespassing and defacing a monument 'heroic'.
You right wing bahs-turds place too little value on human life. By doing so, yours is devalued. Obviously you aren't a Christian. Followers of Christ aren't so cavalier about killing someone for taking down a flag. You Godless cretins will have your place in the lake of fire!

Human life has no value in and of itself. It only has value when that life is lived properly and by the right Morals and Values. Other than that we're all just wastes of flesh and oxygen.

I'm not a Christian. I believe organized religion is one of the greatest threats to society today. I believe in private spirituality and a personal connection to the Divine.

If promoting proper society gets me sent yo Hell, I'll be happy to swim in that lake of fire for all eternity
Is this 'heroic'?

Or this?


They must be.

by your standards
LIKE I said, she was not only a Prostitute but a stupid one at that. SHE didn't get the money ahead of time...

#BlackLivesMatter ‘Activist’ Shaun King Fails To Provide Promised Bail, $10,000 For Woman Who Took Down SC Confederate Flag

Should it have been a surprise that this Soros puppet, Shaun King, was talking through his hat?

Apparently, not all get that he is also a one man money-grubbing donation machine.

He had posted a reward for the first person to manually remove the flag, bail plus $10,000.

Brittany ‘Bree’ Newsome, another Black Lives Matter activist, took him up on his offer this morning, climbing up and removing the flag flying on the grounds in front of the South Carolina capitol. But she then had to wait in jail awhile, as King failed to provide any money.

all of it here:
BlackLivesMatter Activist Shaun King Fails To Provide Promised Bail 10 000 For Woman Who Took Down SC Confederate Flag Weasel Zippers
You gotta love the hypocrisy of liberals. They can't stand the mere sight of a flag that isn't in line with their political Agenda, yet have no hesitation in displaying their faggot rainbow flags everywhere when they know it offends many people.
This is really a great point you have made here.

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