Sick Of Waiting, Woman Takes Down South Carolina Confederate Flag Herself:

I bet there will be more outrage about this on the right than about Roof's actions.

oh come on, i haven't seen anyone actually happy about what Roof did (note I haven't gone down to the racism sub forum no doubt there are some morons down there who admire him)

This is the SECOND thread I've seen with liberals being happy about someone breaking the law over a damn flag though.
Peaceful civil disobedience is an American tradition. It is time to stop placating racists by being PC and flying that traitor flag.

This isn't civil disobedience Ravi.

Civil disobedience means breaking a law you disagree with in protest of said law.

IE refusing to move to the back of the bus.
Exactly what this. Insane but true, SC has a law that says you can't move the con flag without a super majority vote.
I bet there will be more outrage about this on the right than about Roof's actions.

oh come on, i haven't seen anyone actually happy about what Roof did (note I haven't gone down to the racism sub forum no doubt there are some morons down there who admire him)

This is the SECOND thread I've seen with liberals being happy about someone breaking the law over a damn flag though.
Peaceful civil disobedience is an American tradition. It is time to stop placating racists by being PC and flying that traitor flag.

And what did she accomplish?

5 minutes of cheering?

her name on a police blotter?

A fine, possibly a jail sentence?

And the flag was flying high as ever in an hour.

She made idiots happy.

and screwed herself.
She did something republicans are too weak to do.
You gotta love the hypocrisy of liberals. They can't stand the mere sight of a flag that isn't in line with their political Agenda, yet have no hesitation in displaying their faggot rainbow flags everywhere when they know it offends many people.
I bet there will be more outrage about this on the right than about Roof's actions.

oh come on, i haven't seen anyone actually happy about what Roof did (note I haven't gone down to the racism sub forum no doubt there are some morons down there who admire him)

This is the SECOND thread I've seen with liberals being happy about someone breaking the law over a damn flag though.
Peaceful civil disobedience is an American tradition. It is time to stop placating racists by being PC and flying that traitor flag.

And what did she accomplish?

5 minutes of cheering?

her name on a police blotter?

A fine, possibly a jail sentence?

And the flag was flying high as ever in an hour.

She made idiots happy.

and screwed herself.
She did something republicans are too weak to do.

Obeying the law makes you weak?

I bet there will be more outrage about this on the right than about Roof's actions.

oh come on, i haven't seen anyone actually happy about what Roof did (note I haven't gone down to the racism sub forum no doubt there are some morons down there who admire him)

This is the SECOND thread I've seen with liberals being happy about someone breaking the law over a damn flag though.
Peaceful civil disobedience is an American tradition. It is time to stop placating racists by being PC and flying that traitor flag.

And what did she accomplish?

5 minutes of cheering?

her name on a police blotter?

A fine, possibly a jail sentence?

And the flag was flying high as ever in an hour.

She made idiots happy.

and screwed herself.
She did something republicans are too weak to do.

Obeying the law makes you weak?

In this case, yes.
oh come on, i haven't seen anyone actually happy about what Roof did (note I haven't gone down to the racism sub forum no doubt there are some morons down there who admire him)

This is the SECOND thread I've seen with liberals being happy about someone breaking the law over a damn flag though.
Peaceful civil disobedience is an American tradition. It is time to stop placating racists by being PC and flying that traitor flag.

And what did she accomplish?

5 minutes of cheering?

her name on a police blotter?

A fine, possibly a jail sentence?

And the flag was flying high as ever in an hour.

She made idiots happy.

and screwed herself.
She did something republicans are too weak to do.

Obeying the law makes you weak?

In this case, yes.

Sounds like my grandson.

"I don't want to wait, I want it NOWWWWWWWW!!!!
No one is afraid of you guys, JimBowie, not in the least. What a Mighty Girl picture.

Sick Of Waiting, Woman Takes Down South Carolina Confederate Flag Herself:

Sick Of Waiting, Woman Takes Down South Carolina Confederate Flag Herself
A pro-flag rally is planned for later on Saturday.

My only regret is that she didn't use a BULL-DOZER and take out the entire monument, flag staff and all!
I intend to donate to her defense fund! That donation would have been significantly larger if she had used a bull dozer!
Blacks kill twice as many whites in raw numbers each year. Yet, hey lets have peace and accept this injustice against us.
You aren't counting the thousands of blacks killed each year by so-called medical mistakes. Yeah right! White medical personnel that think like you do kill thousands of blacks and liberal whites! The few hundred whites killed by blacks pale by comparison, no pun intended!
You gotta love the hypocrisy of liberals. They can't stand the mere sight of a flag that isn't in line with their political Agenda, yet have no hesitation in displaying their faggot rainbow flags everywhere when they know it offends many people.
Well. I cannot say that I agree with the gay lifestyle. It runs counter to my conservative Christian upbringing. Sorry, that is just the way it is. But I don't stand in judgement of those who apparently cannot help themselves and fall into that way of life. They are no threat to me.

You say they have a rainbow flag? Well, that flag is not one with a history of violence and hate tied to it. The Confederate flag does have such a history and everywhere it is displayed it is meant to send this unmistakeable message:White Supremacy now and forever!
The PC Police are fine when one of theirs breaks the law. They are praised, as here in the OP.

Then they scream about "public accommodations" laws when laws matter.

My goodness, this is beyond absurd.

The stupid slut was arrested and the flag raised back to its position of honor. ..... :thup:

Too bad she wasn't shot as she went up the pole.... it would gave served her right.
You right wing bahs-turds place too little value on human life. By doing so, yours is devalued. Obviously you aren't a Christian. Followers of Christ aren't so cavalier about killing someone for taking down a flag. You Godless cretins will have your place in the lake of fire!
The PC Police are fine when one of theirs breaks the law. They are praised, as here in the OP.

Then they scream about "public accommodations" laws when laws matter.

My goodness, this is beyond absurd.


Some laws are unjust and need to be broken for the good of the nation. Where would we be today if Martin Luther King had not broken Jim Crow laws. Someone mentioned Rosa Parks. Well, she broke the law too... look what that defiant act accomplished.
The PC Police are fine when one of theirs breaks the law. They are praised, as here in the OP.

Then they scream about "public accommodations" laws when laws matter.

My goodness, this is beyond absurd.

Some laws are unjust and need to be broken for the good of the nation. Where would we be today if Martin Luther King had not broken Jim Crow laws. Someone mentioned Rosa Parks. Well, she broke the law too... look what that defiant act accomplished.
Yes, and the PC Police are clearly in charge of deciding what is "just".

Break the wrong one, of course, and they will ruin you by leveraging the law and pretending all they're doing is supporting the law.

'cuz the law is what matters.

The hypocrisy here is clear.

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I bet there will be more outrage about this on the right than about Roof's actions.

oh come on, i haven't seen anyone actually happy about what Roof did (note I haven't gone down to the racism sub forum no doubt there are some morons down there who admire him)

This is the SECOND thread I've seen with liberals being happy about someone breaking the law over a damn flag though.
Peaceful civil disobedience is an American tradition. It is time to stop placating racists by being PC and flying that traitor flag.

And what did she accomplish?

5 minutes of cheering?

her name on a police blotter?

A fine, possibly a jail sentence?

And the flag was flying high as ever in an hour.

She made idiots happy.

and screwed herself.
She did something republicans are too weak to do.

Obeying the law makes you weak?


Yes, unjust laws are especially onerous. Remember Ghandi and Dr. King! Those two are great examples of men with the strength necessary to stand up against legislated oppression. Weaker men do nothing but moan quietly in frustration as they are manipulated like the sheep they are. One more example would the Revolutionary War heroes. Aren't you glad they broke the law and rebelled against British rule? Those darn liberals had to contend with those conservative Loyalists but they prevailed! RIGHT?
The stupid slut was arrested and the flag raised back to its position of honor. ..... :thup:

Uh, now she's a slut? Listen, you really don't want to go there with the slut insults...cause yo women pretty much dominate the market, just sayin!!

Kudos to the brave sister, I just wish she had a shredder waiting!!
The PC Police are fine when one of theirs breaks the law. They are praised, as here in the OP.

Then they scream about "public accommodations" laws when laws matter.

My goodness, this is beyond absurd.

Some laws are unjust and need to be broken for the good of the nation. Where would we be today if Martin Luther King had not broken Jim Crow laws. Someone mentioned Rosa Parks. Well, she broke the law too... look what that defiant act accomplished.
Yes, and the PC Police are clearly in charge of deciding what is "just".

Break the wrong one, of course, and they will ruin you by leveraging the law and pretending all they're doing is supporting the law.

'cuz the law is what matters.

The hypocrisy here is clear.


The law is what matters...that's why we have 50 million and counting illegals in this country...Gotta love our immigration laws, eh?
No one is afraid of you guys, JimBowie, not in the least. What a Mighty Girl picture.

Sick Of Waiting, Woman Takes Down South Carolina Confederate Flag Herself:

Sick Of Waiting, Woman Takes Down South Carolina Confederate Flag Herself
A pro-flag rally is planned for later on Saturday.

She broke the law in protest, she gets arrested. She does the crime, she does the time.

Nothing heroic, nothing very smart, just doing what she wants. A Democratic governor put up the flag, it will be a Republican governor that will have it removed...legally.
The PC Police are fine when one of theirs breaks the law. They are praised, as here in the OP.

Then they scream about "public accommodations" laws when laws matter.

My goodness, this is beyond absurd.

Some laws are unjust and need to be broken for the good of the nation. Where would we be today if Martin Luther King had not broken Jim Crow laws. Someone mentioned Rosa Parks. Well, she broke the law too... look what that defiant act accomplished.
Yes, and the PC Police are clearly in charge of deciding what is "just".

Break the wrong one, of course, and they will ruin you by leveraging the law and pretending all they're doing is supporting the law.

'cuz the law is what matters.

The hypocrisy here is clear.


The law is what matters...that's why we have 50 million and counting illegals in this country...Gotta love our immigration laws, eh?
Yeah, the PC Police don't "care" about those laws.

The biggest, most blatant and most obvious example of my point.

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