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Sick, Woke Educators Perverting Our Kids

That's a lie, men's room prostitute. There's leftist curriculum schoolbooks geared to that, even.
That does not make a god damned bit of sense! Wipe the spit off of your chin and compose yourself! Now, what the fuck are you trying to say?

There is less brain power being displayed on this thread than you would find in a sack of rotting turnips
Clearly you have no actual understanding of the issue. You ignorance is beyond profound, Try doing some reading on the subject instead of just spouting off and sounding foolish
You think we should be talking about fisting in public schools or not, yes or no?

If yes, you’re inhuman trash, if you’re sane, your reaction should be not just no, but hell no.
You people really need to get over your irrational angst over all things LGBT. It is born of fear, ignorance and the need to hate And that need to hate, is in turn, the product of you own gender and sexual insecurity and the need to feel superior to others.

Here is what is really going on there :

HEA Statement on Safe Space Badges

Your problem is that you think that any mention of or acknowledgement of the existence of gay, bi or trans kids is "grooming" and recruting and that is just plain stupid. Worse than stupid, it can be deadly! Like it or not, this is real and this kids must be supported and validated. The alternative is that they fall into despair resulting in self emotional turmoil destructive behavior. YOU WILL HAVE BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS!
Die freaks die! That's how nature culls!
The Michigan Department of Education has adopted a radical queer program that promotes gueerness starting in elementary school and wants teachers to guide child transexuals without parents knowing about it.

The training suggests that teachers abandon words such as “boys and girls” and instead use the terms “people with penises,” and “people with vulvas” with school kids. The Department of Education also suggests teachers to create queer clubs targeting schoolchildren as young as elementary school, using secret communications and fictitious names to conceal the nature of the clubs from parents. In private, however, the trainers are straightforward about their objectives: these clubs, using cover names such as “Leadership Club” or “Everyone for Equality,” are explicitly designed to promote queer sex beginning in elementary school.

Finally, the Department of Education teaches school employees how to guide kids to be transexuals under their care while keeping it a secret from parents. The trainers openly tell educators that they should keep students queer name, pronouns and sexual interest hidden from family. “Schools should be using the name and pronouns that students go by,” says Kim Phillips-Knope, project lead of the LGBTQ+ Students Project, citing guidance from the Biden administration’s Office of Civil Rights.
Tolerance is well and good but tolerance does not include infinite validation for all sexual proclivities and fetishes and especially not for meddling with innocent kids.

I was already all aboard banning teachers unions, now I think we should nuke their membership from orbit after reading this filth.

“Tolerance” for evil and madness is no virtue at all.
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Why teach kids reading, writing and arithmetic when you can teach them "fisting" and "rimming."

This is disgusting and makes me even more and more glad I do not belong to that corrupt and horrid organization, the NEA.


I see what Rufo does and it's not exactly as bad as he makes it out to be. In my state, he dug up some obscure Dept of Ed training videos and makes people believe that these are widely distributed and widely shown. Believe me, their presence is bad enough. But we are doing with schools the same thing the Left did with cops when we think this stuff is pervasive. It's there and it's ugly. The woman who teaches Sunday School and sits down the pew from you is probably not teaching her 1st grade class about this stuff, however.
Tolerance is well and good but tolerance does not include infinite validation for all sexual proclivities and fetishes and especially not for meddling with innocent kids.

I was already all aboard banning teachers unions, now I think we should nuke their membership from orbit after reading this filth.

It's a moral panic. The gender/sexuality trend. Of course there has always been and will always be homosexual people. But all this gender madness is just some very strange fad.

I feel very bad for teenagers when they get older and our society--God willing--recovers from this madness. I was a teen in the 80s. I only had to recover from a sorta bad haircut and neon clothes. Imagine taking a ride on the Gender Madness train during your teen years and later having to explain THAT to your kids.

Awful. Just really awful.
“Tolerance” for evil and madness is no virtue at all.
Well, Bob, I’ll tell you where I draw my line. I’m not religious, as you know, but I don’t hate the religious. Most atheists piss me off, as they’re the worst zealots I know.

I can accept that an adult dude might think it is okay to have sex with other adult dudes. I realize many religions say it isn’t alright to do this, but I don’t see any reason why a country with freedom of religion would prohibit them from doing so. This isn’t an endorsement. I just don’t care / don’t consider it my business. I won’t celebrate their “pride” bullshit and so on; I don’t want to hear about the sexual exploits of coworkers or strangers. Their business, leave me out of it, thanks.

I don’t think smoking is a wise thing to do, I wouldn’t encourage anyone I care about to smoke, but I certainly don’t think it should be illegal. I have no basis for it - I wouldn’t want a nanny state telling people what to do in matters where freedom of choice is actually valid. If you’re hurting no one or only hurting yourself, then that’s up to you as far as I am concerned.

Where the modern woke lefttards scream past my line of tolerance at Mach 5 is when they push all this crap on school kids, and also in the many cases where they push intolerance. Where they are instead just demanding everyone follow what is effectively their cultish religion.

These days there are schools where if you don’t respect someone’s xe / xir pronoun bullshit they’ll kick you out of school. Tolerance doesn’t extent to controlling the speech and minds of others, and while I don’t care what consenting adults do to other consenting adults or what cosmetic surgeries they have, things like pushing drugs on kids and surgeries on minors and telling them they can change their sex is absolute batshit insanity to be fought tooth and nail.
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Why teach kids reading, writing and arithmetic when you can teach them "fisting" and "rimming."

Kids grow up with sex on their minds. You can't change that.
What you can change is their level of knowledge. Those with more knowledge are less likely to get STDs and less likely to become pregnant.

Hence why this map has a lot of dark red in states which believe knowledge is bad or un-Godly.


Same for teenage pregnancies.

The Michigan Department of Education has adopted a radical queer program that promotes gueerness starting in elementary school and wants teachers to guide child transexuals without parents knowing about it.

The training suggests that teachers abandon words such as “boys and girls” and instead use the terms “people with penises,” and “people with vulvas” with school kids. The Department of Education also suggests teachers to create queer clubs targeting schoolchildren as young as elementary school, using secret communications and fictitious names to conceal the nature of the clubs from parents. In private, however, the trainers are straightforward about their objectives: these clubs, using cover names such as “Leadership Club” or “Everyone for Equality,” are explicitly designed to promote queer sex beginning in elementary school.

Finally, the Department of Education teaches school employees how to guide kids to be transexuals under their care while keeping it a secret from parents. The trainers openly tell educators that they should keep students queer name, pronouns and sexual interest hidden from family. “Schools should be using the name and pronouns that students go by,” says Kim Phillips-Knope, project lead of the LGBTQ+ Students Project, citing guidance from the Biden administration’s Office of Civil Rights.
Sounds like a lot of bovine excrement to me. Got a link??

The national teachers union’s “LGBTQ+ Caucus” has created a website and badge for public school employees that promote being queer, a how-to guide for queer sex and the idea that men can get pregnant.

The National Education Association's local affiliate in Hilliard, Ohio, has been providing staff in the Hilliard City School District with the QR code-enabled badges, which point to the “NEA LGBTQ+ Caucus” website and resources from promoters of queer sex.

"One of these linked resources, Teen Health Source’s 'Queering Sexual Education,' which promises to 'empower youth' and includes a how-to guide for performing 'anal sex,' 'bondage,' 'rimming,' 'domination,' 'sadomasochism,' 'muffing,' and 'fisting.' The materials are extremely graphic, explaining how to, for example, '[put] a fist or whole hand into a person’s vagina or bum,'" says Christopher Rufo at christopherrufo.com.

"This isn’t a fringe organization. The NEA is the largest teachers union in the country, representing more than 3 million public school teachers in all 14,000 local school districts—and it has been captured by radical gender theory and its perverse sexual ideology," says Rufo.
Yeah, it's hard to believe, isn't it! 😯

After educating yourself at this website I expect you to stop defending this crap.

NO! I do not mean an account of what is being taught by another transphobic bigot. I want to see the actual policy of the school district

The Truth about Critical Race Theory - Christopher F. Rufo

Oct 05, 2020 · Christopher Rufo is a writer, filmmaker, and activist challenging critical race theory and gender ideology in America’s institutions.
Tolerance is well and good but tolerance does not include infinite validation for all sexual proclivities and fetishes and especially not for meddling with innocent kids.

I was already all aboard banning teachers unions, now I think we should nuke their membership from orbit after reading this filth.
How long have you been a teacher?
If you don't like what is being taught in your local public school...there is always home schooling or a private school of your choice.
Or maybe if they’re gonna take taxpayer money then they should be ideologically neutral and stick to education that will help the kids in their future work endeavors and not how to fist someone else in the ass, moron?

But at this point I’m increasingly leftoids like you just want children to be trained to shove things in your ass, perhaps as a profession in your ideal (nightmare) world.
Inherited? Who the fuck said that it is inherited. Born gay? Yes? But that is not inherited. Clearly you have no understanding or appreciation of the complexity of human sexuality and have no interest in learning. Indeed, I doubt that you can learn. And no one is recruiting kids.
If a teacher organization promoted white supremacy and gave teachers badges to let white supremist students know that the teacher wearing the badge is a safe adult with whom to talk about life as a white supremist and a teacher who will protect them from anti white supremist bullies, you would have no trouble recognizing that as recruiting kids into white supremacy. Even if the QR code to the white supremist website is in the back of the badge.

Substitute LGBTQW and now you're fine with it. Why?

Because you believe that LGBTQW is objectively a positive subject to encourage kids to explore ends if parents disagree their kids should be taught that parents are simply wrong.
If you don't like what is being taught in your local public school...there is always home schooling or a private school of your choice.
Sure and since my tax dollars are taken to support public school I also can always go to a school board meeting and expose what is being taught. If I don't mind being arrested and put on a terrorist watch list.

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