Sickening moment Brooklyn mugger batters 68-year-old victim and STOMPS on his head - breaking his nose - then robs him while he's unconscious!!!!!

I cannot believe in "God," either.

Life is so sad and filled with so many horrible human beings, how could there possibly be a "God"?

Yet, emotionally, I sure do believe in Him/Her. Throughout the day, I just naturally think, "Guide me, God, in this situation. Give me the strength to persevere -- until the end."
God giving us freewill explains that quite well.
I don't but mostly you just come across as yet another internet blowhard wannabe tough guy.
How is that BBT? I am not the one here talking about going out and beating folks up, talking about grown men sucking Johnsons, etc. I know like the usual right wing coward you are too weak to call out the racist who are calling folks Sambo, talking about shooting folks, etc.
Exactly .....even if they get caught they get probation....biden does not want any of his voters sitting in jail.....thus you see time and again when these animals get caught....they have a rap sheet as long as their arm....arrest after arrest....probation after probation.

Also, what some do not recognize that the great majority of these crimes are not caught on video and thus go un-reported.
Laws that are past their expiration date or that we find unnecessary need to be thrown out and the rest enforced fully. Penalties need to be severe enough to discourage crime.
How is that BBT? I am not the one here talking about going out and beating folks up, talking about grown men sucking Johnsons, etc. I know like the usual right wing coward you are too weak to call out the racist who are calling folks Sambo, talking about shooting folks, etc.
Your post.

History shows us that old racist cowards like you are the pussies, ten of you would attack one black man because you knew the Law wasn't going to do nothing to your punk ass. I grew up knocking out racist punks like you in school, you are tough on the internet but I can guarantee your bitch ass wouldn't call a black man Sambo to his face.

I've known real tough guys, they keep people like you for pets.
As a people blacks are not that far removed from their hunter gatherer roots. At one time when a black was hungry they killed an animal or dug up some roots. When cold they killed and skinned an animal. They lived by the immediacy of their needs. The guy in this attack may have decided to go to a movie and needed money in that moment. So he hunted prey to satisfy his needs.

If you had been paying attention to wokeists delayed gratification is one of the foundations of white supremacy. Working to meet your needs and desires is a root of white supremacy. Preying on the weak to satisfy desires is a hallmark of black psychology.
With the exception of my time in the military I've spent most of my life catching or shooting wild fish and game, processing and eating it.

All that's done is give me an even greater appreciation for life.

Your theory is entirely flawed.

Blacks and whites are little different, it's not about race it's about the culture in which they are raised.
Exactly .....even if they get caught they get probation....biden does not want any of his voters sitting in jail.....thus you see time and again when these animals get caught....they have a rap sheet as long as their arm....arrest after arrest....probation after probation.

Also, what some do not recognize that the great majority of these crimes are not caught on video and thus go un-reported.
NYC has the second most CCTV cameras in the world, second only to London and the most private security cameras. IT's damned hard in NYC to commit a crime in public without being on camera or going to/leaving from the scene of a crime.

It's a matter of having cops willing to investigate and DA's willing to prosecute.
Work? Oh hell no---they don't want to do that.
This is the end product of entitlement mentality. They want it so whatever they have to do to get it is fine. We've all but eliminated real consequences for robbery and assault in blue cities.

I think you are not giving enough credit to those "clueless white folks."

They know -- one way or another, including personal experiences -- about these, uh, unpleasant incidents.
Deep down everybody, "knows" but speaking up can have serious negative consequences.
heh heh.....I think the poster was just being sarcastic.....irregardless there are a lot of naive white folks who do not have a clue as to what is the driving force behind the outrageous level of black crime.

Anyone who frequents this board should has been gone over many times.

It is really not complicated.....the black crime wave began in the sixties....go back to the fifties and beyond.....there was not that much black crime.

Unfortunately in the sixties academia began indoctrinating students into believing that blacks were victims....thus the black youth believing what the schools were teaching became convinced they were entitled to free stuff....from this point it is easy to see why black crime escalated to where it is now and it continues its upward spiral.
The War on Poverty and Urban decay resulted in the this kind of ghetto culture.

Sending our manufacturing jobs overseas then accelerated that decay.

The best and strictest parents I knew as a kid were mostly black and there was nothing stronger than the black family or their work ethic.

Democrats made sure to undermine it all and we're living with the results.

It isn't about race either, whites and everyone else raised with the same mentality and culture end up the same way.
I do not think joe cares about any of that....what sanity he has left is dominated by seeking to please his wife and other liberals....accumulating power has always been his primary goal....he sought the Presidency from his first moment in Congress.

His career was built on lies and sucking up to people who could help him.....a phoney through and through.
Joe can't even find the bathroom or oval office without a map and a guide.
With the exception of my time in the military I've spent most of my life catching or shooting wild fish and game, processing and eating it.

All that's done is give me an even greater appreciation for life.

Your theory is entirely flawed.

Blacks and whites are little different, it's not about race it's about the culture in which they are raised.
True. White culture is delayed gratification. Black culture is satisfying immediate desire.
True. White culture is delayed gratification. Black culture is satisfying immediate desire.
Hunting solves my need for immediate gratification. The problem with hunting large game is that as soon as you pull the trigger the fun is over and the work begins.
Hunting solves my need for immediate gratification. The problem with hunting large game is that as soon as you pull the trigger the fun is over and the work begins.
I could not hunt a non human animal. Not for fun or sport. Animalistic humans.....? I might quite enjoy that.

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