Sidney Powell Files Lawsuit Against State of Georgia For Election “Rigging” – Links and pdf…

How do you know is Melania filled it the ballot or not?

The discussion is not about mail in votes as much as when someone drops off hundreds of ballots.
Who illegally dropped off hundreds of ballots other than that Republican fraudster in North Carolina?
Are people printing their own fake ballots and dumping them into drop boxes wholesale?


OK, let's use an OR return envelope.

Notice that it bar coded to a specific individual.

How are people printing their own fake ballots and dumping them into drop boxes (or Post Office Boxes) supposed to know the bar code that was custom printed on a real envelope?

Remember, not only would they need to print the ballots, they would have to print the security envelope than then put it in and seal the ballot in that. And be able to mimic the signature. Then also have to the ID number some states are adding to the verification process.

And don't forget, they have to repeat this duplication process based on individuals because each code is unique.

All while not getting caught.

I used to vote in OR and they had mail only voting, but it was identical to absentee voting.
You applied ahead of time, they mail you a ballot, and you fill it out, seal it, and mail it back.

The problem is when you have drop boxes and people dump hundreds of ballots at a time?
Are the ballots being verified when distributed?
Are addresses being checked?
Are people printing their own fake ballots and dumping them into drop boxes wholesale?
You don't apply ahead of time to vote in Oregon. You are automatically registered to vote when you get an Oregon drivers license.

Oregon then automatically sends out ballots to all registered voters every election. You do not have to ask/apply.
I don't know what you are trying to say. With mail-in ballots (or as some here call them absentee ballots) the Post Office still delivers it to the voter.

Whether the voter uses a drop box or a post office receptical to return it dosn't matter as the Post Office doesn't do anything to "sort of verify" who mailed it.

There is the exact same verification between a drop box and a postal box, the package mailed doesn't get any.

The verification comes from processing the security envelope on the inside by multiple means. Such as:
  • Each ballot is Bar/QR coded to a specific voter, someone "forging ballots would have to know this exact code".
  • With computer tracking systems they know exactly how many ballots were printed, people just showing up with bunches of fraudulent ballots can't happen like 50 years ago.
  • Because of these tracking systems, they even prevent someone ordering a mail-in ballot and then voting in person (i.e. voting twice).
  • Then you have signature verification,
  • Then you have many states adding another step in verification which means providing the drivers license, state ID, or social security number.

Someone (a) matching the Bar/QR code, (b) intercepting the ballot mailed to a certain individual, (c) matching the signature, and (d) having the ID number all for one voter is near impossible. Do do it on a national scale to create millions of votes for one candidate over another? Ain't happen'n.


I used to vote in OR and they had mail only voting, but it was identical to absentee voting.
You applied ahead of time, they mail you a ballot, and you fill it out, seal it, and mail it back.

The problem is when you have drop boxes and people dump hundreds of ballots at a time?
Are the ballots being verified when distributed?
Are addresses being checked?
Are people printing their own fake ballots and dumping them into drop boxes wholesale?
Again, difference between mail in an absentee, absentee is a request by the voter, mail in is not. Uuuuuugge difference
View attachment 847447

OK, let's use an OR return envelope.

Notice that it bar coded to a specific individual.

How are people printing their own fake ballots and dumping them into drop boxes (or Post Office Boxes) supposed to know the bar code that was custom printed on a real envelope?

Remember, not only would they need to print the ballots, they would have to print the security envelope than then put it in and seal the ballot in that. And be able to mimic the signature. Then also have to the ID number some states are adding to the verification process.

And don't forget, they have to repeat this duplication process based on individuals because each code is unique.

All while not getting caught.

There was a request for ballot in absentee, there’s not in mail only! It’s a floating ballot without a check and balance
There was a request for ballot in absentee, there’s not in mail only! It’s a floating ballot without a check and balance

Nope. I can request a mail to in ballot with no requirement to be absent.

Mail in does not mean mail only. Nice try to move the goal post though.

There has to be something.
With an absentee ballot, the person is sort of verified by the Post Office when they deliver the ballot.
With in person voting, you have to show an ID.
If someone else is allowed to just bring in a bunch of ballots, then how is there any verification of who was actually voting?
The ballots are either valid or they aren’t. What’s the problem with the number?
Looks like the Kraken is being released....

Sidney Powell Files Lawsuit Against State of Georgia For Election “Rigging” – Links and pdf… | The Last Refuge (

Attorney Sidney Powell has filed a lawsuit, affectionately known as “The Kraken“, against named defendants in the State of Georgia to include Governor Brian Kemp and Brad Raffensperger, Secretary of State.

The filing is available to download at Defending The Republicpdf direct link here
Powell but no mention of trump
But the point is in-person voting is safer because of the ID check.
Mail in voting has some safeguards since the post office ensures ballot is sent to the right place.
But mail in has problems since there is no ID check and there can be mishandling, like spouses voting against the wishes of the actual voter.
about 1/5th of the states--10 or 11--do exclusively mail in voting.

Never, not once, have you or anyone else said that all of their elections are invalid. This is for every State elected office, their federal representatives, judges, etc...

These are both traditionally red and blue states.

And in 2020, the same exact process took place in those same exact states and of the hundreds of losers in those states (many if not most of them democrats) ...only one has complained about voter fraud. Donald Trump. You’d think that there would be dozens (if not hundreds) of folks filing grievances and screaming that they were screwed.

Why aren’t they?
Democrats started cheating in elections in Chicago. They got the dead to rise from their graves every election day. Over the years they've perfected rigging elections. They're so good at it now they rarely get caught.


If mules didn't get caught, how do you know there were any mules?
So you’re saying that the videos aren’t showing mules dropping ballots? Is that your position? It’s made up?


Sadly, you're such a fucking retard. :eusa_doh:

No, fucking retard, that is not what I said. Re-read my post another 100 times. Maybe then you'll understand what I said.

post the statute that allows it.

Why do you post on a political forum when you don't know what the fuck you're talking about?

§ 21-2-385

Such envelope shall then be securely sealed and the elector shall then personally mail or personally deliver same to the board of registrars or absentee ballot clerk, provided that mailing or delivery may be made by the elector’s mother, father, grandparent, aunt, uncle, brother, sister, spouse, son, daughter, niece, nephew, grandchild, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, or an individual residing in the household of such elector. The absentee ballot of a disabled elector may be mailed or delivered by the caregiver of such disabled elector, regardless of whether such caregiver resides in such disabled elector’s household.
A pity you can't prove you're not hallucinating.
I’m not allowed to do anything due to control of demofks who protect their cheat! Every judge was bought. That was the true insurrection, not allowing voters to constitutionally challenge. Traitor cheats
It's legal to drop off ballots for other family members and others who reside with you. Damn, you're slow. This is not new information.
Nope, you have no statute that says any such thing. They’re called absentee ballots, not mail in. You remain incorrect

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