Sidney Powell’s Latest Michigan Lawsuit Cites A Witness Claiming Fraud — In County That Doesn’t Exist

Forget about the typos, how about just making ONE substantiated accusation and presenting it in court. You keep calling this election stolen yet nobody can show any proof!!!!! What a pathetic joke. Y’all are embarrassing yourself
That is happening but if you choose to close your eyes and ignore what's been presented then you can
pretend whatever you like. Maybe you should wake up and realize what thread you are participating in.

YouTube videos and unsubstantiated and disproved conspiracies don't matter.

What matters is what has been presented in a court of law. So far no proof has been presented with trumps lawyers having to admit to a judge there was no fraud. All of his cases have been thrown out of court because no proof was presented.

Anyone can lie through their teeth on line. There are no consequences.

A court of law is a very different thing. Which is why trump and his lawyers have not taken any of your so called "proof" with them to present to a judge in court.

Present proof that is used in a court of law. Not from some liar on line.

That powell woman will be laughed out of court. That is IF this goes to court.

An easy accusation to make from the safety of an asylum. We will see.
No fuck the “we will see” BS. It’s been a month. There have been dozens of cases brought before the courts. Point to one case that presented evidence that backs up this treasonous narrative that y’all are trying to push. Point to ONE.
No fuck the “we will see” BS. It’s been a month. There have been dozens of cases brought before the courts. Point to one case that presented evidence that backs up this treasonous narrative that y’all are trying to push. Point to ONE.
It's been more like three weeks since the election for a start and like I said before theses cases all work their way up to the Supreme Court, where significant arguments are made.
The SCOTUS is not a Chinese restaurant where you walk in and seat yourself. They decide the cases they want to take and when they will take them.
No fuck the “we will see” BS. It’s been a month. There have been dozens of cases brought before the courts. Point to one case that presented evidence that backs up this treasonous narrative that y’all are trying to push. Point to ONE.
It's been more like three weeks since the election for a start and like I said before theses cases all work their way up to the Supreme Court, where significant arguments are made.
The SCOTUS is not a Chinese restaurant where you walk in and seat yourself. They decide the cases they want to take and when they will take them.
Is that your weak way to avoid giving an example? Which case would you want SCOTUS to look at and what happened to it in the lower courts? Give an example or two.
Is that your weak way to avoid giving an example? Which case would you want SCOTUS to look at and what happened to it in the lower courts? Give an example or two.
The courts should focus on the Dominion machines that dump massive loads of votes in the Biden campaign
at anomalous times as if on a schedule.
Is that your weak way to avoid giving an example? Which case would you want SCOTUS to look at and what happened to it in the lower courts? Give an example or two.
The courts should focus on the Dominion machines that dump massive loads of votes in the Biden campaign
at anomalous times as if on a schedule.
Cool, thanks for the direct answer. Which court case or cases presented evidence of that claim and what is the state of the case(s)?
Your Dear Leader can't even pet a dog without breaking his foot.

THAT is one dumb crayon-eating, mother fucker.

Game. Set. Match.
Who told you he broke his foot while petting his dog? Lying just comes naturally for you don't it. Trump would have a Big Mac stroke attack if he tried a fraction of the activity Biden does every day. Can you imagine Doofus Don jogging like Biden?
trump jog?
The man can't even walk down a ramp without help.

I still can’t imagine Democrats voting for a rich old white guy. Isn’t that against the very core of diversity?

I couldn’t hold my nose and vote for either rich, old, white guy. Americans have lost their minds. What the Presidency is, is a disgusting display of corporate America.
Maybe if Powell wasn't up against a strict time wall trying to keep this totally corrupt wart on the ass of the Deep State from stealing the presidency she would be able to go back and correct such errors.

Maybe if Powell weren’t constrained by the truth she would be more successful
Cool, thanks for the direct answer. Which court case or cases presented evidence of that claim and what is the state of the case(s)?
Go fuckin' Google it for yourself. I'm not your research monkey.
I’ve looked at all the cases and haven’t seen shit for evidence. You’re the one making claims of fraud and you’re the one who said this case should go to SCOTUS. But now it’s obvious you don’t know shit about it as you can’t point to any details beyond propaganda talking points. Nice try dude but you fell flat on your face.
Maybe if Powell weren’t constrained by the truth she would be more successful
Maybe if you weren't handicapped by your lack of intelligence we could say the same of you.
Maybe if Powell weren’t constrained by the truth she would be more successful
Maybe if you weren't handicapped by your lack of intelligence we could say the same of you.
Oops! You surrendered.
Maybe if Powell wasn't up against a strict time wall trying to keep this totally corrupt wart on the ass of the Deep State from stealing the presidency she would be able to go back and correct such errors.

Maybe if Powell weren’t constrained by the truth she would be more successful

She knows that if she lies in a court she will be in for a lot of legal problems.

Which is why I don't believe this is going to go to court.
Sidney Powell is not the sharpest crayon in the box but Rudy Giuliani makes her look like a Rocket Scientist
Your Dear Leader can't even pet a dog without breaking his foot.

THAT is one dumb crayon-eating, mother fucker.

Game. Set. Match.
trump can't get a dog to like him.
Duly noted. Jill's got that hang dog mutt look and she seems quite fond of Xiden.... although she looks like she's taken a few too many newspapers to the face.
Like Rudy, his women is a seriously incompetent lunatic. Time for sanctions at a minimum but honestly? They should be disbarred. :icon_rolleyes:


Yes that woman should be disbarred and lose her law license.

She is lying and knows she's lying.

It's funny, the far right believes every word from her.

They are all out of control.

Have you seen her latest work of art?
Like Rudy, his women is a seriously incompetent lunatic. Time for sanctions at a minimum but honestly? They should be disbarred. :icon_rolleyes:


Yes that woman should be disbarred and lose her law license.

She is lying and knows she's lying.

It's funny, the far right believes every word from her.

They are all out of control.

Have you seen her latest work of art?

I heard about that last night.

This woman and trump followers are out of their minds and going way too far.
I’ve looked at all the cases and haven’t seen shit for evidence.
There is no need to go any further.
You refuse to acknowledge facts so YOU haven't seen any evidence because you don't want to see any evidence.

You’re the one making claims of fraud and you’re the one who said this case should go to SCOTUS. But now it’s obvious you don’t know shit about it as you can’t point to any details beyond propaganda talking points. Nice try dude but you fell flat on your face.
I know what's been reported on and available to anyone that wants to look.
Where is your super secret information? You know just one thing! NO. No it didn't. No it isn't. NO!

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