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(sigh)...yet another unarmed negro murdered by police...next?

Lets face it.......with this guys rap sheet, his ass was going to get capped anyway by one of the savages so he was a dead man walking!!

Stuff Black People Don't Like - SBPDL

Frankly.......this Neanderthal being off the streets saves lives.........its a blessing in the bigger picture:2up:
Why does the MSM go berzerk over these police shootings, but ignores blacks killing blacks in Chicago and elsewhere at an extraordinary rate?

Rhethorical question....the liberal media dupes liberals and others over and over and over and over....

One is criminals killing people and one is cops killing people. Hard for you to understand apparently but cops are supposed to protect people. They are doing the opposite.

Your racism isn't hidden at all, except of course to you.
New Video Shows Alton Sterling Wasn’t Holding A Gun When He Was Killed By Police
Graphic footage depicts police officers in Louisiana shooting Sterling multiple times.
The Daily Beast first published the disturbing video, which it obtained from Abdullah Muflahi, the owner of the convenience store where the shooting took place. Muflahi told the news organization that Sterling was not causing trouble and that he had been a “welcome presence at the store for years.”

Two white police officers shot Sterling, a 37-year-old back man, as he sold CDs in the convenience store’s parking lot early Tuesday morning. Authorities were responding to a complaint about an armed man threatening people outside the store.

Black lives don't matter in this country. When nigga's figure it out, we'll be okay.

It appears the police are terrified to do their job. They shoot first and ask questions later. It's clear police across this country have very poor training and seem to almost all reach for their gun before doing anything else. Shoot an unarmed 50 year old man who is running away, slowly. Choke a man to death on the sidewalk in New York for selling cigarettes. Severe a man's spine and throw him in a truck. Shoot a 16 year old teen who isn't running AT the police 15 times while he is on the ground already. Now this.

Why did they shoot this guy? And not once but over and over. Something is seriously wrong with how police in the US do their job. They seem to have gained a 'we're god, we'll do what we want whenever we want' attitude.

It has to stop.
Isac, black people will never ever ever get the attention deserved from horrible incidents like this, as long as racist america can counter those deaths with nigga's killing each other all over the country. They refuse to see a difference. What's a dead nigga to anybody but their families, that's the rational we have in this country. What difference does it make if a cop kills you or another nigga kills you.....that's why the black community will never ever see the outrage, receive the attention, nor the concern....its perhaps one of the saddest legacies we'll have to endure for a very long time, thanks to the young black men in this country who devalue each other and life. Sadly, they're laying the ground work for thier own graves.

"Sadly, they're laying the ground work for their own graves."

I agree. But the police cannot treat every black person as a dangerous criminal and just shoot them and ask questions later. I just saw the story of the black man who was reaching for his ID or registration, who had told the cop he had a gun in the car already, and the cop shot him 4 times anyway.

These cops are criminals. At the very least police departments should change policy so that if a cop 'thinks' someone in a car might be dangerous they should always step back and have the person slowly exit the vehicle and lie down. This wild west shoot-everyone mentality has to stop. And should anyone who is confronted by the police cooperate and not physically resist? Yes. I'm not sure why people, who know this is how the cops operate now, still try to resist or fight with the police. But the police are just waaayy to quick to shoot people.

This shite HAS to change. Nationally.
Issac, I agree 1000% with you and hate that these unarmed black men are systematically being murdered by people paid to protect us, I hate it, I want to scream sometimes about it, but this is America. There is a price in this country that ALL BLACKS have to pay in order to survive and stay sane. We not only have to fear each other, but we have to fear the cops as well. Where can we hide to find peace? Just about every day where I live, turning on the news, there's a shooting, I'm numb to this shit now, its every day and summer just started.....imagine being a white person.....and hearing this shit, you not only grow numb to it, you just don't care. Cops killing us and getting away with it, that shit would drive anybody crazy, but what drives law abiding black people crazy is the nigga that wants your cell phone, your wallet, wants to rob you while your at work. Its a wonder all blacks in this country haven't gone mad.
We don't know if it was for no reason do we?

Someone reported he had a gun
He chose to resist the cops

THAT"S what we know right now

And once again this could have been avoided

If a cop tells you to do something shut your fucking mouth and do it

read her statement. not interested in anyone who defends murdering people of color because a particular person isn't a pillar of the community.

we don't know if he chose to resist. that isn't what the videos look like. unlike the skanky one, i'm reserving judgment on that one. but he was shot in the back.... while on the floor. they took a gun out of his pocket AFTER they killed him. but there doesn't seem to be any evidence he was reaching for it.

but how about the man who was killed last night? a black man with a licensed firearm. told the cop at a traffic stop he was licensed to have a gun and in fact had one in the car. he was told to give his ID and when he went to get his wallet, he was shot four times with his girlfriend and four year old daughter in the car.

do you think the same thing would have happened to a white man who said he was a licensed gun holder?

we can argue over the why's.... but do you think what happened should happen?
The video clearly shows him on the ground struggling against the cops

That is resisting

I don't know enough about the MN case yet

I do know that I was stopped by a state trooper once when I was carrying.

I shut off my truck. Put the key on the dash. Kept my hands on the wheel. I informed him a was carrying and had a permit and asked him if he wanted to take the gun off my hip or if he wanted me to exit the truck. He told me to lean forward and removed my weapon.

I got a warning for a burned out brake light and a thank you from the trooper

to me the video looks like what i heard....which is that the was asking why they were arresting him.... police aren't supposed to use deadly force unless their lives are in danger. it did not look like their lives were in danger. again, i'm withholding judgment. but a white person wouldn't have been shot as readily.

as to the gentleman in the car, the video is all over. he stopped. told the cop he had a lawful weapon in his car and was told to give his ID but was then shot for reaching for his wallet.

that's a problem.... this gentleman had stopped. gave no trouble to the police, had his girlfriend and four year old in the car.

after you see the video, put a white person in that seat and tell me the results wouldn't have been different.

Do you hear yourself?

"I'm withholding judgement but a white person wouldn't have been shot as readily"

Sounds like judgement to me

Now this guy told the cop he had a gun then reached around his back

Sorry but you just don't do that.

that is in response to you saying he was resisting. i didn't see that. and someone "resisting", when he's on his stomach on the floor is not necessarily life threatening to the officers. i'm simply pointing that out because you seem to think people deserve to be shot dead for very little reason.

he didn't reach around to his back.... watch the video...and put a white guy in that driver;s seat. your refusal to acknowledge that this is a problem is perplexing to me.

OK so you're talking about 2 different cases at the same time

The MN video shows what happened after the guy was shot not before.

And as I said I have been stopped by a cop while carrying so I have experience with the situation

It was about 4 years ago. I was coming back from the range where a friend of mine and I were practicing. I had a .40 on my right hip in an inside the waistband holster.

I stopped at a stop sign the pulled through. a few seconds later an unmarked state police car hit the blue lights.

I stopped the truck. Put it in Park. Rolled the window all the way down. Killed the ignition and put the keys on the dash. I kept my wrists resting on the steering wheel with my hands spread wide

Before the trooper could even say a word I said, " Good morning Sir, my name is______ I have a permit to carry and have a weapon on my right hip.
would you like to take it off me or should i exit the truck first?"

I did not move a fucking muscle until he told me what to do.
He told me to lean forward, took the gun from my holster stepped back and asked me to get out
I complied right away keeping my hands in sight and moving slowly.
He asked me to move to the rear of the truck. I did so
He took my weapon, made it safe and locked it in his car

After a few minutes he ran my license and plates and gave me a safety warning for a burned out brake light. He handed me my weapon (unloaded and cleared and my magazine) said thank you and let me drive away.

THAT is how you handle a traffic stop when you are carrying
Why does the MSM go berzerk over these police shootings, but ignores blacks killing blacks in Chicago and elsewhere at an extraordinary rate?

Rhethorical question....the liberal media dupes liberals and others over and over and over and over....
I'll tell you why for the last time.....when a nigga kills another nigga, sooner or later he's caught and brought to justice...google the facts on this...most of these shootings result in a 87% arrest rate sooner or later, at least where I live...you hear about a shooting one day, a few days later there's an arrest....when cops kill us, they get paid leave, a grand jury if that hearing and walk a few weeks later....never held accountable, never brought to trial, they just walk. Imagine being a parent wanting justice
Police In St. Paul Suburb Fatally Shoot Man During Traffic Stop
A graphic video filmed by the man’s girlfriend shows him bleeding in the car while her young daughter watches.
New Video Shows Alton Sterling Wasn’t Holding A Gun When He Was Killed By Police
Graphic footage depicts police officers in Louisiana shooting Sterling multiple times.
The Daily Beast first published the disturbing video, which it obtained from Abdullah Muflahi, the owner of the convenience store where the shooting took place. Muflahi told the news organization that Sterling was not causing trouble and that he had been a “welcome presence at the store for years.”

Two white police officers shot Sterling, a 37-year-old back man, as he sold CDs in the convenience store’s parking lot early Tuesday morning. Authorities were responding to a complaint about an armed man threatening people outside the store.

Black lives don't matter in this country. When nigga's figure it out, we'll be okay.

This guy?
Louisiana State Police OffenderWatch® sex offender management, mapping and email alert program
Yeah, he sure looks innocent.

Well, the guy has at least one prior of the same. This was not his first rodeo. He has a pretty extensive little record there with some violent charges. He's a gang banger. I'm not impressed with the quality of the videos at this point. We'll see.
Why does the MSM go berzerk over these police shootings, but ignores blacks killing blacks in Chicago and elsewhere at an extraordinary rate?

Rhethorical question....the liberal media dupes liberals and others over and over and over and over....
I'll tell you why for the last time.....when a nigga kills another nigga, sooner or later he's caught and brought to justice...google the facts on this...most of these shootings result in a 87% arrest rate sooner or later, at least where I live...you hear about a shooting one day, a few days later there's an arrest....when cops kill us, they get paid leave, a grand jury if that hearing and walk a few weeks later....never held accountable, never brought to trial, they just walk. Imagine being a parent wanting justice
Not true.

I believe the conviction rates on murder in Detroit are less than 50%. Many murders get away scot free.

When cops kill many end up in jail, where they belong.

Stop believing BS lies.
Why does the MSM go berzerk over these police shootings, but ignores blacks killing blacks in Chicago and elsewhere at an extraordinary rate?

You really this stupid? I remember when police policies were to "protect and serve" their communities. Cops are paid by the general public and are expected to have professionalism and restraint.

Can you say the same thing about gang bangers in Chicago?

One is doing what is expected. The other is not.
New Video Shows Alton Sterling Wasn’t Holding A Gun When He Was Killed By Police
Graphic footage depicts police officers in Louisiana shooting Sterling multiple times.
The Daily Beast first published the disturbing video, which it obtained from Abdullah Muflahi, the owner of the convenience store where the shooting took place. Muflahi told the news organization that Sterling was not causing trouble and that he had been a “welcome presence at the store for years.”

Two white police officers shot Sterling, a 37-year-old back man, as he sold CDs in the convenience store’s parking lot early Tuesday morning. Authorities were responding to a complaint about an armed man threatening people outside the store.

Black lives don't matter in this country. When nigga's figure it out, we'll be okay.

It appears the police are terrified to do their job. They shoot first and ask questions later. It's clear police across this country have very poor training and seem to almost all reach for their gun before doing anything else. Shoot an unarmed 50 year old man who is running away, slowly. Choke a man to death on the sidewalk in New York for selling cigarettes. Severe a man's spine and throw him in a truck. Shoot a 16 year old teen who isn't running AT the police 15 times while he is on the ground already. Now this.

Why did they shoot this guy? And not once but over and over. Something is seriously wrong with how police in the US do their job. They seem to have gained a 'we're god, we'll do what we want whenever we want' attitude.

It has to stop.
Isac, black people will never ever ever get the attention deserved from horrible incidents like this, as long as racist america can counter those deaths with nigga's killing each other all over the country. They refuse to see a difference. What's a dead nigga to anybody but their families, that's the rational we have in this country. What difference does it make if a cop kills you or another nigga kills you.....that's why the black community will never ever see the outrage, receive the attention, nor the concern....its perhaps one of the saddest legacies we'll have to endure for a very long time, thanks to the young black men in this country who devalue each other and life. Sadly, they're laying the ground work for thier own graves.

"Sadly, they're laying the ground work for their own graves."

I agree. But the police cannot treat every black person as a dangerous criminal and just shoot them and ask questions later. I just saw the story of the black man who was reaching for his ID or registration, who had told the cop he had a gun in the car already, and the cop shot him 4 times anyway.

These cops are criminals. At the very least police departments should change policy so that if a cop 'thinks' someone in a car might be dangerous they should always step back and have the person slowly exit the vehicle and lie down. This wild west shoot-everyone mentality has to stop. And should anyone who is confronted by the police cooperate and not physically resist? Yes. I'm not sure why people, who know this is how the cops operate now, still try to resist or fight with the police. But the police are just waaayy to quick to shoot people.

This shite HAS to change. Nationally.
Issac, I agree 1000% with you and hate that these unarmed black men are systematically being murdered by people paid to protect us, I hate it, I want to scream sometimes about it, but this is America. There is a price in this country that ALL BLACKS have to pay in order to survive and stay sane. We not only have to fear each other, but we have to fear the cops as well. Where can we hide to find peace? Just about every day where I live, turning on the news, there's a shooting, I'm numb to this shit now, its every day and summer just started.....imagine being a white person.....and hearing this shit, you not only grow numb to it, you just don't care. Cops killing us and getting away with it, that shit would drive anybody crazy, but what drives law abiding black people crazy is the nigga that wants your cell phone, your wallet, wants to rob you while your at work. Its a wonder all blacks in this country haven't gone mad.

Great post....and unfortunately the younger generation has become very radicalized....it has been said already....it will be a long hot summer...just getting started....where will it lead? A generalized insurrection or will the police forces be able to contain it? As usual the media is agitating...serious trouble folks...will Obama be 'forced' to declare martial law....liberals want him to get another term...the developing situation may be the opportunity he needs to get one....he wants to leave some kind of legacy....he may be very,very tempted to seize it...those around him no doubt are goading him to do just that.
Armed Child-Molesting Thug Killed by Cops!

But then he was black so it's a grave injustice.

As usual the media will devote their huge resources to stirring this up and will not be happy until riots begin wherein they can a lot of good dramatic footage to obtain high ratings....not caring about justice or the crisis that America is now in....the islamic radicals on the one hand and the radicalized blacks getting ready to launch an insurrection on the other....meanwhile back at the ranch the majority are still in denial and will be as long as they are not directly affected.
Armed Child-Molesting Thug Killed by Cops!

But then he was black so it's a grave injustice.

The truth no longer matters...what does matter? the liberal agenda and narrative aka...the phoney politics of black victimhood....not to say the police do not make mistakes and kill innocent people....more whites than blacks....but political correctness never lets facts or the truth get in the way of promoting their agenda and their narrative...enabled of course by the media.
Why does the MSM go berzerk over these police shootings, but ignores blacks killing blacks in Chicago and elsewhere at an extraordinary rate?

Rhethorical question....the liberal media dupes liberals and others over and over and over and over....

One is criminals killing people and one is cops killing people. Hard for you to understand apparently but cops are supposed to protect people. They are doing the opposite.

Your racism isn't hidden at all, except of course to you.
See....there it is. A dupe.

The massive killing going on in cities like Chicago, mean nothing to the leftist because leftists control those cities and it is black criminals killing other blacks.

Cops unjustly killing anyone is a problem just as is the huge number of blacks killing of blacks, but your media only reports the former. Don't you think this strange? Don't answer...please.

See? A reasoned logical post. Try to replicate it once and awhile.
read her statement. not interested in anyone who defends murdering people of color because a particular person isn't a pillar of the community.

we don't know if he chose to resist. that isn't what the videos look like. unlike the skanky one, i'm reserving judgment on that one. but he was shot in the back.... while on the floor. they took a gun out of his pocket AFTER they killed him. but there doesn't seem to be any evidence he was reaching for it.

but how about the man who was killed last night? a black man with a licensed firearm. told the cop at a traffic stop he was licensed to have a gun and in fact had one in the car. he was told to give his ID and when he went to get his wallet, he was shot four times with his girlfriend and four year old daughter in the car.

do you think the same thing would have happened to a white man who said he was a licensed gun holder?

we can argue over the why's.... but do you think what happened should happen?
The video clearly shows him on the ground struggling against the cops

That is resisting

I don't know enough about the MN case yet

I do know that I was stopped by a state trooper once when I was carrying.

I shut off my truck. Put the key on the dash. Kept my hands on the wheel. I informed him a was carrying and had a permit and asked him if he wanted to take the gun off my hip or if he wanted me to exit the truck. He told me to lean forward and removed my weapon.

I got a warning for a burned out brake light and a thank you from the trooper

to me the video looks like what i heard....which is that the was asking why they were arresting him.... police aren't supposed to use deadly force unless their lives are in danger. it did not look like their lives were in danger. again, i'm withholding judgment. but a white person wouldn't have been shot as readily.

as to the gentleman in the car, the video is all over. he stopped. told the cop he had a lawful weapon in his car and was told to give his ID but was then shot for reaching for his wallet.

that's a problem.... this gentleman had stopped. gave no trouble to the police, had his girlfriend and four year old in the car.

after you see the video, put a white person in that seat and tell me the results wouldn't have been different.

Do you hear yourself?

"I'm withholding judgement but a white person wouldn't have been shot as readily"

Sounds like judgement to me

Now this guy told the cop he had a gun then reached around his back

Sorry but you just don't do that.

that is in response to you saying he was resisting. i didn't see that. and someone "resisting", when he's on his stomach on the floor is not necessarily life threatening to the officers. i'm simply pointing that out because you seem to think people deserve to be shot dead for very little reason.

he didn't reach around to his back.... watch the video...and put a white guy in that driver;s seat. your refusal to acknowledge that this is a problem is perplexing to me.

OK so you're talking about 2 different cases at the same time

The MN video shows what happened after the guy was shot not before.

And as I said I have been stopped by a cop while carrying so I have experience with the situation

It was about 4 years ago. I was coming back from the range where a friend of mine and I were practicing. I had a .40 on my right hip in an inside the waistband holster.

I stopped at a stop sign the pulled through. a few seconds later an unmarked state police car hit the blue lights.

I stopped the truck. Put it in Park. Rolled the window all the way down. Killed the ignition and put the keys on the dash. I kept my wrists resting on the steering wheel with my hands spread wide

Before the trooper could even say a word I said, " Good morning Sir, my name is______ I have a permit to carry and have a weapon on my right hip.
would you like to take it off me or should i exit the truck first?"

I did not move a fucking muscle until he told me what to do.
He told me to lean forward, took the gun from my holster stepped back and asked me to get out
I complied right away keeping my hands in sight and moving slowly.
He asked me to move to the rear of the truck. I did so
He took my weapon, made it safe and locked it in his car

After a few minutes he ran my license and plates and gave me a safety warning for a burned out brake light. He handed me my weapon (unloaded and cleared and my magazine) said thank you and let me drive away.

THAT is how you handle a traffic stop when you are carrying

Excellent instructions and ones everyone should heed irregardless of whether they are 'carrying' or not....do not fuck around with the police ...they are armed and have the state to back them up....also they are getting more paranoid every day with all the threats and radicals urging people to kill police.

Thus....be very polite...listen very carefi;;u tp what the police tell you to do ....it is your life....if you want to riske it ...go ahead do something stupid.
Why does the MSM go berzerk over these police shootings, but ignores blacks killing blacks in Chicago and elsewhere at an extraordinary rate?

You really this stupid? I remember when police policies were to "protect and serve" their communities. Cops are paid by the general public and are expected to have professionalism and restraint.

Can you say the same thing about gang bangers in Chicago?

One is doing what is expected. The other is not.
You might want to look at the numbers. You might also want to find out how many cop shootings of blacks were justified, before your media duped you into believing the cop acted inappropriately.

Just in Chicago so far this year, there have been 309 shooting deaths, most were of blacks by blacks. JUST CHICAGO!!!!!!!! How many cop killings were there in the whole F**KING nation?

Reason and logic are not your strong points.

Stop being a dupe of the liberal media.
Why does the MSM go berzerk over these police shootings, but ignores blacks killing blacks in Chicago and elsewhere at an extraordinary rate?

Rhethorical question....the liberal media dupes liberals and others over and over and over and over....
I'll tell you why for the last time.....when a nigga kills another nigga, sooner or later he's caught and brought to justice...google the facts on this...most of these shootings result in a 87% arrest rate sooner or later, at least where I live...you hear about a shooting one day, a few days later there's an arrest....when cops kill us, they get paid leave, a grand jury if that hearing and walk a few weeks later....never held accountable, never brought to trial, they just walk. Imagine being a parent wanting justice
Not true.

I believe the conviction rates on murder in Detroit are less than 50%. Many murders get away scot free.

When cops kill many end up in jail, where they belong.

Stop believing BS lies.

Well said...unfortunately way too many blacks as well as white liberals are tuned in to the propaganda and that is all they hear because that is what they want to hear....serious trouble folks...right here in River City and it will spread like wild fire....be armed and be very careful where you go this summer....if you have kids...pay particuar attention to the scenario at their school....blacks are being urged to kill white folks...it will happen..just a question of how bad it will get....I predict as many other do..there will be social mayhem this summer...the national guard will be strapped to deal with it...the police will go into defensive mode and avoid doing their jobs because to do their jobs in this political climate will put them at risk. They just want to go home at the end of the day and will do their best to do that....blacks in the inner cities will suffer most because of this...if you were a cop would you go on a call in the inner city that required a confrontation with negroes?
Why does the MSM go berzerk over these police shootings, but ignores blacks killing blacks in Chicago and elsewhere at an extraordinary rate?

Rhethorical question....the liberal media dupes liberals and others over and over and over and over....

One is criminals killing people and one is cops killing people. Hard for you to understand apparently but cops are supposed to protect people. They are doing the opposite.

Your racism isn't hidden at all, except of course to you.
See....there it is. A dupe.

The massive killing going on in cities like Chicago, mean nothing to the leftist because leftists control those cities and it is black criminals killing other blacks.

Cops unjustly killing anyone is a problem just as is the huge number of blacks killing of blacks, but your media only reports the former. Don't you think this strange? Don't answer...please.

See? A reasoned logical post. Try to replicate it once and awhile.

Go start a thread on Chicago. Yours is a Red Herring, an argument that attempts to divert attention or discussion from the topic being discussed. There is crime in every city, you have a need to hate Chicago for some reason. Go start a thread to do so.

You can't participate in this discussion because your agenda won't let you. Go play now.

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