Signs the Economy is WAY better than in 2008...


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2009
Coimhéad fearg fhear na foighde™

^432 Park Avenue... Tallest Residential Building in the Western Hemisphere.


So a building trumps record numbers of people on food stamps, less people working, wages falling, inflation going through the roof?

Maybe you can write a letter to Obama asking him to stop the non stop 80 billion dollar a month stimulus where he hands rich people money to gamble with on the stock markets?
So a building trumps record numbers of people on food stamps, less people working, wages falling, inflation going through the roof?

Maybe you can write a letter to Obama asking him to stop the non stop 80 billion dollar a month stimulus where he hands rich people money to gamble with on the stock markets?

Unemployment has Improved since it Peaked... You are aware of this, Correct?...

It went from 4.4% in December of 2006 to 10% (It's Peak) in October of 2009 and has steadly and slowly decreased to 7.6% as of last month.

Are you Denying that?...


So a building trumps record numbers of people on food stamps, less people working, wages falling, inflation going through the roof?

Maybe you can write a letter to Obama asking him to stop the non stop 80 billion dollar a month stimulus where he hands rich people money to gamble with on the stock markets?

Unemployment has Improved since it Peaked... You are aware of this, Correct?...

It went from 4.4% in December of 2006 to 10% (It's Peak) in October of 2009 and has steadly and slowly decreased to 7.6% as of last month.

Are you Denying that?...



That number is meaningless and has been manipulated beyond belief. Past that you don't understand that the UE rate is a different number than % of people not even in the work force. I was talking about less people having a job today than in 2008/2009/2010 and so on... The meaningless UE rate can go down to 1% and we can still be losing more jobs a month than we gain.

Is the BLS Lying?...



No, it's the truth using a system of measurement that has no goal of showing reality. The system you are quoting benefits in this case by people falling off the ass end of UE. Every single month more people don't have a job than the month prior, yet UE falls... because people falling off UE are counted as jobs created simply by not receiving an UN check.
Well... Pretty soon nobody will have a job in your Reality... I've been doing what I do right now for 20 years... The Correction we went throught was Real and I witnessed the job losses from Coast to Coast...

The jobs are coming back and people are understaffed and overworked and finding Qualified people is not easy.

I hear that from the Project in my OP to San Diego.

The Economy and Jobs situation is Improving... But I know where you Sit before you Stand so I am not Surprised. :thup:

And Believe me, Obama Scares the HELL out of me with what he is doing so don't go Thinkin' I'm Excusing the POTUS.

He can't "fix" it and Bush didn't "create" it... It's a Generational Correction just like 1978 to 1983.... I Predicted it in 2006...

Also that Gold would start the Bed Shit this year... As it is.


Well... Pretty soon nobody will have a job in your Reality... I've been doing what I do right now for 20 years... The Correction we went throught was Real and I witnessed the job losses from Coast to Coast...

The jobs are coming back and people are understaffed and overworked and finding Qualified people is not easy.

I hear that from the Project in my OP to San Diego.

The Economy and Jobs situation is Improving... But I know where you Sit before you Stand so I am not Surprised. :thup:

And Believe me, Obama Scares the HELL out of me with what he is doing so don't go Thinkin' I'm Excusing the POTUS.

He can't "fix" it and Bush didn't "create" it... It's a Generational Correction just like 1978 to 1983.... I Predicted it in 2006...

Also that Gold would start the Bed Shit this year... As it is.



lol@ no one will have a job and lol@ that claim jobs are coming back despite mountains of proof showing otherwise.

Keep going, it's funny to watch~

You are heavily invested in Gold aren't you... :rofl:

Shithouse is going to collapse and we're all fucked, aren't we?...

Or are we?...

Or will it?... :dunno:



I have no money in gold... I run a business, I don't gamble on the markets, ever.

Is the BLS Lying?...



LOL, the only way we can get our unemployment rate down is if people actually leave the labor force. That's the only reason why any unemployment figures are somewhat not bad.

And why do you think people who are no longer part of the labor force should be counted as unemployed? They don't want to work or they can't work, or they're just not trying to work. But let's look at the breakdown of everyone as a percent of the Adult Civilian Population. (note that the UE rate is unemployed as a percent of the Labor Force, but for these purposes I'm looking at unemployed as a percent of the Population, so the number will be a lot lower than the actual rate)

January 2009
Employed: 60.6%
Unemployed: 5.7%
Want a job but not looking, not available, or both: 2.4%
Does not want a job: 31.9%

April 2013
Employed: 58.6%
Want a job but not looking, not available, or both: 2.6%
Does not want a job: 34.1%

So while yes the labor force participation has gone down, it's because fewer people want to work: retirees, students, stay home spouses, etc.

And note that for April 2013, the UE rate has gone down to 7.5% and the labor force has INCREASED (participation rate stayed the same, employed-population ratio went up)

Is the BLS Lying?...



LOL, the only way we can get our unemployment rate down is if people actually leave the labor force. That's the only reason why any unemployment figures are somewhat not bad.

And why do you think people who are no longer part of the labor force should be counted as unemployed? They don't want to work or they can't work, or they're just not trying to work. But let's look at the breakdown of everyone as a percent of the Adult Civilian Population. (note that the UE rate is unemployed as a percent of the Labor Force, but for these purposes I'm looking at unemployed as a percent of the Population, so the number will be a lot lower than the actual rate)

January 2009
Employed: 60.6%
Unemployed: 5.7%
Want a job but not looking, not available, or both: 2.4%
Does not want a job: 31.9%

April 2013
Employed: 58.6%
Want a job but not looking, not available, or both: 2.6%
Does not want a job: 34.1%

So while yes the labor force participation has gone down, it's because fewer people want to work: retirees, students, stay home spouses, etc.

And note that for April 2013, the UE rate has gone down to 7.5% and the labor force has INCREASED (participation rate stayed the same, employed-population ratio went up)

They want it to be bad... It's what they do.

The Economy is coming out of the Generational Correction... It's what it is.

They can Deny it all they way.

There was this Doucher @ Hannity who called Doom and Gloom for the Duration of Bush while Bush enjoyed 5% unemployment... Obsessively focused on any negative number he could find...

7426k was his name.

Curiously he Shut the Fuck up when Obama took over at 8% and it dragged on for a couple of more years to 10%...

These people are REALLY Irritating.

Bush didn't Create this and Obama ain't fixin it.

The American People and Consumerism Drives this.

It's what WE do. :thup:

The Boomers fell off... They ran out of Equity in Home(s) and or lost them all together so they couldn't continue Spoiling their 2nd set of Adult Children who still Live at Home with them.

This shit really isn't that Difficult to Observe.



Is the BLS Lying?...



LOL, the only way we can get our unemployment rate down is if people actually leave the labor force. That's the only reason why any unemployment figures are somewhat not bad.

And why do you think people who are no longer part of the labor force should be counted as unemployed? They don't want to work or they can't work, or they're just not trying to work. But let's look at the breakdown of everyone as a percent of the Adult Civilian Population. (note that the UE rate is unemployed as a percent of the Labor Force, but for these purposes I'm looking at unemployed as a percent of the Population, so the number will be a lot lower than the actual rate)

January 2009
Employed: 60.6%
Unemployed: 5.7%
Want a job but not looking, not available, or both: 2.4%
Does not want a job: 31.9%

April 2013
Employed: 58.6%
Want a job but not looking, not available, or both: 2.6%
Does not want a job: 34.1%

So while yes the labor force participation has gone down, it's because fewer people want to work: retirees, students, stay home spouses, etc.

And note that for April 2013, the UE rate has gone down to 7.5% and the labor force has INCREASED (participation rate stayed the same, employed-population ratio went up)
Paul Craig Roberts has quoted these numbers in a recent column of his.
Do you find them credible?

"From the end of the recession in 2009 through 2011 (the last year for which Census Bureau wealth data are available), the 8 million households in the U.S. with a net worth above $836,033 saw their aggregate wealth rise by an estimated $5.6 trillion, while the 111 million households with a net worth at or below that level saw their aggregate wealth decline by an estimated $600 billion.”

–“An Uneven Recovery,” by Richard Fry and Paul Taylor, Pew Research Center."

"Paul Craig Roberts is a former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury and Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal. His latest book The Failure of Laissez-Faire Capitalism. Roberts’ How the Economy Was Lost is now available from CounterPunch in electronic format."

Recovery for the 7 Percent » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
So Where's the DOW if the Fed cuts off its entitlement?

"The central bank pointed to a high unemployment rate and low inflation as key reasons why it will continue buying $85 billion a month in mortgage-backed securities and Treasuries."

More discouraged plutocrats than workers, maybe?

" There were 33,000 more 'discouraged workers' in April, according to the latest economic release from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

"The BLS defines discouraged workers as 'persons not currently looking for work because they believe no jobs are available for them.'”

In April, there were 835,000 discouraged workers, up from 803,000 discouraged workers in March."

We need more speculators discouraged because of an absence of derivatives instead of productive workers who can't find jobs.

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