Silencing Doctors about Covid


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2017
I come across a lot of articles about doctors getting silenced for not conforming to the political narrative of covid culture when speaking. Figured I'd start a thread to archive some of these articles about doctors being silenced.

Here is one to start:

If anybody comes across articles about doctors who are politically censored or persecuted for not conforming to the political covid narrative of the left, please post them here.
The great vitamin man Dr Andrew Saul has been silenced by Facebook for recommending the use of high dose vitamin C to help Covid patients.

February 12, 2020, Saul made the statement on Facebook that based on the research of Jungeblut, Klenner and Cathcart, “The coronavirus pandemic can be dramatically slowed, or stopped, with the immediate widespread use of high doses of vitamin C.” Facebook immediately blocked his post claiming it was false, based on the opinion — again — of anonymous fact-checkers, most of whom have no formal medical training.

He responded, “Preventing and treating respiratory infections with large amounts of vitamin C is well established. Those who believe that vitamin C generally has merit but massive doses are ineffective or somehow harmful would do well to read the original papers for themselves.”

Saul adds that while other nutrients are also important, he believes vitamin C is the most important “crisis therapy” for those who find themselves in the intensive care unit, extremely ill and at risk of dying from COVID-19. It’s also the least expensive preventive for the general public.

Vitamin C Treatment for COVID-19 Being Silenced
The great vitamin man Dr Andrew Saul has been silenced by Facebook for recommending the use of high dose vitamin C to help Covid patients.

February 12, 2020, Saul made the statement on Facebook that based on the research of Jungeblut, Klenner and Cathcart, “The coronavirus pandemic can be dramatically slowed, or stopped, with the immediate widespread use of high doses of vitamin C.” Facebook immediately blocked his post claiming it was false, based on the opinion — again — of anonymous fact-checkers, most of whom have no formal medical training.

He responded, “Preventing and treating respiratory infections with large amounts of vitamin C is well established. Those who believe that vitamin C generally has merit but massive doses are ineffective or somehow harmful would do well to read the original papers for themselves.”

Saul adds that while other nutrients are also important, he believes vitamin C is the most important “crisis therapy” for those who find themselves in the intensive care unit, extremely ill and at risk of dying from COVID-19. It’s also the least expensive preventive for the general public.

Vitamin C Treatment for COVID-19 Being Silenced
Vitamin D...important as well to ward off viruses, Zinc for most helps too.
This is not a censored article, but one about how easily some Amish communities achieved herd immunity without significant death rates, which means those supporting herd immunity early on were right.

Amish community in Pennsylvania becomes first in US to achieve herd immunity after reopening churches led to 90% of households being infected with the virus last year
  • The Plain community in Lancaster County has become the 'first to achieve her immunity,' according to a local administrator of a medical center in the area
  • Allen Hoover of the Parochial Medical Center said that 90% of households became infected with virus when they resumed church services late last spring
  • As Hoover observed, faith in herd immunity prompted members of community to relax on key mitigation efforts such as masking and social distancing
  • It's unknown whether achieving herd immunity in 2020 would be beneficial now

An Amish community in Pennsylvania has become 'the first in the US to achieve herd immunity to COVID-19' after 90 per cent of their households became infected with the virus when they resumed church services late last spring.

The administrator of a medical center in the heart of the Amish community in New Holland Borough estimates as many as 90 per cent of Plain families have since had at least one family member infected, and that this religious enclave achieved what no other community in the country has: herd immunity.

'So, you would think if COVID was as contagious as they say, it would go through like a tsunami; and it did,' said Allen Hoover, an Old Order Mennonite and administrator of the Parochial Medical Center, a clinic that primarily serves the Plain community.

Public health officials and epidemiologists did not dispute the widespread outbreak Hoover described. But they voiced concern that a misplaced perception of herd immunity in a population that makes up 8 per cent of Lancaster County may compromise the effort to turn the tide on the pandemic.

As Hoover observed, faith in herd immunity has prompted members of the Plain community to relax on key mitigation efforts such as masking and social distancing, and they may see little reason to be vaccinated.

Additionally, it is unknown whether achieving herd immunity last year would be beneficial now.

Six infectious disease experts with whom LancasterOnline spoke expressed unease with a reliance on the notion the Plain community had achieved herd immunity. And they pointed out that if not the case, past infections and existing antibodies may provide limited protection.

'Herd immunity is only true at a given point in time,' said Eric Lofgren, an infectious disease epidemiologist at Washington State University. 'It's not a switch that once it gets thrown, you're good. It'll wear off.'

This is not a censored article, but one about how easily some Amish communities achieved herd immunity without significant death rates, which means those supporting herd immunity early on were right.

Amish community in Pennsylvania becomes first in US to achieve herd immunity after reopening churches led to 90% of households being infected with the virus last year
  • The Plain community in Lancaster County has become the 'first to achieve her immunity,' according to a local administrator of a medical center in the area
  • Allen Hoover of the Parochial Medical Center said that 90% of households became infected with virus when they resumed church services late last spring
  • As Hoover observed, faith in herd immunity prompted members of community to relax on key mitigation efforts such as masking and social distancing
  • It's unknown whether achieving herd immunity in 2020 would be beneficial now

An Amish community in Pennsylvania has become 'the first in the US to achieve herd immunity to COVID-19' after 90 per cent of their households became infected with the virus when they resumed church services late last spring.

The administrator of a medical center in the heart of the Amish community in New Holland Borough estimates as many as 90 per cent of Plain families have since had at least one family member infected, and that this religious enclave achieved what no other community in the country has: herd immunity.

'So, you would think if COVID was as contagious as they say, it would go through like a tsunami; and it did,' said Allen Hoover, an Old Order Mennonite and administrator of the Parochial Medical Center, a clinic that primarily serves the Plain community.

Public health officials and epidemiologists did not dispute the widespread outbreak Hoover described. But they voiced concern that a misplaced perception of herd immunity in a population that makes up 8 per cent of Lancaster County may compromise the effort to turn the tide on the pandemic.

As Hoover observed, faith in herd immunity has prompted members of the Plain community to relax on key mitigation efforts such as masking and social distancing, and they may see little reason to be vaccinated.

Additionally, it is unknown whether achieving herd immunity last year would be beneficial now.

Six infectious disease experts with whom LancasterOnline spoke expressed unease with a reliance on the notion the Plain community had achieved herd immunity. And they pointed out that if not the case, past infections and existing antibodies may provide limited protection.

'Herd immunity is only true at a given point in time,' said Eric Lofgren, an infectious disease epidemiologist at Washington State University. 'It's not a switch that once it gets thrown, you're good. It'll wear off.'


Why is it that all of these websites making these spurious claims are all Questionable Sources?

The Daily Mail UK is a Questionable Source:

  • Overall, we rate Daily Mail Right Biased and Questionable due to numerous failed fact checks and poor information sourcing.

This is not a censored article, but one about how easily some Amish communities achieved herd immunity without significant death rates, which means those supporting herd immunity early on were right.

Amish community in Pennsylvania becomes first in US to achieve herd immunity after reopening churches led to 90% of households being infected with the virus last year
  • The Plain community in Lancaster County has become the 'first to achieve her immunity,' according to a local administrator of a medical center in the area
  • Allen Hoover of the Parochial Medical Center said that 90% of households became infected with virus when they resumed church services late last spring
  • As Hoover observed, faith in herd immunity prompted members of community to relax on key mitigation efforts such as masking and social distancing
  • It's unknown whether achieving herd immunity in 2020 would be beneficial now

An Amish community in Pennsylvania has become 'the first in the US to achieve herd immunity to COVID-19' after 90 per cent of their households became infected with the virus when they resumed church services late last spring.

The administrator of a medical center in the heart of the Amish community in New Holland Borough estimates as many as 90 per cent of Plain families have since had at least one family member infected, and that this religious enclave achieved what no other community in the country has: herd immunity.

'So, you would think if COVID was as contagious as they say, it would go through like a tsunami; and it did,' said Allen Hoover, an Old Order Mennonite and administrator of the Parochial Medical Center, a clinic that primarily serves the Plain community.

Public health officials and epidemiologists did not dispute the widespread outbreak Hoover described. But they voiced concern that a misplaced perception of herd immunity in a population that makes up 8 per cent of Lancaster County may compromise the effort to turn the tide on the pandemic.

As Hoover observed, faith in herd immunity has prompted members of the Plain community to relax on key mitigation efforts such as masking and social distancing, and they may see little reason to be vaccinated.

Additionally, it is unknown whether achieving herd immunity last year would be beneficial now.

Six infectious disease experts with whom LancasterOnline spoke expressed unease with a reliance on the notion the Plain community had achieved herd immunity. And they pointed out that if not the case, past infections and existing antibodies may provide limited protection.

'Herd immunity is only true at a given point in time,' said Eric Lofgren, an infectious disease epidemiologist at Washington State University. 'It's not a switch that once it gets thrown, you're good. It'll wear off.'


Why is it that all of these websites making these spurious claims are all Questionable Sources?

The Daily Mail UK is a Questionable Source:

  • Overall, we rate Daily Mail Right Biased and Questionable due to numerous failed fact checks and poor information sourcing.

The article that dragonidiot displayed says according to Reuters,Rueters? They are a paid mouthpiece by the government. :rofl: Then it goes on to sayit has become critisized by Wikipedia founder,Wikipedia? That’s even more comedy the fact everyone knows they are amouthpiece funded by the government leftists as well. :rofl:

all the proof in the world the op is correct the fact we got Langley shill Dragonidiot using media government mouthpieces fir her sources That link she posted is also obviously a mouthpiece funded by the government.

Dragonidiot is also not aware there have been many of the best doctors in the world saying that with their own mouths in many videos,miserable fail by the biased demorat shill as always.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

notice how the troll did not address the ops links or the other links as well? She couldn’t think up any lies for those links obviousy :abgg2q.jpg:
Last edited:
There is no question that Amish in Pennsylvania and Ohio have achieved herd immunity without massive death rates.
There are dozens of Associated Press examples:

This is not a censored article, but one about how easily some Amish communities achieved herd immunity without significant death rates, which means those supporting herd immunity early on were right.

Amish community in Pennsylvania becomes first in US to achieve herd immunity after reopening churches led to 90% of households being infected with the virus last year
  • The Plain community in Lancaster County has become the 'first to achieve her immunity,' according to a local administrator of a medical center in the area
  • Allen Hoover of the Parochial Medical Center said that 90% of households became infected with virus when they resumed church services late last spring
  • As Hoover observed, faith in herd immunity prompted members of community to relax on key mitigation efforts such as masking and social distancing
  • It's unknown whether achieving herd immunity in 2020 would be beneficial now

An Amish community in Pennsylvania has become 'the first in the US to achieve herd immunity to COVID-19' after 90 per cent of their households became infected with the virus when they resumed church services late last spring.

The administrator of a medical center in the heart of the Amish community in New Holland Borough estimates as many as 90 per cent of Plain families have since had at least one family member infected, and that this religious enclave achieved what no other community in the country has: herd immunity.

'So, you would think if COVID was as contagious as they say, it would go through like a tsunami; and it did,' said Allen Hoover, an Old Order Mennonite and administrator of the Parochial Medical Center, a clinic that primarily serves the Plain community.

Public health officials and epidemiologists did not dispute the widespread outbreak Hoover described. But they voiced concern that a misplaced perception of herd immunity in a population that makes up 8 per cent of Lancaster County may compromise the effort to turn the tide on the pandemic.

As Hoover observed, faith in herd immunity has prompted members of the Plain community to relax on key mitigation efforts such as masking and social distancing, and they may see little reason to be vaccinated.

Additionally, it is unknown whether achieving herd immunity last year would be beneficial now.

Six infectious disease experts with whom LancasterOnline spoke expressed unease with a reliance on the notion the Plain community had achieved herd immunity. And they pointed out that if not the case, past infections and existing antibodies may provide limited protection.

'Herd immunity is only true at a given point in time,' said Eric Lofgren, an infectious disease epidemiologist at Washington State University. 'It's not a switch that once it gets thrown, you're good. It'll wear off.'

I found it interesting that back in October I had an Amish farmer visit my business and tell me that if I or my staff members got "the Covid", that we should take ivermectin for three days. I didn't put much credence in what he said until December. In December Dr. Pierre Kory testified to Congress that ivermectin was indeed an inexpensive game changer that could prevent the spread and/or mitigate serious illness. This guy is a not some backwoods little MD and had nothing to gain by speaking up. It's a 10 minute video and it's amazing.

This is not a censored article, but one about how easily some Amish communities achieved herd immunity without significant death rates, which means those supporting herd immunity early on were right.

Amish community in Pennsylvania becomes first in US to achieve herd immunity after reopening churches led to 90% of households being infected with the virus last year
  • The Plain community in Lancaster County has become the 'first to achieve her immunity,' according to a local administrator of a medical center in the area
  • Allen Hoover of the Parochial Medical Center said that 90% of households became infected with virus when they resumed church services late last spring
  • As Hoover observed, faith in herd immunity prompted members of community to relax on key mitigation efforts such as masking and social distancing
  • It's unknown whether achieving herd immunity in 2020 would be beneficial now

An Amish community in Pennsylvania has become 'the first in the US to achieve herd immunity to COVID-19' after 90 per cent of their households became infected with the virus when they resumed church services late last spring.

The administrator of a medical center in the heart of the Amish community in New Holland Borough estimates as many as 90 per cent of Plain families have since had at least one family member infected, and that this religious enclave achieved what no other community in the country has: herd immunity.

'So, you would think if COVID was as contagious as they say, it would go through like a tsunami; and it did,' said Allen Hoover, an Old Order Mennonite and administrator of the Parochial Medical Center, a clinic that primarily serves the Plain community.

Public health officials and epidemiologists did not dispute the widespread outbreak Hoover described. But they voiced concern that a misplaced perception of herd immunity in a population that makes up 8 per cent of Lancaster County may compromise the effort to turn the tide on the pandemic.

As Hoover observed, faith in herd immunity has prompted members of the Plain community to relax on key mitigation efforts such as masking and social distancing, and they may see little reason to be vaccinated.

Additionally, it is unknown whether achieving herd immunity last year would be beneficial now.

Six infectious disease experts with whom LancasterOnline spoke expressed unease with a reliance on the notion the Plain community had achieved herd immunity. And they pointed out that if not the case, past infections and existing antibodies may provide limited protection.

'Herd immunity is only true at a given point in time,' said Eric Lofgren, an infectious disease epidemiologist at Washington State University. 'It's not a switch that once it gets thrown, you're good. It'll wear off.'

I found it interesting that back in October I had an Amish farmer visit my business and tell me that if I or my staff members got "the Covid", that we should take ivermectin for three days. I didn't put much credence in what he said until December. In December Dr. Pierre Kory testified to Congress that ivermectin was indeed an inexpensive game changer that could prevent the spread and/or mitigate serious illness. This guy is a not some backwoods little MD and had nothing to gain by speaking up. It's a 10 minute video and it's amazing.

Since the covid virus itself is not harmful and only the immune system over reaction is, then immuno suppressants seem to be the easy solution.
Quinine was the first they suggests, and that works great to prevent useless fevers.
I have read of ivermectin success, but I have read the best fluvoxamine,
Fluvoxamine may prevent serious illness in COVID-19 patients
Antidepressant drug repurposed for patients with coronavirus infection

by Jim Dryden•November 12, 2020

In a preliminary study of COVID-19 patients with mild-to-moderate disease who were attempting to recover in their homes, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have found that the drug fluvoxamine seems to prevent some of the most serious complications of the illness and make hospitalization and the need for supplemental oxygen less likely.

The study, a collaboration between the university’s Department of Psychiatry and Division of Infectious Diseases, involved 152 patients infected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Researchers compared the outcomes of those treated with fluvoxamine to the outcomes of those given an inactive placebo. After 15 days, none of the 80 patients who had received the drug experienced serious clinical deterioration. Meanwhile, six of the 72 patients given placebo (8.3%) became seriously ill, with four requiring hospitalization.

The study is published online Nov. 12 in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

“The patients who took fluvoxamine did not develop serious breathing difficulties or require hospitalization for problems with lung function,” said the paper’s first author, Eric J. Lenze, MD, the Wallace and Lucille Renard Professor of Psychiatry. “Most investigational treatments for COVID-19 have been aimed at the very sickest patients, but it’s also important to find therapies that prevent patients from getting sick enough to require supplemental oxygen or to have to go to the hospital. Our study suggests fluvoxamine may help fill that niche.”

There is no question that Amish in Pennsylvania and Ohio have achieved herd immunity without massive death rates.
There are dozens of Associated Press examples:

Like clockwork,Dragonidiot as always gets checkmated getting her ass handed to her on a platter,she can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll she is, :abgg2q.jpg:
I come across a lot of articles about doctors getting silenced for not conforming to the political narrative of covid culture when speaking. Figured I'd start a thread to archive some of these articles about doctors being silenced.

Here is one to start:

If anybody comes across articles about doctors who are politically censored or persecuted for not conforming to the political covid narrative of the left, please post them here.
It's pretty fucking sickening how so much excellent information has been censored by the Democrats and their global commie/pinko cronies.

That's the kind of shit that made me declare war on all Democrats nearly 20 years ago.

If I find out that you are a Democrat, you are my enemy and the enemy of the USA. Plain and simple.
This is not a censored article, but one about how easily some Amish communities achieved herd immunity without significant death rates, which means those supporting herd immunity early on were right.

Amish community in Pennsylvania becomes first in US to achieve herd immunity after reopening churches led to 90% of households being infected with the virus last year
  • The Plain community in Lancaster County has become the 'first to achieve her immunity,' according to a local administrator of a medical center in the area
  • Allen Hoover of the Parochial Medical Center said that 90% of households became infected with virus when they resumed church services late last spring
  • As Hoover observed, faith in herd immunity prompted members of community to relax on key mitigation efforts such as masking and social distancing
  • It's unknown whether achieving herd immunity in 2020 would be beneficial now

An Amish community in Pennsylvania has become 'the first in the US to achieve herd immunity to COVID-19' after 90 per cent of their households became infected with the virus when they resumed church services late last spring.

The administrator of a medical center in the heart of the Amish community in New Holland Borough estimates as many as 90 per cent of Plain families have since had at least one family member infected, and that this religious enclave achieved what no other community in the country has: herd immunity.

'So, you would think if COVID was as contagious as they say, it would go through like a tsunami; and it did,' said Allen Hoover, an Old Order Mennonite and administrator of the Parochial Medical Center, a clinic that primarily serves the Plain community.

Public health officials and epidemiologists did not dispute the widespread outbreak Hoover described. But they voiced concern that a misplaced perception of herd immunity in a population that makes up 8 per cent of Lancaster County may compromise the effort to turn the tide on the pandemic.

As Hoover observed, faith in herd immunity has prompted members of the Plain community to relax on key mitigation efforts such as masking and social distancing, and they may see little reason to be vaccinated.

Additionally, it is unknown whether achieving herd immunity last year would be beneficial now.

Six infectious disease experts with whom LancasterOnline spoke expressed unease with a reliance on the notion the Plain community had achieved herd immunity. And they pointed out that if not the case, past infections and existing antibodies may provide limited protection.

'Herd immunity is only true at a given point in time,' said Eric Lofgren, an infectious disease epidemiologist at Washington State University. 'It's not a switch that once it gets thrown, you're good. It'll wear off.'


Why is it that all of these websites making these spurious claims are all Questionable Sources?

The Daily Mail UK is a Questionable Source:

  • Overall, we rate Daily Mail Right Biased and Questionable due to numerous failed fact checks and poor information sourcing.

Are you suggesting that these doctors aren't really being silenced, or are you just expressing your resentment of how these news sources are reporting something that lefty media censors out of their reporting?
Here is an article about the National Vaccine Information Center being censored:

Here is another great article about silencing doctors:

This is not a censored article, but one about how easily some Amish communities achieved herd immunity without significant death rates, which means those supporting herd immunity early on were right.

Amish community in Pennsylvania becomes first in US to achieve herd immunity after reopening churches led to 90% of households being infected with the virus last year
  • The Plain community in Lancaster County has become the 'first to achieve her immunity,' according to a local administrator of a medical center in the area
  • Allen Hoover of the Parochial Medical Center said that 90% of households became infected with virus when they resumed church services late last spring
  • As Hoover observed, faith in herd immunity prompted members of community to relax on key mitigation efforts such as masking and social distancing
  • It's unknown whether achieving herd immunity in 2020 would be beneficial now

An Amish community in Pennsylvania has become 'the first in the US to achieve herd immunity to COVID-19' after 90 per cent of their households became infected with the virus when they resumed church services late last spring.

The administrator of a medical center in the heart of the Amish community in New Holland Borough estimates as many as 90 per cent of Plain families have since had at least one family member infected, and that this religious enclave achieved what no other community in the country has: herd immunity.

'So, you would think if COVID was as contagious as they say, it would go through like a tsunami; and it did,' said Allen Hoover, an Old Order Mennonite and administrator of the Parochial Medical Center, a clinic that primarily serves the Plain community.

Public health officials and epidemiologists did not dispute the widespread outbreak Hoover described. But they voiced concern that a misplaced perception of herd immunity in a population that makes up 8 per cent of Lancaster County may compromise the effort to turn the tide on the pandemic.

As Hoover observed, faith in herd immunity has prompted members of the Plain community to relax on key mitigation efforts such as masking and social distancing, and they may see little reason to be vaccinated.

Additionally, it is unknown whether achieving herd immunity last year would be beneficial now.

Six infectious disease experts with whom LancasterOnline spoke expressed unease with a reliance on the notion the Plain community had achieved herd immunity. And they pointed out that if not the case, past infections and existing antibodies may provide limited protection.

'Herd immunity is only true at a given point in time,' said Eric Lofgren, an infectious disease epidemiologist at Washington State University. 'It's not a switch that once it gets thrown, you're good. It'll wear off.'


Why is it that all of these websites making these spurious claims are all Questionable Sources?

The Daily Mail UK is a Questionable Source:

  • Overall, we rate Daily Mail Right Biased and Questionable due to numerous failed fact checks and poor information sourcing.

Are you suggesting that these doctors aren't really being silenced, or are you just expressing your resentment of how these news sources are reporting something that lefty media censors out of their reporting?

I'm suggesting that not everything you read on the internet is factually correct. That Daily Mail UK does not use acceptable journalistic standards when promoting stories, and MAKES MOST OF THEIR SHIT UP.

I don't ever accept a source or a report without verifying it from multiple sources that don't include those simply parroting the original bad source - the FOX, Breitbart, Gateway Pundit circle jerk. So just to be clear, three or four questionable sources repeating the same lie, is not "multiple sources".
This is not a censored article, but one about how easily some Amish communities achieved herd immunity without significant death rates, which means those supporting herd immunity early on were right.

Amish community in Pennsylvania becomes first in US to achieve herd immunity after reopening churches led to 90% of households being infected with the virus last year
  • The Plain community in Lancaster County has become the 'first to achieve her immunity,' according to a local administrator of a medical center in the area
  • Allen Hoover of the Parochial Medical Center said that 90% of households became infected with virus when they resumed church services late last spring
  • As Hoover observed, faith in herd immunity prompted members of community to relax on key mitigation efforts such as masking and social distancing
  • It's unknown whether achieving herd immunity in 2020 would be beneficial now

An Amish community in Pennsylvania has become 'the first in the US to achieve herd immunity to COVID-19' after 90 per cent of their households became infected with the virus when they resumed church services late last spring.

The administrator of a medical center in the heart of the Amish community in New Holland Borough estimates as many as 90 per cent of Plain families have since had at least one family member infected, and that this religious enclave achieved what no other community in the country has: herd immunity.

'So, you would think if COVID was as contagious as they say, it would go through like a tsunami; and it did,' said Allen Hoover, an Old Order Mennonite and administrator of the Parochial Medical Center, a clinic that primarily serves the Plain community.

Public health officials and epidemiologists did not dispute the widespread outbreak Hoover described. But they voiced concern that a misplaced perception of herd immunity in a population that makes up 8 per cent of Lancaster County may compromise the effort to turn the tide on the pandemic.

As Hoover observed, faith in herd immunity has prompted members of the Plain community to relax on key mitigation efforts such as masking and social distancing, and they may see little reason to be vaccinated.

Additionally, it is unknown whether achieving herd immunity last year would be beneficial now.

Six infectious disease experts with whom LancasterOnline spoke expressed unease with a reliance on the notion the Plain community had achieved herd immunity. And they pointed out that if not the case, past infections and existing antibodies may provide limited protection.

'Herd immunity is only true at a given point in time,' said Eric Lofgren, an infectious disease epidemiologist at Washington State University. 'It's not a switch that once it gets thrown, you're good. It'll wear off.'


Why is it that all of these websites making these spurious claims are all Questionable Sources?

The Daily Mail UK is a Questionable Source:

  • Overall, we rate Daily Mail Right Biased and Questionable due to numerous failed fact checks and poor information sourcing.

Are you suggesting that these doctors aren't really being silenced, or are you just expressing your resentment of how these news sources are reporting something that lefty media censors out of their reporting?

I'm suggesting that not everything you read on the internet is factually correct. That Daily Mail UK does not use acceptable journalistic standards when promoting stories, and MAKES MOST OF THEIR SHIT UP.

I don't ever accept a source or a report without verifying it from multiple sources that don't include those simply parroting the original bad source - the FOX, Breitbart, Gateway Pundit circle jerk. So just to be clear, three or four questionable sources repeating the same lie, is not "multiple sources".
Are you suggesting that these doctors are not being silenced? This is what the thread is about, right?
Here is an article about the National Vaccine Information Center being censored:

Sinclair Media
Here is an article about the National Vaccine Information Center being censored:

Was the information that was "censored" true or false? The group is a strong anti-vaccine group, calling itself a "vaccine information centre", in the same way that anti-abortion groups are often branded as "pregnancy information centres".

And the writer works for "Sinclair Media" - another right wing billionaire media source - purveyors of false or misleading information in right wing markets.
This is not a censored article, but one about how easily some Amish communities achieved herd immunity without significant death rates, which means those supporting herd immunity early on were right.

Amish community in Pennsylvania becomes first in US to achieve herd immunity after reopening churches led to 90% of households being infected with the virus last year
  • The Plain community in Lancaster County has become the 'first to achieve her immunity,' according to a local administrator of a medical center in the area
  • Allen Hoover of the Parochial Medical Center said that 90% of households became infected with virus when they resumed church services late last spring
  • As Hoover observed, faith in herd immunity prompted members of community to relax on key mitigation efforts such as masking and social distancing
  • It's unknown whether achieving herd immunity in 2020 would be beneficial now

An Amish community in Pennsylvania has become 'the first in the US to achieve herd immunity to COVID-19' after 90 per cent of their households became infected with the virus when they resumed church services late last spring.

The administrator of a medical center in the heart of the Amish community in New Holland Borough estimates as many as 90 per cent of Plain families have since had at least one family member infected, and that this religious enclave achieved what no other community in the country has: herd immunity.

'So, you would think if COVID was as contagious as they say, it would go through like a tsunami; and it did,' said Allen Hoover, an Old Order Mennonite and administrator of the Parochial Medical Center, a clinic that primarily serves the Plain community.

Public health officials and epidemiologists did not dispute the widespread outbreak Hoover described. But they voiced concern that a misplaced perception of herd immunity in a population that makes up 8 per cent of Lancaster County may compromise the effort to turn the tide on the pandemic.

As Hoover observed, faith in herd immunity has prompted members of the Plain community to relax on key mitigation efforts such as masking and social distancing, and they may see little reason to be vaccinated.

Additionally, it is unknown whether achieving herd immunity last year would be beneficial now.

Six infectious disease experts with whom LancasterOnline spoke expressed unease with a reliance on the notion the Plain community had achieved herd immunity. And they pointed out that if not the case, past infections and existing antibodies may provide limited protection.

'Herd immunity is only true at a given point in time,' said Eric Lofgren, an infectious disease epidemiologist at Washington State University. 'It's not a switch that once it gets thrown, you're good. It'll wear off.'


Why is it that all of these websites making these spurious claims are all Questionable Sources?

The Daily Mail UK is a Questionable Source:

  • Overall, we rate Daily Mail Right Biased and Questionable due to numerous failed fact checks and poor information sourcing.

Are you suggesting that these doctors aren't really being silenced, or are you just expressing your resentment of how these news sources are reporting something that lefty media censors out of their reporting?

I'm suggesting that not everything you read on the internet is factually correct. That Daily Mail UK does not use acceptable journalistic standards when promoting stories, and MAKES MOST OF THEIR SHIT UP.

I don't ever accept a source or a report without verifying it from multiple sources that don't include those simply parroting the original bad source - the FOX, Breitbart, Gateway Pundit circle jerk. So just to be clear, three or four questionable sources repeating the same lie, is not "multiple sources".
Are you suggesting that these doctors are not being silenced? This is what the thread is about, right?



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