Silencing the opinion of others is anti-intellectual and dangerous

They are allegations, not quotes, not evidence. Where are the quotes of his hate speech?
Youve gone to the trouble of finding yet another example of the allegations, yet you could have used that time to find the actual quotes of his hate speech that you claim are in abundance alongside the allegations.
So why didn’t you?
That's nice. But, back to Facebook:

According to Facebook, Jones’ four pages were taken down for “glorifying violence” and “using dehumanizing language to describe people who are transgender, Muslims and immigrants.” - the verge

Okay, show of hands: who here used a search engine, but could find no examples of this all by their big boy selves?
You are simply repeating the allegations. Where are the quotes of Jones’s hate speech?
Huh, because you can't find them yourself...they must not exist!
You gave me links stating that they contained quotes of Jones’s hate speech, they didn’t. And since I pointed that out to you all you’ve done is repeatedly post the allegations as if they are evidence or quotes.
Do you really not know the difference between allegations and evidence? Allegations and quotes from Jones that prove the allegations?
So, where are the quotes of Jones indulging in hate speech?
The quotes exist in the heads of the Left, along with Trump who lives rent free there.
Spot on! Alex Jones would NEVER dos something like glorify violence, or use dehumanizing language to describe people who are transgender, Muslims and immigrants.
That's nice. But, back to Facebook:

According to Facebook, Jones’ four pages were taken down for “glorifying violence” and “using dehumanizing language to describe people who are transgender, Muslims and immigrants.” - the verge

Okay, show of hands: who here used a search engine, but could find no examples of this all by their big boy selves?
You are simply repeating the allegations. Where are the quotes of Jones’s hate speech?
Huh, because you can't find them yourself...they must not exist!
You gave me links stating that they contained quotes of Jones’s hate speech, they didn’t. And since I pointed that out to you all you’ve done is repeatedly post the allegations as if they are evidence or quotes.
Do you really not know the difference between allegations and evidence? Allegations and quotes from Jones that prove the allegations?
So, where are the quotes of Jones indulging in hate speech?
The quotes exist in the heads of the Left, along with Trump who lives rent free there.
Spot on! Alex Jones would NEVER dos something like glorify violence, or use dehumanizing language to describe people who are transgender, Muslims and immigrants.
The Left won’t dos assasination attempts or riotz eithers!
You are simply repeating the allegations. Where are the quotes of Jones’s hate speech?
Huh, because you can't find them yourself...they must not exist!
You gave me links stating that they contained quotes of Jones’s hate speech, they didn’t. And since I pointed that out to you all you’ve done is repeatedly post the allegations as if they are evidence or quotes.
Do you really not know the difference between allegations and evidence? Allegations and quotes from Jones that prove the allegations?
So, where are the quotes of Jones indulging in hate speech?
The quotes exist in the heads of the Left, along with Trump who lives rent free there.
Spot on! Alex Jones would NEVER dos something like glorify violence, or use dehumanizing language to describe people who are transgender, Muslims and immigrants.
The Left won’t dos assasination attempts or riotz eithers!
Of course, you sound like a Grade A moron, as "the left" generally does not endorse or engage in these things, as people generally do not endorse or engage in these things.
Huh, because you can't find them yourself...they must not exist!
You gave me links stating that they contained quotes of Jones’s hate speech, they didn’t. And since I pointed that out to you all you’ve done is repeatedly post the allegations as if they are evidence or quotes.
Do you really not know the difference between allegations and evidence? Allegations and quotes from Jones that prove the allegations?
So, where are the quotes of Jones indulging in hate speech?
The quotes exist in the heads of the Left, along with Trump who lives rent free there.
Spot on! Alex Jones would NEVER dos something like glorify violence, or use dehumanizing language to describe people who are transgender, Muslims and immigrants.
The Left won’t dos assasination attempts or riotz eithers!
Of course, you sound like a Grade A moron, as "the left" generally does not endorse or engage in these things, as people generally do not endorse or engage in these things.
Of course, you sound like a Grade A moron, as "the left" generally does not endorse or engage in these things, as people generally do not endorse or engage in these things.

Now THAT is hilarious!
Sorry, I am not going to to pull quotes from the articles or from the links within and present them. I am fine with you thinking they have presented no evidence. And some people think houseplants can talk...not my business...:dunno:
I know you won’t because you can’t, they weren’t there.
Thank you for conceding.
Whatever you have to do to soothe yourself is fine by me.

Let's hear what Facebook says for itself:

"According to Facebook, Jones’ four pages were taken down for “glorifying violence” and “using dehumanizing language to describe people who are transgender, Muslims and immigrants.”

I imagine one would have to be more than slightly mentally retarded not be able to find many exames of this behavior by Alex Jones and his lackeys.
They are allegations, not quotes, not evidence. Where are the quotes of his hate speech?
Youve gone to the trouble of finding yet another example of the allegations, yet you could have used that time to find the actual quotes of his hate speech that you claim are in abundance alongside the allegations.
So why didn’t you?
That's nice. But, back to Facebook:

According to Facebook, Jones’ four pages were taken down for “glorifying violence” and “using dehumanizing language to describe people who are transgender, Muslims and immigrants.” - the verge

Okay, show of hands: who here used a search engine, but could find no examples of this all by their big boy selves?
You are simply repeating the allegations. Where are the quotes of Jones’s hate speech?

Because they don't get Google in Indiana...
If they are making public allegations that someone indulges in hate speech, they should provide some evidence.
And they have. You simply disagree that it represents hate speech.
I can’t agree or disagree if anything he’s said represents hate speech as those accusing him of it have provided no evidence, just allegations.

This isn’t a ‘legal’ matter; private media entities aren’t required to ‘justify’ why they decide to edit content the way they do, regardless how capricious one might perceive those decisions to be.
Evidence of leftist, democratic, liberal, Social Democrat silencing opposing viewpoints is widespread.

There really is no argument.
You are talking about what private companies do. Are you saying they can’t be allowed to decide who uses their platforms and what content is acceptable? Apparently Alex Jones has caused some real harm to people in his promotion of certain conspiracy theories,
You are talking about what private companies do. Are you saying they can’t be allowed to decide who uses their platforms and what content is acceptable? Apparently Alex Jones has caused some real harm to people in his promotion of certain conspiracy theories,
Yes private companies and educational institutions, both private and public, suppressing opposing viewpoints. Exactly.
If they are making public allegations that someone indulges in hate speech, they should provide some evidence.
And they have. You simply disagree that it represents hate speech.
I can’t agree or disagree if anything he’s said represents hate speech as those accusing him of it have provided no evidence, just allegations.

This isn’t a ‘legal’ matter; private media entities aren’t required to ‘justify’ why they decide to edit content the way they do, regardless how capricious one might perceive those decisions to be.
Actually those companies have had community guidelines in place for a while, particularly against things like cyber bullying, it is part of their terms of service. For YouTube, he had already received several strikes for violating them. The final one is a ban. How is that censorship when it is a private company, the user agrees to certain rules and then violates them not once but multiple times?
You are talking about what private companies do. Are you saying they can’t be allowed to decide who uses their platforms and what content is acceptable? Apparently Alex Jones has caused some real harm to people in his promotion of certain conspiracy theories,
Yes private companies and educational institutions, both private and public, suppressing opposing viewpoints. Exactly.
Are private companies allowed to? Can Fox suppress certain liberal views?
Are private companies allowed to? Can Fox suppress certain liberal views?

The libertarian in me believes they do.

However those platforms are sold and marketed as public domains for free exchange of communication and ideas, both public and private. I think courts may take a similar view. Never the less the point was suppressing views as part of the promotion of democratic socialism by democratic institutions private and public.

Fox News broadcasts opposing views more than any other. There are opposing views in most segments.
The notion that anyone is seeking to ‘silence’ conservatives is a lie.

That is not fact its your opinion. Their are plenty of specific incidents to suggest otherwise.

As is your notion.
My notion is supported with references of specific and widely publicized incidents of the very type of silencing I allege.
In the case of Alex Jones?
I made no reference or statement regarding Alex jones. I do not believe he should be silenced for his political views on media platforms
The notion that anyone is seeking to ‘silence’ conservatives is a lie.

That is not fact its your opinion. Their are plenty of specific incidents to suggest otherwise.

As is your notion.
My notion is supported with references of specific and widely publicized incidents of the very type of silencing I allege.
In the case of Alex Jones?
I made no reference or statement regarding Alex jones. I do not believe he should be silenced for his political views on media platforms
That is not why he was banned.
Yesterday's liberal: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

Today's liberal: "I disapprove of what you say, and I'll beat you to death for saying it".
Yesterday's liberal: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

Today's liberal: "I disapprove of what you say, and I'll beat you to death for saying it".
I agree with the first but can you impose that on a private entity vs the government?

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