Silencing the opinion of others is anti-intellectual and dangerous

There were no quotes other than him saying he was going to take down Meuller,
Well, first of all, it is not only direct quotes that will satisfy this. A description or summary of some of his material suffices, when trying to explain the reasons they took him down.

Second, I know for a fact that the links i provided both contain amd link to more than just that. And I found those links in 2 seconds.

So again, I have to doubt your effort.

You are wondering aloud what these social media platforms used in their justification. Finding this is not a problem. If you don't consider it hate speech or incitement,then....good for you? I am not sure what you want from me.
That was not an explanation. In fact, it was a copout. Noted.

No explanation is needed when examples are provided of the exact silencing of opposing viewpoints active in Democratic Socialist institutions.

No retort to direct provided examples = copout.
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There were no quotes other than him saying he was going to take down Meuller,
Well, first of all, it is not only direct quotes that will satisfy this. A description or summary of some of his material suffices, when trying to explain the reasons they took him down.

Second, I know for a fact that the links i provided both contain amd link to more than just that. And I found those links in 2 seconds.

So again, I have to doubt your effort.

You are wondering aloud what these social media platforms used in their justification. Finding this is not a problem. If you don't consider it hate speech or incitement,then....good for you? I am not sure what you want from me.
Nope. Allegations are not evidence of wrong doing.
You keep supporting the allegations in the absence of evidence, I prefer to see evidence before I jump to conclusions.
If he is the prolific purveyor of hate speech they allege, it’s quite incredible that no one has been able to back this up with a mountain of quotes, yet there isn’t even one.
That was not an explanation. In fact, it was a copout. Noted.

No explanation is needed when examples are provided of the exact silencing of opposing viewpoints active in Democratic Socialist institutions.

No retort to direct provided examples = copout.
You provided no examples. You named organizations. You provided no evidence, no argument, and no just vomited an authoritative claim. Good for you.
Allegations are not evidence of wrong doing.
That is not an appropriate comment. When they state that the reasons are his behaviors and material, and then summarize it, those are, indeed, their reasons.

Again, nobody is asking you to agree about what they constitute as hate speech or incitement.
Evidence of leftist, democratic, liberal, Social Democrat silencing opposing viewpoints is widespread.

There really is no argument.
Allegations are not evidence of wrong doing.
That is not an appropriate comment. When they state that the reasons are his behaviors and material, and then summarize it, those are, indeed, their reasons.

Again, nobody is asking you to agree about what they constitute as hate speech or incitement.
Of course it’s an appropriate comment. If they are making public allegations that someone indulges in hate speech, they should provide some evidence. If it’s true, how hard could it be?
Evidence of leftist, democratic, liberal, Social Democrat silencing opposing viewpoints is widespread
That's nice. And one can also find evidence of right wing r doing the same in the world today. That still does not lend support to your wild claim that it is a basic tenet of democratic socialism.
If they are making public allegations that someone indulges in hate speech, they should provide some evidence.
And they have. You simply disagree that it represents hate speech.
I can’t agree or disagree if anything he’s said represents hate speech as those accusing him of it have provided no evidence, just allegations.
I see how this is going, they're going to try to steal the election, and it's going to blow up in their faces. Also. they will bleed users left and right.
Time Magazine
I have read that article. Nowhere in it is a shred of support whimsical or otherwise, for your claim that silence the opposition is a basic tenet of the political system of democratic socialism.[/QUOTE]

It is one mainstream example of many instances of democratic educational and technology institutions silencing opposing political views in keeping with Marxist norms, practices and traditions.
I can’t agree or disagree if anything he’s said represents hate speech as those accusing him of it have provided no evidence,
Except for the quotes and links to quotes in the articles I linked, and which I found in about 2 seconds with a search engine.
Time Magazine
I have read that article. Nowhere in it is a shred of support whimsical or otherwise, for your claim that silence the opposition is a basic tenet of the political system of democratic socialism.

It is one mainstream example of many instances of democratic educational and technology institutions silencing opposing political views in keeping with Marxist norms, practices and traditions.[/QUOTE]
And again, I could easily provide examples of right wingers doing the same in the world today. So clearly, that alone is not support for the idea that it is a basic tenet of democratic socialism.
They are censoring because the attack is coming the left /elites don't want information getting out on both sides once this happens.

They must keep and gain control of the population...... the assholes will poke fun, they won't have a clue the warnings they were given.

There is also a ploy for when the elections come ............

There's more to it all than this obviously but that's the short jist of why they want to keep information restrained and INFOWARS HAD SUCH AN IMPACT they are being used at the EXAMPLE being set for the rest of what is to come.


Get it
Perhaps they`re censoring it because Alex Jones is all bullshit and he makes dumb people dumber. Why should Facebook or anyone else be an unwilling enabler? AJ actually has millions of idiots believing 9-11 was an inside job.
People can believe whatever they like. Does it infringe on any of your rights or hurt you that people believe 9/11 was an inside job?
Some Dems believe 9/11 is Trumps' fault.

View attachment 209085
And some Trumpkins will believe ANYTHING....
In all 57 states and under sniper fire?
Only the Corpse men taking the intercontinental railroad.

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